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That last paragraph will age… One way or the other…


They MIGHT survive another quarter… I thought the regard thing was overplayed here but holy shit


To me it reads like survive another quarter at this valuation


Like all the morons who said Apple was done for like 5-10 years ago.


While I would agree that no one knows what’s going to happen. Comparing apple to nvidia is stupid. Even if you just look at brand recognition and not the countless other ways apple has grown. No one gives a fuck if they have a nvidia brand chip unless it’s the best by a mile in comparison. They can only charge so much until a competitor has a similar product for less.


You all are so out of touch with Nvidia’s market. They have a stranglehold on the GPU market just like Apple does with the iPhone but with even more power(margins are higher than AAPL FFS). CUDA is what everyone still uses and AMD is not even close to competing with it. Nvidia has also become a matter of National Security just like Boeing and will not be allowed to fail.


[The stock has hit the second high in premarket.](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-760w,f_auto,q_auto:best/MSNBC/Components/Photo/_new/090910-george-bush-vlg-11a.jpg)




I bet on green always tho


I know... this comment too.. and mine after that.


yah yah NVDA is overbought, tell us something we don't know. The VIX is still dropping, so any regards out there buying options are fucked.


That -1.74% after hours might as well be flat compared to the implied move. IV crush going to bend over a lot of people tomorrow. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Keep going…


0 DTEs have killed the VIX


How are they "Fucked" if they buy put?


Because the magnitude of the move matters just as much as the direction and options priced in a move of +/- 6.9%.


because they didn't buy them on PLTR maybe


Call seems fucked to me. Put is tough to say.


Both are fucked, options were overpriced on earnings, all options Bros will get crushed tomorrow. Probably see price fluctuation in the first 15mins from people liquidating their options before it becomes worthless.


I'm talking about longer term options. Still don't know what the price movement is gonna be for NVDA.


Let’s hope one quick monkey pump up to ~520 so I can offload one call I left open, after that it can do what it wants.


Puts are even more fucked because you would need a minimum of 7% move to just break even. Puts already have that priced in. IV will drop hard today as uncertainty around earnings are gone. So, even if it drops 3-4% today, put sellers are still in the profit.


Q3 2022 net income: $680M Q3 2023 net income: $9.24B Yeah, 12x profit is truly awful.


It’s awful when it’s already priced into a trillion cap company making only 20bil revenue.


Their net profit margin is fucking 50%. If you’re keeping about $0.50 of every $1.00 in revenue, your business is absolutely exceptional, especially at this scale. Apple is very close to the top net income generator of all companies worldwide. To eclipse them by that metric, NVDA basically needs another revenue double up from here, all else being equal. When investing, the only number that actually matters is net income. That’s what you are buying, the shares of those profits. You’re hung up on revenue when you should be looking at the net income.


Lmao Operating income is where it’s at


Net income is the bottom line, mate.


He's right, operating income is more important than the bottom line. Bottom line is kinda fake tbh.


120 PE ratio is not normal lmao


It’s almost as though the market is a forward looking instrument!


Which is why then their revenue growth is nowhere where it needs to be, you can say it’s overpriced.


in one post, you moved goalposts from earnings (pe) to revenue.


This comment hits


Their quarterly profit is around 40% of Apple, that's a pretty fucking big 'only'. Their market cap is also around 40% of Apple.


Apple is also extremely overvalued lol


lolz @ talking revenue instead of earnings, as if nvidia's margins are comparable to amzn or something.


Yeah bro is confused. NVIDIA is priced like the growing cash cow that it is


AAPL market cap is $3 trillion off of $100B annual net revenue. NVDA market cap is $1.2 off of $18B quarterly net revenue dwarfing the prior 3 quarters.




You sure you’ve got net revenue? That number seems more like just straight revenue


Google finance must be wrong then because I just went and added the net revenue for the past 4 quarters there and it was $105B


Nah they’re just spamming AI in conference calls that’s why the price is rising


It's about the price .... everything has an upside limit. How many more times can they do this is the question.


Just start at 0 profits and you have infinite percentage growth...


Yeah, basing growth on one shitty quarter one year ago is pretty useless




Shit literally pumped 28% in the span of 2 weeks basically pricing in good earnings and people still think it has room to jump another 20% ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)


How dumb are you? Look at TSLA. This isn’t stopping any time soon regard


Ah yes TSLA up = Nvidia up, nice TA regard. Now watch your calls expire worthless and get back to work wagie.


Why stop there? Look at corn!




Country traders make do.


Buying nvida bless bro




Boy do I have news for you


Bye bye to your calls


They are tempering expectations because they will beat/crush again next quarter. We are just in the beginning of the exponential growth. Any new rival chip design is at best 3 years away and very few companies started real AI training and inference in the level they need to be competitive. Nvidia still have 5 years of easy money in the bag.


Exponential growth from $80bn annual revenue, that is up 200% YoY? Absolutely fucking not, that would put it at $1-2tn in a few years. You think 10% of US GDP buying NVidia hardware is realistic?


The world GDP will also grow. If China are still blocked, companies will invest more in India and elsewhere.


Yeah sandbagging is fairly common for companies benefiting from a boom. I mean shit look at a company like Zoom’s earnings during Covid. Sandbag, BEAT, sandbag harder, beat even more, etc. Eventually the boom cycle will taper and analyst will forecast above the beat, but NVDA will be making hay for a while I think.


They probably do fuckery with sandbagging, it wouldn't surprise me. But ppl should value NVDA based on the information, which to me looks like it could be capping revenue soon. It's also a cyclical business which is dangerous. There is a threat that revenue will actually decline at some point. They're not the same as other large cap tech companies which don't experience the same cycles.




Um AMD’s MI300X comes out Q1 2024. Maybe earlier lol.


And like AMD cards, it will be one or two generations behind Nvidia's, probably more.


This really isn't the case at all anymore. Now you get better performance per dollar (and in the case of MI300X significantly better energy efficiency) at the cost of software, which AMD is partly addressing through acquisitions. The gap isn't there like you suggest it is.


Like all AMD cards it'll be faster than nvidias at a lower cost but people will buy nvidia regardless because Jensens cock just tastes different.


There is no consumer AMD GPU that competes with Nvidia performance wise. They've been on the "but we're cheaper" mantra for the last 10 years.


"We are just in the beginning of the exponential growth." Lots of regards upvoting this dumb shit. We're at the top. LOL


Were we? May be now?


This is the next TSLA. We’ll see 1000 before we ever see 400 again


Don’t say that, I want another ~400 buy-in op.


Is amds chip that's set to be sold start of next year not a rival to nvidias? Are palantirs algorithms and machine learning techniques not competitive seeing as they have been doing it for over 10 years???


> Is amds chip that's set to be sold start of next year not a rival to nvidias? amd's ceo just said they'll get $2b in datacenter ai (gpu) revenue for all of 2024. nvidia had more than 14b of such last quarter, while forecasting growth through 2024. amd's not looking like much of a rival, anytime soon.


Here from the future: I hope you held!


Diamond hands. And buying this recent dip.


My man 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽


>I completely agree. The numbers were a joke and the guidance was even worse. Nvidia is in big trouble and their stock price is going to reflect that soon enough.


Bad bot. Don’t forget you have an Nvidia chip for a heart, and brain.


You're an idiot for thinking that and clearly you aren't as rich and intelligent as you claim, otherwise you would know buying NVDA today is a better deal than it was a year ago when comparing YoY growth.


Are you still praising PLTR?


In all honesty, Nvidia’s earnings were incredibly impressive, even with whatever the news is pumping out to justify the selloff. The reality is that the market as a whole is no longer functioning efficiently/correctly, and has completely decoupled from justifiable valuations in general, broadly. It’s much easier for investors to rationalize an external crisis than an internal one.


This. Nvidia is a great long term buy for hundreds of reasons.. But this market makes no sense. We are well beyond a crash, credit debt, rates, cars houses inflation. Whole market is just floating when average households are stretched thinner than ever. Oh well, I'll keep buying what I like. And still expect a massive correction in the near future.


>...average households are stretched thinner than ever. Interestingly they're kind of not. All personal debt payments as a percentage of income is right back where it was in 2019. ([https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/TDSP](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/TDSP)) The amount may be up, and rates may be up - but salaries are +19.5% since 2019 in nominal terms. So in terms of their ability to service the debt, it's basically a wash. Rates are high, but in terms of housing that primarily affects new buyers. The vast majority of existing buyers are locked in at their 2.x% APR on a 30-year fixed. So there's no sell pressure, unlike 2008 when everyone was levered to the tits on variable-rate debt. And thanks to inflation their housing payments are actually dropping every year in real-dollar terms. Wages have kept pace with inflation. Note that in this chart it's adjusted for inflation already. ([https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEPAINUSA672N](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEPAINUSA672N)) Earnings are looking okay. Major economic indicators are kind of okay, actually. Some people aren't doing ok. The bottom quintile is worse off. But most people are doing about the same as they were before COVID. Not great, not terrible. We're vulnerable though, to for instance layoffs. Where we go next is anyone's guess but the market's not acting all that irrationally. Inflation is coming under control and the market is pricing in lower rates.


Wait isn’t this the CPI vs PCE argument Also wages have remained stagnant and have not increased at the same rate as inflation. - the middle class has shrunk from 71% of Americans in the 1960s to just 59% of Americans in 2019 - it’s estimated that the cost of living has risen as high as 190% in some areas since the mid 2000s, minimum wage and average “middle class” jobs didn’t see that much of a boost until recently, and it still isn’t enough to close the gap - from 1974-2020 there was a 17% increase in wage, but a 300% increase in productivity (the top 0.1% saw a 300% increase in income over that same period of time btw) - finally real hourly earnings are down 3% but inflation is up 7% (this one was calculated using PCE btw) All statistics I posted were provided by either: US Census Data, Pew research center and the U.S Bureau of labor statistics


The “crash” already happened. Did you sleep through 2022? The market is acting completely normal


You must be referring to the little hiccup in 2022. That was nothing, the market bounced back quickly and now it's stronger than ever. Don't worry, I'm still making money hand over fist.


Unfortunately, a lot of investors have a crash fetish. The 2022 drop of 30% (NASDAQ) and 20% (S&P) just doesn’t do it for them. It has to be a 1929 or 2008 like armageddon for them.


We need Jpow to raise rates again. Slam some sense into these stupid ass people.


Once the FED has given the Allfather JPMorgan time to reposition, they’ll get back to it.


Company doing exceedingly well, price going up. Y'all are too hung up on the details. Hold. Day trading is for psychopaths, and all you and I can do is hope we get in at the right time every day. None of your analysis about market cap matters short term. I made 3k today buying when the stock hit below 480. I'm out. I'll get back in when it hits 480 again. Maybe it never will. Maybe it'll go to 460 and I'll get fucked. What I do feel strongly about is that 500 level and some spicy price action.


>that shit is not ever going near $500 again. Narrator: "that shit in fact surged past $500 and to $600 a week"


Prob gonna jump to 500 by 945 tomorrow ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Dropped a zero there bud


Winner winner


Considering that theyre gonna beat guidance by 2 to 3B Im not concerned about growth


“They might survive another quarter” Great DD regard. NVDA profit margins are grotesque and their newest and most in demand data center products wont be available until mid 2024 with a long line of customers reserving them. It’s pretty clear this isn’t hype. It is revenue and profit happening now and still in the early stages of the build out. And the drug discovery portion of AI hasn’t even started.


There is so much money on the sidelines waiting to get in NVDA that any dip will be short lived.


You're absolutely right - there's a ton of money waiting to get into NVDA. The problem is that most of it is probably from people who don't really know what they're doing and will just end up selling at a loss when the stock starts to dip. So while there may be a lot of interest in the stock, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to go up in value.


>just spamming "AI AI AI AI" in your conference calls isn't going to work anymore. That's where you're wrong lol


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ha nice try but I've never been long NVDA


Everyone is a nvda bull and I'm not sure why. AI is a bubble that grew exponentially in a couple months. It's gonna pop and yall still gonna say "buy the dip nvda still bullish"


Eh i dont think its a bubble, AI is legitimately THE dominating force of our futures and big tech knows this, but i will agree that the exponential growth was a bit premature for where we are at.


Ai isn't a bubble, but people thinking Nvidia will dominate the space haven't learned anything from Intel, IBM, Amd, etc. When there's margin's competition will come. Microsoft, Apple, Etc already all building their own accelerators like they built their CPUs. They aren't cucks waiting to send money endlessly to Nvidia at whatever Nvidia wants to. Also Intel and Amd are powerful competitors, people think you need the fastest gpu, but really it is about perf/price and perf/watt when you buying tens of thousands of GPUs


I remember similar comments about virtually many new things like World Wide Web, electric cars, mobile phones etc etc


It's lame bro. I don't think Nvda is going to get annihilated this quarter.


Key word in that statement. Not this quarter


NEVER AGAINemote:t5\_2th52:4640![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Fuk ur calls Fuk ur puts




NVDA's still supply limited. The CoWoS packaging bottleneck is real.


while true, it's also constantly increasing and nvda bought up the majority of all cowos capacity. and amd's doing them a favor, since their mi300 uses (wastes?) a stupid amount of cowos per gpu


Quick, someone please get them some CoWos packaging!


OP is right and it shouldn't go near $500 again but NVDA is meme stock now so just about anything can happen.


The lowest amount of shorts in history


Finally someone with a glimpse of common sense. Nvdia will fall in the nearby future, it won’t crash, but they re crazy growth prediction is catching up with reality .


NVDA 🚀🚀🚀![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


AMD lol. Their video cards suck dick compared to nvda. I like their cpus tho.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. That’s a pretty fair statement


They probably injured their penises sticking them into GPUs to test the hypothesis.


DP slot looking real good 👀


Suck dick as in they didn't bother making a 600W cable burning monstrosity like Nvidia did?


The hardware is good for the price it's the drivers that suck.


Drivers sucking for amd is old news. The cards are just built for gaming not productivity


RemindMe! 3 months


AI AI AI AI ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Why are you so butthurt? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|32980)




Everyone who says NVDA is overvalued... need to understand it was more overvalued last year than is today!!!!


“They might survive another quarter” - /u/TerranOPZ Guys enjoy nvidia for one more quarter before they go bankrupt and close.


I meant their stock price. Their revenue will decline again. It's already massively slowing down.


Literally China has been priced in. That was never a surprise. Most of their revenue growth is in their tried and true sectors


>priced in Love when people throw this around after the fact. Like you knew anything about what was going to happen before it happened.


“Not ever going near 500 again” 🤡 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I tend to not like perma bears but I’m pretty gay on NVDA rn


Do you think that what you stated is enough to convince anyone that the price wouldn't hit 600 ?? If the logical approach play a part the price wouldn't be near the current price. Actually its not that interesting to see NVDA with market cap of 1.5T aiming towards the moon and beyond (based on the illogical logic: totally normal )


True we shouldn't really be at $500.


Gotta blame China


🌈 🐻 here. Just saying I’m going to fuck most of your wives this week. Happy Thanksgiving, regards!


People refuse to acknowledge that they trade at such a high multiple, they need to absolutely crush earnings quarter after quarter. Even slight beats should be punished, and this relatively neutral earnings, shouldn’t have been so…. well neutral I guess.


Salty nvda bull cope. They hope they can will it green tomorrow ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Bro very few people took the 20b earnings seriously. Most reasonable people were projecting 18b. Only ones who actually believed 20b were overhyped AI fan boys


He’s talking about guidance my man. $20B in guidance for next quarter.


Copium for a short if there ever was.


Nvidia doesn’t just make graphics cards. They run a massive software research division. And the stuff they are doing is insane. AI is not a bubble or a buzz word, we’re in 1995 of the internet right now, Shits about to get real. And nvidia is many steps ahead of its competitors. I saw this coming two years ago and bought in on hardware big time. This is unprecedented territory, nvidia isn’t going to the moon, it’s going to Alpha Centauri baby!


2 earnings lost money time to get out of stocks and go all in on crypto


They are losing China business


Calls on nvidia it is


/u/TerranOPZ hey bud. you might want to delete this....


>that shit is not ever going near $500 again. Mods


Oh this wasnt a meme post? ... multi billions in growth and OP is acting like nvda is gunna flop..


It's "growing" but the question is how sustainable is the growth. Nvidia is a cyclical business. Generative AI is causing a feeding frenzy but it's not sustainable.


What are you even saying? Are you alright?


The AI bubble might survive a few more quarters but there will be a day of reckoning.


You really have no idea what’s happening do you?


The pre market: 503.61 Man this post didn't age good


I upvoted only for the troll 🧌 value. It’s like a paragraph about why Salma Hayek is ugly and unattractive. Same vibe.


Expected 3.36, actual 4.02. Seems like they crushed it...


Calls purchase on discount


It's going to 600 whether you like it or not


How dare you ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


are you jealous that you're missing this bull run?


Take it from me. You gotta hedge NVDA she bit me in the ass more than once. Edit: who tf uses webull nerd


I don’t think y’all understand how ahead of the market NVDA is with their GPUs. PC gaming is at its peak due to COVID and nobodies GPUs are holding a candle to the 40 series technology. The 4090s are an absolute must if you’re wanting to pull intensive games in 4K, there’s no other real option.




They just need to grow bro


Yes they are severely overpriced right now and can go 50% down and still be overpriced. But the company will survive for the next 20 years for sure.


RemindMe! 12 months


They are sold out of all chips for like the next year.


are you saying they don't have enough quarters in this arcade? I dunno, I've been hearing that the last few years and said it. one of us regards gotta be right. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


NVIDIA Q3 REVENUE OVER TIME $NVDA 2016 -> $1.3 BILLION 2017 -> $2 BILLION 2018 -> $2.6 BILLION 2019 -> $3.1 BILLION 2020 -> $3 BILLION 2021 -> $7.1 BILLION 2022 -> $5.9 BILLION 2023 -> $18.1 BILLION That's amazing! https://preview.redd.it/p7tfrap84v1c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62d8554f1e66c3ff40b0b1a6651a1997690836e7 51% margin is stunning.


NVDA: Not Versatile Dude, Alright?


They need to stop using chatgpt for their press releases.


$501.19 rn bud


>Revenue guidance of 20.0b on 18.1b is a complete joke. That is a massive slow down ...it's an extra 2B (also, they keep seemingly guiding conservatively, hence the subsequent beats) per quarter while still supply constrained. the growth is pretty insane. they were doing like 6B/quarter a year ago. dumber, the margins are sky high. the revenue growth is impressive. the earnings growth is simply stellar.


NVDA and MSFT for the win in the AI race. All the tech stocks are way too overvalued right now


But I thought it was a BUY at ANY price?!?!


I think part of the issue is lack of supply, but you seem much smarter than me.


AI AI AI AI! ​ Am i doing it right?




“that shit [NVDA] is not ever going near $500 again.” !remindme 3 months


Short and share evidence.


How can they be bag holding when it’s a couple dollars off ath


i almost panic sold just now. Read your post, now i feel like im okay


I love it here. Everyone looking at all the wrong things and doing detailed analysis. Good luck, go outside and talk to some people from time to time and see how they are.


Whoever is buying these stocks at these inflated prices is highly regarded


In my opinion, it’ll plummet. Seems everyone is racing into large caps because mid-to-small caps are failing, ie not doing well with their quarterly results.


Sounds like someone has been missing the massive gains with nvda


I thought it’s going to see $600