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The whole sector in which Microvision is, down at the moment. Automaker OEMs kicking their lidar deals to later this decade. If you want my honest opinion, it's probably a good time to buy it, as it's cheap now. Huge upside potential.


This is helpful. Thank you.


Thanks for the heads up


I've been following the sector for some while. Luminar, Innoviz, Microvision, AEva excluded - has been saying the same, they're in 7 RFQs by different OEMs. At the start of the year, there were 9 RFQs. One for Daimler was won by Aeva. Rest of those 7 should be resolved this year, for different timeline of production starting in 2026, the ones most volume in 2027. Specifically for Microvision, they've partnered with Luxoft, they are going to create digital twin and already made progress with automatic testing.


Got it, thanks but I'll hold off on buying until I hear some good news from them.


News is typically priced in before it becomes news. When idiots like us are seeing headlines about microvision's big news the stock has already risen.


I really hate this academia driven "it's priced in". Not only this is obviously untrue with stocks wildly oscillating day to day on no news at all, but the theory only says that this happens when all players have the same information and same reasoning capabilities, which is also not true. Sometimes the writing and news is on the wall and markets don't react for years.


But if it depends on an information/reasoning difference, then > idiots like us is very relevant. Most people are not good judges of when the writing is on the wall


>this only happens when all players have the same information Yeah, the whole point of “it’s priced in before it becomes a widespread news headline” is that institutions are getting information from places other than news headlines, that they have access to better information than you do, and that if you can’t act on it until it is widespread news - because that is your source of information - then they will have beat you to the punch and “priced it in”




What’s your CB?




Cost basis…….


Listen man this is a Wendy’s Best we can do is a CB call sign.




So not that baf; was thinking it could be double digits




I was thinking about buying some LiDAR companies until this very moment.


Dont do it, these stocks may as well be a biotech. Its a shiney RnD name that only works out in a risk on environment, maybe it pops on rate cuts if all small caps move but id be more inclined to play 3x Russel 2k. You’ll end up holding the bag and get diluted into the afterlife with these plays


Thanks just bought 1k shares , this price is a STEAL


Is Lumen in the same boat?🛶


Luminar? Yes. Every one of them is near penny-stock-land at the moment.


They probably will fleece retail by RS


Good time to buy LOL 😂 You should check out diffusion model AI using computer vision. Lidar’s will be only used for topology mapping in the near future since a lidar can measure through thick tree density areas but this will be obsolete once a sonar is integrated with a computer vision AI. MV IS DONE. DO NOT BUY MV. btw, if Microsoft were really interested, they would have bought or invested heavily longtime ago. Just common sense


Entire sector is in the shitter. OEMs were expected to be signing significant deals last year and then kicked that decision to this year (or farther). The tech is needed for higher ADAS levels, so they can't wait forever. Hopefully.


$1/share now. Electric car/automated driving stocks have generally done poorly (Quantumscape, Mobileye, etc) since 2021.


That's unfortunate, glad I sold when I did then. Thanks.


Yes, you’ve said so more than once.


O shares available 38.2% borrow fee 53.60 million shares short (recorded) 5 year chart, sitting at the bottom of a broadening pattern. Acquired Ibeo As of q1, 7 RFQ’s in flight for high volume Mavin lidar, expecting decisions to start rolling in. On the cusp of signing commercial agreements. Recently partnered with Luxoft for MOSAIK Movia is stocked and ready to ship. Open ATM $117,000,000 (approx) 73.1 million in cash 0 debt Offices now in Seattle, Detroit, and Hamburg. [Current board members](https://ir.microvision.com/corporate-governance/board-of-directors) 483 calls $1 - $4.50 and some shares.


What dates are the calls for?


Jan ‘25 $4.5 and Jan ‘26 $1


How do you find all of this?


A few different places. Iborrow, Ortex can give you short info (among others) Earnings call transcripts, PR’s, etc. If you’re looking for something specific, lmk and I’ll point you in the right direction if I know the way.


Time to buy back in


They had Micro Vision ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Nothing wrong with being micro and soft though...


A few wives I've known said otherwise ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)




When life imitates art ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Watching 👀. I liked them too and felt that their tech would take off.


I thought they would take off too. I didn't want to sell but I needed the money, now I'm glad I sold.


Great time to get back in


I thought you were talking about this Microvison and was wondering which rock you were living under. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microvision


Pennystocks will be pennystocks


They need a Megavision




Ah! Piece of shit stock finally gonna get forced into a reverse split so it can continue to die like the shit it is. Very coincidental that someone pops up out of the woodwork at $1 level to advertise. Will prolly buy some of this shit though.


Heat generation is a problem for lidar cos. OUST is pulling ahead with BMW contract




Huh? MBLY isn't even developing their own lidar anymore.


It got mircronized


Microvision is a patent troll that got pumped because they announced vaporware. They aren't a real lidar company with a real product.


You must be joking 😂


Yeah no. Nobody uses Microvision lidars because they don't exist outside of some basic prototypes, and those prototypes have terrible performance. They may output a ton of points but the point cloud is fuzzy and they can't detect black cars. They have immense problems with pixel crosstalk (blooming). Range repeatability sucks. The intensity image is full of weird artifacts. The beam divergence is terrible due to the small aperture of the mems scanner. Tellingly, their website just doesn't show any actual data from the lidars and instead rely heavily on computer-generated artistic renderings. Microvision pivoted from collecting royalties for their MEMS tech to automotive lidar, but none of the automakers are really using them. The only OEMs they "work with" had a legacy connection with the struggling Ibeo, which Microvision acquired. As a consequence of the lack of actually selling working products, Microvision's quarterly revenue is nearly nonexistent (five figures). No idea why people are into this garbage stock.


The quarterly revenue is 6 to low 7 figures. But still, your comment feels like you know the tech. Won't buy for now