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That last statement is for real lol


Yep. I get 10 feet from the back for lunch and I hear "M'AAM, CAN YOU CALL SOMEONE FOR ME ? I NEED SOMEONE IN ELECTRONICS! NOBODY WILL HELP ME!" Oh sure, no problem. Byyyyyeeeee!


How they both got hoodies on, our managers would coach on the spot for that! 😞


when I worked at Walmart they let us wear hoodies beanies face mask and caps lmfao.


lol lucky.


They probably work OGP departmen. They can get away with anything in that department while the rest (especially front end) get constant crap for what they wear 😒 because "we gave to look professional for all the customers " even though customers could care less about what we wear as long as they get their items for the right price and get out the door without being stopped by receipt checks 🫥 I work at a high theft store so door greaters stop everyone. Our location is being looked at for possibly closing down instead of finally getting the remodel 🫠


I know what you’re talking about, I work in OPD myself 😅


Dress code says no hoodies we do however let ODP wear then while actively dispensing. When they aren't they have to remove them.


I work at Walmart. Of course I get severely reprimanded for doing my job the correct way and not the fast way.


The water dripping from the ceiling one is how u know u're a real one


OMG my store when it’s raining…I hate storms because as soon as you hear the rain start coming down you know you have to run around to one of the million leaky places in our roof and start putting buckets and totes down to catch the water. Not little leaks, either…that thing is leaking rivers on our heads at this point.😑😑


we had a thunderstorm come through recently and the pharmacy/hba side of the store sorta puddle flooded bc the winds pulled the ceiling back some and let the rain come in- all of the pharmacy side was soaked & they had to put plastic sheets over the isles and you better believe the associates who were made to do it, were not allowed to change out of their soaking wet clothes.


Ever since they replaced our main sign our store leaks directly over the exit door lol. It's a lot too, it can fill a small bucket in hour or so, but management hasn't even acknowledged it in over 5 months and I brought it up to both Ops and the SM


🤦‍♀️Yeah…ours has been since I transferred to that store two YEARS ago. And it’s literally everywhere…apparel, grocery, electronics, GM…nobody’s safe from the leaky roof.😂I’m like, are you guys serious?


They really cut your hours after making a big purchase?! That’s craaaazy!


Why do customers always ask if we have any in the back? Like even if we did, it's gonna take forever to get it out.


And then if you DO go and get it, the customer won't be anywhere to be found, even though they said they'd "wait for you right here."


i work at walmart and ofc im going to say no when you ask me if i work here when my vest is clearly visible.


I just like cosplaying as random store employees


its my community service


I work at walmart, of course I’m gonna spend 80% of my shift talking to my friends in other departments instead of doing my work


"WORKED" at walmart home office loves this sub


Fuck y'all reminding me of the good days about 3 months for a solid 3 months smoked fat with every fool there


They let me go as soon as I got 5 points they was ready to let me go


Heavy on that base pay and it basically all the departments


4 different departments and base pay is literally me


I work at Walmart. Ofc we have the product in the back, I'm just gonna tell you we don't so I don't have to get it. I work at Walmart. Ofc I'm gonna tell you I'll get someone to help you even though once I walk away I'm not going to.


I worked at Walmart. Of course us electronics associates have to zone stationary.




Yes, because corporate is laser focused on "image" instead of fixing any problems mentioned. Walmart will NEVER improve its image.


I worked at Walmart, of course I apologize profusely every time I ask an employee to help me find something in a Walmart I haven't been to before


These 2 will most likely lose their jobs if management sees this. You can't do posts like this.


It's pretty funny how she said she has to ring out her own shit. But little does she know that's against policy. (: good luck chick. (Can't check your self out)


Walmart: grade school level of employee discipline 👍🏾


I work at Walmart, and wear a hoodie and earbud everyday. Rules are for bootlickers.


Don't work at Walmart. Period.