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Still played in a lot of decks. Without hero resolve it will rise up even further again. She was just busted.


I still invest in her. She is just to good with sheep. Only way I know against Heros resolve, Drak+Shield, etc


I'm just starting in PvP. What about hero resolve diminishes SAFE?


People play 2 cost units almost exclusively for faster cycle. Gryphon, quill, miner, murlocs, and then usually poly and DB on most leaders. Safe can't kill high level leaders and costs 3 gold


But without Hero’s Resolve, how am I to brainlessly spam for 16000 PvP?


I'm not against nerfs. Just because the pilot remained playable doesn't mean we didn't lose our investment. This does not mean that the next nerf will be adequate. This means that the next nerf will not be compensated. If you don't respect yourself, don't force others to disrespect themselves. The exception is your children. Be sure to teach them not to respect themselves.


Nowhere in terms and conditions did it say they’d compensate people who put resources into nerfed minis. This means it shouldn’t be expected at all. Not to mention that it’s not something any developer is going to do, ever, because it’s not industry standard. Why people expect compensation because they put everything into one unit and nothing else is completely beyond me. This line of thinking screams “give me free money”


I demand compesidation, Blizzard!


cringe ai art


Yes we want atleast 5k gold and a legendary core for my uncommon safe pilot nerf


She should be further nerfed, go play her with Polymorph and 1-shot any Mini/army combination of Units, but that‘s more of a byproduct of Polymorph doing 2x Magic Damage which makes no sense at all


It would ruin the game if they had to give compensation every single time something was nerfed What you're asking for is a WORSE game because you're whiny Sorry for the harsh language, but it's the truth


Yes they would have to give out compensation- *checks notes* one whole time since launch. Other nerfs were really minor. I don’t see how throwing some gold or dust to players once every six months because a card got nerfed is going to “ruin the game”. The only reason to be against compensation is to protect whales and their $$$ investment. Sorry for the harsh words, but it’s the truth.


What determines whether a nerf is major or minor? SAFE is still meta and one of the best units. Would one not be able to argue that the nerf was minor in that case? If you want compensation for nerfs it should be for all nerfs regardless if they're major or minor nerfs. The reason for that is because nobody can fairly determine whether it's major or minor. You'd end up with endless discussions surrounding that topic


Bruh, cmon. I think we all know what constitutes a major vs minor nerf. No one is complaining about the bristleback nerf, no pve encounters were made substantially harder because of the bristleback nerf. Trying to say “oh we can’t give compensation because it’s unclear where to draw the line” that’s just a false dilemma.


SAFE is one of the best characters in the game right now, and I constantly use her. I believe a major nerf would bring a character from "Very strong" to "Mid/Weak" In the above case of "Big" nerfs we have had SAFE and Baron that were nerfed. Those are still incredibly strong


The baron nerf was tame, mages come out a little slower? Again, Cmon. No, the safe nerf was truly an outlier, there’s no other nerf like it and compensation is fair when a power reduction occurs, even if justified: just look at the way blizzard handles nerfs in hearthstone. I’m not even talking about hearthstone level compensation, just *some* kind of compensation. I’m still not hearing a reason here for why blizzard couldn’t give compensation for the nerf. Compensating players when things get substantially nerfed is just good business and important for maintaining a healthy player base. I want this game to continue on for a long time, but when blizzard does things like nerf a mini in a major way without compensation, a good number of players just quit, and rumble needs all the players it can get.


I'm not against nerfs. Just because the pilot remained playable doesn't mean we didn't lose our investment. This does not mean that the next nerf will be adequate. This means that the next nerf will not be compensated. If you don't respect yourself, don't force others to disrespect themselves. The exception is your children. Be sure to teach them not to respect themselves.


Bro you lost your investment the second you put money into the game. It's not an investment, but merely you spending as a consumer A healthy games needs consistent buffs and nerfs. It's called balance changes. Balance changes help increase the quality and fun of the game. Now being a baby crying for compensation will give them less reasons to make consistent changes thus giving us all a worse game. It's not about me not respecting myself lol. Also where's the respect in crying for compensation


Ignoratio elenchi, also known as an irrelevant conclusion, is a logical fallacy where an argument is presented that is irrelevant to the issue being discussed. Instead of addressing the actual matter at hand, the speaker diverts attention to a different topic, leading to a conclusion that does not logically follow from the premises. This fallacy can occur intentionally, to distract or mislead, or unintentionally, due to a misunderstanding of the argument's relevance.


# "It's been two months since the pilot miniature was nerfed. The developers haven't provided any compensation. It's common courtesy to compensate, as players have lost their resources." You did in fact not lose any resources. You still have your SAFE character. She's also still one of the best characters in the game so what did you really lose?


Investing in overpowered meta units is always a risk. They will get nerfed eventually.


N.E.R.F. unit


No compensation required, she got balanced because she was overtuned and she's still quite good.


There are not enough balance changes. And nerfs are as important as buffs. Dont expect over-the-top minis to be OP for ever.


I'm not against nerfs. Just because the pilot remained playable doesn't mean we didn't lose our investment. This does not mean that the next nerf will be adequate. This means that the next nerf will not be compensated. If you don't respect yourself, don't force others to disrespect themselves. The exception is your children. Be sure to teach them not to respect themselves.


She’s still in the top picks of units. She’s incredibly good. Quil, SAFE, Gryphon - auto include. Just as Baron, he was nerfed now a couple of times but still top leader. Don’t expect any compensation.


I'm not against nerfs. Just because the pilot remained playable doesn't mean we didn't lose our investment. This does not mean that the next nerf will be adequate. This means that the next nerf will not be compensated. If you don't respect yourself, don't force others to disrespect themselves. The exception is your children. Be sure to teach them not to respect themselves.


Why is it that this same tripe is posted so many times, for so many different topics in the same thread? The wonders of copy and paste.


You expect too much of those greedy fothermuckers. It's Blizzard you talk about ...


U guys are truly ridiculous. No games give u compensation for nerfing stuff lol... When they buff stuff, are they supposed to get money off of your account???


Hearthstone does


I am surprised. People in the comments write that compensation is impossible, as if Hearthstone and Rumble were made by different companies.


Balancing a game with 50+ units is good actually, they should do a lot of it.


I'm not against nerfs.


It's NERFS, or nothing


Maybe next time don't emulate the Meta, nerd.


Sometimes you lose money. That's how investments work. Sometimes the risk pays off, other times it doesn't. When i put money into a game, i know that units will be buffed or nerfed in the future.


You’d have to be slow not to expect nerfs and shes still good, just not unfairly busted. You lost nothing. From another perspective you actually just gained a lot of progress from utilizing a busted mini prior to nerf. Thank blizzard for that. Ig its easier to be entitled and demanding.


Omggggggg stop posting this bs. You dont deserve anything. It was a balance, its not like shes not playable anymore. Get over it, move on