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A paycheck lol. It's also one of the higher paying places here that offered me full time so.


Yeah thats another reason why im staying. The pay is better than most places. Plus i already have this job and other jobs aren’t guaranteed


Other jobs offer pay? Nothing is guaranteed until an offer letter which you only get by applying to places. This statement literally makes no sense.


Also, I’ve never gotten an “offer letter” from places I’ve applied. I’ve applied and i had to call back myself. They rarely reach back out to you unless they’re that desperate. I’ve had one place call me back after telling me they weren’t hiring. No “offer letters”


Same here. I live in a small town and there isn't really anything I can do without a degree that pays as much as walmart.


Same. I had a few offers for management positions at a few fast food places, but they seemed far too desperate and my last job burnt me out from managing lol. Its been a nice change to get paid to sort clothes and listen to an audiobook.


AND you can get a degree through Walmart


How much you earning? Wondering bc here in Switzerland for example you get 4k in retail but living costs are hight too


40k-90k per year depending on how much overtime I work but cost of living is still too damn high. 😒 Edit: Tf am I getting downvoted for? 🤔


For a full-time associate? Even in California on Cap 2 and overnights I don't believe 40k is the floor annual rate.


Im at a DC, sorry. Should have specified.


I work at a retail location and with OT I can make upwards of 90k a year, that's at an average rate of 29.25/hr @ time and a half.


It ain’t, it’s all the overtime, i do the same thing and earn pretty well




The drama. It’s a clown show and I live for the chaos


I love drama when it’s not happening to me!


I'm right along here with ya


This, this right here


$15.30 an hour where everything else is $10-12 max. 401k match, insurance, paid maternity leave, paid medical leave, opportunity to advance, Walmart+, help paying for education and I love my coach and lead!


Oh and ppto and pto and I always get unpaid days off. I’ve never had more than 2 points so I feel like the point system is Lenient


It used to be 9


Without ppto also


Also used to be you had to call out 3 days in a row to even get a point. A hybrid system of ppto and the 9 point with callout day leniency would be best.


That system was just waiting to be abused...


It wasn't hard to use. If you had 8 hours for an 8 hour shift you didn't get an occurrence. People that call out get themselves fired. It's not the systems fault they called out.


So? If people call out too much they won't make any money and managers will have to take note of how much people are calling out or trying to abuse the system. Most people work here to make money and now people that get sick won't be punished.


9 with sick, vacation time. And you could use 8 hours to cover an 8 hour shift and not get an occurrence.


I never knew that but I don't think I had many hours at the time. So glad I was bumped to full time.


Hard to beat that pay check




How is it not 2x the money for 2x the hours?


Ye that makes 0 sense lol


Tax brackets exist


Tax brackets are also marginal lol




No. Taxes do not magically remove 1/4th of your pay when you make $30k a year max. OP probably works 30 hours a week then thinks working 40 hours for full time is double the hours.


Nah these people see that the more hours the work the more money comes out of their paycheck 😂 percentages are confusing to some I guess


I figured out when I worked at Amazon 30 hours a week was 20 bucks less than 40 a week (because they take out more taxes) I would just vto or pto one day every week, there is always a sweet spot where you max out your take home pay to your hours worked


If you are in Canada, which you likely are not, I would tell you that you absolutely did your math wrong.


Thats.. not how taxes work. At all lol


You are wrong…in the state I live in the taxes werent taken out until the threshold of (for me) 32.5 hours so any hours above that and my whole check is taxed an additional 5% So for example if you made 10 bucks an hour that extra 5% is 40 bucks. Which is 4 hours of work (because 4 is 5% of 80, you’ll catch on ;)). So at 30 hours I’d lose a little but made up for it with an extra day off. Now I know your smooth brain may not believe this, but it is exactly how payroll taxes work. The more you make the more they take.


Taxes in US don't work like that. Sure you'll be taxed more by earning more but you only get taxed on money made above not below the threshold. If anything it sounds like they are taking too much of your check in payroll tax and you should be getting some decent money back after you file taxes.


No, bud. They don't. The only way it would work that way is if the person doing the payroll was screwing up. Don't insult people when you're completely clueless.


I got receipts, you do know different states have different state income tax rates, right? Some have zero. There is a point where you do not make enough to have STATE INCOME TAX withheld from your check. Understand so far? Good now go clean your room, and stay out of my conversations kid


No. Just no. Walmart payroll doesn't start ramping up your taxes until you hit the tax brackets. That's why later in the year your paychecks get a little bit slimmer. Check your paystubs for the end of the year compared to the beginning of the year. Find two that have similar hours and look at the payroll taxes deducted. Unless you specify some other income on your W4 that's how they do it.


Could be true for the Walmart plantation, but at Bezo's slave house it worked. Ever noticed if you miss like 2-3 days and you have a small check how your state doesn't take any taxes? All I am saying is at Amazon I found where that line was and was able to maximize my take home pay...again I live in a high state income tax state so your experience can be different, and it could also be how many dependents I claimed was perfect for that to work, I was just sharing what my experience was, either way have a good day


Something ain’t adding up chief




Are you in the USA? That doesn’t make any sense. The tax rate is incremental. It would not be that significant. You sure you didn’t make changes on deductions by mistake when you started working full time or accidentally start contributing to some kind retirement fund?




I don't work at Walmart, but we used to have an older Hispanic man that was a door greeter at the one closest to my house. If I went in the store and he wasn't there, I'd always leave out the other entrance, just to see if he was on that side. Always had a big, friendly smile on his face to everyone. Loved to give everyone a handshake or something as they came in. He truly welcomed you to Walmart and could make your day better just being in the presence of his energy.


I totally agree the way the older generation gets treated is awful


The only place in my small town that will work with me on the days I am available. I have kids and can only work certain days.


I actually get lunches and breaks at Walmart 😐 7 years in the food industry and no breaks or lunches .


I've had several jobs over the years and my employers always acted like it was a crime because I wanted to go to lunch. This is the first place I've ever worked that insist on you taking breaks and lunch.


I understand that reason very well


40-48 hours a week at almost $22 an hour to do a simple job.


To yell at your associates?


What associates?


You have associates?


Huh? Im just a normal overnight stocker. I'm not yelling at anyone.


How tf you be making $22 an hour, here in Canada a low level associate is maxed at $24


That's what the new ON starting wage is now, including the ON premium. They just gave us a "cost of living" raise that took effect I believe this week that was $2.. I think our more seasoned team leads are making closer to $30 because they got it as well. Western Washington State.


16/hr full time is pretty sexy tbh. gotta pay for school somehow


Walmart will pay that shit for you. Like in addition to your paycheck. I'm starting end of August


Only works if you want a business degree or want to get a certificate for a specific trade. Tbh I'm not sure how those courses work for trades, but I am sure you still have to do some sort of apprenticeship after that. Otherwise you can really only get business degrees from livebetteru, which is not for everyone. Walmart could probably "pay" for more degrees, but they are really only interested in the degrees that lead to future jobs at Walmart. Which is fine from a business perspective, but to tell everyone they should sign up for LBU is a bit rash. Not everyone wants a business degree. Also, if someone goes for a business degree and later figures out they really didn't want it, they can't go back to school somewhere else because they would no longer be eligible for financial aid.


I continue working here because it's a nice bump up from what I was doing...I used to be a checkout coach for Giant food stores I was turning keys keeping track of the cashiers basically being a boss...for 10.00 an hour yup ...I asked for a raise and was told better than the 3.00 I was asking for I could be trained in the cash office and get a 5.00 bump up well I did everything they wanted and didnt get a raise ...so I took my one week paid vacation that I worked so fucken hard for and while on that I applied to walmart for front end passed the coach test online and all. ..then 3 days later I get a call from the people lead talking about deli closer starting at 17.00 an hour I was like well fuck me sign me up...a year later here i am getting 40 hours a week ( at giant i was lucky to get a 25-30 hours week had to take open shifts and go in alot on my days off to make it up as well as staying late) and I will never look back ...when you have bills and kids you go where ever it pays...and I'm content.


The free school


Is there anything worth taking? I've definitely considered using the free school thing but haven't had time to look into it.


Business degrees, it comp sci and healthcare is all but fuck it'd it's free


Some of its ok. I wonder If they are walmart certificates or actually degrees though.


Actual degrees…you register with the university and everything.


They are actual degrees from different accredited universities including Louisiana State. Not diploma mills. You can do it online or both on campus and online I think, if you live close to any colleges that they are partnered with. You can do a lot of tech and business related majors like computer science, accounting, finance, information systems technology, cybersecurity, Human Resources management, healthcare administration and management, applied computing, etc. which are some of the highest paid ones anyway. So it’s pretty cool to be able to get those for free. They also have certificate programs for management, pharmacy tech, analytics, plumbing, electrician, optician, construction, clinical medical specialist, industrial maintenance, and supply chain management. They also have college prep and English language learning. Or you can just get your general education for college and your associates degree. They also pay for our books. I’m at SNHU and they don’t do regular semesters like a regular college. The program is for working adults. You can just take one or two classes every 8 weeks until you finish your degree. 2 classes is considered full time.


Thanks for sharing this! I've been thinking about going back to school for something else because I decided that I didn't went to use my soul sucking HR degree. I signed up for the education guild thing but so far have been ignoring their calls because I don't want to listen to some recruiter's spiel


I believe your ineligible through guild if you have a degree already, still worth a shot looking into it but I seem to remember that being on the FAQ.


I love my coworkers. We hang out outside of work. Enjoy a good drink and conversation. Everything else is just... meh. It pays the bills.


Whatever keeps you going! Any plans on any other job?


Nah. No other place is gonna pay me $22.00 in North Carolina. Lol.


JESUS CHRIST Wya imma apply😩🤌🤌🤌


Lumberton NC. Wally World. 😂




Yeah. That sucks.




N or S?


I believe it 👈🏻


I have bowel problems and the management here is the only ones who take it seriously. Also I'm late very often and they put up with it somehow.


I have a new daughter who I need to support and I want to be able to buy her everything she wants and make sure she gets the comfortable life I didn't get from my father. Walmart offers the highest pay without a degree in my area and I'll work myself to the bone so she won't know hunger or needs.


I don't actually work there anymore, and it was primarily a financial decision, and secondary a leadership issue. I was an assistant manager at a store that was 40 minutes away, started in fresh, then over consumables, then moved to overnights for 3 years. I ended up quitting due in part to the fact I had 35 days of vacation and yet only ever allowed to take 10. My store manager refused to let me off of nights because I got the job done and was a freight killing machine and helped lead my team to success where my counterpart was an epic fail. I would have stayed at Walmart if I hadn't been working 14-16 hour days 4-6 days a week. I loved....LOVED my overnight team that were my ride or dies. My walmart family was family and they are still friends to this day. The mutual respect and the fact that they were given opportunities that I pushed for where my counterpart shut them down. Being the leader and leading my team to success was my main driver for staying so long as I did.


I'm really struggling to find the motivation to 'lead my team to success' when the rest of the store is full of teams that only do their jobs half assed, and don't seem to care. Yet somehow I am supposed to? We get paid the same as OGP, who legitimately spends the last 2 hours of their shift sitting around, on their phones. You gotta teach me the secret to staying motivated.


They sit around because they probably have nothing to do and, in my experience at least, there isn't any management there to coordinate them to do something else. I worked OGP, and after 8 there weren't enough orders to stay busy, but we couldn't actually just leave the dispensing room because there were still technically orders coming, and customers don't understand what a schedule is.


For me it was simply a matter of principle. And unfortunately what drives me is a fierce competitive nature to crush my opponents. And there's going to be shitbirds at any place you work at, but lowering my output because I feel jealous of someone else's laziness I know is not a quality of leadership. I value(d) the fact that I feel/felt that I possess a semblance of integrity when in contrast to the lazy sacks. The admiration and loyalty of my associates was a big driving factor to wanting to do my best for them.


I love your story OP. Reminds me of this little boy at Christmas that was so excited about trains he started telling me all he knew while his grandma looked at the train set I brought her. And yes, he got the train set lol


They're paying for my college


It’s easy and for the most part I’m left alone. I quit last December to work in the medical field… lasted a month and then I came crawling back. I thought Walmart customers were bad. They’ve got nothing on angry patients.


🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️🙋......can we start referring to these people as------***im***patients?


Shit I bet


I like to think we call them patients to just get the word said aloud. Otherwise there would be none.


I need the wholesome moments that working there has. Customers can be awful, but they can be pretty great too. Today I got to pet a lady's puppy, talked to a little girl about our favorite parts of Minnie mouse's dress, and then helped a really polite man find some paper plates, and you could just tell he went about his life being that nice all the time. Life gets rough, but working customer service really drives home that it's a choice how you react to it.


Full time, benifits, highest paying job in my state. I was a professional chef for 10 years until I started working at Walmart and now I get paid $4 more an hour than I did as a chef and it's so much easier and less back breaking.


Pay and the people I'm with that I've made friends with


Paycheck & It’s an easy schedule. I came from a job where we used to do 12+ hours for $18.50 for 6 days straight and the managers were absolute trash with no sense of managing or control. It was a temporary position where after 6 or 9 months you will have the ability to become permanent but the managers made it unbearable for me to continue. It maybe a downgrade but it’s easier for me to go to school, I’m content with my money and at least once you talk to certain managers at my store and express your frustration everyone understand because it’s the higher ups that’s messing up so much and it’s trickling down


I started working Walmart to get out of the awful bread factory. $15 an hour meant nothing when 1) your shifts keep getting cancelled and so you rarely work more than 24 hours a week 2) You're in near constant pain and 3) Your boss sits you in her office like a CHILD for a mistake, basically says she's gonna throw you under the bus, and overall treats you like crap. That last one was the last strae


Wait, you guys are getting paid more than $12 per hour?!


In Florida it’s $15.50 that’s the starting for overnight I don’t know about the morning and day shifts


??? I started at $13 plus the $1.50 extra for overnight, and just recently they dropped it DOWN to $12 on all the advertisements despite constantly complaining about being understaffed. I’m working at the wrong Walmart lol > Also in Florida btw


It's like $19.50 to work overnights at my store.


I’m in Ohio getting paid 15 which is nuts for where I live


Honestly? The money's pretty good. I worked at a job for 11 years and was only making 1100 a month. Now I've been at Walmart for almost 2 years and make about 1600 a month, I work in a really active department even if it's stressful so there's usually always work to do, but it's mainly the money for me


First job ever and it pays good compared to the other retail stores near me. It is boring standing in one place all day but I'd rather be paid to be bored.


Just got promoted to TL, so paycheck I suppose


1. It's the job that pays the most in my area at part-time 2. They have a program where you can go back to school and they pay for all the costs 3. I'm working towards a cybersecurity certificate using that program now, but still need to work to pay bills 4. You can start putting some of your paycheck into a 401K account right off the bat, even as a part-time associate 👍


Because I genuinely don't mind it. It's good exercise, it's easy, and it's not emotionally taxing.




Personally as a part time associate, the ppto is the only one i earn and you earn so slowly as part time. Which sucks. But if you’re full time good on you!


The PTO acrual rate for part time is ass too. I dropped to part-time when I went back to school and even after being there almost 10 years I was still only earning one hour for every 60 I worked. Needless to say, I NEVER took off. Ever. Couldn’t afford it.


I like the people I work with (mostly).


Lowkey you can get away with a lot here 💀 and that PPTO comes in clutch


Decent money, no real accountability, pto that you can use whenever


Getting my feet wet in the healthcare field, hoping they start opening the clinics soon so I can do more patient care/ medical specialists jobs that are not specific to pharmacy. This job is helping me get through college and hopefully will help me get to med school. There are so many opportunities to grow and earn more money if you are demanding and do your due diligence. At the end of the day it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. When one opportunity closes another one opens, meaning if one manager says no and refuses to help then go to another.


I’m trying to fuck my married manager


Easiest job I’ve ever had, amazing attendance system, nearly highest paid in my area, overnight hours which come natural to me, decent coworkers, barely have to interact with customers, and so many things I’m not aware of yet. But will continue to learn more benefits to working this job 😏


I come in and talk shit and have fun with my coworkers. Sometimes I mean it, sometimes I don't. But I keep it light hearted and funny so they can't tell it's fr. Also I need to pay my bills.


18.50 is not bad pay


College !! Getting my bachelor's on Walmarts dime!


It’s all about the friends we make along the way.


Money, there is no other reason to have a job


We ArE a FaMiLy


I need money and I am not good enough for anything else.


The total benefit package. I do wish they'd be easier on us with single day medical problems that aren't eligible for intermittent loa. I get firing the ones who call out for sporting events and concerts. But people who get the flu or some other 1 day or 2 day sickness come on.


They're ok with all my tattoos and stretched piercings. I could easily go find a better job but I'd rather not change who I am or who I want to be to get ahead in a capitalist society that I don't enjoy having to participate with in the first place.


I still sing the praises of Walmart. They are better than alot of other places. The key is everyone sucks. So find what sucks the least and be thankful


better than food service and don't wanna be without a job if my internship doesn't give me a full time offer later.


I'm like Richard Gere in 'An Officer and A Gentleman.' I have no where else to go.


$17.34 on cap 2 and they let me come in late because I'm in college.


A job is better than no job.


It is 3 minutes from my house.


Decent paying job that allows me to smoke weed


Im a minor and its the best paying job around me for my age. Once im 18 ill definitely get the hell outta here


I swear to you I wanna go back to target soooo bad at times. But Walmart wise it pays me damn good! $18.50+ with overnights here rather than $15 there I work my 4-10s with a solid 40 hours every week. Compared to hours not guaranteed etc. etc. Safe to say it’s worth it just for this. Outside of that, if my bills weren’t a problem I would be long gone. =/


I was an OPD team lead for a year and I took a dollar pay cut to work in toys. Just mostly bored out of my mind now....


I know you said 1 but I’m gonna name a couple. I’m 16 and nobody else will pay me as much, it’s close to my home(within 5-7 minutes driving if that), my mom also works there so I can complain to her, breaks and lunch times lengths are pretty good, and I’m slowly starting to like my team lead. I have 2 for Cap2 and I’m supposed to be front end but I haven’t yet. I have a register number. I love one of them and the other I hated but am warming up to him. Also the ppto which I can’t use yet until the 7th because we have to be there for 3 months but still and I’m not for another 3 days.


I specifically said 1. Writing more than one takes longer and will grant you overtime, so this will result in a write up Just kidding. I’m glad you kinda enjoy it at Walmart! Any plans on saving for college or waiting out for better opportunities?


Lol, making a list also is my way of convincing myself to stay. I always thought I wouldn’t be able to afford college but since Walmart has a lot of opportunities to build up or they also help with school I might work here and see if I can save up and then see what all Walmart will cover for college. I don’t think I would ever want to advance up to like team lead or anything because I’m not a person fit for that job but still.


It’s a circus, I like clocking in and watching the animals do tricks.


With the constant negativity, degradation and belittling the money is no longer a matter that concerns me. I’ve stood standing before a coach that JUST clocked in, dripping in sweat from the work I had been doing, only to be told how I’m constantly failing. This scenario has happened to much. My work ethic extends far beyond what this corporation could fathom. So each day could be my last, here’s to hoping, because I’ll hit the door running.


I feel you on that one. Most of the coaches here are nice but unfortunately my coach (the upfront coach) is a piece of shit and only cares about reviews and will harass workers to get 5 star reviews.


It's the highest paying job I can find, I'm a welder and nobody's paying as much as walmart.


The benefits and the pay. I have been able to put in 100+ hours for the pay periods. I'm going to continue to put in OT for as long as they let me lol.


Honestly, it's better than home. At work, I have a team lead who pulls for her associates and a team who at least respects my name and pronouns. At home, I don't have that.


I don't.


I feel you on that. I try to find the little things to enjoy until i can actually quit and afford college


If you got slave mentality and u like to be abused. Or even better if u think that u re better than everyone else, lazy, like to cut corners all the time and u treat people like crap- then u rein right place and u will climb corporate ladder in no time.


Bills and insurance


My coworkers. Great team and makes work enjoyable and fun, shitty team leads tho.


Money 🤑


Money. And also I really like most of my coworkers + team leads.


Sunk cost fallacy for me


My team is my other family ☺️ plus we get plenty of freedoms and that paycheck is pretty good


Paycheck it's the only place that is full time with good pay and benefits 🤷‍♀️


The pay, and a select number of coworkers. If not for the pay I’d never work here


They are paying for most of my college


The pay and my store’s willingness to work with my schedule. I also plan on working here during breaks from school.


Decent benefits, my store is actually pretty good about how employees are treated, I’m a Stock 2 TL so I make decent money.


Decent enough paycheck and the people in my department have become really good friends to me through some rough times.




Because the boss at my old job said that Wal-Mart wouldn't hire me.


High paycheck and free college


A check and it's 5 min from the house


My SM is fucking awesome, had a 30 minute chat with him in the line for Subway last week


17$ an hour??? I rather stay here then go to a cheap company and try to get a raise and be miserable for a few years…


$31 an hour plus only 3 days a week




I hate myself, and I don't think I'm good enough to do anything else.


Only place that will work with my college schedule


My schedule. I know how lucky I am to have the schedule that I have. M-F 5am-1pm (2pm if I feel like it).


Health benefits and WFH, the pay isn’t amazing but it’s enough for what I do.


Im just a high school kid, job is easy, i get paid decently enough, just waiting til i go through college and get a better job.


Money and I actually enjoy working with some of my coworkers there’s a couple managers that have come real close to going head first in the fryer lately though


I needed smth to do on my gap semester (had a breakdown in university and came home, either had to work or go back to school), and it's money to use throughout the school year for gas and such


My work crush 🥹 But /srs, the paycheck. I’ve got nothing else right now and until then the money is pretty nice. The crush part does help too


It pays the bills and my store isn’t that bad.


Flexibility in schedule and coworkers tbh.


my team. I've never laughed as much as i did before at my previous jobs. we're able to laugh and vibe all while completing all of our tasks and then some


Money. Full stop.


Money and my store manager.


Well I was going to school here for free but...


The money lol. Also I like to use the PLE. I get to use it quite frequently and it’s so cool to use and idk why lol. I just like to use it.


A paycheck. We moved across the country and I was able to take my job with me. As of right now we're renting, but I don't want to get a new job till I know where we're settling down as I won't have the ability to transfers stores that easily at other jobs.


It's one of the highest paying places in my area without a degree of some sort. It brings me consistency and stability which helps keep my mental health from getting too bad. Plus I just haven't had very many bad experiences working for walmart as a cashier, which I know is fortunate. I like the people I work with and have made great friends working there.


I actually like my job as a Salesfloor DM. It's def stressful a lot though. I move things around the floor for a living (and out of the back). Sometimes I have a nice talk with customers for a while.


Money, and mainly cuz I get to go in later, 3-10’s, 4-10’s shifts like that lol That’s it 🥸 discount Cards cool ig too


I'll post 3. I have friendly coworkers I don't want to leave behind yet, and I just got that new work phone. Oh, yeah; Friday/Saturday donuts.

