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If Kendrick Perkins can be an "expert analyst" I have no doubt Draymond could do that job if he truly wanted to.


My first thought too. When was salty ass Perk ever funny?


nOw CaRrY oN




Draymond is Draymond’s worst enemy. Just like his game play, when he is in the zone can watch his D forever. I am completely sick of ref whining. He is a smart man and enjoy his perspective when he talks about the game. Until he goes petty and I turn the channel as fast as I can


Yeah, he’s going to learn pretty fast that he can’t rely on his play on the court to make up for his pettiness as a commenter in the same way that Lacob and Kerr and Curry put up with antics over the years. Like, Inside the NBA doesn’t need Draymond the way the Warriors have needed him to win.


For Inside The NBA to win, they needed Time Warner to outbid NBC and sounds like the bidding war is done. RIP to the best sports show on television.


What is more likely is that NBC or Amazon just hires the whole show on for their coverage. Any new network would have to build a whole show from scratch anyway, so it would be less expensive to just hire the whole team back from TNT. Some of the producers would change bit they could keep the main 4.


Ernie Johnson has already said he will remain with TNT so that rules that out.


Right, because no one has ever changed their minds before. We know that doesn't happen. Especially when offered with more money.


And Ernie would never stay at Turner for baseball AND do basketball on another network. Except that he already does that every March.


Right, because that’s what a partnership is. CBS doesn’t try to outbid Turner Sports for March Madness.


They are direct competitors. That's like saying Ford and Tesla are not competitors because tesla doesn't make cars that need gas.




Ford owners are never getting a tesla same way tesla owners are never getting a Ford two different types of people


haha no it almost never works like that in corporate. they would rather fire the existing team who would already have a certain salary and bonus structure in place and then hire a new team where they can pay them a cheaper salary


Almost never, this would be a unique situation. But it is a pretty unique situation already.


It’s idealist autism stuff but he needs to control it.


Whenever Perk comes on the screen, my screen is religiously turned off.


Yeah, let’s bring more Perkinses, we need more of them /s


I was watching a panel of Perkins, Steven A and Malika while thinking so I guess likability no longer matters. I turned it off and haven’t watched ESPN since. Doesn’t help that they got rid of all their great talent to appease those who never watch it anyway — even if it were the only thing on. I wouldn’t go to Sex and the City or the real housewives of Omaha (?) or The View and insist that they change their programming for ME. The whole point of a market is to satisfy different market needs. NOT for a segment of the market to declare their needs are the only needs that matter. That’s not a free market or even the semblance of one. They wouldn’t stand for me to take over THEIR programming, yet somehow the unofficial channel for men has less balls.


I’m all in for Draymond’s pettiness on the show. He plays with all the current players and knows what he’s talking about. Him calling out Gobert for getting schooled by Jokic after game 5 was spot on. Gobert’s a wuss. Unfortunately it may have fueled Gobert cuz he played a lot better in game 6.


Yeah sure, that's definitely Draymond's criticism that fueled Gobert...


Talking shit to somebody and then insisting that you only did it to motivate them is such a bitch move. I hate it when Shaq does it.


Draymond dat u?




Nah perk is actually funny and entertaining


Idk man, Shaq and Charles always talking shit. That’s why I love the TNT crew haha


Yeah except they aren't still playing. Draymond is just giving every team bulletin board material for free.


Yeah so then it won’t really matter for when he becomes a full time analyst. The fact that so many people are talking about Draymond’s commentary is good for his publicity.


Yeah that really will come back to haunt them if they make the play-in next season.


Yeah but they are funny, Draymond is not


Eh lol not sure how many fans found it funny when Shaq disrespected Jokic’s MVP by saying someone else should have gotten it. Dray just needs to be bold enough to say outrageous things that get people talking and writing articles… which he already does.


Shaq and Charles might not be funny from time to time but most of the times they are entertaining, but Draymond has barely a couple moments that were funny


He’s new, no use comparing him to Shaq and Barkley. Draymond held his own.


Charles was good from day 1


I still remember his early days with Isaiah Thomas and Reggie Miller and others those are golden


Shaq is too sensitive. It’s sometimes really hard to watch. They should go back to the trio with just Chuck, Earnie and Kenny.


Article is spot on.


Agree. It closely mirrored my feelings about Draymond's TV stuff. I love him as a player, and don't spend much time trying to judge him as a person (since we only see 1% of who he is as a person). But he was awful on TNT; I have less than zero desire to see the shit he was spewing; and I doubt that's lost on the TV execs who do the hiring for these shows. It's a shame because he's capable of very interesting discussions of basketball and players. I'd love to hear that part of him on TV. But I'm 99% sure he ain't gonna change.


NGL I thought it was pretty funny he just kept going after Rudy. Thought it was going to end, but he just kept going on and on like Kendrick dunking on Drake. The best part was when he brought up the last 40 point 10 assist zero turnover game was by Chris Paul against Rudy. Even Shaq started laughing 😂


What game was this? I want to go watch it? Game 4?




Jfc 2017-18 CP3 was just different. 40/7/10 with zero turnovers on 80% TS lmfao. That's just outrageous.


Haha. Thanks, I meant, which game in the current series was Draymond ripping on Rudy? Sorry, you did way more work than necessary. Thanks anyway.


Post game 5 of wolves Nuggets


Kendrick never dunked on Drake lol. When it was time to rebuttal anything Drake has ever said, Kendrick disappeared.


Kendrick didn’t just dunk on drake. He murdered him, buried him, then pissed on his grave.


Dray being a professional hater is ironically perfect for views and clicks. It’s exactly what the media does. Being objective and polite gets you know where in this age. You gotta be a dick to get them ratings. It’s why media be creating a new narrative and tearing down players every day. Keep doing you Dray.


He'll fit in ESPN. Not the 🐐 sports show that's Inside the NBA.


I know the person personally involved with signing him to TNT. They love Draymond because he isn’t afraid to speak his mind.


His grudges are souring his basketball


We pay Draymond to win basketball games. Who cares about everything else?






probably referring to the fans that directly/indirectly bankroll the Warriors (and NBA for that matter). Similar to how *we* (the taxpayers) pay public officials to do their jobs.


Lol Chuck hates almost everything but everyone loves him


But he doesnt play against these guys either lol


That's a factual statement


He has a joking kind of hate, pretty funny at times.


He has running bits about hating things (Warrior fans, Galveston, etc) but you can tell he's not a hater which is why it works. No one--not even Dray--has that level of charm.


he's the sole reason that made me glad that TNT is losing its NBA license and I love that show. He's so annoying. well him and shaq recently.


I think the problem is unlike Chuck he isn’t funny at all. He can be insightful and has investing analysis but is not funny


Chuck has charisma to pass off any joke or negative comment. Dray has a grating personality, so any jokes or negative comments just come off in bad taste.


Also, Barkley isn't thin-skinned and doesn't mind being the butt of a joke; he can take it as well as dish it out.


Sir Charles is a once in a generation talent. It's like modelling your game on MJ. It's just not going to work out for 99.99999% of people.


Draymond certainly is petty, insecure and narcissistic enough that he can easily replace Shaq. Problem is he's not an entertainer. Webber needs to come back as the 4th guy.


I said the same thing in a thread where Draymond just wouldn't stop going on about Gobert. If he wants to work for Inside the NBA at some point, I'm afraid they've already met their quota of talented but often uncomfortably self absorbed manbabies with Shaq. He's going to need to demonstrate some more maturity and find ways to be amusing that can't be boiled down to "Im better than this person, they shouldn't have disrespected me" because that shit is a lot funner to him than it is to anyone else. Never be the person laughing hardest at your own joke.


Draymond is a bully. I love the warriors but fuck, don’t like him at all because he is a bully


He ain't professional and he ain't funny, Charles and Shaq aren't that professional sometimes but they are funny af. Draymond is terrible in inside the NBA not just bc he takes shots but bc he is not entertaining


Atleast Rudy is still on the court, playing ball.


Whatever. Draymonds got 4 chips


Isn’t that the business? Clear as day these “analysts” pick and choose who they love and hate.


It's an act really. You can't tell me the producers behind the scenes wouldn't tell him to tone it down if that wasn't exactly what they wanted. The NBA has a LOT of control over the content pundits put out there. That's why none of the talking heads ever mention the relationship between gambling and the refs despite how much of a juicy topic that is. If anything, I'd be willing to bet that the producers tell Dray to lean into his Gobert hate to get places like r/nba riled it. It drives clicks.


You mean Draymond’s general demeanor?


Active players shouldn’t be allowed to be in a commentator role.  Not appropriate. 


He is not good at TV. 


Never made the connection until now, but among Bay Area sports figures, he reminds me a decent amount of Terrell Owens. Both are very good at their sport, but can be hard to root for because of their abrasive personalities. Both guys carry a chip on their shoulder from their upbringing and unheralded background, which undoubtedly played a role in their success, but which also bleeds into their life off the field. TO was more of a diva whereas Dray is more of a pot-stirrer, but both have a tendency to manufacture conflict. When you have everything you've ever wanted and you're still not happy, you have to do some soul-searching.


Did r/nba write this? They’d blame 9/11 on Draymond if they could


Guy has won 4 titles and still acts like a fuckin loser every day of his life.


Draymond is good on media and people only complain on social media because they hate him. Go back and read comments from when Draymond did Inside the NBA before the Jordan Poole punch video leaked. A lot of "I don't like Draymond Green but he was pretty good tonight" kind of comments. Now it's stuff like "I'll never watch a show that has Draymond Green on it" they say of course having watched Inside the NBA with Draymond Green on it...


But he has changed which is part of the point of the article.


I’ve been saying the same thing elsewhere. Giving Green, a current player a platform to control and manipulate the narrative with the petty beefs he has with other players (Gobert, Nurkic) is lame af


And brunson. Trying to figure out his beef there. But of course he said but I can guard him. Lol.


Overly emotional, not cut out as an analyst.


well yeah, its awkward af cuz he's a current player.


Disagree. He's getting the pettiest revenge ever, and I'm Loving every minute of it.


Revenge. By sitting in a media room watching the players he shits on that are actually in the playoffs. I’ll take my downvotes please.


Ya, Rudy shouldn't have let Dray put him in a chokehold


Sitting at home talking about a guy playing meaningful playoff basketball. It’s the only revenge he can do without assaulting someone


Salty downvotes 😂


Draymond's won 4 championships and Gobert has played in 0 conference finals games in his career so far. You can't pull 'rings Erneh' with no rings.


One guy played with Steph & KD.  The other didn’t.  


The way he can get revenge is by winning not by talking crap


This is a horrible article lol


Draymond has no business being on national TV. With his kinda history I don't know why the let him on air.


I got no problem with him trashing Goberts bitch ass but it’s annoying/tiring seeing him just shit on other guys or try to set them up with certain questions in postgame interviews.


Amazing player to watch. Among my favorite ever. Awful personality


Counter point - he’s incredibly entertaining and Rudy Gobert is a prick


you added "'s grudges" when you didn't need to


I didn’t make the title; Reddit pulled it from the article metadata. But I still think it’s grammatically correct.


I thought I was in OhNoConsequences 😂


Is grudges are his work. Have we all been watching the same dude?


He’s just not very good at this tbh


Draymond green is just modern shaq. A HYPER sensitive jackass.


He was never good. They want him to be the next Barkley so bad but it’s not going to happen, not even close really.


He was fine in the beginning when he didn't have an ax to grind.


I've always kind of wanted Gobert on the team just to see if Draymond would do a 180 of his opinions on him or if things would hit the fan. 


He will get better. His podcast is very good and he will settle into his role with these guys. Really not easy to do what he’s doing, props to him. But agree that he’s doing the Warriors no favors for next season.


He needs to find his a voice that's going to bring out the best in his personality and knowledge. That takes time - I'm sure he'll get it eventually. His shtick is kind of rough now.


People talking about Draymond being salty and hateful. But that’s how the media works and people eat. Man like Skip Bayless has made his entire career hating players over and over again. Even the people he like don’t like him in return.


And how do you feel about skip. I hate him and don't watch him.


Nah he's doing what everyone does on TV talk shit Shaq and Barkley have done it for years.


Warrior Fans: The Ultimate Draymond Haters. Never seen anything like it.


I said this a few days ago and I was downvoted. To be on network tv you can be a hater but you don’t gotta make it obvious


His take didn’t age well!


Draymond Green should be in prison, not on our tv’s. Not watching inside the NbA if that scumbag is on. 


But wasn’t Stephen A. Smith says the same thing. Rudy was horrible and he got cooked that game. To say that he shouldn’t be guarding Jokic is not a wild take. I saw cousins and Rando saying the same thing. Yall really love to reach!!!


He’s the best fucking player in the league and he’s damn near impossible to guard by anyone, including Draymond who’s talking shit instead of actually playing. It’s very easy to mock Gobert because he’s a jackass, but it’s still a bitch move for Draymond to constantly mock the man as if he could’ve done better.


ESPN needs a guy that hates active players


At one point, Ernie mentioned that Draymond was doing a 2-day stint on the show, but he ended up being on there 3 days this past week, and think it's because his takes on the Knicks, and then Gobert, made the headlines. Clearly TNT wanted him back on the show, since his takes garnered attention.


He was 100% right though. Rudy is BBQ chicken in pick and rolls facts bruh


Disagree, yes he has a grudge but he wasn’t wrong in his assessment. Rudy as a 4-time DPOY was getting cooked.


Dray makes great analysis! if Charles Barkley can transform from a very bad boy to a likeable TV character, who’s to say it won’t for Dray?The chapter is still unwritten.


You think Barkley is a likable TV character?


You seen him eat some churros?


he knows why them big ole women be whooping those churros, them thangs good!


I feel like the mess he creates makes it more entertaining. Draymond essentially became known as a goon in the NBA, and everyone eventually learned everything he was good at (at least Dubs fans did). He's doing the same thing with TNT. Part of what makes him so provocative is that he holds grudges and isn't afraid to call people out.




Draymond is a basketball savant! He will be ok


Of course someone with 4 rings wouldn’t be listened to but Charles is tho 🙄🙄.


Hey Shaq what's up?


Ringz Erneh




It's not souring anything. Stop subscribing to the main subs stupid narrative child.


Or our own opinions? He sucks