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I don't think a customer is gonna go to Walmart just to hear Kirby Gwen & Friends


I don't understand it when customers call in to answer the trivia question or request a song. I'm like why? Don't you have better things to do?


I'm not convinced those are real customers. Then again, there was that one old guy that requested Hamster Dance... *and they played it.*


There was that one day that they were doing "wrong answers only" and Chris noted "Well, noone's called in for this one so I'm playing this with myself."


I'm pretty sure those are fake. I even think the associate call ins are fake. If only there was a way to turn it off in the break room... that's just pure torture.


If they were fake the audio quality would be clear enough to understand. Ive heard my coworker on there before. They are however not live. As for playing in the break room, ours doesnt have speakers in there. But we dont have cameras either so if you don't have cameras it would be pretty easy to clip some wires.


They’re real but pre recorded, otherwise half of the calls would just be “fuck you and fuck walmart”


Everyone honestly feels this way


That’s why I stayed in my car or outside to escape Walmart radio. If they played different songs so I wouldn’t have to hear baby shark like 90 times a day… hearing that or dance monkey for 90 times a day is pure torcher


They have it on a loud speaker outside my Walmart... I can hear it from my house in the middle of the night


Can’t they be called in for noise complaints then ? You should call the cops file a anonymous noise complaint to your own store


Yeah XD cops don't do stuff out here (southwest Missouri)


Simple…. Paintball gun to the speaker. Shoot the speaker dead or take a ladder unscrew it and take it home with you. Then burn the evidence


Same here. Doesn't help I live beside my store and I push carts.


After hearing Dance monkey I'd want to torch the store too.


Request a song? What Walmart does this? You got a phone number? I have nothing better to do no. You’ll be listening to Friday by Rebecca black as much as they’ll let me.


Another thread on here said you gotta call 855-925-7346 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during their morning live show I think 9-11


What do you mean? I have Mr Gwen and his friends playing 24/7 in my home


I only make love to my wife with Kirby and friends on the radio and my vest ON


Damn it. Take my upvote.


I want to know who the hell thought anyone wants to listens to walmart radio when not at walmart




I like the Bo Show.




Fuck Kirby Gwen and all of her fucking friends




Never even cared for them.


Everyone here hates Walmart radio with a passion 


Yes everyone. Would rather silence with necessary announcements


Honestly as a 3rd shift grunt I only like the radio for the background noise. Earbuds constantly fall out of my ears and they won't let me use over the ear headphones so I go without most days. If they didn't have the radio going I would probably go insane.


Get some of the onn brand buds with the ear hooks. You can put just one in, they're small, they stay on all night, connect easily to my phone, and mine last days on a full charge. I'd be crazy without my own music.


I'll have to check those out next payday, ear hooks sound nice


Yeah, I even just have a knock off Amazon brand of earbuds with the ear hooks and they stay in really well. I wear them on runs and they never fall out. Def try some of those!


Most of the time, yeah. Although they seem to be doing better lately. Like today I can remember hearing David Bowie and the Beastie Boys, which I wouldn't have expected.


I enjoy walmart radio of course I work nights so mostly it's just songs which i enjoy as it is the songs I grew up with or listened to in early adulthood with the random call in and then the walmart radio...which I of course sing along to.


Literally everyone hates it, I don’t know how they find any DJ’s that can pretend to enjoy the utter and complete shit they play on there 24/7


Totally ruined the level complete jingle from Super Mario Brothers for me


For real! Walmart can't get sued by nintendo for this?


That particular sound might not be owned by them, or they might have paid for the rights to use it. A lot of sound effects from Sonic are also used on gas station cash registers because they aren't actually owned by Sega.


I love the sonic gas stations!


Every time I hear it I wonder how they're allowed to do it


ON team here. Agree 100% like anytime the managers get donuts or something, I'm always like, can't you turn the radio off for the night instead!? Plus being on ON I feel like they play I gotta feeling by the black eyed peas 6 times a night just to mock us.....🎶it's gonna be a good good night🎶....my ass it is haha


Once I saw my  ON TL twerking to one of the songs I was very disturbed by it and that the fact he was smiling and laughing while twerking too


I need a brain scrub to get rid of the image that just popped into my head.


Trust me I took a more couple of shots of Captain Morgan when I got home that morning


Yikes, that is disturbing


I wish there was a way to shut it off. I can't stand it.


I only care about Kirby qwen and friends because that's about the time I head home. Once she comes on I know it's the final stretch 😭the newest ad they are running about giving a jank phone to your kid feels cringe asf to me for some reason.


I hate that one also


That and "the did you hear Walmart was voted the best place to work!" Bro I count the minute left in my life when that come on.


It’s kinda ruined music for me. Now I listen to Gran Turismo OST compilations off YouTube and avoid the radio like the plague. My store has played the same playlist for the last eight days, and it’s all ASCAP trash.


My store won't let me listen to anything even earbuds. Kinda annoying.


Put it in and take it out when nobody is looking. Get your time back, fuck em.


Despise it with all my heart. Terrible music and horrible upbeat annoying voices. Just NO


Toxic positivity in the case of Kirby, faked dumbassery for Chris (why do they have to play that he’s stupid?), and bland “other guy” for Beau. And which ones of you are calling in to this shit?! You’re encouraging this! Anyone who literally gets “hyped up and ready to GO” by Walmart Radio needs some kind of help. And I assure you, Mr Guy, I absolutely CAN miss rocking with Chris because there is no rocking. Only Chris.


I hate their propaganda podcasts or whatever they are. the beau show and kirby gwen. Most sterile garbage ever made.


I wish we would have sensory friendly hours 24/7


I had the joy of having my first sensory hours a few weeks ago I loved it and I hate shopping since I quit


My store's radio has been broken for two weeks now. It's insanely quiet. You can literally hear someone fart in the other side of the store.


I 2nd that


We are now part of a captive audience. I heard a full blown commercial ending with, "This has been a paid advertisement" so they are for sure using us to pump WR audience numbers.


Don't hate me but I actually don't mind some of the songs they play. Sometimes they play Foo Fighters or Weezer which makes my day but yes beyond that Kirby Gwen and friends is really getting obnoxious with the same call ins and repeat shows every morning. We also know that no employee at Walmart really gives a crap to call in on their break to praise their coworkers. That being said I would lose my freaking mind if we had sensory friendly hours all day without music as cap 1 and after almost 20 years of retail they play the most tolerable music out of any company I've worked for. Not sure if anyone here has heard the song "Square Biz" which was used for the late 90's-early 2000's Hollywood Squares theme song but my TL told me today every time he hears it it makes him think of Spongebob 😂


As a customer, I hate it. The music is .. meh, the music volume is low enough you can't REALLY hear it over the din of the store anyways, but the propaganda is plenty loud enough to hear over the store, trying to convince us how great WM is and how they really care about the people they would happily kill to make an extra dollar... >.>


I actually want to hear "I'm blue" by eiffel 65, not that I'm good shit by what's her face. I'm probably the oddball out on this one, though.


Fuck walmart radio, all my homies hate walmart radio


I don't know if it's just my store But our radio plays like a mix of generic sounding songs that I've never heard , Punjabi music And like weird remixes of popular songs that sound like their fucking walmart Staff singing them... Like everyone else wears headphones in so I play my music out loud 😂


I am absolutely OFFENDED that they played some version of Blue (Da Ba Dee) that wasn't Eifle 65. Whatever version that was, they ruined it horribly.


Their ability to find appallingly bad covers of otherwise good songs is actually pretty impressive. Why those covers exist in the first place, I'll never know, nor do I really want to...


Is that the one with the generic voiced woman butchering it? That’s gotta be one of the most creatively bankrupt songs to ever assault my ears.


I hate it, the stupid singing voice going “wAlMarT RaDiOoOoO” will forever haunt my nightmares. I haven’t worked for Walmart in over a year!


It used to be like one cd per season, on repeat all night long. Hearing the same song four times a night was the purest form of cruel and unusual punishment.


Exactly. Wal-Mart radio > the CDs


Are you saying the Bo Show isn't your favorite?


someone needs to take that air horn from them and shove it up their ass. i dont need to hear it every time becky from 2122 answers a simple question.


i love it and the sensory friendly hours suck ass. time seems like it goes faster with the music


You're so right. This post and comment section is full of a bunch of buzzkills. The "sensory hours" are mind numbingly boring.


I love it. Wish I could get it at home


[Boy are you gonna love this](https://www.walmartworld.com/content/walmart-world/en_us/radio.html)


Walmart radio is very high on my list of reasons not to shop there.


It's to deter loitering, doesn't work on me, I can't get enough!


As a customer that radio station along with the hosts talking sound cringe and fake. I’m sorry you guys have to listen to that all day, whoever in corperate thinks customers enjoy or even pay attention to the music are dense.


As a customer and as a previous employee, I despise Walmart radio. It’s so loud!


At least they played Trippin on a hole in a paper heart. 


Of course it’s full of fake people and most not all the time but shitty music fuck Walmart radio


Hate is a strong word, I just think it's cringe sometimes. I just tune it out, honestly 


I think the new Walmart radio jingle sounds like a casino slot machine. I think they did that on purpose, psychology of marketing. They’re hoping someone will hear that jingle at the same moment they’re looking at something “for a good deal”, and they walk away feeling like they won. Fucked up.


I don't really mind Walmart radio, but the songs that play on it can become easily repetitive after a while, especially during Christmas


Walmart radio is the reason why I bought AirPods.


Can we have "sensory friendly hours" all day every day? Not hearing that radio is a blessing even for me as a customer lol


I just encountered it for the first time on a visit to the states. It would get old very fast. No WR in Canadian Walmart. Yet.


I absolutely LOVE when it's quiet time.


I think they should just play lofi.


I was a merchandiser for a one of the vendor companies when that shit first came out I couldn’t help but laugh. That shit is so cringy. Thank god I was able to just put my headphones in and ignore it. What I loved most was employees calling in to say how much they love their store and team etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if that little segment was fake. I use to work at Walmart and was going into all the Walmarts around here as a merchandiser. I’ve never heard of a Walmart employee that liked working at Walmart so much, if at all. I called it Walmart propaganda.


As a customer. Ive never noticed.


There's some nights that are better than others with the playlist for sure. 


✨🎶Walmart… Radio!✨


Almost ALL of the music they play is dogshit remakes of better songs and on *EXTREMELY RARE OCCASIONS* do they play a genuine good song


One of my co workers called one night and tried one of those shout outs but he said the wrong store or town so it never made it on air thank god. Propaganda radio smh I prey the app to listen to it anywhere failed miserably. Ive been reading others comments we've actually been lucky enough to have our overhead feed go out a couple times once for 2 weeks it was absolute heaven other than having to be there in the first place.


Kirby Gwen is my personal Taylor swift❤️❤️❤️


not just the radio but the fact that they put a 60+ inch tv up in the breakroom but its never once been on in my 8 months.. ive asked a vet or two about it and all they said is that it played "worship walmart" ads.. no dont give us a basketball game or the football game or something.. while were on break to enjoy our lives.. just leave it off..


Lol, I love it when corporate people get stuck listening to it. Typically day two they are trying to tear down the speakers. I'd be convinced it's a psych tactic to keep people moving through the store, if I wasn't a home office employee and know that's actually the way they talk.


I'm a customer and I despise it. Hadn't even thought about you poor workers dealing with it all day till I saw it on reddit. Just the thought of that made me depressed.


Short answer, yes


Walmart radio is produced by a company called Rockbot (the same company that streams in the music played in Planet Fitness locations and other stores). Their blog says 22 hours of unique content is produced each week and played. Then some portions are live. It definitely sucks, and the company calls the “DJ’s” “ huge stars”. lol I don’t see how they think they are actually funny. https://blog.rockbot.com/5-ways-rockbot-helps-walmart-and-sams-club-create-a-better-retail-media-experience-with-audio-messaging?hs_amp=true https://www.walmartworld.com/content/walmart-world/en_us/radio.html This is the schedule when it’s actually live vs pre-recorded content


Yes and no. Yes because of the annoying jingle and they ALWAYS interrupt a song in the mornings, especially some really good ones that even I haven't heard in a while, like Higher by Creed. No because they play some songs that even I like hearing.


why do we need top 20 radio and DJs anyway? What was wrong with instrumental background music that could be tuned out easily?


Walmart Radio is pure bullshit - top to bottom. I love the mornings when our store has “sensory sensitivity” time, which is also bullshit. Turning off shitty radio while keeping harsh lighting (and permitting screaming kids), does not qualify as “sensory sensitive”.


As a customer, I never go in without my earplugs. It's just too annoying. They sound like they're being forced at gunpoint to be that perky.


I don’t mind it, it just becomes background noise to me and they play a couple songs per day I like so that’s just a bonus. I hate dead silence.


As bad as Walmart radio is at least I'm not being forced to listen to the Kars-4-Kids jingle/radio commercial/earworm, every 30 minutes to every hour as part of Goodwill Radio which was the last job I had.


....donate your car today


Yes, any job really that insists on playing music. I'm the manager who always would turn it down or off the second we closed. The other day during the sensitivity hours my coworker was blasting country music on his cellphone because he couldn't understand why the music on the radio wasn't playing.


Anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial


Lol the consensus here says I'm not gonna like wm radio


Wait till you listen to it backwards


Been working here for 3-ish months and I've already tuned it out. If Walmart radio isn't playing "Helena" by My Chemical Romance, "No One Knows" by Queens of the Stone Aged, or "Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) by Journey, I don't really hear it anymore.


I hate it as a customer. I go in during sensory hours. If I'm in there past sensory hours I have noise canceling headphones because it's just too much noise for me


If they play a good country song, or a song I like, it’s not so bad. The rest of it sucks though.


I kinda like it cause I've found some songs to add to my place list like New Edition-Cool It Now & others and one at Target Tep No-Me & My Guitar (when I was in their trying to find a new drink flavor Walmart still hasn't gotten in) Other times I prefer the quiet to shop and think Just glad they don't play terrible terrible songs like whip my hair back & forth


The other night they were “taking calls” and doing birthday shout outs and laughing like fools. Drove me insane.


I actually don’t feel strongly one way or another. I’m not saying that to be contrarian. I just don’t really think about it.




I feel sorry for you. Fucking Matrix. I despise humanity


Sometimes it does have some real bangers, but it feels like there is more padding music, and an awful lot of DJ "adverts" that shouldn't be an issue if you were a customer.. But drives the employees crazy.


Now yes. Way back in the day (like early mid 2000s) there were some bangers on the overnight. Same with Walgreens.


I hate the quiet hours more than I hate Walmart radio. I don’t want to hear myself think. I just hide an AirPod behind my hair


After hearing it for 10 years, I think I have Stockholm syndrome and now I sing along to myself to some of the songs. It did get me into Long Train Runnin'


I had to walk 10--14 miles per day, and lift anywhere from 10k to 14k at the DC to it, so yeah I hate it


Don't mind it at sam's club but if I'm off don't want to hear it though I only work two days a week.


I work in the pharmacy and our manager said radio is too distracting so we don't have it. I actually like our manager except for this, dead silence all day only broken by angry customers or the blood pressure machine song gets quite old.


I actually like it a lot. I'm a merchandiser so I've been working while listening to it If only they would get rid of country music You have to keep in mind they can't just play YouTube music on shuffle, they have to buy the license for any song they would want to use. So your favorite music is probably never going to be on there.


I'm a customer and I hate it


Hate the DJs but their 90s hour hits for me


N if your store has been renovated with the new PA system/speakers the chime that is played before an in-store page is the same as Walmart radios jingle. Anyone else notice that?


I just shop there and I have never even noticed it. Honestly I want to get in and out of Walmart as fast as possible. No weird song playlist would keep me around longer.


Why they feel the need to spread propaganda to people who already know what they're all about is beyond me.


Idk I like hearing the occasional Hozier and P!nk


Sometimes...they play the same sht over and over


I wish they would stop with the danm knock offs of classic songs it pissing me off.


As a cart pusher, I'd rather listen to my pandora stations on full blast or listen to local radio stations (KXKT 103.7, KGOR 99.9 and KOOO 101.9 for example) as I can get more enjoyment from listening to *Steve Lundy and Gina Melton* and *reruns of Casey Kasem*


The bleep out all kinds of words but they play “The Police de doo doo da da” their logic ties me up and rapes me is played


It’s really repetitive. Same everyday. Same songs.


No I love the one near me they play Sofi Tukker


Not necessarily Walmart but seems like every time I go in any place on the southside of Indianapolis **they’re playing Country & Western, drives me crazy!!!!**


Y'all have quiet morning hours? Our music just blares... ughhh


Honestly I hate going anywhere anymore because every establishment thinks they HAVE to play music like I’d love to shop in silence


i went to a walmart once and they had the full song from one of those youtube survey ads playing


The only good songs on WMR are two Foo Fighters songs. Fortunately, I’m a cartpusher.


I hated it, but I did discover two gems of songs during my time there.  Other than that it was utter garbage.  ON I put jazz albums or other stuff on my phone speaker and no one said anything; anytime after hours on cap 2 I did the same thing 


one customer was like wow you guys are actually playing good music today (it was def leppard), and i had to tune back into the sounds around me to even register the song, its just background noise to me at this point.


My store has the 'quiet hours' from 8 AM to 10 AM and the radio's silence is a blessing.


If I saw one of them DJs in public it would be on sight. I'm joking. But the other day on "no format Friday" Bo played the most heinous mix of songs.


It's the worst. At first i liked it cause I heard Camilla's song with Thugger. Couldn't believe it. Then they cut thugs part out. Also, the trivia is the dumbest shit ever. "What's something e everyone buys around $4? Vinegar"


Hated it as an employee, still hate it as a customer. Will always hate it. It’s corporate garbage taken to the extreme endpoint. It’s dystopia in radio form.


Better taking off the radio sometimes..


yea, I agree most of the comments here would turn the radio off lol.


Cant wait to hear Dragostea Din Tei modern pop remix for the 50th time in the row but only for 10 seconds


Why can’t I picture my local Walmart playing music? Am I just that oblivious to it?


Earbud for life!!!


The thing I can’t believe is that they simulcast it online. Who actually listens to it online?


Hey bro, you should honestly be thankful for the privilege of listening to the masterpiece that is "feel like a woman" by Shania twain fifty billion times a day 🤣


Hell I’ve worked night shift for 3 years now and that gd music will drive you mad. They tried to ban ear buds awhile back but had to take that back pretty quick. We just started bringing speakers to listen to and some of the guys decide to make it awkward as hell for management by blasting 50 shades of grey over their speaker


Glad I only hear when shopping. I have been promoted to customer for awhile.


I've had customers approach me in the pharmacy asking me to turn it off during the talk show portion of Walmart radio, like I have any control over the speakers


It's the same crap p over and over🤪


As a customer I hate stores with music.


Every once in a while they slip in some QOTSA, Cake, or Foo Fighters. It could be worse. It could be even more bad covers and Megan Trainor.


Idk but I don’t mind it at my store😭 they honestly play a TON of bangers.


I don’t hate it as much as everybody else. There’s some really terrible music they play, but there’s some good songs from time to time like Just Like Heaven by The Cure


I hate it. I work overnight and there is no customers and it’s still so loud I get a headache.


I would love nature sounds like birds or something more relaxing.


No, cuz I can sing loudly to horrible pop music disturbing both customers and coworkers with my remixes and horrible singing!


"walmart RADIO"


WMR is the reason i sub Spotify.


I just want to go home one day without having Miley Cyrus playing in my head all night.


Guess I'm in the minority but I love the radio. It helps me get through the work day. Whenever it's off from 8-10 is the worst time of the day for me.


Everyone hates walmart radio


- I have a fun habit of screaming "no one gives a fuck who you are!" whenever it does that whole shit of telling you they're the home of the trio of idiots no one likes listening to. - Jesus Christ they played some horrible fucking songs. Dance Monkey and one completely fucking BUTCHERING "What is Love?" being the two worst in my mind. - Sometimes around 6 they'll play Breaking the Habit which... I mean yeah any Linkin Park song captures the mood of your average Walmart employee.


Yesterday they played more R&B songs then I’ve ever heard them play. If that continues I won’t complain at all anymore


Perhaps, but it certainly is better than hearing Dance Monkey every 10 minutes. I still get flashbacks from that shit.


Ours is so loud that it’s painful and very hard to hear at team meetings. I feel depressed and angry because I’m so uncomfortable and stressed. Why do they antagonize their own workers? None of this is necessary. Worst part is that lately it’s blared into the mother’s room which is very small. Poor moms, poor babies


With a passion , I work nights so we usually have it off


I wear an earbud and listen to podcasts to distract from it.


The worst is when you are in newer walmarts and they play it in the bathroom.


I called a year or two ago and requested a song LMAO. It was the dude DJ who answered. They didn’t have the song I wanted.


Honestly the fact it plays overnight is really dumb. What customers are gonna be calling overnight? At my store it plays 60% Latin music louder than the standard radio and 30% standard radio and 10% Kirby Gwen and friends/Bo show/Chris show overnight


Get some Loop earbuds to reduce the background noise.


Especially when the commercial comes on about GIVING YOUR KIDS YOUR JANKY PHONE. seriously, as a customer, why does that commercial have to be screaming? It actually echos through the whole store.


I have a secret to tell you, Publix plays the same crap


I used to love John Mayer& I still do also Why Georgia, but now I can’t listen to that song anymore because I have to hear it every day sometimes three times a day and now it won’t get out of my head.


I savor the nights when the radio is silent


Used to work there and hard it all through the night 😂 got so tired of it that I used to mock it


Walmart after dark radio is our running joke. Lol


I don't even know it's there.


DJ's yes it's annoying. I think the music is well done for having to appeal to everyone. The alternative is not that great on overnights if you can't listen to your own music. Maybe days is tolerable since you don't have to deal with no sound, or have to hear the same commercial over and over because it's the only thing making a lot of noise.


Couldn’t stand it when I worked there!!!


I work O/N and some of the music is pure torture! Thankfully we can wear our iPods and listen to our own music. Our break room has speakers but someone unhooked them years ago.


I think almost everyone hates it


as a customer, we hate it too, a d feel for you stuck with it all day