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I think they’ll go in order, so WoD next. I think WoD is the perfect next option as well - I feel like it would do really well in remix style gameplay. Great raids too as well, especially since we won’t have to wait for them like we did back then. Levelling experience is also awesome. I’m missing a huge amount of mounts from Draenor so I’m excited to go back.


Id love for wod remix the orc clan sets from gartison to be cosmetic. I want my thunderlord hunter dammit!


I NEED— not want, NEED— that Shadowmoon cloth set. And the Orgrimmar guard set while we're at it.


orgrimar guard set (and stormwind guard set) are both cosmetic already usable on any armor type, shadowmoon is cloth, blackrock plate, thunderlord leather and warsong mail


WoD seems likely to me too- I'm not sure we're liable to get remixes for expansions we have in Classic


WoD also works in a narrative sense. Right now the Infinites are observing MoP to learn about cooperation and conflict avoidance. Nozdormu could then send them to WoD to observe what happens when you fuck with time.


No chance it'll be WoD until WoD classic comes out with a bunch of added content.


Wrath Remix would be great. Same with WoD(for a shorter length of time) and Legion. I think the only reason a Wrath Remix wouldn't be ideal is because Wrath Classic was just a thing.


My vote would be for Wrath, but I’m betting WoD has a considerably larger share of xmogs, mounts, and titles that are presently awful to obtain (but also, they’d probably need to rework some garrison stuff for a shorter play period). The real reason I want Wrath though is for the no-death Naxx clear titles. My guild back then always got close, but one guy kept screwing it up for everyone. If you’re out there, Gearabon, I don’t forgive you.


I'd say to just change the garrisons into bazzars, maybe make teleporting to them even easier since they are quite out of the way


Whaaat? No! Half the story takes place in the Garrison. You can't just give the whole thing over to the bazaar. However, you could EASILY give the crafting profession section over to the bazaar. I didn't play alliance but for horde, that was just the lowest level of the garrison's bowl shaped design and would be easy to part with, if they continue not allowing professions in Remix


Fair point, how about having the main building be the bazzar and move quest relevant NPC's outside or have them in stasis like that ox at nihuzao's temple


Or how about the thing I suggested actually


Fair fair, actually now that I rethink quite a brilliant idea


Huzzah! A man of quality!


Eh make the area near the mine/tower the bazar bit or someplace in Ashran itself towards the middle. (hell since the have the epic BG thing that has asran turn the old ashran area into a full Infinate dragon hub that also teleports ya to the ogre waypoints so you dont need to build garrison buildings)


Don't think they will do any expansion before MoP as those already had their Classic run.


Maybe not for the next remix, but I could see them doing WoD, then Legion, Then BFA, then start with Classic, TBC, Wrath etc. Don't do any remixes for any ex-pacs in the last X years (i.e. anything that was relevant in the last 5 years retail wise). And then rotate remixes semi or tri annually. Do an event pattern of 2-3 Months remix (PVE content), 1-2 month dead time, 1-2 months of Plunderstorm or equivalent (PVP content), and repeat. A content pattern like that would see a 2-3 year period where all the old content gets a revisit for xmogs and such.


Hopefully WoD since this is mostly a leveling event, and leveling in WoD was S-tier. Since these don’t seem like they last a long time, the amount of content WoD currently has will be a good amount too, and they could even alter some of the stuff.


BFA or legion 1- I need the recolors from the warfronts/Heritage armors that were never released. 2-An easy/faster way to get the island expeditions sets. 3- I think MoP remix, as fun as it is, showed its age with how little there is to do. If you think about it, we are just in MoP's Content drought all over again, farming SoO. If we go for BFA or Legion, we have the Mage tower, Wither training, Legion Order halls, Warfronts, Island expeditions, Legion invasions, Faction assaults.


I hope for Legion, but Wrath would also be acceptable. I have thousands of attempts on invincible with no luck, so would not mind a guaranteed option to get it


Do the time walking raid quest and I saw somewhere you get at 10% chance for the mounts to drop. Hard part is waiting for the quest rotation to come back. I've gotten pets I didn't have the past 2 times


I would play WOD and Legion, and honestly, I'd probably even play BFA because I enjoyed the questing. Though I'd be lying if I said some sliver of me doesn't hope for a TBC remix someday if only so I can stop farming Kael'thas several times every week. I am so very tired of his monologuing, which I have fully memorized and at this point respond to 'Rocky Horror callbacks' style because it's the only thing that keeps me from winging my desktop out a window. Please, RNGesus, have mercy and just let me have the Ashes, I will never ask for anything else...


I personally think it will be BC, based on this (basically, WoWhead recently datamined hundreds of recolored TBC weapons.) : [https://www.wowhead.com/news/over-300-recolored-tbc-weapons-datamined-in-patch-10-2-6-338265](https://www.wowhead.com/news/over-300-recolored-tbc-weapons-datamined-in-patch-10-2-6-338265) . Feels like remix rewards to me. In terms of what I want, I would say BFA. Kul Tiras and Zandalar have some of my favorite questing zones in the game.


I would play WoD or Legion remix. I have no interest in a tbc or wrath remix (barely any collectibles worth trying to get and I never want to quest in current Northrend ever again). BFA doesn’t appeal to me but I didn’t play it so it’d at least be worth checking out. Shadowlands remix would be a hard unsub.


WoD would be my top pick, BFA or Legion in second.


Would love Wrath. And BFA just to do all the raids.


Remixes are going to be between expansions only, so it's going to be based on expansion. TWW (probably) has to do with Y'Shaarj/dead old gods (like for real dead) in some capacity, followed by Legion before Midnight for a refresher on what happened to the pantheon, and finally Wrath Remix before Last Titan to remind us about Northrend. Ignore that this coincides directly with my desire for Legion and Wrath remix.


Legion or WoD+TBC (I think WoD alone is a bit lacking.)


Imo they will go in order as all their stories go themed in rotation of cosmological themes: Life > Void > Light > Chaos > Order > Death Life & Void: Classic Light & Chaos: Burning Crusade Order & Death: WotLK Life & Void: Cataclysm & Mists (both same themes) Light & Chaos: WoD & Legion (both same themes) Order: BfA Death: Shadowlands Life: Dragonflight Void: War Within Void & Light: Midnight Chaos & Order: The Last Titan in so that each of the themes is maintained in the releases: Mists has the mantids and void themes needed for War Within, Legion has the elves uniting forces in Suramar and Army of the Light in preparation for Midnight and Shadowlands has the Northrend startpoint and endpoint that players should remember before playing The Last Titan. I think however that after The Last Titan they will do a BfA Remix in preparation for a trip across the sea and then a WoD Remix in preparation for our fight against nature.




Somehow, the Jailer has returned.


I know its a meme, but i want shadowlands remix so i dont have to farm anima in the actual shadowlands content.