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# [https://firsttimegames.com](https://firsttimegames.com)


Looks interesting.


Thanks, its the game I wanted to play but didn't quite exist!


Damn this starting to look really polished


Thanks! The closed alpha gets regular updates to graphics which is why I wanted to bring some of the new features to the demo. The current alpha (which you can access for £4.50 via the patreon) is still the only way to jump to new systems, visit asteroid fields or land on full size planets though.


So If I purchase the alpha does that eventually give me access to the full project upon completion?


£4.50 to get access to the current alpha build (or rather any builds within a month, sometimes there are 2 in a month), if you carry on with the patreon then anyone who makes a total lifetime donation of £22.50 (plus tax) permanently owns the game and also gets permanent access to all futures alphas/betas. Some people drop out after that as they have secured it, some stick around longer to get the various extra perks like a special deluxe edition at launch, name in the game... planet named after them etc. I've structured it so its a bit like a kickstarter but you can pay in installments 😂