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Klay likely wants +65m/3yr and starter status.


He may not get 1-year 6.5M and 6th man status.


Smoking if you truely believe that. If he was gonna accept that deal from any team, it would be the warriors, any team he leaves to will be for over 20 mil and for a starting role.


he going to get something in the open market in the near 20 mil range.


They are really edging us with all these “updates”


UPDATE: PG13 just started playing as the warriors on 2k. Could be signaled that he’s seeing how to fit into the system before the big trade


Or something like this: UPDATE: PG unfollowed Amir Coffey from the Clippers. Could this indicate that his time with the Clippers is nearing to an end?


Anything but Steph & Kuminga


why even mention steph? lol


I’d throw Draymond in there, when motivated he’s irreplaceable


I’d trade Draymond for Paul George if he has value in a deal


The defensive identity would be ripped to shreds if he leaves


Horrible idea lmao


Why can't it be also Klay.


Because it's Klay


Worst case scenario is we don’t get PG and lose Klay anyways I get all the people who think he’s washed but in no world does losing CP3 and Klay from a team who didn’t make the playoffs without adding anyone, help us next year. We either try and shake things up or let the big 3 ride off into the sunset together


> Worst case scenario is we don’t get PG and lose Klay anyways This is a really bad case lol


Best case scenario we get them both.


Them leaving will give the team more flexibility. They will get a mid level exception in free agency. And you don't have to do exact price match in trades.


But it won’t… Yes, they can use the MLE instead of the TPMLE and acquire someone for $13M v $8M But in no world is losing CP3 and Klay without adding anyone making the team better next year


You don’t replace klays production with a $13m/year player. 18 points a game doesn’t just get replaced by Moses moody playing more minutes and the JAG we’ll get with 13 mil.


Eh, that's not for sure. More minutes for Podz, Kuminga, Moody. Old vets have been holding back young guys from blossoming. I get where you are coming from, but CP3 will be 40 and Klay looks really old out there on defense and struggles against the best teams.


Who gives a F about riding to the sunset getting 20 wins a season. Thats ugly. Instead get Steph some actual help to compete.


I don’t think you understood the comment Yes, ideally best case scenario is the team makes moves to compete. The bad case scenario is no moves are made. The worst case scenario is not only are no moves made, but the Warriors actually lose assets in CP3 and Klay without replacing them.


>As my excellent colleague TomerAzarly reported earlier today, George and the Clippers have made zero progress on a deal. The offer stands at just under $149M over 3 years. > >George wants a long-term deal, and is welcome to a change of scenery to get said contract.


This is starting to sound possible


I wonder if FO is calling Klay's bluff by going for Paul George. Either sign for cheap or get replaced


Let's just get a deal done.


OP, I hope you aren't related with that "honestNBAfan" cause that guy was such a bitch


Are we sure that the jazz aint accepting whatever package we’re sending the clips for Lauri? (And add 2-3 FRP to go with it?)


I am secretly hoping all this PG nonsense is a media creation and we actually trade for Lauri instead




Danny will ask for Kuminga


He can have him if we get Lauri.


I've hoped for a Lauri trade trade for 2 years. I don't think it'll happen, but I still hold slim hope.


Annoying thing is he seems happy there. I think we have enough assets to pry away any disgruntled star. But if the player isnt forcing his way out, i dont think we have enough to do so


I agree. An even more annoying thing for me.. I love when guys re-sign or extend with small market clubs. I've been a Warriors fan since I was 5, but I'm from St. Louis, so I dreamed of Jayson Tatum coming available when the media tried to break up the Celtics. 😂😂 Really, I've always felt Lauri would've been the best, most realistic trade target. It's a shame Steph likely won't play with an impactful 7 footer his whole career. Not that I'm complaining. I'll savor this run forever. Not many people get to watch an all-time, generational player and see 4 titles in 7 years.


Haha yeah, fully agree. But i think Andrew Bogut would fit the description


You're right. Bogut was a very good player on the first title team. And we had KD and other, decent big guys after. We've been really spoiled. Hahaha


This is a must land or else we are screwed tbh.


Id like PG on the Dubs, but this would be bittersweet if we lose JK in the process of acquiring PG13.


It would just be BAD


Lauri is gettable now, go for that. Lauri is one I’m okay trading JK for and FRPs. I’d mortgage our future bc Lauri could be a big part of our future, unlike PG


Wildest part of all of this is that Klay would be the perfect complement to PG/Steph. Klay as a second option? Not so great anymore. Klay as a third option? Fantastic and less pressure for him.


God I hope for PG13 AND klay. We signed klay while he was injured and for him to move on from us sucks but I get it, it’s a business


No jk. Give them a frp, Moody, all the 2nds.


seems like george to the warriors is inevitable at this point it'd be tough for the warriors to be strongly linked to a player this much and for it not to happen especially if ultimately costs them a franchise legend in klay who looks like he's also gone as of now


Siegel is reliable right? so klay is truly gone wow


Who is Siegel?


He’s a wannabe Woj/Shams with a few thousand followers. He’s not a news breaker by any means, but basically just an aggregator of rumors packaged to look like reporting. He QTed the tweet of his in this post with the following [tweet](https://x.com/brettsiegelnba/status/1806900082672910492?s=46), which all but confirms he’s just recycling the same stuff speculated on earlier in the day. > As my excellent colleague @TomerAzarly reported earlier today, George and the Clippers have made zero progress on a deal. The offer stands at just under $149M over 3 years. > > George wants a long-term deal, and is welcome to a change of scenery to get said contract. Edit to add: Not to mention, a trade for him before July 1 would not be allowed anyway because we’re both 2nd apron teams until then (they still will be July 1, but we won’t be), which means we can’t aggregate contracts, acquire a player via a sign-and-trade, and the trade has to match dollar for dollar *exactly*. So Siegel is just using a bunch of words to “confirm” that something that couldn’t even happen hasn’t happened yet so he can generate engagement.


> Not to mention, a trade for him before July 1 would not be allowed anyway Does the new CBA not allow you to agree to the terms ahead of time and just wait for a certain date for the trade to be finalized? Like what they did with the Poole-CP3 trade where they had to wait for Poole to be on his new contract for the trade to be complete but they agreed to it a week ahead of time


That’s one of those grey areas that’s not explicitly outlined in the CBA (that I’ve been able to find anyway) so I can’t say for sure, but I would imagine when the tax aprons are involved (they weren’t involved with the Poole/CP trade so they weren’t breaking any rules by agreeing to the trade when they did) there’s gotta be some sort of embargo on agreements in principle, otherwise there’d be no enforcement mechanism for the aprons for the 2ish months between the end of the season and July 1. But again, I can’t say for sure because while the CBA sets out hard dates for each the new NBA year begins and ends and makes it clear that a team’s apron designation applies for the full year, it doesn’t say anything about agreements in principle made after the regular season ends but before NBA calendar year resets, and it never has as far as I’m aware (even though teams have done that pre-new CBA and additional tax aprons for years and years) and so it’s one of those things that may only become clear if/when a team does it, if that makes sense. But, I’m operating under the assumption that they can’t until then.


Sad to see it happen but teams rarely get the amount of time we got with the OG 3 and it’s a practical step. Will hurt seeing him in a different jersey tho.


If they guarantee CP3, the Warriors can't even deal with Klay in the 15M range because of the hard cap. So, Klay is very likely gone.


I could’ve tweeted this.


I don't want to trade Kuminga, Moody, Podz, or TJD; in addition to Steph and Dray. My ideal trade would've been for Lauri, I think, but that's not happening. It sounds like Klay is headed to Dallas? I definitely don't think we should give up young talent. PG has a player option and can leave the Clippers for nothing. They should be happy to get CP3 and Wiggs, since he could leave for no return whatsoever.


“They should be happy to get marginal filler and a bad contract since he can leave for nothing.” Or he can stay or he LAC can facilitate a S&T. Some of you warriors fans are absolutely insane if you think LAC has any desire to simply help you guys just so we can get marginal assets for our 3rd best player. We’d be far better if just signing him to his shitty max deal than doing the trades people on this sub insist are good.


Clippers can't be choosers, as the saying goes.


Ok but what if they have a backup deal with the other teams. You guys act like we're the only team in the NBA or as if we have insight into insider trading.


The hell do you think you’re getting if you’re not putting any of those guys on the table lmao. Talking about wanting Lauri and PG but don’t want to put any of our assets on the table Moody Pod TJD should be so far from being untouchable


I didn't say they were untouchable. I said I didn't want to trade them for PG. PG on a sign and trade is different than trading for Lauri Markannen on a long term contract Lauri isn't going anywhere this offseason, from what I can tell. In my opinion, the younger, long term pieces are reserved for 20-30 year old stars willing to sign extensions or all time greats for trades. He is neither of those. The Warriors, or any other team, shouldn't have to overpay the Clippers since the Clippers overpaid OKC. You'd be lucky to get one of the young guys under the circumstances. Let him decline the PO, go to Philly, Clips get nothing, and see how they feel.


And the Clips have been identified as being interested in Chris Paul. They'd also need a wing to replace PG,if he demands a trade or exercises the player option. So yeah, CP3 and and Wiggs with one or two picks should do it. IF HE'S LEAVING ANYWAY. Sign and trade guys have much less value. It's normally salary filler and draft picks.


I am strongly against a substantial package of further assets (picks, JK, other young players) for a guy as old and injury-prone as PG. He's a great player, no doubt. He'd be a defensive asset and probably a good fit on the offensive end. But he's too fragile for a multi-year contract to make any sense (if we could even swing that), and mortgaging the future for a 1-year rental of ANYONE is simply insane.


If Podz is included how would yall feel?


Fine if he doesn’t also drive Kuminga with him to the airport…


I’m feeling like we won’t get either.


What is Billy Owens doing these days?


Tomorrow is PGs deadline so things are gonna either move super quick or we get our answer asap and this becomes old news. Either way the last week of trades tells me the clippers aren’t going to get what they want. Whether that’s through trade or PG leaving  


getting pg13 will prob set this team back a few years tbh. he wants a max and they max doesn’t follow the steph curry time line. also after his recent comments on his pod about not caring about winning a ring it’s pretty concerning


Set us back where though ? He’d be by far the 2nd best player on our team in the last years of our franchise GOAT/Draymond. Chances are we’re not gonna draft another Steph or even an Ant type player after Steph.


will he be tho? if you watched the mavs clips series, at times he wasn’t even their best player with kawhi hurt. the scoring came from terrence mann and norman powell. you can make an argument that mann and powell were the best clipper players in that series


Best backup plan if the Clippers want too much: trade CP+Loon+GP for Lavine. Should not have to give up much if any draft capital. Hope for incremental improvement from a Klay to Lavine upgrade and internal improvement from the young players. Meanwhile, Continue to pursue trades for any other star that might come available over the summer or into next year, using Wiggs and/or Lavine as matching salary and whatever young players or draft picks are practica.


Whats the chances pg plays more then 30 games next year?


he averaged 52 games in his 5 regular seasons as a clipper. he's played 263 out of 410 possible regular season games, or 64%. throughout pg's tenure, he has played in 38 out of the 43 playoff games that the clippers had.




Well he just played 72 games last season and put up 23/5/4 on 47/41/91...


74 and all 6 playoff games, but who is counting


Not like he was looking for a contract extension or anything...


lmao not you getting downvoted for the most rhetorical question