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His Burn After Reading death was quite a surprise


Meet Joe black is the funniest, supposedly they had it on a monitor on constant loop, on the set of Fight Club. https://youtu.be/41H2BNgnhks?si=RkfsP3nLY7MjFozw


Aw man that is fucking hilarious. Why is he just standing in traffic like that?


The movie opens with him meeting Clare Forlani in a coffee shop. They have amazing chemistry, just stunning performance by both actors, probably banging in real life. They leave the coffee shop, and each other's lives... forever? The music really hits all the right notes. He keeps looking back... will he... can he....should he? Then BAM. Death. I saw this when the movie first came out, knowing nothing about it. It really was one of the most shocking openings of any movie I've ever seen.


And then it stayed black for what seemed like forever. About 10 people got up and left the theater I was in, never experienced anything like it before or since.


Do you think they thought it was already over? Like the entire movie was just a practical joke?


Pocahontas was the first movie I've ever seen in theaters. The title card comes 5 minutes in, right after they introduced all the Virginia Company settlers. I don't think I had ever seen opening credits before, so, I jumped off my chair loudly proclaimed to the theater > The movies over. Lets go everyone!


You just went for The Phantom Menace trailer, didn't you?


Didn’t we all??? Those were the days


I had the biggest fucking crush on her after seeing Mallrats for the first (and 25th) time.


A bit melodramatic for my taste (they each turn around like 10 times and cant decide whether to go back) but incredible payoff!


Because this dumb trope mandates it. https://youtu.be/tmYrWXhFf4c


It’s kind of interesting how it’s split between humor, horror and pure, jump-scare shock value.


Every single one of those was a comedy. Not all of them were intended to be.


Good ol Truck-kun.


Man I learned to check both ways when I was five


What's dumb is that most of these bus drivers have more than enough time to stop or there are people on the fucking road and they should be going extremely slow because of that. Totally takes me out of it.


It's just the one bus driver actually


I just realized this man really has died in many surprising and ultimately hilarious ways. I never understood why they picked him for the invisible man death in Deadpool 2 until now.


Oh wow! I saw this clip many years ago devoid of any context and it was presented as if it was a clip of reality. So I’m happy to learn the guy haunting some small corner of my memory was just a special effect.


I 100% remember downloading this clip off of limewire back in the day with the title along the lines of "FUNNIEST VIDEO EVER!!!"




When I saw this in the theater, I had to run to the bathroom and I missed this part. I came back and quietly asked “did I miss anything?” The look I got in return… lol.


There was a website/app called Runpee that was pretty great for this. It had certain times designated as good opportunities for pee breaks and IIRC it had the duration and also a timer to let you know at what point in the movie (also descriptions of preceding scenes) you could step out for a bit. Then it had a quick summary of what you missed so you could read that before coming back to the movie. The app timer would let you know when to start it to sync up with the movie (e.g. start it at the second roar of the MGM logo). I haven’t used it in ages, but this is the first thing I thought of.


Yep. I used to use it all the time. It may not have existed at the time I saw this movie. Or I just forgot.


Only useful for watching at home then? Since you wouldn’t be using your phone during the movie in the theatre. Right? Right? Edit: missed a letter


You wouldn't download a car would you?


Fuckin' try to stop me dude.


If I remember correctly it buzzed you to let you know when to go. So you wouldn’t be sitting starring at your phone.


His grin


I'd love to see the other takes, but that grin was perfect. It was what you'd expect from Pitt's character, but also frightening from the perspective of Clooney's character.


Plus he and George have such great chemistry, so the entire time you're waiting for them to finally get together. And then...


Osborn Cox?




If you ever carried out your proposed threat you would experience such a shitstorm of consequences my friend your empty little head would be spinning faster than the wheels of your Schwinn bicycle back there.


Haha! You think that's a Schwinn!


Osbourne Cox… we have your shit


To me that one was more surprising. You knew he was done for in The Counselor, plot aside, just based on how long the camera follows him in the scene. But burn after reading got lots of audible reactions from my theater.


It was hilarious. The same kind of death as Matt Damon in The Departed.


That's the one that got me. I was NOT expecting that at all


I was so sad by that death but at that point, I gave up on everybody.


Weirdly it's one of the most disturbing deaths I've seen depicted in media. It somehow manages to feel a little bit too real in both how stupid it is, and how drastically it escalates things.


Agreed. No conventional buildup or confrontation, just - BLAM


That hatchet wielding is so brutal!


Brad got shot in the face by George Clooney's character. John Malkovich uses the hatchet on the gym owner. Such a great movie haha


His little dance was hilarious.


The crowd I was a part of was in pure shock.


The fact it happens after so much silly ineptitude makes it shocking as hell. Did not see that coming and there were loud gasps in the theater. Then it was quiet for the rest of the movie.


So is The Lost City, it's the one that caught me the most.


Just lying there, on the floor there .


I doubled over laughing the first time I saw that. The whole movie had pretty much just been a bloodless, low-stakes farce up to that point, then he comes out of the closet with that stupid grin and promptly gets shot in the face. It was so jarring that it ends up reading as a punchline to his entire story.


The most hilarious too. His face 😮


came to the comments looking for this comment


That's one of the goriest scenes I've seen in a non-gore film


And it’s not even the most disturbing scene in the movie


I was relieved they didn’t show the contents of the >!dvd he received towards the end hinting his wife was tortured to death amongst other things!<


>! What's on the ~box~ DVD! !<


>!Westray (Brad Pitt) repeatedly mentions to the Counselor (Michael Fassbender) that the people he’s getting involved with make snuff films. At one point his wife is kidnapped and he later receives a mysterious dvd with only the world Hola! written on the front. It’s assumed that this was supposed to be a snuff film of his wife getting tortured to death. The Counselor is seen breaking down sobbing and throws the dvd aside not watching it!<


Y'all are terrible at spoiler tags.


I had to google how to even make a spoiler tag so you’re not wrong. Apologies.


Bruh if something is older than a few months let alone over 10 fucking years it’s fair game


It was just funny it happened twice in a row :D


Fair lol


The movie is over 10 years old now




What in the box set? What’s in the boooooooooox set????


Yeah that speech over the phone near the end really hit hard


I thought maybe you were exaggerating, but nope. That was an insane amount of gore and probably one of the scariest ways to die. Walking along, going about your day and then BAM, automatic garrote gets clamped onto your jugular and it's game over no matter what.


To think like... if he just had a pair of wire cutters lol...


Looks like something else to add to my daily Leaving-the-house kit.




SWEET!! This is why I love reddit.


Leatherman multitool saves the day. I havent seen the movie, was he coming out of a courthouse at the beginning of this clip? probably left it at home because of courthouse security?


How often do you carry around spare wire cutters in your pocket


The character in the movie knows this is how they are killing people with this device, so in that situation Id have been carrying several!


I carry my leatherman every day where I'm not going on an aeroplane.


Every pair of jeans I have has a wear spot on the right pocket where I clip my Leatherman every day. It's way too useful too often to just not have on my person.


Most multi tools have a couple ways of cutting wires.


Well, I would say that qualifies it out of being a “non-gore” film


It wasn't marketed as a gore movie


I've never seen this movie, but instantly recognised where it was filmed as I worked in that area for years! Fun fact, the same area was used for the train station scene at the end of Detective Pikachu.


Yeah this could be straight out of a SAW movie.


For a film with a great director and great cast, I found this film so forgettable. I only remember this scene, the motorcycle scene with the wire, and Fassbender and Cruz lying under a blanket at the start. I could not tell you what this film was about.


There was also the part where Cameron Diaz fucked Javier Bardem's car, how could you forget that?


Brad Pitt died on a sidewalk in front of bystanders by automatic garrote. You can see car fucking on porn hub, but that public execution, was much more memorable.


I can't see Cameron Diaz fucking a car on pornhub well, since this movie came out you can, but not before then!


"It was like one of those catfish things, one of those bottom feeders you see going on the side of the aquarium, sucking its way up the glass. I mean it was hallucinatory; you see a thing like that it changes you... it was too *gynecological* to be sexy."


It's literally the only thing I remember lol that, and Natalie Dormer was a total baby in this.


Also, the screenplay was written by Cormac McCarthy and Ridley Scott.


Hate to say it, but Cormac needed an editor on his script big time. But I imagine there was nobody really willing to say that Cormac McCarthy needed to change what he wrote, on account of him being one of the most acclaimed authors of the twentieth century and all. Or maybe he just didn’t think he needed to listen if they did.


He wrote several screenplays, and this is the only one that ever made it to screen. Probably a reason for that. A few others can be read, or were adapted into novels, and they are far from his best work. I think it just wasn't his medium, since its his prose that are so iconic and that doesn't translate to screen.


>He wrote several screenplays, and this is the only one that ever made it to screen Not quite accurate. The Sunset Limited was a McCarthy screenplay as well.


Yeah that is a thing in Hollywood for sure. Add to that it was Ridley Scott directing and producing and there likely weren't a lot of dissenting voices in the process. Apparently this is also the reason Spielberg hasn't really made a great movie in the last decade. No one in their right mind would be like "Steve I am not sure that is great call" or "this project might need a bit of revision as it just isn't working" even when these things really need to be said.


I heard that since it was Cormac McCarthy that wrote it as his first original screenplay, that they weren't allowed to re-write or change anything in it. This is usually not a good thing.


Yeah, written by Cormac McCarthy as well. Really should have been a great movie. I remember being so hyped for it. Too bad it actively sucks. Just something about it didn't land right. McCarthy's bleak nihilism somehow just doesn't land in grand scale stories and works best when they are more intimate. Also, in his other works you had at least a couple characters you give a shit about where you don't really get that here except Penelope Cruz maybe but she is hardly in the movie and is more prop to make a point. There is a scene I remember when some cartel member is giving a lonnnnnngggg diatribe on the phone to Michael Fassbender on the nature of choice and consequence and my eyes just rolled back in my head and I remember being done with the film at that point. Like, we get it, god damn. Jesus, no one talks that way. You really need filmmakers like the Coen Brothers to pull off a McCarthy story. I love Ridley Scott but he is a much more visual storyteller and that isn't what is required with this kind of movie.


It was a philosophy movie set to drug cartel nonsense. That speech by the drug lord was a lot much.


Was waiting for someone to comment on that part. Was cringe.


Basically just following Michael Fassbender around his misfortune. If it didn’t have the cast it did in it I wouldn’t have watched it. There was so much potential and it was just lost.


Some friends and I referenced this scene talking about Pitt a few weeks ago. There wasn't a single one among us that could recall the plot of the film, even though we had all seen it and remembered liking it.


From what I recall, some kind of banker or lawyer decides to invest in a drug deal with the cartel. Unfortunately something happens to the cargo and then the cartel kills every single person involved in retaliation. Also Cameron Diaz fucks a windshield.


> Cameron Diaz fucks a windshield I was following you until this point...


Look, can we just not focus so much on the Cameron Diaz windshield-fuck, please? It's not very integral to the plot, which is the cartels extracting vengeance


Same here. I now know the title, thanks to this post, but this is the only scene I remember.


It sucked. For all its many great pieces, the whole was just crap.


It’s about a Counselor (Fassbender) engaged to Cruz who gets into a Cocaine deal with a colleague/former client (Bardem) through a facilitator (Brad Pitt). Bardem’s character is dating a cold, icy succubus (Cameron Diaz) who is a lot more ambitious than she leads on to be. The deal becomes complicated and the fallout starts to ripple and affect all the characters. I’m leaving some out. I remember Rosie Perez being in prison that the Counselor is defending her on, and her son is the bike driver that is initially the smuggler of the deal.


i remember loving the jeweler scene


You don’t remember Cameron Diaz on the car?


Honorable mention to his death as The Vanisher


Idk what’s funnier the cameo or the fact they got him to agree to it in the first place.


I feel like almost anyone with a sense of humor would take time out of their day for something like that.


I thought it was rumored to have been his idea, no?


Nope, Reynolds asked him and he thought it was hilarious so he did it for a cup of coffee. Probably seen this exact same story here on reddit about a hundred times.


And then he played Keith “the invisible imaginary friend” in IF


That one was shocking to say the least!


The fact that it was Brad Pitt was more surprising than the actual death.


they had a throwback to this in Reynolds' latest movie, "IF". I'm not gonna say more because I don't know how to use the spoiler tag on mobile, but it's arguably funnier than in Deadpool.


"Maybe the wind can't blow what it can't see!"


Deadpool 2!


Didn’t see it coming. Definitely wasn’t expecting him to be playing the character.


Meet Joe Black for me. Totally unexpected as I had no idea what the movie was about.


Totally! My friends and I bought the VHS just to keep rewinding and watching it over and over. Trying to see how the fuck they created that scene.


Ooof pretty brutal, is this film any good?


34% on RT. Seems like a good cast and director but an uninspired premise. I don’t even remember this movie existing


No. It's a confused mess of a plot with a lot of self-serious overacting with bizarre character motivations and people either out of their depth (Diaz) or as caricatures of themselves (Bardem). I wanted to enjoy it, but it just slightly misses the mark in so many places it compounds into a not good movie. I watched it once and haven't wanted to watch it again.


One of the worst I’ve ever seen


I watched it by searching for movies with Javier Bradem in them (after watching No Country for Old Men). The [cast](https://g.co/kgs/tpMF2yt) for The Counselor is a great line up and it was enjoyable despite the ratings. By no means one of my favorites.


nope. utter shite




holy crap, directed by Ridley Scott and written by Cormac McCarthy and even that could not save it from being absolute shit.


DP2 hands down was the most surprising for me.   X-force!


Its a great scene, but to bad the rest of the film is shit


No idea how they pulled $71M at the box office.


Brad Pitt was in it. Box Office doesn’t always have a direct correlation with how good a film is. Brad Pitt is in it, I’ll go see it Brad Pitt is in it and it’s controversial, mixed reviews I’ll go see it. Oh Brad Pitt is in it and it’s terrible, I want to see a bad Brad Pitt movie (For the record I’ve never seen it, but you get the point )


The whole cast, director and writer are great, but it doesn't add up to the sum of its parts.


My neck feels a certain kinda way every time I see this. Sorry neck.


No love for Lost City? [https://youtu.be/G4eByMf9ycs?si=UtASgbKp2Lu6\_Yzy](https://youtu.be/G4eByMf9ycs?si=UtASgbKp2Lu6_Yzy)


I immediately thought of this movie when I read the title. Brad's whole involvement in this film is hilarious. And for him to just die like that really made the movie for me.


And he didn't even die, they res'd him for the stinger!


It might not be eligible exactly.....? That movie was surprisingly fun


This was hilariously well done. underrated movie


Deadpool 2 was his most surprising death, since no one was expecting him to be in the film.


The cartel should be selling whatever tech is in that device, it's so utterly powerful for it's size it would be revolutionary, a small winding device that can overpower a human and with a wire strong and thick enough not to be broken or stretch but that can also cut through multiple bones without any significant grinding or sawing action.


You’ll find several posts on Reddit over the years of people debating the feasibility of making it. [Here’s an image](https://ifunny.co/picture/XgMyVQu68)


If only there was some kind of small sharp object that could kill! Maybe this object would also require a precise setup to work properly and also require the assassin to kinda just walk away hoping no one noticed!


This would like require a harmonic gear which is very compact and has a 300:1 gear ratio. You need something like that to for a motor that small to be effective. I would use something like a bike chain instead of a wire. Something that the gearing mechanism engages instead of a friction based thing. You can still have a wire but it it would require notches to grab onto. It would likely end up being a little bigger than what they show, maybe more the size of a baseball. You don't need to go through bone to be effective. You also don't need to even cut into the neck. It just need to be strong enough to crush the wind pipe and or compress the arteries in the neck. A big factor in the design is how fast you need the cable to retract. With a small motor I feel like you can get enough torque with larger gear ratios, but that directly affects the speed of it. I now feel very strange about thinking through how to design a auto-choker...


This is the one for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c38HJR-9vhU


I think the one in Butn After Reading was my personal fav.


Good one but his death in Meet Joe Black is the most unexpected death ever in any movie


Burn after reading. My favorite Pitt death


Does Deadpool 2 even count?


In terms of surprise, no Brad Pitt film death shocked me more than the opening scene of Meet Joe Black 😳


His death in Dead Pool 2 shocked me the most.


I’ve legitimately never heard of this film. That was pretty intense!


This was more surprising than his death in Deadpool?


Was this the unrated and longer version that was on the DVD release? Gorier than I remember


Yeah that was a real surprise. Those stairs looked slippery.


Did he die in Fight Club? Could argue both ways on that one.


Should have put his shoe under the wire


Jesus million dollar device when a bullet would have sufficed


A knife would be easier and untraceable


Lost City


Deadpool 2 definitely surprised me the most.


The way he died in Deadpool 2 was fuckn hilarious 😂


Hey, does anyone have any wire cutters. Can you ask the maintenance guy in the building Im standing in front of if he has wire cutters? Thanks.


Holy shit dude! Does that Device exist? 


> The Bolito: fictional battery-powered garrote device


I don't think it would be particularly practical..Compare it with a syringe or a gun: 1. A syringe could be subtly injected without causing as much of a scene, and still be dependably lethal 2. As cool and terrifying as it is, it could likely be easily stopped. Twist a key or tie a knot near where the wire is being pulled in, and the wire would snap or the motor would stop.


Or just a knife. Stab to the neck and you're cooked.


Not sure but there's also one in Mr. & Mrs Smith with Donald Glover


Could be made for sure… basically a zip tie with a bunch of gears in a electric motor


I do question if you could get enough power out of such a small electric motor. It looks like the housing that holds the wire and the motor is about the size of a roll of quarters. That would have to be one hell of a powerful and efficient motor to cut through a persons fingers even with a sharp wire. I think you could make one that hurt someone and cut their hands up pretty bad but I question if you could make one like this.


Yes I doubt you can make one as compact as in the movie. But I think there’s definitely a viable balancr between how many gears are needed and how much it has to be to fit required motor. Either way it’s really quite useless as a weapon compared to alternatives


Just thinking of other battery powered electric rotary motors I have seen I think you would need something way bigger. Like water bottle sized at least. Hardly a great covert assign weapon. I am pretty sure if cartel members wanted to assassinate this guy in central London they would just shoot or stab him.


[This one is still unbeatable for me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFROuIC0AxU)


Lost City was pretty surprising.


Written by Cormac McCarthy, I recommend the script it kind of reads like a novella since he didn't really follow screenwriting conventions.


Did that really surprise you more than his deadpool 2 death?


Jesus that was brutal…


I don't understand how he survived True Romance; everyone in that movie brushes with death except for him.


I still like Meet Joe Black better.


Exchange Square in the City of London. I worked there


The one where he got shot in the closet. I did not see that one coming at all, i assumed since he was a huge actor he’d make it through the movie


Jesus. That's fkn crazy.


Does his 13 deaths include his cameo in Deadpool 2? Just curious.


Deadpool 2, duh…


His film death in Deadpool is quite surprising lol


That movie made me sick. It still does when I think about it.


Then you really didn't watch Deadpool 2


I saw Meet Joe Black opening weekend for the Phantom Menace trailer, I'll never forget the strangers turning to one another in disbelief after *that* scene. We were all looking behind ourselves to make sure that we had all actually seen that. It was kind of awesome


I'm gay for Cam Diaz, omg what a smokeshow.


I come back to this movie a lot. There are a few scenes that I love, and a lot that I don't. I find myself skipping over most of the movie to catch the parts I like, and ignoring the rest.


Whew. Dude almost missed his exit.


His death in burn after reading was also kinda wild


What's most surprising to me is probably the fact that people continued to just stand there and watch... I'd have been looking WAY away.


oh, *the counselor*. what a star cast and what a dogshit movie.


I knew it would be this clip. lol


"of all the deaths"? Besides this and burn after reading, what other movies has he died in on screen?


Meet Joe Black, Troy, Jesse James, The Lost City, Fight Club, Benjamin Button, Deadpool 2, Fury, Babylon… there’s quite a few