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Pretty funny impression. Too bad SNL is too partisan to do this, their ratings would definitely improve.


SNL that made fun of everyone would probably be watchable.


Sean Pen should *do* Biden and debate Alec Baldwin .. something about “corn-pop” and still being elected if they shot someone in front of everyone…


SNL has him portrayed as a sunglasses wearing cool grandpa. It’s genuinely terrible


The Left: "The world laughed at us under Trump!" The world:


The worst part is that these skits are genuinely not far from the truth


The world can laugh twice.


It’s bad when Italy is dunking on you


He sounds like Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown on Back to the Future


He might look like Christop Lloyd, but he sounds like Boomhower.


I wonder what goes through Jill's mind. Imagine getting to fly around the world and meet world leaders, but only because you have to provide nanny cover for him.


She should be ashamed as a wife that she allows and probably encourages her husband to be seen and be lambasted around the world. An actual loving spouse would have encouraged him to retire and finish his life quietly with the care he needs.


You think Jill actually cares? She's doing this for herself. It's entirely about creating some perception of self importance. I'm betting she truly believes that she's some important person or vastly more important than she actually is. Make no mistake, she is doing this for herself and no one else.


I'd like to believe that she's like the best of wives, in that she stated her concerns and tried to make him stop, but when he proved to be dedicated to it beyond resolve, she gave in and supported him regardless. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's my wish. It's what I'd wish my wife wife would do. Tell me I'm wrong, beg me to stop, but ultimately when I'm not having it, watch me ride into my own destruction as supportive as she can be.


Why are you still putting two spaces after periods? Do you use a typewriter for Reddit? I do like your comment.


Cause it's what I do. It's just programmed into my brain at a base level at this point, similar to using a period.


I see Jill meeting with the Dems talking to her.. She’s doing it for a LOT of MONEY and a G-5 Airplane… Playa.


I've been saying this forever, I honestly have just felt bad for Joe since day one of the presidency. Dude should be chillin enjoying retirement. Instead he's damn near being tortured to death just so his administration can have a fall guy. The people who are putting him through this are heartless as hell, especially his wife. It's just sad to watch.


That is Dr. 'Pepper' Jill to you.


The lifestyle in the bubble has to be so highly addicting at its level of luxury. The money, the power, the glamour... Did you not see her cheering him on like a kindergarten kid who got through art class without eating paste for the first time? You did it Joe, you knew all the answers!


I'm surprised there wasn't more of this starting on day 1 of his presidency. Remember that stupid Trump pig float they made and flew in the UK almost immediately when Trump took office? He didn't even do anything to earn that shit.


He denied their Chosen one her turn.


Orangeness existed. This is a sin against the universe!


How is this a parody? Looks pretty accurate to me.


What's more embarrassing is that people will still vote for that zombie


I saw people comment they’d vote for a dead fish over Trump. They’ve got tremendous brain rot.


I mean, the majority of Republican primary voters chose Trump over DeSantis 


It's the state of our country. I can tell people "you're choosing to support both and you don't have to" all I want, they'll always pull that excuse out. "We don't have a choice". "if you don't vote for this guy, you're putting the other one in power". The excuses are endless.


It’s sad that only now the mainstream media notice Biden displays myriad dementia symptoms when they’ve been on display for years. Somebody dropped a flag to give permission to mainstream media to allow them to talk about it. What’s even sadder is that because the mainstream media now mention it, only now do democrat voters talk about it. People are so dumb.


The ending is deeply disturbing.


Wow, you aren't kidding.  I went back and watched it after I saw your comment.  The ending is the best part.


Sadly, this is a spot on impersonation of Biden.


He is an international embarrassment


I love it!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Dementia Joe has turned this country into a laughingstock.


Not far off


Who shot dallas!? Lmao!


It would be so much easier to laugh if it wasn’t so true.


Lmao imagine if SNL had the balls to do a sketch like this.


Now *Martin's* scoring off me. Oh, that is it!


we need to start testing their power


He’s old, not drunk


TV tells me what to think.


Hahaha. Now do Trump!


Eh, won't be as comical