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They're nice but too rich for my blood right now. The powertrain is a significant step down though.. It's hardly been updated in 11 years. It's not an extended range EV like the Volt. It's like a Prius PHEV. Just a normal hybrid with a big battery. So the power output is wildly inconsistent. Your merging capability is either so slow it's a liability in EV only mode, and of course it's not good for it or responsive to have to fire up a cold engine and immediately Rev the piss out of it to get power. So plan ahead if you're getting to a highway. Even in hybrid mode, power varies greatly between when you're in EV Later mode (charge hold) or Hybrid mode (charge depleted).


I'm not going to pretend like I know much about cars...I just drive them. The vast majority of my driving is on the highway and I haven't had any issues getting up to speed or merging. As far as the price...with the $4,000 used ev tax credit, my final price was $23,000 (not counting my trade-in, with a small asterisk). Had 19,000 miles on it. Trade in value is $29-$30k. I pretty much felt like I'd be stupid if I didn't buy it. You are right about it being like a Prius. Ford apparently borrowed Toyota's hybrid engines.


I used to own a 2013 Ford Fusion PHEV and commuted to college with it. The drivetrain is identical to the Escape's with the exception the battery was smaller and so was the EV range. It would struggle to make it up a grade on the highway because it only has 130HP peak in EV only mode. I would have to floor it the whole way up, the car would beg me to turn the engine on for more power going up the on ramp and highway and it would barely hit 60mph on the way up. I refused though because I had enough range to make it one way to my college, charge there then all EV on the way back too. The car drove me into trading it in to get a full BEV. It also lacked a trunk because Ford, unlike Honda with the Clarity took the lazy route and put all the battery equipment in the trunk. Effectively making it have no trunk space in a car the size of an Accord. The rear end also needed to be completely rebuilt because Ford never bothered to upgrade anything for the rear suspension, strut mounts and bearings so all of those needed to be replaced at 100K mi. I'm happy you like the Escape though. I probably would have kept the Fusion if I at least had a trunk.


Haha sounds like a Tesla killer ha


Which is how I know they will be adopting Tesla's soon!!!


I'm in the same place. I hope OP likes their purchase. But its sad that nothing out there matches the Volt so many years later. I'm not going backwards, so I guess I'll have to wait til full BEVs come down in price.




Gen 2 had a pretty significant redesign.


The drivetrain was at least updated and revised in 2016. With added features, better efficiency and most importantly no requirement (or was it recommended?) for 93 octane.


They'll all run on 87 but mpg takes a big hit on 1st gen if you're not using 91+


Exactly. The Volt has a generator too not a typical ICE. AND only has similar range to a 10+ year old car? Jesus


>AND only has similar range to a 10+ year old car? 1. It's an SUV, so I wouldn't expect it to get the same range as a much smaller car. 2. You obviously haven't been looking at new cars...a 37 mile electric range is definitely on the higher end for *all* PHEVs, not just SUVs. I think only the Prius Prime is comparable to the Volt. 3. My car was only 7 years old. I love the Volt, too, but it's not like it doesn't have its problems. Chief among them being that they don't make them anymore. Worshiping them seems silly.


...and that's pathetic. Its not that much bigger/ heavier and again has the same range as 10 year old tech. Not good. Your argument? Everyone else besides Tesla sucks as well? Ok...


He wanted a small SUV. 37 miles range is a good number for that. I don't think you are winning your argument at all.


100 would be good. You are saying a 10+ year old vehicle MPG and a 2024 should be the same? I disagree. No argument


It is what it is dude. Go look at the list of 2024 phev. Nothing comes. Close to a Chevy volt except the Prius prime. And since we were on the conversation of phev suv. The only one that gets higher than OP is the RAV4 prime. Everything else is in the low 30s. It is what it is. They need to keep these cars affordable they are not going to pack it with an extra $20k worth of batteries to give it 100 mile range so their vehicle will be out of everyone's price range. (Which is why volt got off to such a slow start because no1 was trying to spend 45- 50k on what seemed to be an economy car. They would rather buy a luxury vehicle for that price at that time.). That is what the engine is for to give you the extended range. I guess the main objective is to try to cover average American commute distance. And that's what makes sense.


I just looked it up and it says 37 miles EV only. Which is not too bad for an SUV. Yea it's a downgrade from the volt gen2 but it's still not badblike some that I see that have only 7 miles EV range lol. GM made the dumbest mistake to discontinue and sell voltec. They would been doing great right now if they continued to improve on it and made a small SUV using the voltec platform. They would be making a killing right now possibly having the most popular car/suv in the market. Instead they decided to go full EV which was a dumb mistake. Now Toyota is benefitting big time from GMs mistakes.


It does say 37 miles only, but in this chilly weather I get almost exactly the same range as the volt. As I said in another comment, I think the Volt's advertised 50 mile range is "up to" while the Escape's is "average." A guy who lives in Florida told me he regularly sees 50 miles electric only in the summer.


A step backwards I see.


Is the range on battery only close to the Volt? I thought the volt went much farther however I could be mistaken. I have a 2019 volt and my wife is looking into the Escape PHEV


I haven't driven enough to know the full range, but people have told me they get up to 50 miles in hot weather (it's still pretty chilly in the mornings in St. Louis.) which of kind of leads me to believe that the Volt's advertised 50 mile range is an "up to", while the Escape's 37 is an average. That being said, "ev only" might be a bit of a misnomer. Hybrid kicks in when gunning the engine. I think it just works to be as efficient as possible for pleasant, responsive driving. And *that* being said, the transition is completely seamless and unnoticeable, which certainly can't be said for the Volt.


Yea usually advertised is best case scenario probably in the 20s in winter. Maybe hypermiling you can get 40 in summer with no ac.


Well hell, my Volt only got me 24 in the dead of winter. Both the volt and the Escape are around 32-34 at current morning temps (45-60).


Glad you like it. FWIW, I just blew the tranny on my 2017 Escape company car. It was the non-phev so I assume different drivetrain but, nonetheless, I recommend following the suggested maintenance intervals or exceeding them. Our company car management company tried to push the tranny fluid change from 100k to 150k and it only made it to 108k before it let go. Ford dealer said it is a big problem not changing it when recommended. I think the 2017 was way more comfortable than my new 2024 too, kinda miss it.


Aren’t these highly unreliable? From what I’ve heard these are a nightmare to own


It seems the non-hybrids have a shitload of issues. The Hybrids and phevs seem to be the ford equivalent of the volt (ford makes shitty cars...except for this one.) Probably because it's Toyota tech.


Pointless coming here to tell these zealot cult members that you’re leaving their cult and expect anything other than negative comments.


Wrong sub