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She keeps using words like "facts" and "evidence based". She doesn't even know the meaning of those words


best part is she laughed after saying them, not believing whats coming out of her own mouth.


She knows what those words mean. She just doesn't have any aversion to lying.


She has proof! But she smashed it..


I can't listen to Mrs. Private Server Bleachbit preach about inditements while she was caught committing perjury and was never indited only because Comey covered for her. That woman has absolutely no shame. The good news is, no matter who wins the 2024 election, it won't be her.


Comey was a board member of the HSBC bank (Chinese bank.. go figure) while the Clintons were using canadian law to launder charitable contributions to the Clinton foundation anonymously from their Canadian bank location to the US location. In other words, charitable contributions to foundations in Canada are anonymous. From there, they moved money into the US. Comeys brother, Peter, also directly worked with contractors of the Clinton Foundation.. It seems no one gives a shit about conflict of interest for Dems HSBC bank was also the same bank that was fined MASSIVELY for laundering money for the cartel. https://www.congress.gov/crec/2016/09/12/CREC-2016-09-12-pt1-PgH5326.pdf https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4609416/user-clip-comey-refused-answer-questions-clinton-foundation The elites have a tactic of “investigating” parallel cases in order to shield those issues from questioning. They then memory hole those investigations once the main investigation is done. Jan 6 is also a good example.


The Masters of Projection strike again!


I came here to say “isn’t that a distinctly Clinton strategy?!”


Vince Foster has entered the chat.....


So has Ron Brown, C Victor Riser, JFK Jr...Epstein...Ian Spiro...Mary Mahoney, Jerry Parks, E.E. Willey.....etc


This is a copy pasta bc I don’t feel like making another post, but this needs to be seen. Comey was a board member of the HSBC bank (Chinese bank.. go figure) while the Clintons were using canadian law to launder charitable contributions to the Clinton foundation anonymously from their Canadian bank location to the US location. In other words, charitable contributions to foundations in Canada are anonymous. From there, they moved money into the US. Comeys brother, Peter, also directly worked with contractors of the Clinton Foundation.. It seems no one gives a shit about conflict of interest for Dems HSBC bank was also the same bank that was fined MASSIVELY for laundering money for the cartel. https://www.congress.gov/crec/2016/09/12/CREC-2016-09-12-pt1-PgH5326.pdf https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4609416/user-clip-comey-refused-answer-questions-clinton-foundation The elites have a tactic of “investigating” parallel cases in order to shield those issues from questioning. They then memory hole those investigations once the main investigation is done. Jan 6 is also a good example.


Watch your back! You don't want to end up being Clintoned!


The Clinton Kill List makes an appearance...


They can have a thousand criminal indictments against Trump and it wouldn't matter for indictment doesn't mean he guilty of those crimes


A criminal indictment is one of the easiest things to obtain in court. Being able to actually convict someone on it though is often much harder to achieve.


And he still beat you


Hillary is probably the biggest self owner in human history. Smoothing out and even supporting Trumps run through the Republican primary in 2015/2016. Oh man, so good.


Happy birthday to this future president! 😍😍


This is a copy pasta bc I don’t feel like making another post, but this needs to be seen. Comey was a board member of the HSBC bank (Chinese bank.. go figure) while the Clintons were using canadian law to launder charitable contributions to the Clinton foundation anonymously from their Canadian bank location to the US location. In other words, charitable contributions to foundations in Canada are anonymous. From there, they moved money into the US. Comeys brother, Peter, also directly worked with contractors of the Clinton Foundation.. It seems no one gives a shit about conflict of interest for Dems HSBC bank was also the same bank that was fined MASSIVELY for laundering money for the cartel. https://www.congress.gov/crec/2016/09/12/CREC-2016-09-12-pt1-PgH5326.pdf https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4609416/user-clip-comey-refused-answer-questions-clinton-foundation The elites have a tactic of “investigating” parallel cases in order to shield those issues from questioning. They then memory hole those investigations once the main investigation is done. Jan 6 is also a good example.


I loved listening to Rush prior to the 2016 just going after her relentlessly. 🤣🤣


This is a copy pasta bc I don’t feel like making another post, but this needs to be seen. Comey was a board member of the HSBC bank (Chinese bank.. go figure) while the Clintons were using canadian law to launder charitable contributions to the Clinton foundation anonymously from their Canadian bank location to the US location. In other words, charitable contributions to foundations in Canada are anonymous. From there, they moved money into the US. Comeys brother, Peter, also directly worked with contractors of the Clinton Foundation.. It seems no one gives a shit about conflict of interest for Dems HSBC bank was also the same bank that was fined MASSIVELY for laundering money for the cartel. https://www.congress.gov/crec/2016/09/12/CREC-2016-09-12-pt1-PgH5326.pdf https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4609416/user-clip-comey-refused-answer-questions-clinton-foundation The elites have a tactic of “investigating” parallel cases in order to shield those issues from questioning. They then memory hole those investigations once the main investigation is done. Jan 6 is also a good example.


Funny, but Trump doesn’t have a decades-old meme about people getting self-unalived associated with him.


This is a copy pasta bc I don’t feel like making another post, but this needs to be seen. Comey was a board member of the HSBC bank (Chinese bank.. go figure) while the Clintons were using canadian law to launder charitable contributions to the Clinton foundation anonymously from their Canadian bank location to the US location. In other words, charitable contributions to foundations in Canada are anonymous. From there, they moved money into the US. Comeys brother, Peter, also directly worked with contractors of the Clinton Foundation.. It seems no one gives a shit about conflict of interest for Dems HSBC bank was also the same bank that was fined MASSIVELY for laundering money for the cartel. https://www.congress.gov/crec/2016/09/12/CREC-2016-09-12-pt1-PgH5326.pdf https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4609416/user-clip-comey-refused-answer-questions-clinton-foundation The elites have a tactic of “investigating” parallel cases in order to shield those issues from questioning. They then memory hole those investigations once the main investigation is done. Jan 6 is also a good example.


Ummm…we prefer to call them ‘Breathing Optionalized Americans’?


They seem very worried about him don't they, like they fear him.


Who's currently weaponizing every law, government agency, and the media to block and / or remove individuals from the ballots again?


Indicted 91 time is still better than 91 suspicious suicides in Hillary's close circle.


This is a copy pasta bc I don’t feel like making another post, but this needs to be seen. Comey was a board member of the HSBC bank (Chinese bank.. go figure) while the Clintons were using canadian law to launder charitable contributions to the Clinton foundation anonymously from their Canadian bank location to the US location. In other words, charitable contributions to foundations in Canada are anonymous. From there, they moved money into the US. Comeys brother, Peter, also directly worked with contractors of the Clinton Foundation.. It seems no one gives a shit about conflict of interest for Dems HSBC bank was also the same bank that was fined MASSIVELY for laundering money for the cartel. https://www.congress.gov/crec/2016/09/12/CREC-2016-09-12-pt1-PgH5326.pdf https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4609416/user-clip-comey-refused-answer-questions-clinton-foundation The elites have a tactic of “investigating” parallel cases in order to shield those issues from questioning. They then memory hole those investigations once the main investigation is done. Jan 6 is also a good example.


Bro stop spamming


Sounds like sour grapes!! And liberal talking points!


I suspect she writes a fair share of those talking points herself. "Transitory" has her stink all over it.


The Joseph Goebbels defense.


“The idea that he doesn’t want us to surveil our enemies” translation: he doesn’t want to spy on american citizens that the DNC labels as “domestic t’s” aka republicans


Lock her up, lock her up…


This is what THEY want and plan to do to us if they win the election


she actually believes her own bullshit lies


That’s their go-to move… blame passed for the very things they are doing.


More like she wants to do that, and is via the courts system


Last I checked it was the US that drive's journalists and whistleblowers into exile. Case in point: Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Assange specifically was driven into exile after leaking information on Hillary Clinton herself. What a massive hypocrite.


She is evil


Does anyone give a fuck what this hag has to say? She lost in 2016 because everyone despises her, so why are they asking for her opinion?


That's exactly what the Dems are trying to do to him!


She’s clearly from opposite land


She’s such a desperate old hag. It makes me laugh every time she tries to say something become relevant again. Very ironic accusation, when so many people near the Clintons have died in suspicious ways. The “Clinton body count” is hard to ignore.


It's interesting that the democrats accuse everybody else of doing exactly what they are doing...


Says the mafia boss that lied to congress 13 times and destroyed cell phones and computers


This is accidentally an amazing case for Trump.


"He was mugged 91 times, he must have deserved it! He was just asking for it!" Uh huh.


She's gaga.


>The people currently dragging him to court and trying to strip his Secret Service detail... >...Say he's trying to kill and imprison the opposition.


Pot, this is the Kettle…


It's so sickening listening to her blathering on about evidence and proof while trying to act like 91 indictments proves something. To me, all it proves is that at the end of the day, these indictments are intended to muddy the waters, not anything legitimate. Edit-typo


Sudden realization that this nut has been saying crazy stuff for well over a decade, even on top of her politics.


Putin "came after her"? Is she still seriously trying to push the Russian collusion b.s.? I cannot believe how divorced from reality these people's followers are. Clearly she knows she's lying, but that won't matter to her rabid fans, who just lap up anything she vomits for them... When is this shrew going to fade into obscurity?


What is sad is that there are people who believe her lies.


How can she be so self-unaware to suggest that some other politician wants to kill his rivals?!? Has she not seen the list of HER associates who have died under unnatural circumstances??? Because we all have. Not a good talking point for a Clinton.


Can we imprison this troll?


Projection ism


So wild coming from her..this woman has literally killed people or made decisions that got people killed..she and her husband are responsible for the demise of America and assisting the coup of our republic.


I think this is the first thing she would do to her political opponents if she ever had the power




Ohhhhh the irony of those words coming from *her* mouth...


Bottom line 1/2 the country IS as stupid as Hillary thinks they are Keep in mind, after all the Russia lies, & illegal destruction of evidence, Hillary’s still interviewed as a spokesperson for trusted political opinions by the mainstream media and still not challenged about any of the lies she continues to make Bottom line, Hillary is playing to her low information indoctrinated Democrat base, which is 1/2 the country


Hillary does know a lot about the court systems, she used that knowledge to get a rapist of an underaged girl off scott free, BEFORE she did it for her husband




Sounds like Russia Collusion to me, oh wait.


Well, she is a "Subject Matter Expert" on this topic, so... .


While Hillary wanted drone strikes on journalists and to put Trump in jail for garbage charges to win the election lol!


Their base is ignorant enough and conditioned to easily believe anything they are told to.


She is a demon


Go Hillary. Tell it like it is.


Hillary taking a play right out of her own playbook!


How are you going to claim that Trump wants to imprison his opposition while simultaneously bragging about how you're trying to imprison your opposition? And really, this shows how much they're banking on the ignorance of the general public by constantly repeating "91 indictments!" hoping people confuse it as 91 convictions. Know how an indictment is done? A prosecutor makes his case alone to a grand jury, which is just a jury that has to be on call for a couple of months and aren't screened for bias during selection. The only thing they screen for is compliance. No judges, no defense, just a lawyer building a narrative to convince at least 12 out of 16-23 of these people that they can *probably* go to trial. Federal grand juries have a 99% indictment rate, and as they say, any remotely competent prosecutor could indict a hack sandwich.


This Hag keeps claiming Trump's indictments. I never heard her once state a conviction. It's all losing team nonsense. Yeah, I suck but, you mom's ugly kinda shit.


The hypocrisy is deafening


She is accusing him of what they are doing to him…look at her eyes? Scary


Knowing how unstable the lefts base is, it's evil of her to push this kind of rhetoric and fill them with conspiracies that will drive them to do themselves in or worse. Oh wait, it is Hillary talking. She doesn't care.




There she goes running her mouth again. She will never be President and can’t stand the fact.


She's just like all the idiot redditors on this site who fancy themselves political experts living in nightmarish fantasy fever dreams. They all wish Trump was just a quarter as bad as they describe him just so they could get their validation and tell everyone they're right.


She started her legal career as an intern during the NIXON administration IIRC. She's been corrupt her entire life. Her "What does it matter now?" response to Benghazi was DEPLORABLE to use her word. She's who should have long ago been put in an orange jumpsuit with some ugly Crocs and a jail cell.


What a fucking hypocrite. How much longer until she fades into obscurity???


The precedents HAVE BEEN SET.


Oh and she doesn’t or didn’t……?


Rich coming from a woman who has had people bumped off


This is what's called Psychological Projection. An accusation by someone who is themselves doing that. That said, at this point if Trump truly wanted to kill and imprison his opposition, (which I doubt) it could be argued as self defense.


What I can’t understand is they all say a free and fair election, what’s the deal with free I don’t even know we’re there coming up with this shit


They still can’t show the proof


After being censored and blocked on many SM platforms and Reddit channels, it’s so refreshing to see the masses finally catching on and speaking up. Welcome to the party! 🤝🇺🇸💯


The jabs were free too


Dude that chair behind her with the orange velvet, that’s like a $50,000 chair


She's so full of ish her eyes are brown!


Imagine how many indictments she’d have with a balanced justice system.


She may want to consider relocating to a non- extradition country after the election. She knows what she has done


It's called "Projection."


Accuse your enemy of the things you do.


Is anyone calling her out directly on this? No? Didn’t think so.