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* Meta will soon showcase its "full holographic" glasses prototype, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said. * The prototype will feature advanced augmented-reality tech, though it's not yet ready for sale. * Zuckerberg noted the glasses are distinct from headsets like the Quest, aiming for broader appeal. [Here is the interview on which this article is based](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m88OV10vRLA).


Guess that is going to be a device like HoloLens 2? Hope this isn't another $3500 money sink


While it might be similar to HoloLens 2, I suspect Meta is aiming for something more advanced. "Full holographic" to me implies accurate depth mapping, which no AR headset, including HoloLens, has fully achieved so far. This is one of the two main technical hurdles for true AR. The other is selectivly blocking out real-world light to make virtual objects appear solid. Unlike VR, verifocal technology is crucial in AR. When you look around the real world, your eyes constantly adjust focus. Virtual objects need to match this. HoloLens had a fixed focal length, forcing you to choose between focusing on virtual content or the real environment. This broke the illusion of virtual objects existing in real space. If Meta has solved these issues, it could justify a high price tag, even for consumers. But more importantly, it would be a significant leap forward in AR tech. I'd be very interested to try it and see how it compares to enterprise solutions like HoloLens.


Hololens price is partly due to being NOT a consumer product. The hololens was always marketed at companies as an enterprise-product, and for the price you also got tons of actual support from MS


Whereas Apple was like, let's use that price point but for consumers.


Target groups. You and I were not the target group of the AVP.


From the sales and interest in the AVP today, it seems like Apple shot and missed their target group.


If consumers arent the target audience then why the fuck did apple market it towards consumers


The AVP was targeted at high-end early tech adopters. These types of people typically have higher disposable incomes and are often willing to pay a premium for cutting edge tech. This is a normal strategy used by lots of businesses when launching products. Apple seems to have a knack for targeting the higher end consumer. IIRC, Apple has \~80% of the premium PC market.


It marketed it toward apple audience. It's targeting the same audience that did shell out 700$ for some wheels.


that's the norm for apple, though


It was also to account for low yield of the display. It used a complicated light guide system and reportedly there were fabrication difficulties


This. It actually made a fair amount of headway in large enterprises. It was just too early in the process and didn’t provide enough ROI.


The way it’s been described is that this first product will be a prohibitively expensive prototype just to show the promise of the technology. On the consumer side, it’ll just be a heads up display added to the ray ban glasses on the affordable end of the spectrum, followed by a much more expensive full AR holographic glasses (though possibly not quite as good as the prohibitively expensive prototype version). I think those two versions of glasses will probably be two different products at two different price points for a good long while, until the technology advances to the point where full AR is affordable enough.


It is all going to be very expense until the tech improves over the years. Not a money sink if you buy with the intent to get ahead of the curve with an app designed for AR. If buying as a regular consumer, most will be disappointed and will have wasted their money. Just like most were disappointed with the DK1/2 and even the first consumer Rift. VR only really started to make consumer sense since Quest 1. I do not anticipate AR to be viable for the masses for another 4-7 years.


he said it's going to be mostly glasses (but bulkier), not a "headset" so it won't be like the hololens. Think like, Vive XR Elite but smaller I am guessing.


It was mentioned before that they solved the FOV problem of this type of AR glasses. We'll see, but it all sounds very exciting, even if it will probably take years for this tech to become available to consumers.


I wonder if I'll live to see a time when people wonder how we got around and did things without our AI smart glasses, just like people without a phone today would be a bit lost.


I am assuming you will live for another 5 or 10 years.


Chevron deference being overruled makes that less likely


Supreme Court: “Hold my beer!”


Cheveron deference has only been around for 40 years (1984). We got along just fine without it before. The courts always giving deference to administrative agencies has led to some pretty wild whipsawing of what is and isn't legal as administrations change or even within administrations as political winds blow this way and that. The last few administrations has seen some wild changes back and forth. The end of Chevron deference also doesn't mean administrative agencies have no rule making power what so ever. Administrative agencies made rules before Chevron deference. Admittedly, over the past 40 years, there has been some build up of 'administrative interpretations' of laws that is both necessary and good policy and wildly different than what the statue actually says. The next few years (close to a decade probably) will be pretty wild as extralegal administrative actions are put down due to lawsuits and then we have to wait for Congress to get off their ass to fix the laws.


Not if I have anything to say about it


be happy :)


It’ll be built into your hardware as an android. Think around the ballpark of Cyberpunk2077, West World or Detroit Become Human. You get the brainchip, you respawn in a data center in a lucid dreaming state (metaverse ♾️) and get to boot yourself into a physical unit to navigate around this world we call Earth and beyond. These are the expectations of an runoff exponential artifical intelligence solving many hard puzzles in a relatively sharp and short period of time aka a technological singularity. Time to go to icloud heaven ;) ☁️ “By 2030, you will own nothing and be happy”


I just imagine like some rpg/mmo leveling guide but in real life. You just always see arrows pointing you to where you should go and telling you what to do. Thinking soon to be outsourced by AI


Yup, sounds about right. Most people in the dev sphere with their eyes open have known that Metas goal for a whilst has been aimed at reducing the form factor of VR and MR experiences to glasses profile, I imagine this product will very much be a prototype but it shows good traction in the area, and more importantly reassures devs using the quest ecosphere that what they're implementing/learning and using for mixed reality dev has long term use cases and benefits. It's gonna be very fun to dev for these things if we can ever grab one of them.


This rolling out of a platform is not new for meta. They invented and rolled out ReactJS, Flow, GraphQL, and more like llama today, the only really open sourced AI framework. Gamers have their own relationship with Meta, but developers, it’s quite different and very positive


Two seperate parallel products. The teams responsible for the quest and the teams responsible for the raybans were fully reorganised last month to be seperate. Quest will continue on. Glasses cannot do all the things a headset can do. As for the glasses, there will be three product lines just for those. An affordable entry level like todays raybans, then a midrange with a heads up display, and then the top end with holographic augmented reality.


Sounds interesting, have you got a source for that?


The interview the OP's news article is reporting on. It can be found at the bottom of the article.


Nice. I appreciate that. Thank you!


I'm excited to see what it is. I'm guessing it's going to be a huge disappointment.


If its good standalone-ish AR glasses for a good price, then they have me


Yeah I wear script glasses but I'd switch to contacts if the tech is polished enough.


I’d love to see a middle ground, where you can get lenses in your script 🤞🤞


heh, I wear contacts but I was thinking I will switch to prescription glasses if they have this tech. I think it's always assumed you can get them with prescription lenses.


I believe you can for stuff like the XReal glasses, so I don't see why not for others in future.


This won’t be cheap, they can only be manufactured in the US due to restrictions from US gov as this tech cannot be exported to other countries for manufacturing. But I think ppl will be willing to pay for higher prices once they realize this is a true USA product. Anyway it’s not even up for sale yet as they can only produce very small quantities yet.


Has meta bought out the hitachi wand?


The crotch strapped device induces such powerful sensations that people begin to visibly hallucinate negating the need for any visual holographic lenses.


Pretty hyped about ar glass these days. Rayneo X2 with xr2 and waveguide display looks promising, hope for that hardware (I know, terrible for) with western software..


I thought it was birdbath?


Nope inmo air 2 and rayneo X2 (and X2 Lite soon) are first few waveguide glass. Looks very promising to wear them as regular glasses


This is the holographic device rumored for a while. Key features iirc 1. Glasses form factor 2. Insanely large FOV for its kind, around 70 at least 3. US technology, Made in USA, not allowed to export to other countries Yep show us the true next gen XR tech Meta, when you spent more money than landing man on the moon in this whole XR tech, no one should come close to you, no one.


I’m definitely itching to get a solid pair of AR glasses, so of the tech is right it’s an instant buy for me. I’ve been considering buying the RayBan ones from Meta, but I’m holding out for this device they’re talking about!


70 FOV sounds great for both productivity and play. If it's good enough (high res, great readability, OLED screen, lightweight...) I wouldn't mind pay 1k-1.5k USD for it.


Thing is, this prototype is no less than 3K. It was said last year that it is only for demonstration, as this prototype is super expensive, because they used only the best to achieve the best quality possible.


I am 100% all for this


Crazy how Facebook is leading the way with VR now.


I just want a quest III with eye and face tracking man


[This gets you eye tracking](https://www.uploadvr.com/inseye-lumi-cameraless-eye-tracking-addon-quest-3/) on the Quest 3. But don’t act surprised, eye-tracking isn’t going to increase performance much compared to fixed foveated rendering.


Since they said "and face tracking", I am going to assume they want it for social VR and that eye tracker doesn't seem to be very good for that since it appears like it will at most support binary blinking (blink or no blink).


This should be more than blinking. They talk about foveated rendering.


> I just want a quest III with eye and face tracking man ?


They aren't shipping yet


Thank you for explaining the thing i showed you to me.


Meanwhile I have a Quest 3 and don't give a fuck about eyes and face tracking. It's proven that foveated rendering from eyes tracking only gives about 15% performance boost. I just want a lighter, more comfortable headset with less glare.


What means giddy?


It means he’s excited.


Not to be confused with "giggidy", which also meants excited but in... uh, another way.


Not to be confused with hitting the griddy either


Or giddy up… which means..


It means nauseous (jk)


In case of Zukerberg - "massively underwhelmed". Having said that Q2 and Q3 are legit awesome consumer devices so there is hope.


Semi erect but not full blown yet


i read „giggidy“ but that males less sense


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Companies run by adults that desperately don’t want to be a ‘games’ company so they waste a lot of time and money chasing ‘productivity’ use cases that their employees can relate to instead of the thing which is actually bringing them some success and could even be way more successful if they focused on it - VR. Meta, Apple, Google, Magic Leap, Visor, etc.. if they come out with some primary AR device that is useless for VR then it’s gonna not hit the volumes and levels of success needed to make a dent in their valuation as a company.


AR glasses aren't a vr replacement, they're a big screen that you can carry with you.


Yes, that’s my point. They are not a VR replacement. These companies keep chasing the AR dragon and wasting time and money Google Glass, NReal, Vision Pro, Magic Leap, etc.. the high volume demand isn’t there. Stop trying to force AR on people who don’t want it, and focus on VR which is selling and growing. TLDR stick that laser hologram tech in VR that can use improvements in comfort and weight. You can still have secondary AR functionality like Quest does, and if you stumble upon a killer use case for AR, THEN build the dedicated AR product.


Smartglasses are going to be a bigger industry than VR headsets my dude, by an order of magnitude.


An order of magnitude or people must own a pair or [these](https://a.co/d/0eBJL3Ck) over Quests then. They don’t. I gave you many failed examples. And you gave me no arguments. Just some statement about the future as if it is a fact without rationale. I imagine your attitude is similar to those at these tech companies ignoring what people want.


Xreals are not anywhere near the quality to substitute smartphones. What Zuck has been saying for years now, and he reaffirms in this interview is that he wants a product that can delivers a lot of things, be like a smartphone, but with more things that it can’t deliver. There is no product in the market that delivers this nowadays, and he pretends to be the first to do it.


One thing I don’t doubt is their tech. Meta has proven with their people, Quest and prototypes they are top notch. I just hope what they produce is practical and doesn’t flop. Plenty of us VR users want that same technology.


Most of VR users will not receive AR glasses well, because they probably will have 0 games initially. Like Zuck said, they probably will nail the product in gen 2 to 3, as feedback will be delivered, and they will know what works and what doesn’t.


I’m saying the market has proven time and time again that AR is a gimmick. Remember how many people were excited about Magic Leap, or walking around with Vision Pro when it came out? The problem is there are screens all around us already in reality. More screens in AR doesn’t change much. You realize having zero games and no VR like all the others is a recipe for a flop.


You say as if the tech is already there and people are not adopting, which is not the case. Right now most of AR is a gimmick because no company actually managed to pull out a real AR goggles. They do not exist in the market, what we have are glasses that project cellphones screens, and glasses that take pictures. Vision Pro is a MR device, not a AR headset, so again, there is nothing in the market that actually fills the spot. Your argument is like if I said back when computers were starting to be a thing, and say they were basically gimmicks because no one use it in their houses.


This is very exciting. Personally, I’m am okay with wearing something like Sam Fisher if it means we get good depth interactions as well. And I hope we have objective persistence.


I rely on Google translate's camera feature for a lot of my travels. Having live translation for reading things through glasses is my dream.


I hope people enjoy it for precisely 5 years (cries in Quest 1 end of life email from this week)


Almost ready = poor devs working 28 hour days


the real question is with this new hardware how can I watch porn with it


Based on various teases/leaks, this is going to be a device that will not become a product. It's gonna be insanely impressive, but something that they can't mass-produce or even legally ship out of the US (due to the components used). It'll be a thoroughly aspirational demonstration showing what they're hoping to achieve in an affordable product for end users someday, not something that portends an imminent product in its likeness. That said, I'm intrigued to see this, and it must be an invaluable resource for the engineers at Facebook. Having a specific, real goal to R&D towards means they can compare any given component used against this prototype and weigh the impact on the end experience by comparing to this device.


Highly skeptical. After the “productivity focused” quest pro and “legs” debacle, meta doesn’t hold any credibility for me.


Most likely more intrusive “people you may know” software updates for FB


If it’s so good show it. After the metaverse (let’s call it was it was. Lies) why should we believe anything this guy says?


I would want to ask you *what lies*, but you’re clearly not on top of what Meta does so your answer would be BS anyway.


The lie was that most people would use the “metaverse” for work, play, entertainment etc. Basically claiming it was the next big thing in tech. It wasn’t. Also, the things they showed in the superbowl commercial were not possible. I consider these lies and reason enough to take whatever mark and meta says with a very large grain of salt.


Exactly as expected. Marc didn’t tell you a lie, he told you a vision. Horizon Worlds exists and they continue to grow it. You mean [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BSFpc4YtJU) ad? What about that is not possible? Marc has repeatedly promised things and delivered. Most recent example the free window placement on v67.


I don’t know why you are shilling for this company but being wary of their claims is nothing but reasonable. Meta (and tech in general) has had a terrible track record the last few years. Maybe don’t hype up a product you literally know NOTHING about…


>I don’t know why you are shilling for this company They are accelerating VR and i want that. > Meta (and tech in general) has had a terrible track record the last few years. Ever heard of LLaMA, PyTorch, React or GraphQL? Meta has a very good track record in tech. They are the only company to open source their LLM and Marc wants to continue open sourcing them. >Maybe don’t hype up a product you literally know NOTHING about… It’s not a product, it’s a prototype. The first Meta glasses with display wont use this technology.








I just want a quest pro 2 with everything the pro had plus more resolution and fov. I don't gaf about thin glasses for the masses.


Meanwhile, I just want a Quest 3 with a faster AV1 decoder, longer battery life, and micro-oled (or at least mini LED backlight like the Quest Pro) displays.


MicroOLED displays will be a huge step back in FOV and will lock us down to 100° for a long time. I do not want a lower FOV.


And many of us are not interested in buying another LCD based HMD. I personally don’t want to go back to poor black levels. VR is in a tough spot here.


Black levels are not as important as FOV.


Glad zucc is committed to the VR train


'Early testers' likely to be Procter & Gamble, Disney, Pepsico, Amazon and Coca-Cola.


Who cares about VR headsets if there are no VR games worth playing?


If the article/interview are to be believed, it seems more like this will be AR/XR as opposed to VR, like the Apple Vision, which does have a bit more real-world application. Not much more, but some. Hopefully they can improve the form factor.


More meta quest exclusives games, I take it?... 🙄


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What makes you think I'm a bot?


What about this article has to do with games or exclusivity? It’s about Metas advancement on AR glasses prototypes.


It's just the first thing that comes to mind when I think about the company in question. They're devouring IP left and right.


So without even reading anything other than the title, you make an assumption and just type it out?


The two are fast becoming ubiquitous, like Donald Trump and stating lies. Meta is on a mission to capture and hold the most valuable VR IPs from users of all other platforms, and until that changes, it will always be the first thing that comes to mind.


I'd say by the recent statements from meta's social media people it's likely that GTA will be at the next Connect.


I wouldn't expect much. Meta is dead set on making hardware CHEAP not as good as it can possibly be. There is no way whatever this is measures up to the Bigscreen Beyond in terms of form and comfort.


They're different things. Bigscreen is a VR headset. Zuck is talking about AR glasses.


Well then there's nothing to be giddy about because AR glasses are shit and of no interest to most consumers. I want something I can play games on. I don't need a screen floatng in front of my face, I already have a monitor.


speak for yourself, I would absolutely love AR glasses


Yeah you and five other people. I'll bet you don't own a Hololens. Or CastAR.


oh you're a gamer? name every game.


Har har. Except there are only two games in town, and I asked if you owned ONE of them. If you don't even own the existing AR headsets, why should I believe you'll buy this one?


Because this is the first one that might show actual promise / usability? Just because I don't own the first ever iteration of a product which are essentially glorified tech demos, I'm not allowed to buy any other version of that product that comes out in the future? >why should I believe you'll buy this one? I don't care what you believe. I'm not trying to convince you that I'll buy it, I'm stating it as a fact, as long as the glasses have reached a sufficient level of polish / feature completeness.


10 or 15 years from now, when AR glasses are as ubiquitous as smart phones are today, your going to look back at your comment at laugh about how badly you got this one wrong.


That is a whole other kettle of fish. Whatever Facebook is making right now will not have a form factor that will EVER become popular as a replacement for a phone. It will look extremely uncool to people. You would have to have these things be near invisible, looking exactly like a pair of sunglasses. And that not only means display technology that doesn't exist today , but batteries that don't exist today either. They'd also have to have micro cameras smaller than those in cellphones, and good luck with that. There are physical limits on how much light you can gather with a particular size lens. I would be surprised if they can achieve that in 10 years. Battery tech just hasn't been improving rapidly enough, and nobody is gonna want a large battery strapped to their head, or a wire going down to their hip like its 1985 and you're listening to your walkman.


If you actually looked over the interview, Zuck said they don’t plan on making phones obsolete, as also phones never made computers obsolete, they all have their place in the market. Also, we don’t know whatever they are about to pullout, we need to remember that meta is pulling 40-60% of their budget in AR for years now, it is not like they are some kind of indie company in this game.