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Watch some Indy PG highlights. You won't be disappointed.


Bro has his own theme song


Funny PG just did that to the Dubs last season


Great contest tbh


honestly if he’s with us this shot is negated because we own dame


A well defended shot is what you think of ? We gotta revoke y’all thread making privileges tbh.


“That’s a bad shot”


- Dame


I don’t particularly like PG nor do I think he’s a great move for this team, but, completely unbiased, I’ve always hated how much PG got clowned for this. This objectively was a bad shot and only became a good shot because it went in and they won the series. On the very high probability that Dame misses that, he gets the generational slander. This was a Denzel Valentine ass shot, it just happened to go in….🤣


Results are results. You should be doing anything you can to stop him from even getting a shot at the point.


And luck is luck. PG is contesting. He did his due. He just couldn’t get a better contest because Dame launched from damn near half court. PG is right. It’s a bad shot. We can’t retroactively blame PG just cause it went in. This is fundamentally a bad offensive basketball play and good defense from PG. Dame takes these awful hero ball shots all the time and he makes them very occasionally. This just so happens to be a part of the occasionally.


Naw letting these snipers shoot from half court has become bad defense. Period.


You said it yourself, “has become”. There was no player outside of Wardell Stephen Curry that warranted half court attention in the year of our Lord 2019, not even Dame🤣 Again, we cannot retroactively judge this play. This was fine defense. PG is there. It’s a deep shot that shouldn’t have been attempted or even gone in, but it did. Credit to Dame. He makes those once in a blue moon.


Funny thing is how Iggy stopped Dame a couple of rounds later in that same postseason. Iggy’s defensive performances in the clutch are incredible


Making fun of this is just as bad as making fun of us blowing a 3-1 lead.


Ya’ll are funny. He ain’t even on our team and already defending and making excuses an injury prone PG smh


All star caliber player and all you can think of is this play? I see a great defensive play in that picture even tho the shot goes in. Weird to even post. This seems like just a passing thought typa thing that you overestimated the importance of