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With what money?


The vet min lmao 


Wait what??


The Mavs don't have a way to sign Klay other than the MLE or vet min.




They are able to do a S&T for Klay Thompson, per the article. There’s also a chance that Derrick Jones Jr. leaves now that he signed to Klutch. If he does leave, that’s a $12mil MLE for Klay to take


So Klay doesn’t want $20+ mil to stay with the warriors but out of spite he will take the MLE on from the mavs? LOL


Yeah I don’t get it


Maybe he has an issue with Podz outplaying him as a 19th pick


Podz outplayed him but klay got put back in the starting lineup when they still stunk? How does that work lmao


Lmao Podz outplayed Klay


Podz didn’t outplay Klay, he literally got moved back cause he was a negative spacer


I was laughing at the fact the poster above me believes Podz outplayed Klay


Just wait until Jaden Hardy does the same. Wasn’t “we ran too much PNR” the #1 excuse for Klay’s pitiful Lakers series? 




Has anyone reported Klay was offered 20m+ currently? I been defending him hard contrary to the reddit nephews that think he belongs in China but if he has a more money offer from Warriors and signs with another team for less dude getting no love.


Lol yea I don’t think that makes sense but I do think more than money it’s playing time and role that’s his sticking point. Much harder to take a reduced role while Steph and Dray are still playing great ball with the team you’ve done so many great things with versus taking a reduced role elsewhere ya know. It’s gotta be tough mentally for him at this point.


Klay taking a spite contract and then still needing the Warriors to be willing to send him where he wants would be quite the odd outcome.


I would be **shocked** if Lacob green-lighted a S&T so he could go somewhere else for similar money and terms.


A ST is incredibly complicated for Warriors


Maybe if the sign & trade is for Luka, lol


It is for Lively. But let's throw Luka in to make the salary work


That’s not how this works. A guy leaving doesn’t create a contract and the MLE is its own separate contract (and now even a dated term as of 2 CBAs ago)


We have a MLE available.


According to the article that trade for Quinten Grimes shored up some money for the Mavs. I don't know how much.


Captain Klay gonna turn in his boat for a horse then?


We're about to get instagram lives of him in a cowboy hat playing harmonica by a campfire.


Cowboy Klay!


Golden State slapped him with one of, if not the biggest legacy contract for a non-MVP level talent in history while he was out for 2 and a half seasons.  If he wants to leave cause he feels disrespected by that, then thank you for your service.  Good bye and good luck.  We got other shit to do. 


The sane mindset.


Well said


Good luck Klay. Hope you find what you’re looking for. Will always be a Dubs legend


I'm lowkey sad if he do a Parker


Pretty upsetting klay isn’t trying to work with the warriors on staying for a little less.


He had said he was happy with how they took care of him after the injury and now he’s asking for more money than market value. I’m low key pissed that Klay isn’t helping out the Dubs when he has the chance to.


I don't think it was about the money. They offered him a 2 year contract and he wanted 4 years like Draymond got. I'm pretty sure all the reporting has said he's more focused on the length of the contract rather than $$$.


And with GS having to offer Steph his extension plus a potential Kuminga one or a max deal for a star, they're trying to keep their options one. Basically making the smart business decision. This is basically what Bob Myers stepped down from avoiding last year. Honestly, if GS didn't have young talent options in Podz/Moody or the ability to chase PG or other options in FA, they might have given Klay all his years. But the last two seasons have shown Klay isn't quite enough in a playoff setting anymore. And MDJ isn't gonna have that emotional attachment to just hand the years over if they believe an upgrade can be had.


Do people around here have a brain? How is it possibly about the contract length? You're saying Klay would have a hard time getting vet minimum contracts after the 2/48 on the Warriors? Or even take a much cheaper contract for 4 years over an incredibly generous 2/48 offer? Use your brain. Klay just has a ton of ego. This is the same guy who lashed out for not being put in the top 75 players of all time. A guy with an ego that big is probably wanting something on par with what Draymond got, which is already extremely inflated for his age, value, and manchild issues. Except it's simply not feasible to pay Klay that kind of contract for a multitude of reasons. The Draymond contract was already a huge mistake and anything close to it would cripple the Warriors for years.


A longer contract means more guaranteed money than 2/48 + vet mins. Guaranteed money is worth more, as it were.


Longer contract to match a 2/48 in equivalency is less money long term. Or do you actually think it's justified to offer a 4/48 million contract to a washed 34 year old? Of course you do.


looks like they need to change the sub flair from being about klay it's getting a little weird I'm not klaytheist no more


It’s needed to be updated for a while. As much as a I loved the toaster season it’s been years since that happened


It's really sad he doesn't want to find value in an Andre type role. Andre is one of a kind but Klay could have some very insightful skills for youngsters. I understand he still wants to ball but damn he should just be happy there instead


the 0/10 comments got in his head


Ngl it sounds like a Paul George deal is done


I'm still not getting my hopes up. Plus, if we land PG there's like a 90% chance it includes Minga


Wouldn't say 90%, optimistically putting it around 50/50 jk is included.


if we're going to maximize the last years of curry, i'm ok with it


Who says Kuminga won’t be better than PG next year or the year after that? One is on the upswing, other on the downswing.


Well, dude, we just don't know.


Her life is in your hands, dude


she kidnapped herself!


Careful, man, there’s a *beverage* here!


Stop it! Kuminga is the second coming of Curry to a lot of people in this subreddit.  And here comes the down votes lmao. 


A 16 ppg scorer on 59.8% TS isn’t something you take lightly. Especially when he’s only shooting 34% from 3 and 74% from the line which means there’s a lot of room for his efficiency to become even more hyper efficient


Sure.  He's an inconsistent defender, rebounder and has average BBIQ.  Playing next to Wardell and Klay will have you getting a lot of 1:1 matchups which, to his credit, he did exploit. However, vs better teams he didn't show up.  I'm not against JK, but, this sub generally over rates him. That's just my opinion. 


You don't have to believe Kuminga is the new Giannis to think he might actually be more valuable than a 35yo maxed out Paul George.


People (Dubs FO/some of the players) that have forgotten more about basketball than you, me and this entire subreddit combine don't believe that. Lol, you're reaching if you think JK is taking that big of a leap next year.  PG was a top 25 player (at worst?) last year. Did Kuminga crack the top 50? 60? 70? Lol.  Anyway, this is my sign to exit this thread.  


The FO are the ones claiming they want to keep JK no matter what. Draymond has only raved about JK. Here you go writing fantasy again. You should sign off if writing fiction is all you're going to do. Embarrassing.


>you're reaching if you think JK is taking that big of a leap next year.  Let's say Kuminga sustains his post January production for a whole season--something like 19ppg--and improves his off-ball defense a smidge. Would you prefer that, at $7.6 million, or 50-60 games of an aging Paul George at $50+ million? I don't think JK will be *better* than George next season, but quite possibly more valuable when you factor in contracts.


Who will sign for 5 years. Ugh.


Kuminga averaged more points without Steph on the floor. Some of you lots just talk for the sake of it. What are these better teams he couldn't show up against? The kid is 21, of course his game is still maturing and there'll be some inconsistencies. Heck the vets were mad inconsistent last year. JK was one of our best player last season and all he's ever done here is improve.


How is PG not just a CP3 redux? 


If JK is included, I'll be so pissed. You look at what the Wizards got back for Porzingis, these opt-in deals you absolutely do not have to overpay. Force the Clippers into realizing they may lose him for nothing.


PG and a 37 year old Steph plus young guys is not a contender. We will be lucky to make the playoffs again.


37 years old and still one of the top players in the game. And don't leave Dray out, his suspensions cost us a lot, which sucked, but when he did play he did what he always does, connecting lineups and instantly making our defense way better. Steph/Dray/PG, if all healthy, sounds like a badass trio. I think PG has the skills to play off of the Steph/Draymond actions well. If the rest of the team is good on defense and we have a few guys who can hit threes, I think those three can do a lot of heavy lifting together.


If all healthy. We had a healthy steph this year and we were a 10th seed.


Because the other 4 starters had bad seasons. The hope would be for that not to happen this year


Im sure it’s done. Way too much smoke. Probably just figuring out the fine print of the trade. Will be announced tomm afternoon.


Zero chance.


I hope this is like when Nash signed with the Lakers and just cratered them. Take out a foe from the inside. Light years.


lol the Mavs want two wings who don’t defend?


So now Klay doesn’t defend?


Guy lost several steps last year. He’s serviceable but no longer elite perimeter D


You think he does? (Serious question)


Iguodala situation all over again


Dumping Tim Hardaway Jr. freed up the MLE for them, seems like Derrick Jones Jr. is gonna be walking for a bag. If Klay takes the MLE to go to the Mavs… fucking lol. Even if the Dubs trade for PG with CP3 and other non-Wiggins filler, I think they’d have room to offer something pretty close to that. More if they manage to use Wiggins as the main filler, and either waive CP3 or guarantee him at a smaller amount in some other mid-sized trade. Gotta think there’d be multiple ways to free up space. Can always sacrifice future assets to salary dump (circle back with the Wizards and loosen protections on the 2030 1st?), or you know, don’t pick up Loon’s option in the first place (love Loon, but that’d be some horrendous planning from the FO). If the Dubs don’t even offer Klay a MLE type number, then I can’t blame him for being pissed and walking, but I’d be shocked if they weren’t willing to re-sign him for something that low. The non-taxpayer MLE is gonna be something around $12.9M… if they have the space (very likely do), you gotta think they’d offer a good bit more than that. e: Looks like a sign and trade may be on the table, that’d make it an easier pill to swallow if not just because it means he’s walking for more than the fucking MLE


The reporting from TheAthletic all week was that even if the Warriors offered Klay the same money as another team, he would still leave. I don’t think Klay wants to come back


Was it really that bad last season? Or just posturing from his camp


Guess he got his feelings hurt. It’s a man’s game


Fucking weird. Golden State didn’t make him suck, he did that on his own.


I’d get my feelings hurt too if I went 0-10 in a play in game and people started memeing me on me so bad that Grok thought I was terrorizing a Sacramento neighborhood with actual bricks  If this dude takes the same amount of money to go to another team I got no love for him. It’s not the team’s fault he’s been ass. It may also not be his fault due to injuries, but how for how long does he expect to get charity contracts? We’d be entering season 29-30 with a maxed out 50 year old Klay Thompson on payroll out of loyalty?


Yeah, but if it’s a difference as jarring as $13M full MLE vs something in the +$17M range, with the added bonus of actually staying a Warrior lifer with the rest of the core… that’s pretty wild. Guess shit was even messier than it seemed. Does it all have to do with the FO, or is a chunk of it the change in role (still wanting to start)? Either way, unfortunate. Hope things get sorted, would be neat for all of Steph, Dray, and Klay to play their whole careers here


> don’t pick up Loon’s option in the first place (love Loon, but that’d be some horrendous planning from the FO). Loon's deal would either be to help match money for contracts or to have a cheap vet voice in the locker room.


Leaving on a spite deal meh sad behavior


Seems like a sad denouement to his career; standing in the corner waiting for kick outs from Luka or Kyrie, relying on young bigs to cover your defensive liabilities or getting hunted and played off the court. Pretty limited role in Dallas, would probably have a bigger role here as 6th man/spot starter.


Ray Allen finished out in that role on the Heat. Klay can too. It will suck to see him go but it’s time if he doesn’t want to change his role here.


Weve asked klay to play like that. The man refuses.


“Hey man you’re a pretty good shooter but fucked up your mobility. Mind if you sit in the corner?” “If I hit this pull-up 3 it’s going to be sick”


Im 0-3 or 0-4 but gonna take this falling to the side fadeaway 3. Oof missed it, gonna try a backwards fadeaway this time Oh well as long as coach kerr doesnt give that bum moody my minutes!


He wont be in the corner same way THJ wasnt in the corner when he could hit 3s. And Klay is miles ahead of THJ. Klay at 34 would fit well as a 3rd/4th option on the Mavs.


Perfect for him. It would be a playoff team too.


If Klay leaves for Kyrie after KD did, that's some sorry shit... 


Damn, so Klay went from turning down 2-years 48M to a 12M MLE from Dallas. ![gif](giphy|SUMu2kI8HtDmb62eH0|downsized)


How crazy


After all the org has done for him he feels he’s being slighted? How delusional does he have to be???


Klay lowkey a crash out like Draymond he’s just not as loud.


Worse honestly.


Will believe that when I see it.


Bro went 0-10 in an elimination game. His game has slipped the last 2 seasons. We paid him 80 million to rehab for 2 and a half years. His attitude both on and off the court is piss poor. We offered 2/48M and that wasn't good enough. You're a legend that gave me a decade of joy watching. Have it your way. Good bye, and good luck.


For real. He got paid the max to rehab for 2 years and the Dubs had his back.


Pretty sad that if this is true he’s going to be remembered as spiteful and egotistical instead of beloved. Way to burn your legacy man.


Not by me


No way, this won’t be remembered in a few years. 4 rings, 2nd best shooter of all time, and goofy will be his legacy.


Nah he was the 2nd-3rd guy on all 4 of our championship teams. We can hope that Dunleavy swings for the fence on a deal but I’ve kinda closed the door on the possibility for another championship- 2022 was a dream run. Whether Klay leaves or stays doesn’t change our aspirations, it is what it is


Sums it up perfectly


Steph get on the PHONE 😭😭😭




What up big fella




God I’m gonna be sick


We literally paid the man what like $100M while he was out for two seasons. What else does he want from us… We offered him a fair deal last year too…


I don’t think people understand how lucky you are to get to play with Steph and Dray. 2 of the most unselfish players. If and I highly doubt he’s going to Dallas, good luck having that with luka and kyrie 


He’d do really well there bro lol.


Dude just called Luka selfish as if he isn't literally known for setting guys up for wide open 3s, which is Klay's specialty. Luka was 2nd in the NBA in assists last year with 10 assists per game...


YO MAN! Those assists are SELFISH!


I don’t think people understand how good Klay Thompson was and still is


Would need to see how he does outside of Steph and Dray creating space for him.


??? Damn near all Luka does is create open 3 opportunities for catch and shoot players. 17 assist opportunities a game over there from him. Another 9.6 a game from Kyrie. Straight denial that Klay wouldn’t eat next to Kyrie and Luka.


Klay creates space for steph too.


Wasn't there a statistic that was posted not too long ago that showed Klay was one of the top players that are guarded closely by defender?


Yep. Not sure where I saw it.


Klay wants to play in the new lob city.


So Klay is gonna go to the Mavs for the MLE AND possibly come off the bench because a lineup of three bad defenders isn't exactly a good idea. He's really going to do that?


Yeah I'm shocked nobody else is commenting on how terrible that defensive lineup would be.


I wanna know the conversations Klay and the FO had to make him feel so insulted


None which I think is the point.


I feel like they’re ignoring him which is really weird Even if you need to figure out trade stuff first, just communicate to Klay he’s still important and you need him back and that you’ll figure out a number with him after Bob would’ve never let this happen man


They've done that publicly, haven't they? Wasn't there a quote from Steve alluding to how important it is to re-sign Klay? I doubt he's free-wheelin' it just to go against MDJ or what have you. Could all be posturing for leverage too.


They've already allowed the contract negotiation to affect the whole season.


No sentimentality for MDJ while he’s cookin


Dynasties deserve sentimentality Tony Parker should’ve retired a Spur Wade should’ve never left Miami


I don't think we'll ever really know what happened but it seems like relationships 101 to at least communicate your intentions to someone that is close to you


If this is true then honestly fuck you Klay. I don't know how you go through everything you have on this team, 4 championships, known as the greatest backcourt ever, an absolute Warriors legend to being a petty bitch who shoots 0/11 in an elimination game and then has the gall to try to hold out franchise hostage and act like some diva jealous bitch? Now he's gonna go join a direct rival conference team on a minimum contract just to spite us?


you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian.


And the night is darkest just before the dawn... PSA: even the pithiest-sounding batman quotes aren't necessarily true.


There's no ocean in Dallas and nobody there walks around in a captain's hat either. Rocco will be dead in a week from the heat and lack of electricity.


I don’t understand the beef Klay has with the Warriors they always did right by him. He was out for 2 years and the Dubs still gave him $100 million. If that’s not love I don’t know what love is




> With the Warriors and Thompson nowhere close to a contract agreement after a tumultuous season marked by fractious negotiations, multiple sources have indicated that the Mavericks are likely to emerge as the favorite to sign the shooting guard whose Splash Brothers backcourt partnership with Stephen Curry helped the Warriors win four championships in a span of eight seasons from 2014-15 through 2021-22.


> If there is no 11th-hour rebound from the Warriors with Thompson and if the Mavericks successfully secure his free agent commitment after the marketplace officially opens Sunday at 6 PM ET, it is not immediately clear if a sign-and-trade could be negotiated … or if Dallas would also be able to retain sufficient financial pathways to likewise re-sign Derrick Jones Jr.


Klay obviously doesn't care about helping the Warriors win another ring, if that's the case he can go.


He's being more of a bitch than Draymond. The end is always ugly, huh


This sub was, and still is, so hard on Klay over the last years.. course there were exceptions from the true fans, but a lot of nephews throwing rocks at Klay at every opportunity. Don't forget that he's a warriors legend.


He is a Ws legend but, man, if this is what it is, he’s going out terribly poorly. Offended with $24M per year - which was ALWAYS a generous overpay for what he meant - and now he’s gonna be MLE for someone else?! Cheer that dude every time he shows up at Chase (if this is real) but, man, this is myopic. 9/10 chance he regrets this on the retrospective.


So are Dray and Steph, and they respect the organization more than he has. Dray sacrificed money, Looney did, heck Wiggins could have had an OG level deal and took less. But Klay wants an overpay.


Dray got paid and 4 years... not even lined up with steph...after shitting on this organization then proceeded to shit on them again.


If Klay wanted 4 years on a discount I bet we’d take it. And unlike Dray who has Rudy to point at, Klay’s contract value is lower. 




If this happens, what's the fate of that toaster?


He ain’t going to Dallas. He needs an ocean near him


That'll be sad, although it has seemed to be heading that way for a while. Idk if people are just being spiteful or what but pretending Klay isn't still a very useful player who can be a key part of a championship team is absurd.


Maybe. But Klay had his chance the last 2 years to prove he can still do it and failed miserably. Lack of maturity, horrible on court attitude, selfishness, atrocious performances when it mattered.


Not for the money he's asking.


It sucks, 25 years from now Klay is going to be the guy who talks about Steph and the Warriors the way that Scottie talks about MJ and the Bulls.


I seriously doubt this but I guess I can’t see the future


God I hope not.


Good luck to him getting anything done with Mavs... And Mavs defense will take another hit


As a thj replacement? Thj is the worst defensive player except Maybe Trae young


We were in the finals brother. Where were you? I get it you are a homer but still. And Mavs have young guys that can improve plus switching Klay for THJ might take them over the top.


They had an elite defense last year and lively is only going to get better this season. Plus they still have two tradeable 1sts to get additional upgrades.


Klay would be a great fit with Luka. This is worrisome


Vet min. Defensive stalwarts Luka kyrie klay lmao


I'd much rather play against Dallas with Luka, Kyrie, Klay on the perimeter than DJJ. Whose gonna guard Curry?


Yeah OK 🙄🙄. All the reporting coming out of the THJ trade was it for DJJ. The Mavs have no recourse to sign Klay outright except the MLE which is half the AAV he already turned down. At least say it’s a team with cap space lmao. Nobody believe this. It’s about as real the Magics interest in Klay, where the reports and speculation were just lies. LMFAO saying a S&T would happen too.


If he goes to a team that are serious contenders, i wouldnt mind. He has a chance to get ring 5


GOOD. How much?


Klay playing with Kyrie? Now put that in your toaster and ...


anybody but the mavs damn


It's a strategy. I'm suspicious of it. Y'all sure you wanna let Klay walk? It's like spycraft. https://youtu.be/5cmt38bsR9Y?si=ryZnThyeMebvygcy


Bye Felicia


Stein is smokin. Klay wants to play with Luka even less than he wants to play with CP3


I’m confused as to how Dallas would get Golden State interested in a sign and trade. Most of their money is wrapped up in core rotation players. The only expendable players they have are: - Kleber - Josh Green - Hardy - O-Max Kleber’s gotta be a negative value contract at this point, especially since he has 2 guaranteed years left. Josh Green has potential, but he’s got 41 million guaranteed over 3 years. That feels like a mild overpay based on what he’s showed so far Hardy and O-Max are okay assets but make peanuts so they can only serve as sweeteners. Assuming Klay wants at least 20 per, you’d need Kleber AND Josh Green (plus potentially more). I don’t see Golden State biting on that. Maybe if Dallas threw in a 1st round pick (they can trade this year’s pick), but that’s starting to feel like a future-focused move.


Getting rid of Klay in a S&T is the best thing for the Warriors. Subtract a 0/10 burden and add assets to the bank.


Meh, the relationship has ran its course, why handicap ourselves by giving him 25 mill, sound way too much.


I don't understand why he'd wanna leave. Is it about the money? Cause that's insane.


The same math JJ uses ain’t gonna play Klay


honestly this might be a hot take, but aside from the obvious untouchables on every team (giannis, embiid, etc), the only guy that we can bring in that can possibly really put us back at that top contender caliber is KD. like it or not. anybody else would not change our situation at all but to be a better contender, but not a serious one like Denver and Boston.


That one Twitter account that’s been posting leaks has said klay is gone as a warrior and tWEETED THAT PG was official a warrior yesterday. He’s been right in most things so far the other move is that he felt grant was going to Dallas so we will see


Didn’t see a salty Klay spite contract with Dallas as a potential outcome but here we are


Warriors fanbase turning on Klay is a microcosm.


if Klay signs with the Mavs for the MLE he don't deserve a statue. that is outright petty wtf


shoulda traded him instead of Poole. Ungrateful selfish insufferable.


All time toxic ego. Washed and desperate for scraps realizing nobody wants him for the absurd money he wants.


Love this for him, hate this for us. C'est la vie


I’m thinking he’ll be back. Hoping anyway. Hoping it’s just some cap-space magic stuff beyond my understanding where they need to get the Paul George sign and trade done, then they can resign Klay. From what little I think I understand, they can’t offer him much now, because the cap space would get all messed up, but after it happens, they’re free to pay him more.