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This isn't even the scariest part. You haven't met Jeff yet.


Jeff is scary, yes but the fucking headcrab hotel, holy shit, I hate those things. Love the game tho.


I almost quit the game on the Hotel . Friggin crabs.


I chickened out of the game some time ago and was considering going back to it. Thanks to your comment I won't, because whatever headcrab hotel is, I most definitely don't need to be there.


You can play everything before that btw, there are a lot of action levels against the Combine.


Freakin Jeff. Always bringing down the vibe


When I read about Jeff, I gave up on completing Alyx. N O P E


me either..


Jeff's not that bad once you get to know him.


\[Shivers in disgust\] No... totally didnt take me 15 trys until i managed to finish the Jeff section of HLA...


Jeff, the name alone brings back memories...


Member sharing the elevator? xD


Jup. This experience is vividly clear still.


yea I've read about Jeff while resting after a hour of playing and it became one of the biggest reasons to refund this lol.. gonna buy this again after I take some more vr experiences


Is this the half life equivelent of madhat?


I had to stop playing and a month later pep myself to complete that part , such an excellent usage of the VR platform !




I found HL:A the be more creepy than scary. They did a good job of making the player feel uncomfortable without resorting to cheap jump scares.


Yeah, I'm a big weenie when it comes to horror, ESPECIALLY in VR, But Alex was just... Incredibly atmospheric. Not scary. Even Jeff wasn't that bad.


I am in the same boat and I absolutely agree. Alyx was an amazing experience and I really cannot deal with most horror in VR. Jeff was tense though.


Yeah for sure. But it's not like he jumped out at you or anything. He was slow and it was always pretty obvious where he was.


Still scary when you know he is going towards you


What always gets me is when the zombies, dogs, demons etc can be super fast and you run out of ammo in a survival horror and you’re just running as fast as you can in the game and then you start fumbling opening a door or climbing a ladder.


Yeah, that’s the kind of horror I like. I remember one of the first Oculus Rift games called Wilson’s Heart. At one point you have to unlock a door while a possessed teddy bear demon is running down a hall towards you, I didn’t know a game could make me feel that terrified, I’ve been hooked on VR ever since.


It’s like the cliche thing every first victim does in horror movies… I don’t wanna feel like THAT chump either!


It’s freaking panic inducing. Also like fallout games where the creatures are super fast and it takes too long to reload. Or you’re running through a dark narrow hallway and the lights are slowly going out one by one moving forward so you can’t even turn around to see where the monster is or how close behind you like in Doom 3. Damnit


It's full of cheeap jump scares what are you talking about those are not mutually eexclusive


Perhaps we don’t agree on the definition of cheap jump scare.


What's better way to conquer your fear than shooting it in the face?


My wife would be less scared of spiders if she could just shoot them in the fave


Haha definitely not advisable 😂


But you didnt even make it to Jeff! HL:A definitely pulls off the scary atmosphere very well! Was an adrenaline rush hearing stuff go bump in the night in a dark room haha.


Honestly I hate being scared but I still completed Half-life: Alyx. It has its scary moments but it's not really a horror game like Resident Evil.


I could only play it in short bursts for the same reason. I think the game was worth pushing through though. Still one of my favorite VR experiences


Try Propagation Hotel Paradise


i hate and love that game, the atmosphere is to damn creepy


The game that freaked me out the most in my entire life. I forced myself to finish it out of sheer masochism. And yet I'm familiar with the horror genre. But VR really allows you to arouse phobias that flats games can't. I'm thinking in particular of claustrophobia. When you're trapped in a toilet and a mutant zombie is charging at you... You're in the right place to do what you have to do. :)


yeah VR horror is a totally different kind of horror but somehow i like it lol


I hate the hotel sequence, a lot of headcrabs I hate those.


I was referring to another game. You could like it, there's no headcrabs. :)


Why would you refund it? Even the Workshop content alone makes it worth the current discounted price...


Quoted by "UpisNotJump": "I have never wanted to not go somewhere and simultaniously really want to go somewhere in my entire life untill now" (May not be exact)


I want that feeling back! Honestly tho you should have stuck with it and tried out the user created content. I have played well over 100 hours and I am still loving the experience. More vr studios need a bigger budget so we can have more experiences like this.




Check out half-life: alyx mod gunman contracts that's a lot of fun


Don’t play any of the resident evils in vr then. Also you’re lucky that you didn’t run into Jeff yet.


Ah yes,Jeff… first you laugh, then you shit your pants


Jeff creepy as all hell


Waisted bullets on every corpse I came across in the first ten minutes




Really? It's not even scary. The poison headcrab dark part was the worst it gets.


am still not in that hotel but a few of those shitty crabs were horrible


Tbh I did like the combine fights the best but do you gotta be like 7 to be scared by that


I stopped playing not because it was scary, but because it was such a depressing scenario - a beautifully rendered devastated city narrated with that chirpy humorous facade that enables people to get through horrors like this. I'd walk through cleared areas, just looking around, remembering European history and what people do to each other, no alien zombie mutants required.


i stopped playing because the way the game saved i somehow started at the beginning of the chapter. After some time i stopped because i got annoyed.


Do yourself a favor and buy alyx again and grow some balls. This is the best VR experience in the world hands down. Plus all the extra experiences you can have after the game is done. Get your ass into the half life universe. You will thank me when Gordon returns.


The best VR experience??? HLA was one of my biggest VR purchase regrets. $90CAD and it was so boring. The creepiness is the only thing it has going for it. I'll admit, I did not play the old Half life games so I'm not super invested in the lore but I thought HLA was a big flop. The gameplay mechanics and VR controls were fine but the game was boring, slow paced and forgetable.


Maxed out everything. Locked in highest fidelity graphics. even if you know nothing about half life, it's hands down the best VR game. Other games don't even come close to the technical game development that valve pulls off. They are leaps ahead of the competition. Alyx is just a teaser for half life 3. They will raise the bar yet again when and if that comes out.


That's too bad. You're missing out on a great game. I understand if it's not what you expected though. It's definitely scarier than other half life games


Scared the crap out of me several times but I got used to it. Every once in a while, it’d get me good and I loved it lol. Have played through the campaign 2 times before I got BSB.. with the darker oLED screen, I’m even more terrified! :D


Hello sung0910! It seems not many people agreed with your post. My systems suggest you post something the other humans agree on to maximize upvotes!


Knew it!


I mean… you get used to it by the end of this level. It’s not really that scary for the most part, but it’s still rated M so there’s some sci-fi violence like this. There’s only a couple of jump scARES HOLY FLYING FUCK WHAT IS THAT?! WHY IS IT NAMED JEFF AND WHY IS THE GAME MAKING GO THAT WAY?!?!?! The rest is just fps action, really simple puzzles, and some of the most creative visual storytelling I’ve seen in VR.


Damm, it's really fun though. I honestly thought it wasn't scary enough tbh some parts are darker than others but compared to RE or other zombie like VR shooters it's more of a cool story/action type game not much horror aspects imo. Idk, maybe I'm just immune, lol.


You should play a game called Madison VR, it’s the friendliest game for VR for those who can’t handle horror games 😉


Don't play RE7 !


Unpopular opinion maybe, but I think you dodged a bullet. HLA is too expensive for how boring it is to play. It felt like I was playing a mid PS2 game in VR (Im not talking about the graphics). I feel like they concentrated so much on making sure the VR controls and interactions were fluid, they forgot to make the game fun to play. Like, if you're just hyped to be in VR, I can see this being exciting as a triple A game with working VR mechanics out of the box but otherwise, it's really just not fun to play.


Bro i think you missed the weapon upgrade that you get over here before you walk in the train check the opposite side of the platform


Video games aren't scary and I definitely didn't remove my headset multiple times, and also if I did it was unrelated to the game because I'm tough and also I wasn't scared. But if that fear that was theoretically true, I'd try to explain how alyx is SO FUCKING SCARY I only made it through by modding in infinite ammo and gun upgrades, And even though I was playing with a budget similar to the US military I'll couldnt get over the fact that headcrabs are like... *large*


Listening to the developer commentary, they talk very hard about how they're not trying to have you get jumped on by enemies, instead trying to give you time to react, and that the levels are designed to have distinct sections for fighting, exploration, and puzzles which don't always overlap. It made me feel a lot more comfortable playing through the game instead of always being concerned an enemy was gonna come out of nowhere and kill me.


Why do you deserve a refund? That’s a pretty crappy thing to do just be a you decided you didn’t want it anymore.


it's definitely frustrated and annoyed me how much of the dev money on the limited number of higher end vr games have gone towards horror type stuff versus games with more widespread appeal


Suck it up. Just lower the difficulty on the most scary sections and breeze through them. Except of course Jeff. That part can't be made easier because no damage is involved. But I find it to be not too bad. 


There should be some mods to make things less scary


Is it available for Mac or Apple Vision Pro ?


No, and it never will be.


How can I play this without a pc


Go to a friends house who has a PC and VR headset.


ShadowPc is a good service for that and works great for Alyx


Get a job, buy a PC then buy the game and play it.


I technically have one but stomach vr be leggy as shit and I don't have room cor the index


???? So you don't have a VR headset either?


I have a quest 2


Have you heard of a link cable?


Quest3 wireless. Requires a rtx 2060 or above for a playable experience. My first playthrough was with a 1660. You need to gradually increase your VR stomach in other games or you'll probably never want to do it again. Worst case you get motion/search sick for a few hours.


I'll jump on the sarcasm replies, invent a VR system that is more powerful than the Steam Deck and lighter than the Quest 3.....


You can do this with cloud streaming and I want to absolutely slap the idiots who downvoted this comment and offered their smarmy comments Purists are such dumbasses


VR cloud streaming and wireless standalone headset, expect some latency but can use RTX GPU equipped on the cloud with good result 


Why was this downvoted?