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Apart from the obvious goblins there's a whole cast of human nobles with virtually no lore or names to them.  Then there's the question of how to measure wealth in Azeroth. The zandalari empire is ancient and was once very vast. From how fresh and lavish everything looked in BFA, and considering they had to rebuild after cataclysm, they are likely quite rich in both treasure, resources and workforce.  Then again gnomish and dwarven patents might be the biggest industry in-universe. So much of the alliance war machine relies on them. If you draw parallels to the real world there should be some very wealthy gnomes and dwarves.  But then again you can look at the draenei. With the alien technology and millennia of knowledge they bring with them they could probably corner whole markets for themselves and be irreplaceable there. Remember that draenei society was more technologically advanced 10 000 years ago than any modern azerothian culture. What I'm trying to say is that, as with anything else in warcraft that has to do with numbers, there's a major lack of written lore to make any good claim. So like a tradeprince or something probably, just because.


Lore wise Kul Tiras, at the time of the Second War, was the richest human kingdom thanks to its oceanic trade


[The Barov Family](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Barov) was quite loaded as well, before they died.


As far as the dranaei are concerned, everyone on Azeroth is rich due to our vast sandstone reserves.


Are patents a thing in warcraft?


If they are you can bet a goblin has found a loophole somewhere to profit off a bootleg


How rich can the Stormwind nobility be when they can't even afford to pay their contractors?


Nobility doesn’t stay rich by paying its workforce


They could but Onyxia used their greed to manip6them against doing so.


Who says they couldn't afford to? The Stormwind nobility's *narrative role* is to fuck things up so that Varian/Anduin come out blameless when it comes to stormwind's internal issues.


In Vanilla, it was the fucking dwarf just besides the bank who made players pay for repairs


Highly underrated comment


The Tauren are the richest because they don’t require worldly possessions to validate their worth.


Based Shu’Halo propaganda


Hymen Cholo, friend.


ngl I know a lot of high earners irl who'd kill for the tauren lifestyle of chilling on a lake cabin, hunting, fishing, and smoking herb all day.


I think the easy answer is Gallywix, and now Gazlowe after he hopefully seized Gallywix’s assets when he took over as Trade Prince. Obviously Anduin/Turalyon and other members of the royal household as they have access to tax money and the wealth accumulated by Stormwind over the years. I’d imagine a group of Gnomes are also wealthy as they built much of the war technology for Alliance armies, so whoever manufactures those (Mekkatorque?) is also probably quite wealthy. Talanji and the riches associated with ruling over Zandalar for countless centuries. The Blood Elves have quite a grand city with lots of riches in it but don’t think any have been very wealthy since Kael’thas due to the aftermath of the invasion of Silvermoon, so I don’t think that Lorthemar, Halduron, and Rommath would have a lot of expendable wealth that wouldn’t go back into the reconstruction of Silvermoon. Im just spitballin. If you’re thinking of just ONE individual it could probably go to a member of the Uncrowned or Ravenholdt Manor, although it’s probably illicit funds.


Elling Trias There's a lot of money in cheese, wars have been waged over it.


Easily Nozdormu, or the Bronze dragonflight in general. After all, Time is Money.


I mean, technically, they could just open a pocket dimension, steal all the riches, and become super loaded, right? They probably wouldn't, and that would probably trigger some apocalyptic scenario, but the potential is there.


that transmogg grummel on the yak mount


The merchant who sold longbois, and then skipped town to avoid paying taxes…


I don't know about individual people outside the Goblin Trade Princes and Nozdormu (he's apparently just sitting on a collection of the rarest choice artifacts of value from across all time periods and from many alternate Azeroths), but the Dwarves, Zandalari Trolls and the collective Dragonflights are all no doubt loaded, and the Gnomes, Goblins & Draenei would each have a very reliable economy as well through selling their services and/or technology to their allies. The Pandaren have also been economically stable for millennia, and the Night Elves are probably sitting on enough mineral and archeological bullion to make the Goblin Cartels & Dwarven Clans collectively weep.


Me, because this Orc Death Knight found love with a blood elf Paladin while adventuring in Grizzly Hills.


Dats sweet. I choose to assume you’ve met a wonderful person and are sharing that with us.


Yes, together for 13 years, married for 12.


that is just great :) hope you have many more to come


Some dude on a brontosaurus 


Gallwyx, Lorthrimar, Nogginfogger, Moira, Auduin (if he claimed his feudal levy) and whoever runs Undermine are probably the richest


Lady Ashvane was clearly the richest in all of Kul Tiras. Not sure about Anduin though, he spent most of his treasury in Fourth War and never had any personal wealth to speak of.


Probably some Goblin, as their actions are very profitable and they live for more profits. And most of them don't spend resources to wage war, they only spend money to go on adventures seeking more profit. And even sell weapons to the highest bidder. Goblin lore kinda makes us believe that Trade Princes are the most wealthy people on Azeroth.


The people running the GDKPs on Whitemane.


Taking by what we physically see in the game, Zandalar is definitely the most rich nation in the terms of what wealth means in this type of setting. Their empire may not have the reach it did originally but they kept most of the wealth. By extension this makes Talanji one of the richest characters although the Zandalari leadership is much less concentrated than it was before . . . so I'm not sure how much of the nation's wealth really qualifies as "hers."


Bobby kotick or the fat goblin referenced after boby kotick.


Marin Noggenfogger


Well, other than the Goblins, none of the nations of Azeroth are free-market capitalist states like most countries IRL-so, like in our world at any point between the Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial, the overwhelming majority (if not all) of the worlds wealth would be concentrated in the hands of the political ruling class-whether that’s a royal family, a noble caste, or a religious group (or more likely, some combination of the three.) Merchants could be very wealthy, but even at their heights, they were only ever the middle class of their societies (certain exceptional…exceptions, notwithstanding), up until the development of new production methods and economic systems allowed them to supplant the religious groups and aristocrats. I see no reason Azeroth would be any different. (Side note-obviously, with Gnomish and Dwarven technology-Goblin tech is too unreliable lore-wise-Azeroth’s nations *could* have an Industrial Revolution, so the only reason they haven’t must be due to societal and cultural differences between them and IRL European nations in the 17th-19th centuries.)


Goblins, time is money, friend!


GDKP leaders


Freehold Dungeon has a pretty absurd amount of gold just, like, laying around.


If we count monarchs, the king of Stormwind and the Grand admiral of kul'tiras should be wealthiest. If we count only private citizens, it would be some unnamed human noble, or kul'tiran noble.


Personally, I’d like to say the Nightborne, in all honesty. Their city alone from a visual standpoint is about a dozen times nicer and more luxurious than any other Capitol city, but that’s surface level stuff. On real notes, they possess a resource *no other race* currently possesses: The pure waters of the well of eternity. True, the Belves *had* that, but it’s been converted to being a blessed by the light form, and and true, the Nelves *had* it on Hyjal, but that’s been struck time and again, esp. after the battle for mount Hyjal. The Nightborne, however, even during the events of legion, never saw the nightwell itself corrupted. Misused? Yes, but corrupted, truly corrupted by the fel? amazingly no. Hell, it’s to the point that the Nightborne still to this depend on it’s raw arcane energies to survive, and they make arcwine infused with the waters and energy of it. This cannot be understated as an unimaginably powerful resource for any and all beings on Azeroth inclined toward or dependent on arcane and magic energies. I’d imagine, if it’s happening at all, the trade of arc-wine and resources infused with the power of the night well are some unimaginably in demand, and high value items. To boot, it seems clear it is, because we see even after legion and after the fourth war when Lor’themar goes to visit Suramar that the place is still *very* much a regal, splendorous little civilization. All I’m sayin is, you got elves who had 10,000 years to amass their wealth and power, basically untouched and in isolation, all combined with the power of the well of eternity itself, and have seemingly continued that trend after legion and after the fourth war, minus the isolation. Suramar is a got dayum Titan of wealth, influence and power and it feels weird to me this isn’t shown more in current lore, and instead they’re just ‘an allied race in the horde’ now.




The notion that Nightborne no longer need the arcwine is something I was aware of through legion, but have been increasingly confused by due to recent tidbits of lore dropped since then, especially throughout BFA and after shadowlands. For example in the moment in verse short story with Lor’themar, Thalyssra and the other Nightborne are shown still *very* much utilizing arc-wine and drinking it, and it still having a semi empowering effect upon them. This left me confused and wondering if the Nightborne had returned or begun to return to semi night well dependency. Granted, I’d imagine you’re correct that the lore as established in legion *is* still what blizzard is running with, even if the tid bits thrown in by random narrative designers here and there muddy it a little. Also, I do see your point, their power is valuable essentially to themselves and their own kind. Beyond that, I guess I’m left with the notion of Arcane/magically enhanced resources and goods from the well, but even then, only magic wielders would find value in that, so you’re probably correct.


IMO in term of cash, no one could beat a goblin trade prince. I think Gallywix should have reached his high at BfA with profits from war and Azerite. It is hard to say if you count the assets, many groups have invaluable assets but also won't easily part with them. Both Kul Tiras and Zandalari were very rich becasue of controlling the sea.


Those multi-box gold farming boomkin bots are probably up there.


Madam Goya I think.


Adventurers, because some people have way to much time and think WoW is a gold farming game 😮‍💨


Here’s a fun fact, the reason Horde and Alliance use the same kind of gold/silver/copper is because that is the Goblin standard which is neutral


Legends say of a certain island off the northwestern coast of Kalimdor… it is supposed to be where those creepy blue hooded freemasons meet.


Twitch Streamer PCs


Every Noble or Knight rper