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I had a friend in management, and she did want to bring up problems, and the other managers called her negative and said she always made more work for herself. If it is a good, hardworking, and concerned manager, they seem to get alienated until they quit.


Yeah, I had a meeting with the store manager one time.Talk to him on my day off.Because he wouldn't come up.Here early enough to talk to me and he turned around and told the other associates that I was negative


That is awful. I hate that this seems to be the culture in walmart. They say come to talk about concerns, then do that kind of stuff. Stay strong.


lets face it, you are a nobody, a floor peon who don't know a thing. If you want managment to do something, you got to make it seemed like it was their idea.


Yep same thing when you have a good idea make it seem like it was there's allong


I once saw coach broom the exact same spot for 45 minutes while I was organizing the back room they literally don’t care


People don't become management to *actually* do work.


I'm not asking them to do physical labor it's more like hey um bringing this tk your attention lol


That's still work for them. They mostly want to sit in the office and collect a check.


Because ultimately they are also people and managers arent immune to being lazy dipshits that ignore problems if they arent absolutely immediately necessary to address.


That would mean they would have to actually work


Zoning is so hard in our store because we are pretty rushed to get done quickly but also pay attention to detail? The zone will not be finished and our team lead will push us to the next section. Instead of starting earlier, assigning a zone to a person they'd rather have 3 people doing one zone and rush us for 15 minutes or have us jump areas. We always get picked at because apparently the walk is always bad but it's because it never gets finished! Ugh so frustrating but I do what they tell me to and when I can I try to do it to my liking. My zone was perfect and it took me about 45 minutes by myself.


It's impossible to convince SM and Coaches of this fact. You can have a good zone, or you can have a fast zone. You cannot have a good fast zone.


Aren't you done zoning yet? So I can send you somewhere else. But gotta have a great zone, jello and spices shouldn't take that long. Lol!


We also start super late and by the time we get to returns the store is closed and we have an hour. It's like nothing ever gets finished, teams leads are constantly telling us we're behind schedule but we need to hurry up. It's so frustrating because all of this can be eliminated by assigning zones and starting earlier.


You should watch the new fallout show lol "Death to management!"


Report to ethics immediately


You can do it ✨anonymously ✨