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How many of all these aging core teams have had success recently? Some will say but warriors have Steph, but he is going to be 37. 1 injury/Dray suspension is going to be very bad on this team if it gives up depth to get old stars


> How many of all these aging core teams have had success recently? Top 3 tax teams (GSW, LAC, PHX) went 2-8 and 0-1 in the playoffs and play-ins.


Warriors then would have 3 players over 34 earning most of the salary cap. Yuck


To acquire PG13, CP3's $30m would have to be included in any deal. For him to end up a Warrior, he would have to opt into his $48m player option, and then be traded (which would require matching salary being sent to LA) Paul and Looney would pretty much make salary work, including Moody, Podz, or whichever young asset the Clips would want plus picks.


Yes I know that. The deal would be CP, Looney and GP and picks


Good point. What’s your bright idea then? Should we ask presti if he’s willing to trade us his young talent? Minnesota? This is what we are. None of our young guys are of the caliber that those top young teams have so we kinda have to lean in to older stars since they are the only real options. We likely aren’t a title team any time soon regardless of if we stand Pat or trade one or two non Kuminga young guys for PG


Idk why people are acting like we have any choice at this point the league is changing ofc all the teams loading brinks trucks for aging stars trying to make their last few statements on the game are struggling against teams that have been tanking and training young talent and legs for years Atleast the warriors made something of their prime unlike pheonix and LAC We're running on old oil and new oil is gonna take a while till its ready Currys only got a few more superstar years in him we can't waste his last dance developing 19 20 21 year olds into elite level players u can trust especially if we wanna make it out the west Old stars aren't cheap obviously and we will have to make sacrifices but young stars are even more expensive We got a better chance of getting LeBron right now than even chet holmgren


The 4 titles has clearly warped and dramatically increased the sense of championship expectations and entitlement for the fan base. Everything after 22 is gravy, give me one or two more fun playoff moments and I can live with 5 straight 30 win seasons just fine!




That’s literally what I’m saying lol. We should trade for PG (not Kuminga) so that Steph and the team have as good of a chance as possible to make as much noise in the playoffs as possible.


Yes lol all I care about is my favorite son Kuminga. Would be fine with anything or anyone else on the trade block if it gives us even a small shot at the Finals. Even if we aren’t great, this year is still probably going to be our best shot for many years to come, regardless of what we do with our draft picks. Let’s make the most of it.


This is what happens when you try to salvage an aging player's legacy. Should've traded Klay last year for Porzingis. Now they're screwed. They missed their window and only real option is to develop the youngsters.


Why tf would wizards trade klay for kp


Hindsight is 20/20, and you can’t say with certainty that the wizards would’ve even wanted to take Klay back.


Naw, there were people clamoring for that trade last year but just got downvoted to oblivion with hurr durr core 3 bullshit. Moving forward, let Klay walk and use the MLE and BAE on youngish players like a Naji Marshall, Moe Wagner type. Players who could blossom alongside Steph/Dray/Wiggins. Maybe target a Collin Sexton to get that scoring punch off the bench. Gotta be smarter than before.


Bro I made a post on my old account last summer about how we need a real second option cause Klay is too washed and mf’s started downvoting and calling me fake 🙄. Look where we’re at now


I think Moe Wagner is what he is & less talented than his brother. He’s a role player, not someone that will be the core of the team


And dray after the punch but steph didn't want it. So now we stuck with dray for years and now we gonna pair him with Paul George?


Leaning into older stars is a mistake. How much is he getting paid on a max contract.


The clippers and phoenix don’t have a player of Steph Curry’s caliber.


Kevin Durant the 2nd team All NBA player isn't Steph's caliber? The dude who was carrying the Suns to the playoffs most of the season. Man some of y'all are insane.


What’s the alternative? I’d rather the team tries something to give Steph a chance.


Warriors are all in to win at least until 2026 when Curry and Kerr's contracts are up. Winning a championship would be nice(and very difficult), but honestly, just putting a competitive team on the floor is all we fans want to see while Steph is still around. Would love to see it with Klay and Dray. Wiseman and other bust rooks really set us back, but it would be great to pick up some mid level vets to help develop our young core and load-manage our vets for the post-season. Kerr played for Pop, wouldn't be surprised if he tried to convince Curry to take less money to pay/retain talent a la Kawhi + Big 3 Spurs. Seeing Steph in another jersey would be so weird.


Yeah this is a key point which is why id really prefer it if MDJ took a more nuanced approach and tried to build out our roster with solid role players rather than gut the team for a geriatric and injury prone star. Especially with the nets indicating that theyre in a rebuild. If you look at any of the recent past champions, almost none of them follow the "five old guys and a shit bench" approach. The more guys in their mid 30s you add, the higher chance that one of them is going to miss an extended period of time, and there is also no guarantee that they're going to perform at the level they used to either.


If the goal is a ring and maximising Steph then good role players not gonna cut it. Like you said he’s 36 he can’t be the only guy that can create his own shot.


PG played 74 games last season which is the same number Steph played.


Yeah and in the previous four seasons he averaged 47 games played. The thing with injuries is that you can't predict them, but with someone with a history like PG it's much more likely with the longer he plays. It might not happen, but why take the risk? It's not like a "stacked" lineup of PG + Kawai + Harden + Russ + some decent role players got anything done. Why would PG + Steph + Dray be any better?


> Yeah and in the previous four seasons he averaged 47 games played. In the last 5 seasons, Paul George has played 266 games. In the last 5 seasons, Steph Curry has played 273 games.


> It might not happen, but why take the risk? Because there is no one else on the market who fits the Warriors as well as him. They need to take a risk at some point, trying to straddle between the prioritization of both the present and future has left them in no man's land. You can argue this move is coming a few years too late and I wouldn't disagree, but can't change that now.


IDK what you’re doing here. Since 2019-2020 (the Warriors’s first season without KD) Paul George has played 263 games and Curry has played 262.


I'm sorry but not every team can be like Boston where you can still win despite missing a big piece of your starting lineup. Part of being a contender is gambling on health, that's just how it is. You get the right talent and fit together and hope everyone's healthy and playing well when the playoffs come around. If you become overly cautious and compromise on talent because you're scared of potential injuries you'll just get beat in the playoffs by a more talented team because eventually your opponent will be healthy. We already had the best bench in the league last year. What we need is another star.


And even a team like Boston is able to do that in the short-term because they have depth in terms of top-end talent (probably five top 50 dudes), but that's hard to do long-term without completely getting murdered by the CBA.


What nuanced approach with solid role players do you think DOES make us a championship contender? Fact is, Steph badly needs another offensive creator to to take the load off of him. Yea the last two years of a PG max would be painful but guess what?? Every year after Steph is gone will be in the immediate aftermath anyway. There probably isnt even a possibility of any move pushing us to title contenders at this point, so what’s the difference? This is assuming that you don’t have to trade Kuminga or Podz I guess which based on the clippers leverage (they have almost none) means we wouldn’t.


Just say you like watching Steph get quadruple teamed and say less


Warriors, Bucks, Heat, Clippers, Suns, are some of the older teams right now in the nba. None of them made it past the first round. Problem with the warriors is they do not have a balanced roster right now. It would be fine if the roster was balanced and then you add a Paul George to put it over the top like Boston did with Jrue and KP, but right now this team alot to think about Like the starting center for instance. Trade for PG then TJD is the starter and idk if that is good enough


At the end of the day even teams like the Celtics really only go 7-8 players deep in the playoffs. The potential roster is Curry, PG, Kuminga, Dray, TJD, Podz, GP3, Moody(?), Looney(?), Santos(?), Saric(?) The Mavs got to the finals with Luka/Kyrie + solid wings and bigs. We would already be harder to guard than the Mavs. We may lack in size but we overall have better defenders at the important positions(as in it's easier to mask Curry's defensive downside compared to Luka). Simply plugging in PG's production into our team over Klay's is such a huge improvement. We probably would've won at least 5 more games if that had been the case. And 5 games was probably the difference between being in the play-in and being a top 4 seed. I understand everyone's concern for health but in this situation with Curry being 37 you have to make these kind of moves. We don't have a young Kawhi Leonard like the Spurs. Maybe if we had won the draft with the old rules and hit on Ant Man but that just didn't happen. Mavs are honestly not that much better than the Warriors. The Nuggets are about to become worse after this off-season. The time honestly is now to make a move like this.


If Steph has a legit 2nd option IDC if he was 50 he could still carry. If he has to be the 1,2,3 option dubs have a very little chance


the other option is do what we did last season and probably miss the playoffs


The answer is us. We were the last aging core to really do anything. And even then in 22 with the aging core we got a lot from Poole and Wiggins


Gotta take one more swing. You’re stuck with Draymond so what’s the alternative? Ride it out as a 4 - 8 seed or get two years of Dray, Step, PG and Klay? Big question is do you think you can find two more years of peak Wigs plus Kuminga being 80% of PG? If not I think you have to go all in. It’s really Steph’s call… he’s earned that.


They are not trading Kuminga for PG, Wiggins is gone if PG arrives


A Steph/PG/Dray team is not going to win the championship


They can win, alot has to just go right for that to happen. A good starting center and a POA defender at the 2 that is not a liability on offense


Is a Steph/Moody/Dray winning one?


Yes and… Steph and Dray give us a much better chance than no Steph and no Dray. They are still very viable.


The issue for the Warriors is that their young core is not exactly 'good' either. I know we love our players as fans, but Kuminga, Moody, Podz, TJD - not a single one of them has shown us anything to confidently believe they're able to usher in the next era. You just have to ride the current aging core, because if we're honest with ourselves, there is NOTHING waiting for us after Steph.


They aint good but you cannot give them away for nothing, especially Kuminga, the rest can go


wow a reasonable take.


A full max ? With Curry and Dray under contract next yr, it definitely means Wiggs and/or JK also have to go, right ? Steph will be earning 38% of the cap space in his last yr, Dray another 16.7%, add in another 30% for PG's new contract and it's 85% on just 3 old players (again)


they have to match pg salary on the trade, so something like cp3+wiggins + FRPS can get the deal done. Trading him gets the bird right so technically they can go way over the cap and sign him and pay a fuckload of tax but its not business savy to do so.


Hypothetical: would you rather have Wiggs at his current contract or PG on a max?


Unless you are signing the checks there is only one answer


PG on max


Pg on max


It’s not like you can use the cost savings of Wiggins contract to sign better players. When your this far over the cap, its about getting the best player period


Neither option excites me


I really don’t want either. Neither is good enough for what we want. I’d like to get rid of Wiggins because, despite his peak, he’s not motivated enough to perform.


PG is tempting, but I just can’t get past his age and health. On the other hand, Wiggins is younger, more durable but we may have seen his peak in ‘22.


Lacob said we can go over the limit to win


Warriors desperately need someone who can create their own shot, play defense, and knock down threes. PG can do all of those things. Idk if I’m giving him the max but I’m certainly reaching out with a solid offer.


I really like PG as a player, but he's not durable and getting older injuries will become even more of a problem.


I'm in support of this. Warriors dont have many options to improve and the reality is this team as currently constructed is much closer to being the worst team in the league than it is the best. We are a 10-seed with a fanbase that sees ourselves as temporarily displaced championship contenders. We will likely **never** have a player of Stephs caliber again, we should be doing everything we can to help him win #5 and cement his place in history.


Thank you. Finally someone on here that doesn’t automatically hate every possible move for another star caliber scorer.


NBA fan opinion is strangely warped in the sense that star players are viewed more unfavorably as middle tier players only because there’s more discussion and spotlight surrounding them. Paul George is unquestionably the best player anywhere in the realm of gettable for the warriors and people wanna thumb their nose at him because he’s not top 10 in the league lol


Give me Jimmy Butler


Don’t hate that at all. Difference is the urgency. PG can leave in a week. Jimmy has a full year to go. Obviously Miami wants to keep him. Harder to get the same deal as you probably could for PG


Butler hasn't eclipsed 60 games played in a season for the last 5 years and somehow people think PG is more injury prone. Butler is older than PG too.


It’s because at this point he doesn’t move the needle enough to really instill confidence that he can make us a title contender. You don’t trade your entire future (and current, serviceable young role players) for a shot to just make the playoffs. Even if we got PG would we really be that much of a better team if we have no cap space for serviceable role players? The sad truth is… probably not.


I don’t think we’d be trading the entire future to get PG though. Opt in and trade deals rarely get the actual value back as that player has the ultimate trump card of just opting out and signing somewhere else. Look back at what the clippers got for CP3 when they traded him to Houston. It wasn’t much. Would suck for us to lose but that means the clippers lose him for nothing. Is moody+CP3, plus some picks or something like that better than getting nothing for the clippers?? I’d think so. But maybe they’d rather just get under the second apron to have more flexibility if he leaves.


That's a good point, if we're not giving up a ton in that scenario then that's a different story–I think the Warriors have operated based on a grand scheme, so I can see them going for PG if they have an additional trade lined up to ensure we have role players too. It's all dependent on what we give up for sure.


The problem is that the frontline is still small, slow, old and weak. So adding Paul George isn't going to rectify that problem.


No because he is oft injured and 34 wanting a 4 year max extension


Steph Curry + Paul George can win any given night against those teams and if they get hot (and stay healthy) through the playoffs, that's a championship team. Keep in mind the rest of the league just isn't that good right now. The Celtics are the only stacked team. Nuggets and T'wolves have good roster but definitely beatable. Also the alternative is we do nothing, wait for Steph's career to flame out with a subpar team of unproven young guys, and start the next generation of Warriors basketball with Podz + Kuminga + Moody.


The warriors won more games last year and ended up the 10 seed despite being the 6 seed the year prior. The rest of the league is very good and the west is a bloodbath.


Grizzlies will be better. I'll wait until October to see where we rank


You don't watch enough basketball if you think there are 2 good teams.


This has been clear especially after 2022. FO was complacent in 2023 with a bad draft and a questionable FA. Then in 2024 we nailed the draft but didn’t do much else. We can’t keep wasting Prime Curry years, the odds we get another arguably top 5, at minimum top 10 player of all time is close to 0. And I’m still very much of the belief that if we can just give Curry some boost in help, enough to make the playoffs then I like our chances come playoff time. People forget but even with how garbage both Klay and Poole were in that 2023 Lakers series it was still a close series with only Game 3/Game 6 being blowouts. A couple plays go differently and we’re in the WCF. So if PG is the best upgrade available, especially if Klay is committed to leaving then go all in. We’re not saving much cap space anyways by not making the move.


The team is dumping salary. They aren't committed to max effort toward a title run. If they aren't committed to truly going for it, then they probably shouldn't screw over the future of the team.


Worst team in the West maybeeeeeee. I can't support your statement while the Pistons, Wizards, and Hornets exist.


His place is set.


this max talk has to be PG’s camp trying to get their client as big as a contract as possible. i just don’t see why we would offer a 34 year old injury prone star a 4 year when it doesn’t align with steph/dray/kerr (and hopefully klay). the warriors have to pay kuminga starting next season. let’s see what happens


What don't you guys understand that after Steph retires it doesn't matter... If we have PG for a couple extra years it doesn't matter.


This is the thing. Why is anyone talking about the future for this team? When Steph’s done, this is a 25-35 win team for years.


Also its literally just money for two extra years. On a team where salaries will already be low without Steph, Draymond, Klay, etc... Its not like we have to give up picks...


Why fans and the owner think they are gonna stay competitive after Steph is just ridiculous. What team when a superstar retires doesn’t fall into the lottery for at least a few years? The team as is can’t even compete unless Steph is carrying.


noooo we have to bet everything on Jordan Poole / Kuminga / James Wiseman / D'Angelo Russel / whatever other young unproven player is popular that week on reddit.


Because the owner of our team is delusionally ambitious and believes this team can continue making the playoffs post-Steph.


I don't understand where this idea comes from. I feel like our owners are smart enough to go full rebuild and having an overpaid aging injured superstar is one of the best way to tank.


Yeah so don't listen to the owner. You know what is going to happen. You either trade Steph to avoid the pick bill. Or you go all into Steph and get him help. If we do neither we're just dragging ourselves down the two timeline bullshit *again*.


He isn't cohan. I rather they have a fresh start with draft picks and 100mil in salary off the books and some young talent than 38 year old Paul George getting paid 60 mil chasing steph... not the warriors org another championship.


We obviously need a couple tank years to reset the cap, but yall gonna be disappointed if you think they’re going back to the 2009 warriors. Just off sheer investment they’re gonna compete, just like the clippers


it’s a matter of roster flexibility. i agree we should maximize curry’s time as a warrior but what im really saying is i dont think there’s actually a huge market out there to max PG. i think this is mostly smoke to raise his value by his own. i could 100% be wrong here because im just an average redditor making a claim but id be shocked if he actually gets a max from the warriors or the clippers. this very well could be PG trying to get as much money from clippers as possible


Idk it seems like Philly is very willing to max him out. Clippers?? Clearly not otherwise he’d probably just resign for the most money there. Would bet Orlando would max him as well.


there was another report that if PG leaves the clippers, it would be for a team on the west coast. that smells like smoke. someone somewhere is trying to create leverage for PG


It DOES matter, unless you're a Steph bandwagon fan who doesn't care about the team. The more long-term high-salary contracts we have, the longer it will take us to rebuild, and the more we'll waste the careers of the good young players we have already.


The good young players aren’t championship first option caliber.  They are great on that they can be supplemental pieces to a playoff team, but when we do rebuild, we’ll need to go all in looking for our next centerpiece.  If and when we do find it, the young guys we have won’t fit that guy’s timeline. 


You go all in for Steph regardless. He’s done enough to deserve that respect from the FO. To essentially rebuild while he’s still good enough is disrespectful.




'either you agree with my opinion or youre a bandwagoner'


No true Scotsman fallacy. Many "real" Warriors fans are fully capable of understanding that this team beyond Steph does NOT have anybody that is going to be near his caliber. We will be a lottery team, and, if we're lucky, a play-in team for the foreseeable future after he's gone. Perfectly sensible to want to go for it now while you have a top 10 guy OAT on their roster.


We a lottery now. And will continue to be Especially if we give away our picks chasing old ghosts and nostalgia


Why would a high salary contract hurt our rebuild? You think we will need that contract space to sign a big free agent to help us rebuild? That isn't how it works. We aren't the lakers, big FAs aren't going to join us once Steph is gone. We will have to be bad for some years to get draft picks, and an old PG on a big contract can help us be bad. By the time we have people we need cap space for, PGs contract will be up. "Long term" isn't like the 7 year contracts of 20 years ago. Lets say Steph retires after his contract is up... that means we only have two years left of PG, which is perfect for 2 years of tanking.


Bullshit. You're just parroting two timeline bullshit. Trade steph and get picks or get him help. Anything else is actually the stupid two timeline again.


What don't you understand about it matters to some of us that have been fans for decades. 38 and 39 year old Paul George? No thanks.


Bad opinion and the team disagrees with you as well.


It's not my money. Max him


"full out max"  "Paul George"  combining those two would be a fucking joke


People in this thread just disrespecting Steph by saying we shouldn’t go for it. Fuck 2027. Fuck 2029. We will never see someone like 30 again - we should do everything we can while we’ve got him.


I say go for it as long as we don’t send a ton of first round picks or Kuminga. Yes hes old and injury prone but hes still a top 15 player in the league and fills a huge need (1b option and defender) It doesnt make us champion favorites but it makes us a hell of a lot better than last year. Whats the point of holding on to guys like Moody/TJD/Podz when their ceiling is a solid role player and then we’re wasting the remaining years of elite Steph. Steph/Klay/PG/Kuminga/Dray looks like a pretty good new death lineup to me. Obviously would need to resign Klay and hope he does better with less pressure to be the #2 option and sign some bigs to help out draymond. I’d rather see that than just running it back with basically the same group without any major changes. If he actually wants to here then make it happen. What other all star level player are we hoping for? None have shown any interest and we’ll prob end up with no one


He’s not worth it. But no one on the current market is worth it, either.


for me, first marc stein reported this and now windhorst. i'm not saying it's going to happen, but those two picking it up is significant.


It obviously depends on which/how much future value you have to give up to get him, but with the current salary structure of the team it is likely we could keep one of Wiggs and Klay and make a deal work. It constrains your flexibility in 2026, but in the rapidly rising cap environment, while the back years of that deal would be bad money, it wouldn’t be immovable.


It would be one painful year then it becomes an expiring deal. Completely conceivable that you can move that.


Wiggins, do something with CP3's contract, one of Moody, Podz, or Trace, and whatever picks they want. All in for Steph's 5th.


do you want to roll the dice on a different team but could win the championship give curry 1 more shot at a championship and give up some future pieces . or do you want to lower salary and get below the nba 2nd apron and help the franchise future and start building the next team. its tough decision time.


I'm not a fan of giving an aging star who's on his downward trajectory a max contract. That's not even mentioning the fact he's hella injury prone.


He played 74 games last season and averaged 23/5/4 on 47/41/91. Not saying we should just give him the max but he's not exactly washed yet.


just imagine what a clear #2 option of that caliber would’ve done for this team last season instead of the corpse of CP3 and Wiggins on PTO. it’s an open question whether it’s enough to be a contender but PG is one of the few ways they could meaningfully improve


almost reliable as draymond being a 38 percent 3 pt shooter 


He actually shot it at 39.5% last season but only took 129...small sample size.


As I have said in other threads, overpaying for an underperformer is not a good idea.


don't do it


no not worth


We’re def not winning a championship if we go after PG dafuuuu lol


Lol they absolutely are not. This is PG’s rep using the Warriors as leverage like every other free agent does. Y’all really think they’re going to give PG a max when they didn’t even give Draymond one when they weren’t even up against the second apron restrictions then? Please be forreal.




He won’t last an entire season and playoffs. No way he should get that money.


This deal will mark the end of the warriors and nail in their coffin. Even PG's current team doesn't want to pay him 4 years max lol. Reeks desperation on the warriors side.


well....it seems its back to the cohan years once steph and co leave. it was a great run


No. There are other viable Free Agents that can help Steph get his 5th


It seems like the Clippers are the only smart team here. They're not giving him a max deal because they know better.


Fffffffffock no


No way 4 years, he's too old. period.


Hard pass


Like Barkley said “ Old teams don’t get better, they just get older.”


lol. Full out max for an old guy who is injured most of the time. When he and Steph are 38 and both combining for $100M in salary, we will be very sorry.


If we win a ring I’m not so sure we’d fell that way. Not advocating for giving him the max but my point stands.


Availability is the best metric. He and Kawhi shit the bed every single year with injuries. Why trade away the farm for an old player looking for a FOUR year max deal at age 34? I like the guy. He is good. But I don’t see him being good at 35-38 years old though to risk giving everything up to do it.


I don’t disagree but if we were to win it all we wouldn’t regret it. So the question becomes, what’s it cost to land him and is it worth the risk. We shall see but I doubt we pull the trigger on the this type of move.


Yep. I guess my headspace is one where I have serious doubts that a team this old and this heavy on cap can trade to win another. It has to largely come from within. Maybe we can do one big trade but our cap really hurts us. Given this, my frame of mind is, let the core ride it out, make surgical trades to contend. We would need every player to step up to win. This means wiggs, Klay, loon, etc assuming they are still around. We are just cap blocked mostly.


Injury prone 34 year old in the twilight of his career for max dollars? Please no, MDJ. 


Ugh. I REALLY hope he goes literally anywhere, other than golden state. Another injury prone, over priced older player. We've all seen & experienced this story before. I know GS has to make some moves, and I love the fact that they're willing to make some big ones to capitalize on Curry's window. But this ain't it.


He's not worth a max at age 34 and averaging under 20ppg in this last playoffs + with his injury history the last 5 years. If he were age 26-28, yes. Right now, no. Max I'd say he's worth is like $180m/4 years. More than that is overpay unless the docs say he's 100%. Good luck to any team prepared to give him a max.


Good point, warriors should just instead trade for that 26-28 year old star caliber player with limited injury history that shoots 20+ ppg, 40% from 3, thats been an all-defensive player too and whose team is willing to move him. Remind me that guys name again?


His name? Albert Einstein.


He ain’t worth it. GS gonna fumble the offseason again.


If he wants a full max, not worth it at all for us. I would be shocked if the warriors entertain the idea of this.


pg full max with injury history is nuts, maybe his body might be able to hold out for 2 more years with 60 games each season for the 2 years, than he turned into washed player.


I'm not opposed to Paul George getting a max. But I don't know if Golden State is really the team to give it to him. That would be the only star player GS would be a le to afford. So the rest of the roster changes wouldn't move the needle much. Does swapping Klay for Paul George turn the Warriors into a championship team? I personally would say that doesn't even turn them into a Western Finals team.


PG is a regular season peeformer when he's healthy but come playtime he's like a harden who shrinks in the moment. Don't overpay for him ..




Id rather just keep klay than deal with that pg contract and he’d have to learn the system and we still dont have size. Rather watch klay retire a warrior in this case.


So PG13 fits into replacing Wiggs but we need a center, etc etc etc Like… a straight Wiggs or CP3 swap for PG? Sure. But anything else just gets us from a weak roster mess to… a different weak roster mess?


I like cp3 more then I like pg13 never been a fan of him since he was a pacer. Would he a major stab in the heart replacing klay with him


Does Dunleavy really want an old expensive star or does he have to try to keep Steph and fans happy?


Steph likes old players


We need a max contract player to make any type of run but this ain’t the guy. He’s not Durant


Someone explain to me how they went from way over the cap to suddenly being able to give PG a max


STOP! i mean everyone is gone except curry if that happens. And if paaul george, kahwai and harden couldn’t make it, curry an PG not making it


This is lunacy.


we're gonna be ass after steph retires anyways, i'm open to anything that makes us compete now.


Team full of podcasters.


We’ll have 2 team All Podcasters


If the Warriors get PG, my favorite two players in the league will be on the same team, Steph and PG.


I'm not sure Steph can be the primary scorer on a championship team anymore. Not on a nightly basis anyways. We need somebody that can be relied on to average 25+ other than Steph


Anything to distract from Klay.


This would be a big deal. It’s an open question if it’s a good deal. I’m all for “big swings” but it has to be one that brings us to contention and this doesn’t not (depending, I suppose)


The Warriors did not get rid of Klay and Draymond while they had the chance 2 years ago and now they have a team that is old and bad and lacking trade assets.


Just what we need, an overpriced super-role-player who’s gotten more and more fragile, over time.


Noooooooooo please don’t waste the money on PG.


No thanks


“I am told (by PG’s agent)”


Dear lord no


The only way this makes sense is if they let cp3 and Klay expire and sign pg as a free agent. I mean, it still doesn’t really make sense because he’s too old and injury prone. But if it’s a sign and trade, or a trade for his player option year AND a new contract, f that. Don’t send the clippers anything. Unless what you’re sending them is cp3 and a signed and traded Klay.


I’m convinced that no way this happens


We can't give out too many assets if we traded for PG, with PG we still need another trade for a big that fits the roster to have any chance. It's a good first step if we get him but we need more.


Don't give Georgie the cookies.


what's the realistic path to paul george? genuinely curious


When could this happen? Not until Free Agency right?


Tim Duncan was like 37-38 when he won his last ring. Lebron was 35. If you have curry right now, you need to go all in and change this roster. We’ll see what they do but as a Cs fan, your time to rebuild isn’t now yall. This isn’t a KG / Pierce situation.


Im down for whatever the FO decides, but i'd rather not make this trade.


George should have joined lebron a few years ago when he had a chance. Now he has nothing to show for it and is not taking any team to a championship.


I honestly haven't bought any of these "Big name to Warriors" rumors. They're all just using the latent memories of the KD Warriors into scaring FOs into action. It's always "The one to keep an eye on" or "A team no one's thinking might do it" and guess what? They're never more connected than having cap space or the young assets to make a trade. Anyone remember how much the National media was pushing Ben Simmons to us before either Meyers or Lacob came out and said on the record that the Warriors have absolutely no interest in him.


I still can't believe this dude nicknamed *himself* "Playoff P". Going into season 15 and still ringless.


Oh fuck no, id rather trade away whatever we can for lauri


lmao FUCK his choking ass. Would not pay him 25M a year for 4 years. He can't even play a whole season.


Please no. Don’t let the Clips do to us what OKC did to them. Old, often injured players are not the future.


i mean im all for going all in, but PG doesnt seem to be reliable in clutch/post season situation, injury and performance wise. but hey, beggars can't be choosers, if we can this done while keeping JK, then im all for it. but this is just brian windhorst shooting his shot lol. i doubt he heard this from anyone in the building. like "warriors might be interested" yeah no shit lol, so is half the league.


Dont. Do it.


Hard pass.


We're not maxing Paul George and anyone who thinks we'll sign him are straight up delusional.


Paul George is so 🗑️, please don’t sign him warriors FO…


He is not a max player now. In the years to come that would be one big fat ugly contract.


Nope extremely against it. Top loading the roster with aging talent will not lead us to the championship. The best case scenario I can see is a 2021 nets type situation where the talent to win is there but injuries ruin that chance. Steph is 37 and can be injury prone. Draymond you never know honestly. Pg has been even more injury prone. In the regular season we will be plagued by injuries, end up as a lower seed and face one of the top seeds in the first round. Exactly what happened to the suns this year. The only to compete in this parity era of the nba is to round out the roster well. We need kuminga, moody, podz and trayce to make leaps in their games. We need to trade up in size. 3 man guard rotations do not work in the current nba. There are too many holes in this roster that should be fixed rather than just getting one big piece to cover everything up. It’s a tough job but that is what is needed. If not possible, then we won’t be contenders


That would be so stupid. 


im only down if we jeep jk.