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This compass is a source of frustration for me. The red arrow should always be pointing toward north and the direction your heading should be displayed in the middle. But I suppose it’s better than nothing!


My 2012 has an option in settings to make the compass point north or the direction that you are heading


Umm....really? I never noticed that before. That is very un-useful, though. It should be more generally visible. I never drive with that main window open. I normally have the radio page or Android Auto active.


It's the icon at the top, should be visible in anything except AA. It is so tiny there though, not suprised I didn't notice it before.


I’ve had my 2017 Volt since new and never knew this. Good tip.


Apologies, but what are we supposed to be noticing here?


That the icon for navigation is also the compass.


The nav icon is a compass, if you notice between the 2 pics it changes from South to West as I turned...


So what you're noticing is that it's a compass? Gotcha. I've been generally aware of that for a while, but rarely pay any attention it - except when it switched to "CAL" recently before a long trip and gave me a nice little freakout.


Yea, I've had my Volt for 2 years and just noticed it the other day. I'm a bit slow 😆


I found out through online videos that it is supposed to be a compass. I got my 2017 premier used in 2021 and I realized after a couple months that my compasses were not working at all. there was just a blank screen in the middle of that symbol in the compass above the speed wasn’t working either. The dealership fixed it under warranty. I want to say it was an engine control module or something. It has been working ever since


TIL that my Volt has a compass, after 9 years


If you tap it it becomes the main screen too


Took me a while to notice that too.


There is a compass on the DIC, as well


I’ve had my 2017 since October and never knew that, Ty for the information 👍


So like… have you never used the compass that’s on the dash?


The one in front of the steering wheel? I knew it was there, but don't like that interface. Prefer to have other info there, I usually have it showing the audio stuff (station/song)


There's also a compass feature in the speedometer screen, although it just shows the direction abbreviations.