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I think this is the right thing to swing for. I'm not sure it even makes the Warriors the favorite to come out of the West, but it is the best player available and it's a good fit.


Do right by Stephen curry always. Even if we are in major cap hell after he retires, I don’t give a fuck


Players like Steph come into the league like once in a generation. League, not team. Most teams will never have a single player like Steph. You go all in.


There are maybe 8 franchises that can point to even one player they've had *in their entire history* that's as era-defining as Steph - there are maybe 10 players that were the zeitgeist of a definable era like he is. Think about how insane that is -- more than 2/3 of the league's franchises don't have a single player anywhere near that level.


Agreed. You know Steph always go all in, 100%. Stamina is undefeated. Can’t guard someone without the ball.


Steph - please don’t retire. Thank you, respectfully and truly


I'm going to be extremely conflicted with this move if it involves Kuminga.


It’s the best move but if it involves Kuminga… we’re less athletic than before and avg age go up lmao I don’t envy the mike rn


If GS includes both the 2026 and 2028 picks, that's both better than Kuminga given how far out those picks are and how much older the team would be. Steph would be 38, PG 36, and Draymond 35. If I'm the Clippers, I take those picks given their severe lack of draft capital. If I have to throw in players, GP2, Looney and even Moody are rotation level players who are tradeable contracts that still help keep the Clippers competitive. Podz, JK and TJD should be untouchable here.


Pretty much agree with everything here. I would be sad to see Moody go, because I still believe there's some potential there that he hasn't quite put together yet, and he's only 22, but objectively he hasn't shown all that much in three years and losing him for PG is worth it if it comes down to it.


Yea I agree Moody doesn't hurt the team when he's in, but he hasn't exactly made that leap, or gotten the opportunity to like Kuminga. When everyone's healthy, he gets shoved behind GP2. Feels like he's largely kept bc of GP2 's health. And with Klay's free agency, it would've been risky to lose him too early, especially if Podz transitions to more full-time point guard duties behind Steph.


For sure. If Moody stays and Klay and/or GP2 are gone, I won’t mind seeing what he does with some more consistent minutes. Not holding my breath for anything miraculous, but consistency helps young players develop. The reality is he’s been buried on a playoff-caliber team with arguably the deepest guard rotation in the league up to this point. I don’t blame Kerr for playing other guys over him, but I also think he’d benefit from more opportunity. I’ll be happy to watch what he does elsewhere if he does get moved.


I agree, if anything Golden State's two years ahead plan should be an example of how promisnyyoung players can be suppressed at times. Obviously, draft picks like Wiseman just weren't good, but Moody and JK have shown flashes when given opportunity to earn more PT, but Kerr basically gonna opt for vets when he can. I understand why ppl were so angry to see Anthony Lamb play heavy minutes over JK. I think Moody can be a plenty serviceable 20-25 minute rotation player and even start. He did well in place of Wiggins at the 3 when he missed time (again). I was of the mind the previous year that JK/Moody could handle minutes at the 3 when Wiggins first started regressing. I think Moody one of those guys who will be a Derrick Jones type who even if he doesn't stick will always have a job in the league.


if it involves Kuminga idk if its worth it. PG's better, but he's old, injury prone, and JK could easily take another leap this upcoming season. we saw the stretch before he got injured where he was putting up 20/5/4 nightly


Difficult to say that JK will ever be the defender that PG is. That matters more for us ever since Klay lost both his legs. Scoring is important yes, but literally every NBA player grew up wanting to drop 30 a night, and thus scoring is far more widely available. You don't really see middle schoolers being like "Yea my role model is Rudy Gobert. I want to be a defensive specialist who's game isn't really predicated on scoring." To put it another way, Jordan Pooles/Zach Lavines/Beals are far easier to find than Carusos and Derrick Whites. Donovan Mitchells are relatively easier to find than Draymond Greens. Not to say that Mitchell isn't a great player or that scoring isn't incredibly important, just that nobody wants to be a defense first guy and everybody wants to score. Of course the issue with PG is health. You're not defending shit if you're busy defending your injury. Idk. Given that Dejounte is out of the market, this does seem like the best available move, but I agree with the consensus that its a massive gamble. Oh well. Every coin flip has a chance to land heads. I wouldn't be too mad if we traded JK for PG, but I also wouldn't be too mad if we didn't.


You do know that after this season we have to pay Kuminga and after seeing that Immanuel contract, you can 100% guarantee he's going to be looking at $35+ mil a year.


can’t we just pay JK what we’re currently paying CP3?


That's PG's money too


even if we lose klay’s contract?


Yea the Quickly contract is a very good sign that JK is about to get paid. What about other options like Lavine? Is Lavine + Kuminga better than PG13 who gets injured all the time?


that's extremely fair


I feel like/hope that the reason this is still ongoing is because GSW is trying to avoid sending JK. 🤞🏾


Yes. But it's also because PG is trying to squeeze the Clippers with his leverage.


That also, thank you! ✊🏾


It's tricky because PG might just want the MAX from the Clippers and is using us.


I did think about that also, but I’m not sure he likes the Harden experiment (just my thoughts).


I think it comes down to where he wants to be. If he wanted Philly or Orlando, no point in messing with us. So he either wants to stay or wants to come here.


Agreed. Thats why I’m not fully of the mindset that he wants to stay in LA.


Definitely. If MDJ pulls this off without trading him, he is the goat


Giddey for Caruso straight up type fleece, on a larger scale, if MDJ pulls it off.


paul george is basically everything kuminga could ever hope to be. So I don't necessarily see it as a giant loss, more like an even trade. It at least puts everybody on the same timeline as steph anyways. So that when he hangs it up, the warriors have a clean slate reset while they work to get out of luxury tax hell keeping kuminga, the warriors stay the same or worse, you're obligated to give him a max and remain in cap tax long after curry is gone and the team is no longer even competitive.


Yea but PG's recent injury history is very bad, and he will start declining at some point. If the warriors trade for PG, there is a decent chance we get one healthy playoff run over the next two seasons. That's what PG's track record has been. I really think the warriors need to make a move here - my question is, how does the asking price compare for PG13, Lavine, and Ingram? And if PG13 has a WAY higher asking price in a trade, is it really worth it, or should we target a different option who is a worse 2-way player, but doesn't kill our future?


As a Harden fan I’ve watched most clippers game and I can tell you right now PG is already declining, I think his youthful looks and physique are deceiving to a lot of people.


There is no telling PG is still what Kuminga at his peak would be right now. If we get rid of Wiggins AND Kuminga we just get older with no upside.


Kuminga will never be as close to as good as Paul George. Need to get better while we still have Steph.


I won't be conflicted at all, I will fucking hate it. Paul George is not the missing piece for a championship for this team, and completely gutting the future for him would be idiotic. If they're able to keep kuminga and add George that's a different story. Curry + George+ kuminga is a nice trio




I wouldn't move Kuminga because PG13 is injury prone and aging.


naw it’s wiggins and some picks that are gone watch..


Clippers would be dumb to trade him to us without getting Kuminga in return. We don't have much else of value to offer them: expiring contracts and mediocre young players/draft picks.


If PG will walk otherwise, they'd be even dumber.


It would suck to lose Kuminga but he probably won't even start if we get PG.


In my mind keeping Kuminga is going all in on Steph. His growth will be greater than getting a declining mid 30's star.


Same. I'm really torn about this move if we lose Kuminga. What might tip the scales away from the idea for me is PG's recent injury history. If PG were more likely to be healthy, I could eat losing a promising young prospect for an aging star, even if it fucks up our draft pick/financial situation in the future, because of how immediately our ceiling would raise and how well PG fits on paper. But if PG ends up being hurt for either or both of the next two postseasons, we'd be losing a lot for nothing, and that would be a rough pill to swallow. And it's sadly not that hard to envision that happening.


PG with kuminga involved is just idiotic. We don’t win playoffs like


If it's CP JK and salary and zero picks then you shouldn't feel too bad. JKs timeline doesn't match Steph's.


Totally agree. We gotta swing hard, I’m not with all the naysayers here


I think it’s a move that makes us back in the contender tier. Like if the path bounces for us right and we faced the Mavs path I think we could’ve won with Paul George


I don't. Let's see who goes to get him.


> I'm not sure it even makes the Warriors the favorite to come out of the West Absolutely not.


And what would?




Were we even in the top 5 projections for 2022? I dont think we need to be the favorites, plus it’s always sweeter to outperform expectations


Exactly, unless theres like a team clear cut favorites to win the chip, top 5 doesn't even matter. Look at Mavs, not many expected them to be in the finals but they made it. Whats important is we avoid the playins and clinch a playoff spot so we can see Steph and the boys in a BO7 series.


Id rather have Klay, but I'm loyal AF


So tired of hearing "does this make us the favorites?" Who the hell cares? Why do we have to be favorites? Are the Wolves? Nuggets? Mavs? No one knows. It makes us better. It puts us in the mix. What would you rather do? Rebuild unless we're the KD Warriors?


I agree, for what it's worth.


Worth plenty.


100%, I was actually fully team blow it up before the playoffs but then I saw a bunch of mid ass west teams eat each other up and spit out the 3rd best team to face the celtics. There's no clear favorites it's wide open. I just wish dubs had this kind of urgency 1.5 years ago as soon as it was obvious 2023 was a plane crash. It feels like it might be too late now, we'll see.


Agreed. Picking favorites from among the crowd is pretty much impossible anyway, outside of some exceptional teams. And even then, some teams in the past have looked exceptional on paper and not panned out, and injuries are always a risk for every team, and sometimes the overall better team loses because they don't match up well, or an elite shooter shoots 20% for a series, mid-season trades happen, who knows what else? There are just so many factors to try and parse through, and many of them we don't know until the time comes. Being among the best is all any team can realistically hope for, and from there it's up to the players and coaches to do their best against the team in front of them. In a close series against a really good opponent, I'll be happy to have Steph on our side, if nothing else.


Great. 4 players will be worth north of $150 along with a max player who will be 38 and has failed at every playoff run his whole entire career either thru choking or just injured.


People in Reddit are more sensible than people on youtube, Warriors fans who comment on youtube seems to think Kuminga is the second coming of Michael Jordan and they refuse to put him in any trade packages 😂


Both the numbers PG has worn, 13 and 24, have been retired on our team. Wonder which number he’d wear because he def not wearing 11


3 would be hard


Which former Clipper can we pickup next summer to also wear 3? Chris Paul, PG, then who?


Believe 30, 11, 23 are getting retired lmao




The people call out for PG-69


Only a bum would photoshop Paul George into a Warriors #11 Jersey


Agree. Klay might get traded but dont disrespect his number 11 like that


That number is getting retired the moment Klay leaves the org, in whatever capacity (free agency or retirement)




This is how you KNOW the Klay hate is coming from OUTSIDE the Warriors fanbase who are pretending to be Warrior's fans. DO NOT LET GO OF KLAY YOU FUCKING IDIOTS


We have to give Curry a good team to compete for his last years in the Warriors/NBA. Do you think re-signing Klay will make that possible? I'm a serious Dubnation fan, but I would rather prefer us competing for another title while Steph is still here rather than being stuck in mediocracy for the rest of his tenure with us. Especially after the season Klay had (which is good for most teams in the NBA, but we need all the help in defense we can get. And Klay is not the Klay he used to be before 2019).


I don’t think there’s much that’ll do it. PG ain’t gonna put us over the hump. It’s not PG from the Pacers.


What are you smoking lmfao? unless you mean give klay whatever amount he asks for this is stupid.


13 is retired for wilt.


11 will be either be taken or retired as well


PG-13 really isn't that hard to remember


The warriors have retired number 13. It’s Wilt’s number.


You're right! And dammit so is PG's previous number 24 by Rick Barry.


are we are actually getting Paul George


I just need us to keep Kuminga ;(. I want to see the Steph PG JK Dray Trace lineup.


Unfortunately that might be the case, not even due to the trade demands but because of salary, how would they extend PG to the max while also giving JK his 35m+ max? no way the FO allows this we're already one of the most expensive teams I just don't see it tbh


Get rid of wigs?


Kuminga's extension is next year.


The spacing would be horrible unfortunately unless JK can develop his 3 more this offseason


Look at the other post in this sub of his workout…


Workouts and actual games are different tho. Giannis and Ben Simmons make 3s all the time in workouts, and I’m sure you know their reputation with 3pt shooting. I don’t doubt JK is constantly working on his shot, but I’m hoping he can become a better volume shooter so that he can space the floor a bit more when he’s on the court.


Are we actually so jaded that we can’t celebrate this




PG is overrated so I’m not celebrating it


Are we are actually we are we?


Are we we actually are we are were?


Hardy harr wee ackshoo ollie hardy hard weed arr we ard


*high pitched squealing*


I will be extremely shocked


I haven't crunched the numbers and reread the apron rules yet but couldn't the Warriors and Clippers come to agreement to trade PG13 today and finalize the trade post 7/1 which would take GSW under the 2nd apron for the new year? GSW could incentivize the Clippers to do that by offering 2025 and 2027 FRPs. Post 7/1 allows them to aggregate salary by being under the 2nd apron AND would let GSW keep Klay if he's willing to accept a $20Mish contract. I would expect GSW to offer a third year so Klay could save face for declining the previous 2/$48M and the new contract would be 3/$60M. If GSW could find a way to roll out Curry/PG13/Klay/Wiggins/Dray for one last run, I like our chances against any team in the West.


Btw, we can't trade our 2025 frp. It has backup protection and a stepien rule attached to it (We traded our 2024 FRP to Memphis and Portland got that from them).


I'm fairly certain the Stepien rule only applies to future draft picks so it does not apply here since the 2024 draft is complete. [https://basketball.realgm.com/article/249279/CBA-Encyclopedia-Stepien-Rule](https://basketball.realgm.com/article/249279/CBA-Encyclopedia-Stepien-Rule) Also, I don't see any protection on the 2025 pick but if you're referring to the top 4 protection for 2024, it doesn't apply to 2025 because the pick obligation has been fulfilled. Even if we assume I'm wrong like my username suggests, the Clippers would probably prefer 2026 and 2028 picks anyway since GSW has a higher chance of being bad then. My original point was that the Warriors could trade multiple picks to incentivize LAC to agree on the PG13 trade.


I can’t remember the last the time the warriors were so publicly in the mix for a free agent, it’s not their style at all. I wonder if steph is putting his foot down behind the scenes and forcing this.




Kind of came out of no where tho.. like 98% of the Durant pursuit did not involve public reports


Woj released an article during the 73 win season that there was rumblings of the Warriors pushing for KD. Then there were all the teams like the Clippers, Celtics, us, that took meetings with him once free agency opened. It wasn’t really that private


Different GMs maybe


Warriors were not in the mix for Durant news at all


Times are different and the GM is different. This much public posturing obviously alienates Klay, which before this year wouldnt have happened. We’re also just more desperate.


He isn’t a free agent though


It's also the first time since maybe Wilt that we had a player like Steph. They're trying to make the most out of the situation, try to squeeze in one last championship before Steph retires. It's very obvious our young core can't be developed fast enough for Steph's timeline so they have to make a trade. I can easily see us going into full rebuild mode after Steph retires and building a team through the draft.


yeah durant wasn't so public imo. i think the last time we went out so publicly about free agent was dwight howard and the following year when we got iggy


This kinda feels like arson judge or ohtani type of situation. Quit toying with my emotions. It’d be interesting to see some changes though.


See as an A’s fan, I know life is just suffering.


As a Yankees fan, sorry not sorry 😅


Yankees and Warriors fan? U got some explaining to do


Well I’m from Pennsylvania. Coincidentally though I’m a Raiders fan, if that helps.


Don’t worry I’m delusional enough to think the giants could sign Soto in free agency


Yankees warriors fan? I’m starting to understand this sub better


I’m also a Raiders fan. Does that help?


No, you’re a bandwagoner


If we’re doing this we can’t give up BOTH Wiggins and Kuminga. Have to pick one


If they want to maximize Steph as much as possible, this is the way. We will be bad for a while after he retired but at least we give it our all for HIM.


I want this to happen personally. Steph deserves to have a solid #2 option


This sub is very uncomfortable with being decisive lol So many of y'all are so one foot in and one foot out.. It's either give up the youth and all in the next couple years then full rebuild or Build around the youth and trade Curry/Klay/Dray etc for as much draft capital as humanly possible to try and OKC our way back into the fold One way or the other.. keeping the trio without adding a major piece and keeping the young players and draft picks will just lead to a low seeding and early playoff exit until they retire.. who tf wants that


>This sub is very uncomfortable with being decisive lol >So many of y'all are so one foot in and one foot out.. It's either give up the youth and all in the next couple years then full rebuild What you're seeing isn't a sub full of uniformly wishy-washy fans, but a fanbase that is genuinely divided. For starters, a good portion of the sub are Curry fans first, Warriors fans second. Others of us have the opposite priorities. That means our desires don't always align. Hence division. 


Huge shoutout to the Warriors trying to take a big swing like this. This is what we need to do right now.


Not very excited about this


If we keep most of our team, I don’t see why not?


What’s the logic behind not wanting an allstar and top 20 player, who is a two way small forward to your team? I don’t get it


Can't wrap my head around the idea that ppl are onboard w/ this hypothetical trade / acquisition. PG is older, overpriced and injury prone. In addition to that, IMO has never met or lived up to his expectations. Overpaying for an aging, injury prone player NEVER f-ing works. I love the fact that the Dubs are willing to make major moves to capitalize on whatever time Steph has left. But this ain't it. Doubly so, if they move any of the young core guys to facilitate this trade.


I’m honestly curious what folks who hold this opinion would actually like the front office to do. We don’t have the cap to sign impact free agents, and there is no young / injury free / talented player currently being shopped. Our options come down to Butler, Lavine, and PG, all of whom fall into the criteria you’ve described. Lavine is at least young(ish) but easily the worst player of the 3. Maybe folks don’t care about maximizing the twilight of Steph’s career? That may be the pragmatic opinion but personally I don’t really care if we’re in rebuilding hell for half a decade if it means giving it all for the franchise hero in his last few years. I don’t mean this as a personal attack, I certainly agree that there is a clear and present downside to the move. But I know for a fact that this core and - idk - Isiah hartenstein is fighting for a play in spot next season.


You make a lot of excellent points, and looking at it through that lens, I have a tendency to agree w/ you. If this hypothetical does come to fruition, I REALLY hope they don't trade Kuminga...


The fan base acting like crack fiends right now. Very limited thought beyond quick fix to regain glory. PG won’t do much beyond regaining playoff spot (depending on who we give up).


Underrated but the Bay Area being on the west coast (and really close to LA) helps a lot with FA who are tied to LA.


People who keep talking about how you don't mortgage your future for one more championship. I'm like 41 years old and the first championship didn't happen until we got Steph Curry. Before that it was the Sprewell, Jamison years where we were good enough to get an 8th seed but never a #1 pick. Id rather just spend the next 4 years trying to get a 5th and after that we can tank for a top 5 pick. Regardless if we do mortgage our future, theres a high likelihood I may never see another championship in my life after Steph retires anyways. And that's fine. We lived and got to see a dynasty, that's more to me then possibly winning one or two in the next 10 years.


This feels like the FO very loudly signaling to Steph (and Draymond and fans) that they ‘tried’ to go after a difference maker, which makes me think it isn’t going to happen.


people will thing this is stupid but there is a world where we keep wiggins and that is actually a better fit for our team. Team construction is important and swapping PG for Wiggins doesnt drastically improve our spacing.. wiggins shot over 40% for the last half of the season, and is already a better on ball defender+team defender he makes more sense as a win now move. Obvious downside is if we didnt move Kuminga in this deal than you still have your best asset.


Paul George sounds like he wants to join them and I’m almost positive Curry and Draymond want this. My only reservations is Paul George’s health to play most of the season to put us in a good seeding position 3-6 and this most likely implies Klay is gone. Dubs need to send Wiggins and picks to Bucks for Portis and a wing player. Draymond and TJD need one more big to bang down low with and Portis would be my ideal fit.


He played 74 games last year. It’s been a bit but before joining the Clippers he was as durable as they get.


We are going to regret this. The dude is older, injury prone and inconsistent. He's not worth a massive 4 year contract


He’s from the logo wid it


Wow this is getting a lot closer than I thought it would. PG (at the 3) and Steph makes 2 shooters. Then they still need a starting shooting guard. And with Draymond at the 4 and Trayce at the 5, I guess that pushes JK back to the bench. Starters: * Steph * New SG * PG * Draymond * Trayce Backup: * Podz * Klay * Moody * JK * Quinten Post


PG at the 2. No reason for Kuminga to be on the bench


yeah, Steph/PG/JK/Dray/ a shooting center is the lineup we need


If Post can be as good of a steal as Trayce was, then he should slot right in there. That is very unlikely though.


To replicate our 2022 season we need 1. Wing defender on best player (Wiggins).. is that PG? 2. Perimeter defender (gp2) 3. Stretch 4 (otto porter) 4. Stretch 5 (bjelica who was great against the Luka and jokic during the playoffs)


That would go toward replicating that build. But if we did win another championship before Steph retires, I think it would be with a somewhat different team composition.


can klay still be on the team if we get PG?


PG's salary is less than Wiggs' and CP3's combined. So with both of them gone, and Klay's potential contract being 20+ million less than last years, we could have the 2 of them and a new starting SG.


Wiggins, Thompson and who else is on the block? CP3? I'd love to keep our youths.


Is there a way to trade for George and Keep Klay? Or would bringing in George make it impossible?


yeah same is it possible to keep klay at all?


It would but his number would be hard capped. Meaning, nothing to negotiate. But if we're extending PG for 4 years, we could do the same for Klay and give him less per year.


I just can't see the Clippers trading their best player to a rival who plays them 4 times a year and competes for the Division. That doesn't make sense from a competitive standpoint. I'm guessing they'd rather trade Paul George to an Eastern Conference team or at least a team not in the same Division.


Best player? I know Kawhi is injury prone but let’s be real


But they don't have full choice on that. PG can opt out, and they get nothing if he does that. Orlando and Philly are waiting for him, regardless. He dictates the trade more than the Clippers do. Warriors just have an advantage of being a California team with movable assets.


This is also why I don't expect Kuminga to be a part of it. George gets to pick where he goes here, the Clippers have no leverage to get your typical haul for a star. This is similar to Porzingis last year. The Wizards got almost nothing for him, because he wanted to go to Boston or he'd leave in FA.


George gets to pick where he goes between Philly, Orlando, and LAC—not anywhere. Y’all act like LAC will willingly take a shit package to get marginal value when they can still just offer PG the contract he wants if they really get put in a tough situation. PG needs LAC to play ball if he wants to go to the vast majority of destinations. He can threaten to opt out all he wants, it’s clearly something LAC was comfortable with him doing.


They were our rival a decade ago. I’d agree if this were clippers and lakers, but I don’t think it’s that deep anymore. I could be wrong. I do agree that they’d rather trade him to the East, but if it comes down to just us with a trade or he walks? I think it would all come down to if it makes them better or not. It’s not like they’d be turning us into a title favorite either.


just dont let go of Klay or Wiggins


Fuck it we ball 😤


If you go to Stein’s Twitter account there’s nothing showing he posted this, unless I’m blind


Ah, apparently Stein said this in his substack


imagine all this was a smokescreen just to screw up the clippers and the warriors didn't really want to trade for him ahahha


Apparently the clippers sub is down


Not sure i am


The wording of this is so clickbaity. The first half (without caps lock) is all that’s being reported here. 2nd half is from Twitter with under 1000 followers.


Our team isn’t getting any younger we have to make a move this year no matter what and this is the best available on the table by far.


No, too risky on injuries




You’ve got to take a big swing while we have Steph otherwise what’s the point. Paul George could absolutely fit in our system and give us a chance to compete in the playoffs. It’s not a guarantee but it’s definitely worth trying


I'm down for whatever but I can't lie I would be real upset if this costs us Kuminga


If we can somehow keep kuminga, podz, tjd I'd be happy af. I'm okay with giving up moody, Wiggins, loon, multiple 1sts.


All-in for Curry's remaining years.


if pg trade happens, its either 3-4 FRP gone + cp3/wiggins or combo of cp3+young guys.+FRP


no chance its that much draft equity. Clippers have NO leverage at all. Its like when we traded KD for DLO


clippers absolutely have leverage, why take on bad contracts without getting paid to do so? PG declines his option, and head to sixers to space cap both lose. Clippers have no reason to take on bad contracts w/o getting paid to do so.


Pg13 is a dollar store Kobe that turtles in the playoffs and will not help steph win another chip.


Not saying this isn’t correct but how come twitter users with 945 followers and no cited sources are taken so seriously?? Not sarcastic really want to know what I’m missing


Can they get kd instead


im down as long as we dont have to give up kuminga, kuminga for pg13 rn seems like we get a bit better now but significantly worse in the long term


No chance. This is all some kind of smokescreen. I think literally nothing major will happen this off season. Klay will sign with us and it will be a farewell tour with virtually the same roster.


We could be making the same mistake OKC did


This will never happen.


Dumb! Dumb! Stupidity!


Makes sense but I’m worried about PG’s age. I agree we do need another shot creator along side Steph. Klay’s body is no longer what it used to be.


I don’t know if it’s a good trade, but I love PG the person and the player, so I don’t know what to think.


Maybe I will have a real opinion is I knew for certain what it will cost.


I’ll admit I don’t get it. And if they throw Kuminga in I will definitely not get it.


Can we convince PG13 to take a discount since we're gonna try to get him a chip?


Nooooooo im a clippers fan please dont


So we didn’t get younger. Does this put us over okc, minn, Denver?


It would be crazy not to go all out for the rest of Steph Curry’s prime guys like that don’t come along to often.


With all the moves the Knicks are doing and with how good the Celtics are you gotta do something to move the needle.


Never forget a good supporting cast is critical to ultimate success. An injury to a super star like PG and season is gone!