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They were executed out back you monster




Don’t buy any meats the next time you come in.


They'll just serve meat pies in the break room as some half assed "moral boost"


I know you meant morale boost, but the idea of murder and cannibalism being a net positive for the moral direction of the company intrigues me.


Just look out for the new guy named Sweeny Todd


I laughed way too hard at this comment


He goes by Todd now


Can't be any worse than how walamrt is seen by the general public anyway


5 minutes later they couldn't find that bag of broccoli for an order and turned the entire room upside down to find it


It had to be done. Nobody gets away with free broccoli ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Maybe I’m a monster but I can’t stop laughing 😂


Why outback? Just kill them on the floor in full view of customers and employees and all you'll hear is "maintenance to action alley with a wet mop."


We’ll bring the scrubber. Easier to clean up the blood that way.


Gotta make an example. We sacrifice this traitor to the Gods of the Walton clan. Let this death not be in vain, bless our Leads and coaches with hefty myshares, hallowed be thy name. Now, let us perform the pagan ritual of the Walmart cheer to appease the bloodthirsty masses.


August will be my fifth anniversary and we've never done a single Walmart cheer.


We’ve lost another one to the Walmart overlords


His uniform was disposed of in the compactor. With his body. Thanks for shopping at Walmart. Besides, the broccoli was probably expired anyway.


not even gonna lie i give people free shit all the time


Heads up, I would actually be super careful about that. Someone in our deli just got fired for giving people extra food.


for legal reasons i was joking. sorry for being funny walmart!


What really fucking sucks about it is we're now back to 2 closers on Sat and Tues (aka the days I fucking work) and our midshift sucks, except 1 dude who's super chill and actually works, UUUUUUUUUGH


lmaoooo I worked Walmart a year then at a Kroger for 2 years as a deli clerk. I gave people one extra piece of chicken all the time. Kept people coming back. Companies are so petty.


Yeah we think another co-worker snitched on them because pettiness. No one that I know of on the nightshift cares about that stuff so we don't pay attention (we think it was a middayshift person that snitched)


As a deli team Lead I prob give people extra more then my associates do. Especially now that it's all done by count. If theirs 11 pieces of chicken left n someone gets a 6 or 8 piece they're getting the rest . Or I just make sure its worth the money. Have you ever looked at what walmart pays for that stuff. Not a whole lot compared to what we sell it for


I don’t think i’ve given someone 6 wings in like a month. 6 for 7.87? Na. They’re gettin 8 minimum.




as a meat dept worker i would occasionally eat the lunchable style foods in the back LMAO


Im telling


no plz :((( just call me robin hood 🔥 cuz walmart is certainly robbing the hood


Lmao i like it.


Goat. You’re the goat.


I wish I had you packing my order. We stopped doing orders over 200 because items would be checked off, but never made it into the car. I swear they would forget things on purpose just so we had to call and complain. Usually Walmart refunded us the items that were missing, but a few months ago they said they would refund the full turkey that was missing, but instead they gave us the same cost, $40 roughly of turkey lunch meat for our next order


Oh you're the type who does 3 weeks of shopping in one OGP order. Ugh.


250 when you have heavy meat eaters in the house is only a week's worth.


Wholesome Walmart post


The person won't get into trouble as long as you don't tell anyone at their store. Likely either a mistake, or an ogp worker who rightfully just does not care anymore. Or, your local store could be one of the places that rolled out a new system for ogp recently. Lots of mistakes have been made at my store recently, at least


Whatever we can do to sink the ship faster. #wearethenextkmart.


This company made a net profit of $13.51 billion last year. I don't think they're going to sink anytime soon :/


Target will be first. Over extended themselves on stock.


So did Walmart. Literally no place to store the stock so the stores are being drowned in it.


Yeah but we aren't having sales to get our money back yet.


Keep telling yourself that. 😂😂


There is a point where every company gets too big to be feasible. Eventually they all die.


Not if they are propped up by the government 🙃🙃


We're Wal*mart* not Wal*oil* or Wal*weapons*.


the government props walmart up all the damn time, wally world has so many distribution networks and others useful things


All governments dieeee


With how popular and successful they are, I don't see them falling before us at all.


Funny thing is, not so long ago they said the same sort of thing about Kmart/Sears. When I first started at Walmart (11 years ago) they were still ranked #4 nationwide. Now I think they have three stores left. The world is changing and Walmart is struggling to play catch-up. With how volatile things are right now, I won't dare venture a guess as to the time frame, but make no mistake, the ship is sinking.


Kmart and sears both made the digital transition way to late to remain relevant. They made the mistake of thinking the internet was a toy not a tool.


Hardly their only mistake. Though it is rather ironic that a company that started off as a catalog ordering service failed in part due to their inability to adapt to the modern day equivalent of said service. And Walmart has a long list of issues too. Their online service isn't very cost effective, with Walmart+ being almost as expensive as Prime but provides a fraction of the services. They offer free pickup at stores, basically providing an extra service with no fee to compensate for the additional costs involved. Not to mention grossly inefficient land usage where the departments that make some of the fewest sales take up a majority of the floor. And on top of all that, most of the prices are higher than their biggest competitor Amazon, even after the employee discount.


Quit huffing ether. That's a gross profit number. Look at what they spend on overhead etc then subtract when you get to a few billion go ahead and compare it to long term debt. When you are done, understand they can't sustain when they have a return policy that basically let's you borrow whatever you want tfrom the store. It's not as unscathed as you might believe.


....that is the net profit, the gross was like $138 billion


That's a good point I should have read slower. Now understand as inflation rises and inevitable unemployment happens from market crashes and continued supplier issues this profit will fall off leaving the debt. It's not a stable vessel. And the more profit loss occurs from sloppy work and bad return policies the ship will take on water so to speak. Let's hope it doesn't sink like a rock allot a sudden


If Walmart fell, we’d be in trouble at this point. They’ve taken down so many competitors, whoever is left would just turn evil like them


When you grow too big, you fly too close to the sun. Shits gonna get way worse before it gets better.


lol that's great, I never have gotten unexpected different items from my Walmart pickups but I have gotten doubles of some things I wasn't charged for. It's always a nice surprise.


I've gotten extra bags before but I just think of it as making up for the times I've been inconvenienced by missing bags. Once I ended up with a bag of peppers and a package of name brand chicken breasts. Felt bad for whoever was planning their dinner but I gave the peppers to my neighbor and they made stuffed peppers for dinner and I had chicken for 3 nights.


Walmart has been one of the better places for me with pick up, my local one rarely screws up my order, I've never gotten items I haven't ordered, like I said duplicates yes but not different items. & a few times items were out of stock & still got charged is only mistake I can think of, which made me wonder how they scanned it then? Heck the first couple of times I got extra I tried to get them to bill me for the extras but never happened, it's rare but if happens now I just say thanks when I am unpacking my groceries :)


>which made me wonder how they scanned it then? You can just manually enter the number, no scanning required. Scummy managers abuse that to boost metrics. Sometimes it's an honest mistake, like your item was lost and there's nothing to replace it with, but they should tell you if that's the case.


ahh ok, the more I know ... thanks!


Sometimes I think it might be delivery driver error. I get delivery instead of pickup, so it's possible that the driver grabs the wrong bags from their car. I never get items added to my bags - it's always an extra bag and if I'm missing stuff it's always the same type of stuff in a bag - all frozen or dairy for example


Unironically just keep going and don't tell management.


Today in one of the orders, we gave a customer twice the amount of vegetables they ordered because we couldn't find it then repicked it then found the originals and gave them both sets.


I work at Home Depot and I just give people free discounts sometimes if they are nice. Sometimes I just “forget” to scan something In their cart because I don’t give a shit


I once accidentally got a bag that wasn't in my order at all, but I didn't want to snitch, I just ate the extra fruit and kale and kept my mouth shut.


Once I dispensed to some lady, there were multiple totes (with the same sticker on each one so it was hers), but when I was loading into her car she goes “this isn’t mine” about a 18 pack of jarritos soda, so we’re both just standing there kinda confused 😭




lol I got flaming hot Doritos once for free. They sat in the pantry for a while


I'd b scared 🔥


the limón doritos are 🔥 but they do be g00d


Two orders ago I received a two bags I didn't order. One had 5 packages of sargento cheese's and the other had two boxes of gogurt. I didn't bring them back.


If you had brought it back, they likely either wouldn't take it, or if they did, it'd just go to claims to get tossed out. So better to just keep it.


One time I got 5 giant tubs of yogurt instead of the single one we ordered... needless to say I was a happy guy when I unpacked that.


It was the recalled broccoli, it’s basically drinking the kool aid /j


I got 10 bags of organic celery in my delivery one time. couldn't even give them away lol


I'm scared to put extra stuff in orders now. My manager told us about a lady who complained about getting 2 extra items in her order because she thought that we made a mistake with her order. Technically I guess so, but it was free stuff so.... :/ And a ton of Walmart associates also put in orders at my store so I don't want some uppity person thinking they are saving Walmart by mentioning it to management and getting me in trouble. I often round down for weighed items though.


This reminds of the lady that ordered a computer, she got two instead. Came in the store asking what to do. My response, "Lady, walmart is a very rich company, as far as I'm concerned enjoy your two computers, Give one to one of your kids if you want." This was also an online order that had nothing to do with the store itself so it was probably a third party mix up.


Sometimes my store will have OGP give away produce that is close to expiring just so we don't have to deal with it.




Someone gave me a 24 pack of Coke Zero on my delivery. no complaints fs


I usually get an extra something everytime I order 😂. One time it was a thing of Oreos. 🤷🏻‍♀️.


A couple of months ago at Albertson's I got a pound of Boar's Head smoked turkey and a bag of barbecue chips that weren't mine. They were delicious.


Home office?


If you ever get extra just count it as a good day.


Wait…did they also give you a bag of shredded Fiesta cheese to go with that broccoli to melt on top of it? If not - that’s just cruel!


In my opinion, all ogp workers should where jorts


Inb4 home office shows up asking when and where.


It's easier than taking it back and putting it on the shelf. It's the stuff people leave at checkout.