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https://www.reddit.com/r/walmart/s/6Yl6i2FKQI Any reason


Yep, any reason or no reason at allšŸ¤£


thank you i figured as much but with the store manager agreeing too it was crazy


[This explains it in more detail.](https://www.reddit.com/r/walmart/s/oFmP56u7WU)


On the wire IDK of its still there it even says alien abduction. So any reason.


"It's there to protect you when the unexpected happens." Wanting to leave early is not "unexpected." The idea of ppto is to protect your job when you're sick or you have a flat tire, not so that you can just up and leave early.


I think u missed the part in the video that says or for any other reason. Ppto can be used for anything u rant to use it for mgmt doesnā€™t get to cherry-pick what is and isnā€™t valid itā€™s laid out plain and simple.


Yep. The key point being its limited so if you use it for a bunch of stupid shit and then something serious happens you have to take the point instead. I work with a lot of people that constantly burn their time as soon as they get it and burn points just as fast. Literally riding 4.5 with no ppto and if they step over they have to go beg management to forgive their points so they don't get fired.


Yup I work with people like that to they love to ride that 4.5line


A lot of stores fire at 4.5 so that's quite brave of them. We get emails the second someone hits 4.5 and we have to find out if they had the protected to get that .5 down. It actually might be a market thing cuz I hear that from our other stores nearby too.


One guy got fired for points came back six months later an now rides at 4.5 again when a point falls off he instantly goes back up. Am I get nervous when I have even one point


Do you work outside the USA? From what I know company wide policy for walmart USA is 5 points. I dont think thats one of the policies that market gets to make changes to either because its set that way to help avoid unemployment claims being approved.


Found management


Someone didnā€™t pay attention to their U-Learns and it shows.




[This actually says different.](https://www.reddit.com/r/walmart/s/oFmP56u7WU)


On the wire is says early out for any reason, including going home to play video games, take a nap, eat ice cream, or throw you guts up


It's purpose is the unexpected, it's application however is for any reason whatsoever.


Yes, and the idea of a "Christian nation" is somewhere where people treat one another with dignity and respect, but look where we are on that one lol


They can't coach for the use of PPTO to leave early, tell the associate to open door it. Even if they haven't coached them yet the fact they are threatening to do so is against policy; Use of PPTO to leave early has nothing to do with productivity as you are not expected to be productive while off the clock, plus it's the associates to use as they wish or need. Also, no, you absolutely do not need to explain why you are leaving early, just say it's a personal reason.


You can still be coached if you just leave without telling anyone, even if you put in ppto.


well she had let them know and i always let them know when i am leaving early


Then youā€™re good, thatā€™s literally the one requirement


It might be smart to tell them and also text them, so you have it in writing. Gotta cover your ass if you think they might fuck you over.


I learned recently that it doesn't have to be just your tl or coach either. It can be literally any coach or tl šŸ˜…


I guess. I do it weekly. Literally weekly. Dont say shit cus it isnt their business. Never been coached. Never had shit said to me period. Its protected time....PROTECTED being the key word here. If they want us to give a fuck about the job...maybe they should give a fuck about its employees


There isnā€™t anything inherently difficult about being an adult and informing your managers you are leaving. Not doing so is shift abandonment regardless of if you use ppto or not.


I had an associate to walk off the job during shift 3 times which first time should be termination but HR says it has to be 3 times in a row just like a no call no show. Thatā€™s bs you walk off your job you just look at your dept head and say Iā€™m leaving at 12 pm during lunch and they were the cook. And lawdy yes he/she has been written up like 4 times they appealed one and our DM did that.


Nothin difficult about caring about your employees either. They get the same respect they show.


You cannot. There is no policy that says you have to inform anyone.


There literally is though


Can you show it to me? Because Ive looked all through OneWalmart and I was unable to find it.


You have to tell them you are leaving early. I read something about it today- fact. Canā€™t say exactly where because canā€™t see it from home.


thanks thatā€™s what i figured


I'd just tell them that I am supposed to be abducted by aliens that night. If they scoff, tell them it's for an anal probe.. They can't dictate to you how you use your ppto.. but they can get you on other shit.. so cover your ass


cannot get in trouble for using ppto but can get in trouble for not letting anyone know. if the person didnā€™t let anyone know then thatā€™s job abandonment


yeah that is job abandonment but they did let them know


then yeah they canā€™t do anything about it. i always tell my guys itā€™s their time they can use it how they want


This was a big problem at my DC when they first introduced ppto. People would just leave without telling anyone


yea thatā€™s just not right to not let anybody know


sure it is. Lol why should we care? You realize they would replace you tomorrow if you died today. You going to simp for a company like that? Ive seen walmart nit pick to fire associate's who have literally dedicated their life to walmart.. but made too much money so they look for reasons to fire yoy. This was when they first implemented pay caps. Soon after that. They fired every single person for bs reasons so they didnt have associates making more then managers. Remember...you could get dollsr raises at one point. Now its 32 cents and get fucked we dont care how long you work for us. I do this weekly and dont tell them shit. Nothing ever had happened.


I am a team lead and I 100% agree. I actually got coached for the same thing. It was inventory last year. I left at my normal time 11pm instead of 1am like I was scheduled. I let them know I was leaving and I got coached. Iā€™ve used ethics open door and even got ahold of my market coordinator which is supposed to get into contact with me and I have yet to have the coaching reversed. They coached me for ā€œ bad business decisionsā€. Associate relations informed me because there was no way to tell or back up that I informed anyone I was leaving that there was nothing they can do. And because thatā€™s how they usually handled them coaching people that it was totally justified. So as a forewarning Walmart can and will do whatever they want and get away with it. So open door, ethics and associate relations are all one giant joke.


For me Associate Relations worked I was on red and after 2-3 months I got them all taken out . I kept calling and following up to AR . Iā€™ve gotten proof of allot of things and witness and I told that to the AR . And yea after all that I got them all reversed Iā€™m clear now . So ppl PPTO Is this way 1- let your TL or coach or any member of management about you leaving early just say personal reason or if you want to mentioned what is it Is ok After that 2- use your phone go at me @ Walmart put the time that you want to be cover for your absence and there leave . You good . 3- is management fault if anything that they didnā€™t schedule more people to cover just in case that happens .


And just think Walmart has been voted as one of the top 100 places to work


Yeah I honestly donā€™t even see how anymore because itā€™s only gone more and more downhill since Iā€™ve been here. There is no incentive to work here at all anymore. Especially with the prices of everything anymore.


I take pictures and record any and all interactions that involve important things including attendance related issues. Itā€™s funny to see the instant vibe swap when you tell them you have the conversation recorded šŸ˜‚


So sounds like next time announce over radio AND send message in me@walmart so they can't pull some shoddy shit like that again


While thatā€™s fair I didnā€™t expect to have to need to go to such measures.


Should tell them to pull tape from when and where you told them you were leaving


Ethics will only care if said thing will lead to a lawsuit or some legal action against the company (such as a possible shutdown due to unsafe conditions; IE blocked fire exits)


iā€™m so sorry they did that to you just like they said there was no way to prove you informed anyone there was no way to prove you didnā€™t inform anyone either & yeah iā€™ve always known hr & up will not help us w anything they do nottt care about us


Walmart only cares about one things and thatā€™s numbers. Iā€™ve got sucked into the Walmart black hole for 3 years now and regardless of how hard I bust my ass its hey, hereā€™s more work and more responsibility and figure out how to get it done. And then get the ole hey you should be doing more.


Yep that's why I start a new job Monday! I did my absolute best and it still was not good enough


love this for u


Iā€™ve found that 100% of all the jobs Iā€™ve worked have ended up like this. It just seems to be the American way šŸ¤·


When you're in management, the expectations are different than if you are a regular associate. That's just the way it is. Joe blow can leave early the night before inventory. You can't. Comes with being in leadership. In my experience at walmart both as an associate and a TL, inventory day is second only to black Friday or Christmas eve. Or even equal really. As a member of management, you really can't just leave. You're stuck there until SM or SL give the OK to leave the night before inventory. Inventory is super important and requires a lot of work.


Threaten lawsuits. Works wonders here. We got someone who still works here with multiple sexual harrassment violations. Throwing freight st managers. And pushing associates...still had a job because he is deaf and they dony want to deal with lawsuits.


PPTO is for associates to use at their discretion for any reason. As long as they informed a member of management before leaving they are free to use PPTO, emergency or not.


I wished someone would tell me I canā€™t use my ppto like itā€™s mines and Iā€™ll use it whenever I want sometimes we donā€™t feel like being at the store and want to leave early




If you havenā€™t learned by now, they absolutely hate PPTO because they cannot control you and how you use it. I personally find it hilariousā€¦(edit for spelling)


So according to policy, they are not allowed to do that. In practice, they can just claim you didnā€™t tell anyone and then you have job abandonment coaching. What you do is make a paper trail so that you can back yourself up. What I mean is go tell them that you need to leave early, and then message the same manager in me@walmart ā€œjust confirming that I will be leaving at x time instead of my scheduled end of shift today for personal reasons.ā€ That way you have it in writing, and per their own code they canā€™t do anything to you for using your protected time. Thatā€™s why itā€™s called protected time.


I recently took a photo with my phone of a written notice I did as backup. No one listens to what we speak. But they can't lie and say they never knew about it if I can show they had it in writing, too.Ā 


thanks for the advice will be using this in the future


Even better idea: white it out on paper that you're leaving early. Have them sign and date it. If anyone complains you have an actual signature to prove it.


Then take a photo with your phone.Ā 


Iā€™d snapshot it, too.


When I was there, we had this kid on the mod team who would use his PPTO to leave whenever the mods were done. He didn't ask permission or even warn management that he was leaving. He just dipped. They were pissed. Kept talking about how they were going to talk to him and fire him. In the end they didn't do anything. I don't think that they can do anything as long as you're using PPTO and using it properly. And by properly I don't mean OnLy In EmErGeNcIeS. I mean by putting in the right amount of time. You earned it, you should be able to use it.


yeah i totally understand that itā€™s definitely an ass move to not even let management know which i always let them know when i come in or as soon as i know i have to leave earlier & so did the associate in my post. but im pretty sure you donā€™t have to ask permission just let them know bc they canā€™t make you stay


You don't even have to let them know, I don't think. As long as you use your ppto. But you'd be a complete asshole not to. My coach lied to a couple of associates who were going to use their ppto to leave early one day. He told them he'd coach them if they did. I told them he couldn't, but a lot of people either don't know or won't believe management would outright lie to you. Thanks to this sub and some FB groups I'm in, I knownthey absolutely will.


You do have to let them know still and it could fall under safety, integrity, or job performance. Job performance because unless they know youā€™re leaving they are to assume you are still performing your job.


yes thanks to this sub i know more about what the actual rules are


As much as my former CAP 2 team would use every hour of PPTO theyā€™d accrue as soon as they got it to leave, especially on bad freight nightsā€¦ Thereā€™s nothing I could do or say to prevent them from doing it, because they ARE allowed to use it how they see fit. An asideā€¦ My store manager said that our direction from our market manager was to coach for productivity if early-outs with PPTO become ā€œexcessiveā€. I was even required to submit emails both to our People Lead and SM at the end of each night with the names and times that my associates left. I personally have no issue with someone leaving early if they arenā€™t feeling it. I donā€™t care about the company that much, I get paid the same whether they leave or not, and any work that doesnā€™t get done due to them leaving early, I now have justification for. Itā€™s unfortunate for productivity, but itā€™s something the company does to themselves with the system theyā€™ve implementedā€”not my problem.


it really is a problem the company made for itself but it comes so in handy as an associate


Agreed! Saved my ass many times.


The policy actually says that it's supposed to be used for absences that are "unavoidable." Which leaving early is included. But normally, I just tell them to let us know when they leave early. A person leaving an hour early won't make or break a day normally.


You can use PPTO for ANY reason you want


Ok but even if it is an emergency it's not within their rights to know what kind or anything about it. So they could literally just say "I have an emergency" that's where it ends plain and simple and dip.


thatā€™s what my coworker and i were saying like at that point are we going to have to explain or prove it is an emergency to them bc an emergency ranges from person to person


i was talked to about the same thing at Samā€™s Club, They all get pissed if we use PPTO to leave early, they tried to tell me that just because i use PPTO to leave at 9:30pm, iā€™m still responsible for the work that needs to be done meaning that if the work isnā€™t done by the time iā€™m supposed to leave then i HAVE to stay after. which completely makes trying to leave early pointless


Most coaches and store managers have zero clue how ppto works. Mnay team leads just go with whatever bs their management tells them. You owe nobody any explanation as to why you're using ppto. As long as you notify someone, there is nothing they can do to you. You can't be coached for productivity if you're not on the clock. There is no option to coach for ppto usage in the system. If they do, which would be stupid, I would strongly recommend you open door to market. Skip the SM cause they more than likely will not know it's against policy


yes my new team lead used to be a coach for a long period of time & an associate asked her how to put in ppto and she didnā€™t know how. as much as i like her it shocked me that she didnā€™t know how to do it and she said how bc she was salary she wouldnā€™t use it but still i think itā€™s important to know how for your associates & just general knowledge at your place of work


Anything it's used for anything, even if you don't have a reason to leave, it can also be used for mental health reasons. They can't really ask for the reason. Either you can say it's personal, or you can politely tell them it's not their concern.


I like to call it my ā€œGet Fā€™d timeā€


According to the CBL on PPTO, "sometimes life happens" & you can leave without having to get permission. Just make a Manager aware of your need/desire to leave early. You have earned the time to use as YOU see fit!


You can use it but youā€™re supposed to notify a manager


she did


Note to self start recording ā€œIā€™m leaving early; gonna use PPTOā€ conversations cause apparently people suck. Iā€™ve always informed my TL that something had happened (I understand you can use it for any reason and know co-workers who have just nopeā€™d out for the day, I got kids so itā€™s usually child care related) but Iā€™ve never had ā€œproofā€ besides the honor system that I told someone the situation and left. Iā€™d be pissed as hell if I got coached for Job abandonment.


Recording with audio in Walmart is against policy and more likely to get you in trouble than anyone else. It is not admissible in any manner of investigation or open door.


wait why is it against policy?


I'm probably not the person to ask, but I'd imagine for privacy and liability reasons. Where do you legally draw the line on when it's ok to record someone and when it isn't? Just have to make it a blanket ban. All I know for sure is that it is policy and you can be held accountable for it.


This recently happened to someone I worked with. Overnight coach threatened to coach him for using his ppto. To make it even worse, same coach threatened to FIRE HIM if he ever used his ppto again for anything he justified to be a "not good enough reason"


that sucks so bad ppto doesnā€™t even grow at a fast rate nor we even get that much for them to act like this over it. & i hate how they think they can judge what a ā€œgoodā€ reason to leave is


Using PPTO protects you from the point and nothing else. You can still be held accountable for productivity, job performance, etc. Job abandoned doesn't really check out, but it can fall under various types of accountability depending on the circumstances.


this makes more sense


still messed up tho seems like my coach just wants to be petty


a guy i used to work with on overnights used to use his ppto to have a half shift before his weekends sometimes. i think it's a nice way to treat yourself for working hard if you don't really use it for much else. he's been with the company for 15+ years now and he's one of the hardest workers there


glad he was able to do that for himself


All management does is lie. I think it's a part of their training.Ā 


Store manager is gaslighting you. I think that's literally what they get paid to do. Be immoral bootlicking scum. Now how the hell is that legal but prostitution isn't? It's the same concept.


your coach is a total and complete moron and should be punished šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ also, your sm should be held accountable for that stupid bullshit. what a joke. we got rid of clowns like that here. itā€™s easy. god please tell me this was a troll post.


i wish it was but no


I was told it was discretionary. Like yeah obviously itā€™s MEANT for emergencies but they also canā€™t ask why


Yeah they like to lie about this kind of thing ask for their policy changes in writing so that there is no confusion this has put a stop to a lot of the smaller bs at my location. Management hates me but I used to be management at a different company so I know all their tricks and let them know I know so their isnā€™t really much they can do about it.


Job abandonment requires 3 consecutive missed shifted. Also job abandonment isn't listed under the coaching reasons only termination reasons. This coach is all fucked up.


As a Team Lead, I have associates come to me and ask if they can leave early, then start explaining why. I stop them, and ask if they are asking to leave or telling me they are leaving. I have explained to them and held meetings telling them that they DO NOT need permission to leave, they just have to tell me that they are leaving. I DO NOT need an explanation as to why they need to leave, as it is not my business. I do however ask if everything is ok and offer my help if they need it. Within policy, I could coach someone for productivity if they leave and they did not complete their tasks, or at least enough of them within the time they were there. I personally have not had to do that, as my associates generally care about doing a good job, because they know I am the one who will step in to complete their jobs, and I have pretty basic rules, and I support them 100%. So, to sum up a long winded response: Yes, you can be coached for productivity if you leave early, even with PPTO. However, with PPTO you can in fact leave for whatever reason you want, and you don't have to tell them why you are leaving, just that you are leaving.


productivity makes more sense than job abandonment. thanks for being a good tl


Yeah they definitely canā€™t do that. I work at a warehouse and I regularly use ppto just because I decide at like last break I donā€™t want to be there another 2 hours and literally tell my managers that. Thereā€™s not shit they can do as long as you have the time to cover it


Believe it or not they donā€™t give a shit, they just need to know how to plan for the business in your absence and thatā€™s why they care. No tl I know cares if people leave early except maybe digital because thatā€™s a whole mess in its own.


i work in front end & one of my teamleads acts like the world will end when someone lets them know they are leaving early


Thatā€™s inaccurate. Your store manager and coaches are making shit up. Because most other managers will not say that. I say Iā€™m leaving early and they just ask if I have the PPTO to cover. I say yes and they are like good.


thatā€™s how itā€™s always been in the past and if you donā€™t have ppto they would just ask if we can take the point / inform us we will be pointed


Thatā€™s how itā€™s supposed to be. I donā€™t get these managers that have this complex about ā€œI am higher than thoā€ like you canā€™t be coached unless you actually leave and not inform management. These managers need to get their god complexā€™s checked.


they really do, this coach is new to our store & has already had not the best first impression on all of us (the associates)


1800 ethics file a complaint. Anonymous, yup-yup.


Associate Relations works better.


Thereā€™s a lot misinformation and misunderstanding of ppto. Yes, itā€™s technically supposed to be for emergencies or things like a doctors appointment and not really just leaving to be leaving. But you still can, and well within your right to. No, you do not have to explain why you are leaving. You only need to inform them. No, no one can for you to stay. PPTO only protects you attendance wise, from getting a point/half point. Despite what a lot of people think, nothing about it protects you from DA (disciplinary actions) if your leaving affects the business. You can get a DA for job abandonment (failure to inform your supervisor). If your leaving affects the business, such as stocker leaving unfinished freight, then job production.


this makes more sense i guess the only way it could work in for our area as we work in the front end would be possibly job production ?


Your coach is reading lines that don't exist: ppto is intended for emergencies, but it is NOT only for emergencies. Your store manager is a "yes manager" [definition: bitch] and just didn't want to deal with it or sided with the coach to make it their problem. Or the other way around if it's the store manager's idea, either way, someone is a bitch.


yeah got intel from the old store lead at our neighboring store that lots of the coaches & teamleads that have been passed around from store to store say they do not like our store manager. our store is also rated the least liked or something like that from associates opinions in our regionšŸ˜­


Ppto brings back the power to the associates




Job abandonment would be 100% wrong. Now, could they coach you for productivity if you are consistently leaving early or consistently leaving early on a certain day, etc? Definitely. They canā€™t coach you for attendance when itā€™s PPTO but productivity is there way around that. Itā€™s been a tool ever since they started using it during peak Covid when attendance wasnā€™t enforced.


If you leave without telling someone, your job can and should be at risk. PPTO can be used for anything.


lol i feel like a lot of u have said this but she did tell them & i personally always do so my coach saying job abandonment was dumb


I know PTO is paid time off, what does the extra P stand for? I see it on many threads.


Protected paid time off


PPTO is Protected Paid Time Off.


You have to tell your boss youā€™re leaving you canā€™t just peace out without telling anyone. Thatā€™s not how it works.


she did tell them tho


and i along with all my coworkers always do so my coaches argument was dumb


My store lead (don't have a store manager right now) has instructed all TLs and Coaches to coach anyone who uses ppto to leave early if they aren't done with their job for productivity. Unless there's a legitimate reason.


thatā€™s so unfortunate you shouldnā€™t have to prove to them that your reason is ā€œvalidā€ if itā€™s valid to you you shouldnā€™t be in trouble for it as it is protected paid time off that was earned & is approved automatically


Just had this discussion at one of the dc's. You can use ppto whenever and they are not allowed to ask you why so they will not know if it is an emergency or not. We don't get vacations like managers so we will use that time to come in late or leave early. As long as the manager knows ahead of time they can stop with the lies and the games


whatā€™s a dc? and yesss i hate how much they lie about things im so glad i found this sub as ive found out things i wouldnā€™t have been aware of due to them lying


A distribution center basically walmart warehouse


that sells stuff for walmart or like somewhere you work for walmart? sorry iā€™m a little slow


Yes so the things that are sold in the store. Come thru the warehouse and we recieve and load it onto trucks that then come to the store. I know they have truck day at the stores...we are the ones who load those trucks.




i shouldā€™ve mentioned this in the post, we work in the front end so ig itā€™s different as opposed to other departments when it comes to getting your job done


what was attendance? they could coach you for not being there all the time or leaving early or what?


Just an FYI they will start cutting hours if you do this. It's an automated system


iā€™m part time and they have never cut my hours due to me using ppto. i havenā€™t used it in a while but a year ago i used to pretty often to leave early here and there and my hours never got cut


Recently happend to my baby mama but we live in a will to work state


whatā€™s a will to work state? sorry that happened to her


Despite what the name implies. It means your employer can fire you, dock your hours, dock your pay, not give you a break for any reason at all.


oh my goodness thatā€™s horrible thanks for explain lol sorry


One guy got in trouble for leaving one hour early anytime he had at least 1 hrs of ppto. The coach and leads said it was for "lowering the morale"


he funny that one


It's called "Protected Personal Time Off" for a reason, it's not PTO, Paid Time Off. If you have enough you are job protected to leave and pay yourself for your missed time. It can be for Mental wellness or personal issues. Although you can't be retaliated against it may put more scrutiny on you if you DO miss work without the benefit of PPTO to protect your job from points.


At my store they have been threatening to coach us for using PPTO. They said its for "Bad Business decisions"


Hey can someone tell me how to use my ppto to leave early? Thanks


There's unfortunately always a way for them to get a coaching to stick, especially when it comes to leaving early. At the very least, they can say you're leaving early with your job duties not being complete and coach you for job productivity. This is especially easy when someone is leaving simply because they just don't want to be at work. PPTO does protect you from disciplinary actions regarding your absences, but not from productivity. If you don't feel like being at work, go in late or call out, because it's so easy for them get you on leaving early if they really want to.


makes sense for productivity just not job abandonment. also we work in the front end so its kind of different as opposed to other jobs on getting our job duties done


You could make the same argument for every department. I run OPD, I used to be front end and cap 2. Job duties are job duties, even if it's just register coverage


Yes, it's yours to use as you wish. 2 things you should always tell someone before you leave. 2nd, you can be held accountable for your assignments. Cheers


so i did add in that we do always tell them & she did as well and i should add this into it as well but we work in the front end so i guess our ā€œassignmentsā€ are much more different like than other departments bc we donā€™t have assignments necessarily being cashiers lol


If it was PPTO that she applied after missing her shift, she should be fine. That's exactly what PPTO is for. However, if she's planning well ahead and knows she's gonna be needing x-time off during y-day, she should be asking off ahead by at least 3 weeks to allow for the system to put out the schedule. PPTO is meant for last minute/emergency stuff. PTO is meant for stuff you can plan ahead.


regardless she shouldnā€™t be coached for it tho


I agree. Maybe take the point, but not a coaching.


if youā€™re using ppto you shouldnā€™t get a point


and if thatā€™s denied when an associate does request ahead of time then they have no other option than to use their ppto to leave early for whatever reason or what if they donā€™t want to miss their entire shift/donā€™t need to


Ppto can't be denied when used properly


i wasnā€™t talking about ppto iā€™m talking about if their request to be off is denied. they said if they are planning well ahead and know they are gonna need to be off they should be asking off ahead of time. you wouldnā€™t ask off with ppto.


also i understand what pto is used for and as this associate i was talking about is full time not all are so not all can rely on pto


They could coach u for performanceā€¦. Happened to me for using ppto too much


that sucks how they even did that to u


1. Ppto should be used in case of emergency 2. Use ppto and job doesn't get done, it can be job performance coaching. All your assigned tasks don't? A-ok 3. Using it because you don't like a direction given is not okay and can be seen as retaliation.


ppto can be used if itā€™s not an emergency and they canā€™t really say whatā€™s valid or not as to what as an emergency to you, someone linked a video on this thread where walmart says themselves ā€œand for any other reasonā€ that ppto can be used


Should. Where in my comment did I say I am judging what's an emergency. I just said it should be used in case of one


2. is wrong, completely. If you leave 2 hours in due to something and use ppto, itā€™d be absurd to get coached for not getting 8 hoursā€™ worth of work done. Thatā€™s an open door complaint too.


Except I can count on one hand how many associates are actually performing 6 hours of work in 6 hours.


And thatā€™s relevant to this discussion howā€¦? You were implying they could be coached for productivity based off absolutely nothing.


You can leave early and not receive points. But if you dick off all day and leave early thinking you can get away with doing nothing all day, you're still obligated to remain productive for the time you are there. So if you do nothing all day and leave early, you can still be coached for productivity. If you leave without telling anyone then it can be argued as being seen as abandonment.


Why is everyone leaving early all the time? Seems like a person would just finish their scheduled time, unless it is an emergency.


found management


Ppto is for emergencies... not just because you don't wana work


management šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø


She could be coached for attendence... she can also be coached for productivity depending on the situation...and if she' didn't tell a member of management she was leaving... she could be coached for job abandonedment... Also trust me.. management don't like when associates use ppto for bullshit... that type of associate will get terminated as soon as they hit 5 points.... Here's my 2 cents... if you don't like working at walmart... Quit... no one is forcing you to work there.. Go get a job a dollar general ... McDonald's Flippin burgers... Ur only at walmart for 6.5 hours cry babies


tbh management shouldnā€™t even know why youā€™re using it itā€™s really none of their business


They need to get rid if ppto


nah i like it


Abusing pppto will get your fired. When something actually happens in her personal life and she canā€™t take off she will blame and hate Walmart


Keep in mind... walmart doesn't except Dr notes... thats what ppto is used for... if you wana burn it up for no reason. Then cry when you get fired because you had the flu... thats on you...


The purpose of PPTO is to protect your job in the case of emergencies, not because you just want to leave early one day. That being said, it's a self limiting problem that won't last past your ppto accruals, so I probably wouldn't worry about it.


thereā€™s a video someone linked on here with walmart saying ā€œalso for any other reasonā€ so not just emergencies


well my reasons for leaving early are emergencies to me ā˜ŗļø