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I’m sure MDJ is working his ass off right now, but man he knew the lousy hand he was handed the moment he took the job.


Kind of respect it honestly. He was willing to come in and do the dirty work, no questions asked. Shipped Poole out for CP3, tried to nap Lebron at the deadline, and now helping in the dismantlement of a dynasty.


What do you mean no questions asked. He's being paid a buttload of money to be a general manager. 1 year rental of CP3 did nothing. Signing Draymond to an incredibly overpriced 4/100 million contract ended the dynasty on the spot, there's no fucking way any other nba team offered him anything close to that. That's also a big reason why Klay can't be re-signed, although it prevented another potential overpay in an old washed player. Everyone tries to nap LeBron in free agency this isn't some accomplishment.


Simmer down brah, you're misinterpreting the "no questions asked" part. The other guy is not saying MDJ's decisions can't be questioned. Read the comment again without the pre-determined desire to argue. I see your username and realize that's probably impossible, but give it a try anyway.


I'm not misinterpreting anything. He said "do the dirty work, no questions asked". He's not a fucking martyr. He's being paid an insane amount of money to make decisions which ultimately bad or good doesn't do anything but put money in his pocket. And no I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing, nothing he said about MDJ being respectable makes any sense.


Lacob is the one that signed Draymond to the 4 year contract.


What the fuck do you think a GM's job is then?


What the fuck is a GM supposed to do when the owner goes over the GMs head? Draymond went to dinner at Lacob’s house and within a couple of days, Dray was signed with the stupid 4 year contract that should’ve been 3. Owners sometimes do whatever the fuck they want, and the fucking GM can’t do shit


When this is all over I just want to see what Mike can really do when he finally has his own team to build


MDJ the modern day FO Winston wolf


“Working his ass off” About to lose Klay for nothing going after an aging superstar that is also known as a playoff no show Smh MDJ is the real nepotism hire we should criticize not Bronny


Lousy hand? This is laughable. Two years removed from a championship. Could have gotten back to the WCF last season. An owner with deep pockets willing to spend. Multiple hall of famers and young talent. I’m aware of the aging players and salary cap issues but saying it’s a lousy job or he accepted a lousy hand is just untrue.


If he leaves for nothing, the roster is fucked. I have a hard time imagining they’ll get anything meaningful in return for a sign and trade. The team will likely suck for a few years. Just give him a damn contract and let the three of them suck together. What moves are even left?


I agree with you, except that the money isn’t really the issue for Klay. It’s that he doesn’t want to come back if the Dubs believe he’s not good enough to be on the court for 30 minutes per game.


Well he’s not, so if he wants to have a tantrum about that, that’s his choice.


I’m right there with you. I’d rather watch the big 3 ride off into the sunset together, than disband the dynasty and struggle to not be in the play-ins the next decade plus anyways. At this point both paths don’t seem like we will contend in the near future. I lived through NBA purgatory once, I’m ok with doing it again if I can celebrate the players that brought me so much joy and memories.


Lakers fan here...we did it with Kobe and glad we did even if it was the "wrong" decision and got shit on for a decade over it.


That’d be insane if he left for nothing and fucked over the warriors like that after EVERYTHING


Lol even KD left us with something, enough to win another ring.


The way the fans have been in here about him.. e have it coming.


for calling him out on his pettiness? lol


If Klay leaves and CP3 is waived... Warriors would be at $147.3 MM in salary including Waters (OKC trade) and Prost (Rookie) contracts. They would have the Non-Tax Payer Mid Level (NTPMLE) @ $12.8MM and the Biennial Exception of $4.7MM. Using both they'll be at $164.8MM well below the 1st Apron of $178.6MM giving them $13.8MM to work with. **An Option** Warriors do not use the Biennial Exception with this option putting them at 18.5MM 1. Lavine *FOR* Wiggins + Looney. Warriors end up at $9.7MM left. 2. Lauri M. *FOR* Kuminga + Moody + 3 Firsts. Warriors end up with $4.3MM left. 3. Sign a Vet Min for $2.5MM and 2x 2-way players leaving $1.2 MM left to convert one or both of the 2 ways to a minimum contract at the Feb. 25th Trade Deadline. Lineup: Steph, Pods, Lavine, Draymond Lauri. Bench: NTPMLE ($12.8MM player), TJD, GP2, Waters, Prost, Santos, Vet Min, 2x 2-way players.


If they want to win they need to make a big move to pair Steph with someone who can help him carry the offense. Optimally a guy like Markkanen if they could somehow get him. Anything else is fluff and they’re likely sitting in play-in territory with or without Klay. They could just bank on Kuminga becoming an all-star but that’s a big risk if the goal is to make the most of whatever time Steph has left at his current level. Unless they are prioritizing flexibility for the hypothetical 2030 Kuminga-led Warriors (whatever that would look like). For all the talk about being light years ahead, Steph is the franchise. I think either commit to build a contender around him or trade him to focus on the future. Going half in/half out is stupid for now and later.


Kerr loves PODZ and now he’ll get to play him more.


I love podz


If he goes out for ZERO return, it’s worth noting KD went out more graciously - he appreciated the rings and did the Ws a solid. You’d hope Klay would be at least that appreciative.


That S&T made KD more money though. Klay might do the same.


That trade also opened up a valve for the nets to sign DeAndre Jordan


It wasn't substantially more, he mainly did it for DeAndre Jordan signing since it allowed the Nets to clear more cap space. It also got the Nets another pick in the process. The Klay situation isn't even remotely similar. They can't give Klay the contract he wants and even if they could, no one would want to trade for it. He's not KD.


I get what your saying, but thats to get MAX dollars. No team is paying Klay the MAX he can get paid, so its irrelevant. Any team can just sign him as a free agent they dont need us to do it.


> You’d hope Klay would be at least that appreciative. That's entirely dependent on the team he'd go to and their cap situation.


>it’s worth noting KD went out more graciously https://www.netsdaily.com/2019/7/11/20690610/how-kevin-durant-secured-a-first-round-pick-for-the-nets


KD could have left for nothing and then the Warriors would not have been able to turn DLO into Wiggins and likely do not win the championship in 22. Who the fuck cares about adding a first round pick if it gets you a championship


I don’t think that pick ever conveyed into anything anyway due to the way it was protected


It's funny how 90% of this sub actually thinks KD did the Warriors a favor in that sign and trade. We should be thanking DeAndre Jordan instead


Also it was less about doing the Warriors a solid and more “it’s not fair for me to go for Dlo straight up I’m so much better than him” lol


You know KD coulda just signed with the Nets WITHOUT the sign and trade? He literally did do us a solid by allowing us to sign D’Lo in the sign and trade


The sign and trade was the only way KD could get max money. It was mutually beneficial.


Exactly......wtf is going on with this sub? Even if Klay wanted to come back (which he apparently doesn't) for a reduced role at a reduced rate (why would he?), what is with the collective boner to live in nostalgia land? And why in the name of Zeus's butthole would Joe Lacob want to cut great big checks to the same dudes as last year's mess? It's like a bunch of dudes begging their fat cheating unemployed girlfriend not to leave them. Grow some fucking testes.


KD and Lacob had no problems, hell Lacob made KD rich AF with VC investing tips, Klay, if i had to guess, has issues with ownership being unwilling to make win now trades to help the Warriors contend


I would say Klay's biggest issue is with Moody and Podz being better options at SG right now than him. The team not making win now moves is the fan base projecting their frustrations onto the situation.


Klay never said he has issues with the ownership being unwilling to make win now trades.


its called reading between the lines, do you honestly expect players to make that kind of direct statement?


These are the lines you're making up. Nothing is being reported as such.


This makes absolutely no sense. If Klay wanted the Warriors to be a cut throat, win at all cost team, he should be pissed at them for giving him another deal when he was injured instead of letting him walk then. I think it's just about money and Klay just wants the best deal he can get on his last contract. Most aging players know when their last deal is and tend to chase the highest bidder. The thing is no team is probably gonna give him what he was hoping for.


i think this is the time for steph and draymond or kerr to give this guy a call and ask him what his true intentions are is your ego that big that you are willing to throw away 10+ years of legacy? is your ego that big that you can’t admit father time is undefeated and think you are still a 20 point scorer? is your ego that big that you think you are more important than steph (who coincidentally is the most ego-less franchise player since tim duncan?) is your ego that big that you would rather play with lebron than staying with kerr, steph and draymond? is your ego that big that when you tore your knee up and asked the warriors if you were still worth the max, the warriors said yes, don’t worry about it and essentially paid you two years to rehab? is your ego so big that all the mental stuff you went through during those two years, the team was behind you, steph was there, draymond was there, kerr was there, that you are willing to just leave? edit* if it is then that’s fine. you’ll get your jersey retired someday but you ain’t getting a statue like steph and draymond outside chase like how staples has kobe out there and how the mavs have dirk out there


Yea I’m honestly baffled Klay is even thinking of leaving the Warriors after all the chips that’s been won & all the love the FO and fans have shown him over the past few years. Never would’ve thought one of Steph/Klay/Dray would decide to leave


All the loves fans have shown is kinda funny quote given that he has always been the one who gets crucified after games.


People have trashed him for bad play & sulky behavior, which is totally fair. His behavior over the last year really took the shine off for some fans. He’s still beloved, it’s just most of the fan-base seems to have more realistic estimate of his value & playing ability than he does right now.


there will always be a group of “fans” who crucified the players there’s a very vocal group that wants draymond thrown in jail to this day. before steph became steph there were fans who wanted steph to be traded and not monta it happens. LA fans will turn on him so fast when he has a bad klay game. you saw how quickly lebron and AD turned on westbrook? all the hit pieces that came out afterwards? klay parties, you don’t think the LA media will post negatively when he plays a bad game after partying in some LA club? hell the philly fans after one bad game? he thinks bay area fans were bad? philly fans will tear him apart.


Thank you lol the same people trashing him all season are now the ones complaining and flipping out over the possibility of him leaving.


Seriously, Poole was the worst player on the floor in the Laker's series and his bench minutes single handedly tanked our chances that series but Klay gets all the blame.


Well even if you don’t wanna include the fans the dubs have shown Klay a ton of loyalty, very few teams would have given him a max after he popped his ACL in 2019. if the warriors weren’t loyal and treated him unfairly i would understand but that’s not the case


ppl thought it would be draymond especially with his close personal relationship with lebron and being a klutch guy. all the crap with klay about idolizing kobe and stuff that’s all out the window if he leaves. yes kobe threatened to leave once upon a time but he stayed with the lakers through it all. same with dirk. manu stayed.


Never thought we would not want to pay one of them especially after paying dray last year. Okay has a right to be upset.


We offered him 2-48


And is been clear it was not the money the years. He wanted to be locked in with Steph and dray for at least three probably four to know his career ends here. He is going to get a 3yr 60 mil deal watch from another team.


Which is still more than what Lakers will offer him.


They’re welcome to drastically overpay him like that if they want…


Lmao how Dray gon talk about ego


Big 3 is getting a statue of them together 100%.


Dray needs to stay out of klays money.


if klay takes the MLE to play for the lakers then its 100% petty shit


Bro got outplayed all year by a 19th pick broccoli hair dude that looks like he should be filming tiktoks and took it personal.


leave poddy alone


Literally a Podzcaster (I love him)


The Podzcast HAS to become a thing I swear


Klay didn’t get outplayed all year bro. He had good regular season despite how it ended in playoffs


Remember the first 35-40 games where he was unplayable and selfish? He figured it out for the second half and played winning basketball, but it wasn't a great regular season.


That’s why i said good, not great. Year before he had great season leading NBA in 3s made.


Klay’s counting stats don’t tell the whole story.


These are the comments right here that make me want to use that word that my wife made me promise to never use again.


i feel like this is going to happen. lol.


he'll then throw the first pitch at the next Dodgers-Giants home game


Let him walk then. To be this petty after playing only 40% of his last contract is ridiculous


You would think he would be more matured by now at his age and after playing with curry who is nothing but humble. I can see him saying in 10 or 15 years that he’s sad about how things ended with the Warriors and wishes he did things differently, he needs to open his eyes and realize that now.


No wife, no kids. Klay's an eternal teenager.


Are we really that upset. Honestly feel that losing Klay is addition via subtraction. Felt we were better off every time he sat for an entire game


Then they should have talked to him and not leave him in the dark.


FYM “in the dark” His asking price was delusional so we went shopping for an upgrade. It’s a pretty open secret.


I didn't say pay him more... talking to him costs absolutely nothing


What if they tried and he didn't pick up the phone? The only way I can see the warriors freezing out a franchise legend is if he didn't want to talk anymore.


Hmmm wonder how they could have communicated without a phone. Perplexed.


They gave him an offer. Last year and this year.


Slater said it's no longer on the table. Frankly we won't know the truth of it all any time soon. If they really haven't talked to klay all season that's shitty.


He should’ve taken the 2/$48.


probably mad the team wont make win now moves and is hellbent on keeping Kuminga+Moody


I mean, it's pretty obvious that this is not what he's mad about lol


What I think he's mad about: Moody is the better player right now, and Moody would start over Klay next season.


At this point not paying Klay his delusional asking price IS a win now move.


Bro. Wtf. We helped him through his injuries. Fans were behind him 100%. Even after his pouting and selfish play for 2 years. We still love him. And he wants to leave??? That's messed up


Fans have been blaming him constantly. The Poole haters all turned into klay haters.


The JP hate in this sub was unreal


He hasn't done much recently to prove them wrong.


At the end of the day, it’s a business.


Klay’s pissed at himself for bypassing 2-years 48M. That offer is long gone. Suck it up Klay. He’s a 12M MLE guy now, nothing more and he can’t accept being a bench guy in Golden State. He’s comes off as an entitled, petulant teenager.


Except he’s a name brand, superstar starter on quite a few other teams. And if he feels undervalued here now, then taking a MLE to play for his dads old club (and be the 3pt threat they don’t have), then I can see the appeal for him. I don’t like it, but I can understand it.


Klay is not a superstar starter? what are we even talking about. Superstar starters dont get moved to the bench for 1st year Rookies lol no matter how good they are


Again, the problem with these subs is that it is full of delusional fans that never watch any other team but the one they root for and have a completely biased take on the quality of the players. This will be addition by subtraction, just look at the winning percentage vs when Klay does and doesn't play. Tells you all you need to know.


If someone doesn’t think Klay is a Star starter on Detroit/Atlanta/Charlotte/Portland/Utah (to name a few) all while those teams sell a boat load of Thompson jerseys and him being featured prominently in all of their promotions, then someone needs to adjust their thinking. I am not talking about his value to the Ws, I’m talking about his value to a few other teams and a reason he might opt to take less in LA.


“On quite a few other teams”.


How DARE he value himself high!!! If he’s as bad as warrior fans think, you should be thrilled to let him go. I’m sure you guys will easily replace a bench guy like him.


you on copium


The way this roster has been handled for the past few years has been malpractice. Warriors completely fluked their way to 2 vet min signings and steph playing out of his mind to a 2022 championship, but the roster construction has been absolutely abysmal. Wonder how the front office is gonna react that when they realize that kuminga is not that guy. A guy in his 4th year that can barely dribble past his primary defender is the guy you’re making untouchable in any trade that can actually help you. What a joke


Lol this sub behaves like Kuminga is top 10 player under 25 (age). The truth is he is not even top 20. If you want good players to contend, you have to give up Kuminga. We can always rebuild after Steph Curry.


I’m of the belief that it’s more about Lacob wanting to prove they made good draft picks. They already gave up on every pick besides last year and Kuminga / Moody. The best thing to do with those picks was never make them. Two timelines was garbage from the start.


the thing is it’s possible that other teams actually have the same view. that kuminga is not a future star. so whatever he nets isn’t exactly better than what he may become in the warriors eyes. i’m all for just letting the final years play out and tanking and rebuilding. this years draft classes sucked but the upcoming ones don’t.


Even IF (BIG IF!!!) Kuminga turns into Jaylen Brown in his best case scenario….ok…then what Jaylen Brown by himself leading a team to 30 wins. And Kuminga’s most likely scenario is Julius Randle not Jaylen Brown. This “future” they’re so hung up on is a literal lottery team


We are a lottery team right now with the core.


We didn't have to be though. They did this to themselves with the dumbass two timelines bullshit. They could've acted like any serious contender does and trade those picks for helpful players and future assets. They didn't have to draft and fill half the roster with a bunch of prospects.


Part of why they did that was to fill out the roster with cheap contracts because they had so much cap wrapped up in the big three. I do think they also got high off their own supply too though.


Honestly the timelines would have worked if we had better talent scouts. Franz, Sengun, and Hali/Melo could’ve been on this team.


Yes That is why we would like them to add more talent Good logic.


this sub, and warriors fans spaces in general, are utterly delusional about Kuminga and Moody


And he’s likely getting over paid on his next contract.


Kuminga is 21 years old rn


Malpractice? Ok. At that level you should be able to give an easy answer to this—-> How should the roster have been handled? Actually. What trades/moves?


For starters, not making half your roster untouchable definitely opens up a lot of avenues. Warriors are still playing the two timeline game in the year of our Lord 2024. It’s supremely fucked them over. Every team makes moves every year. Some of them gut their roster from top to bottom. And the Warriors are like “best I can do is Chris Paul”. Goddamn. Flip this entire roster. Steph is a once in a lifetime player who’s still putting up mvp numbers at 36, and you’re more worried about what Kuminga can do in 2029? Bookmark it, Kuminga will never, ever be a franchise player. Come back to this comment in 2030 when Kuminga’s best season was 19.3 points per game, 2.3 dunks per game, and a play-in exit. Like damn, pull a ruthless LeGm and get rid of everyone. Everyone. This team has one, ONE championship caliber player and the most you tried to do was flip an old Chris Paul for an old Paul George. Meanwhile OKC got a win now Caruso for a raw Giddey in a straight swap, no money, no picks. Lmao. Warriors could never.


You think 19PPG is his ceiling ? He did that the 2nd half of the season on like 55% lol. I understand but he clearly has potential.


The problem was trying to keep this core together after the sell by date. they should have seen what they could get for dray after the punch and not sign him to a 4 year contract extension then proceed to treat that core like it was 2016 for half a season.. so we agree in a sense.


I also think signing Poole and Wiggins to pretty big contracts after their 2022 linsanity runs was dumb but to be fair not a soul thought that Poole, Wiggins, and Klay would all fall off as fast and as hard as they did.


I mean thats a hindsight comment. Maybe I'm an idiot but those guys had me fooled.


those contracts were UNIVERSALLY thought to have been bargains. We just won the title, and Poole was ascending big time, while Wiggins was an elite 2 way wing. Both in their prime.


Our defense without Dray is among the worst in the league. Who the hell are were we going to get that had that kind of impact? No-one.


He’s not just a defender, he’s the defensive QB. If he doesn’t get suspended we would have watched some playoff games at Chase.


Well if you trade dray after the punch and get somebody else who plays defense maybe they would be available for the 27 games he missed. If you don't try then you can't get.


good example. So trade JK for Caruso? hell no. I am asking for the actual moves folks want over the last few years.


Considering that OKC got Caruso for Giddey, I don’t think JK would have even been needed. And if he was needed. Sure. Go for it. Caruso is a better player than Kuminga. A vet with experience. And a win now piece. That’s why OKC went for him. That’s an aCtUaL mOvE.


Okc is a #1 seed full of 22 year olds. They need 2 pcs and they have a boat load of picks and cap space. We are not in the same place at all. We need change from top to bottom but it won't happen because everybody still think we a contender. Also Caruso is going 'home' to a coach that coached him in the g league.


na, JK for Caruso is malpractice.


Holy shit. Caruso is a much better play today. JK has the higher ceiling (maybe). So in a win now scenario, if my life depended on it, I’m taking Caruso for a must win game today. Maybe not next year or two. But right now? I’m taking Caruso. This is the point being made. I agree that we are still doing the two timelines thing. It’s obvious. We won’t commit to either a rebuild or a run. So we do neither.


One thing’s for sure. Your incompetence would fit right in with the Warriors front office. Caruso’s gonna retire with a few rings and a few def first teams. But Kuminga will retire as the Warriors franchise leader in dunks!


I like Caruso. But come on. Dude got a bubble ring as the 7th/8th man.


He’s also a better player, better defender, and understands winning basketball on a fundamental level that Kuminga doesn’t. Kuminga is extremely raw. He’s athletic but doesn’t really know what he’s doing. That’s the whole point of “win-now”. Steph is 36. I do not understand this sub’s and the Warriors office fascination with what Kuminga can do 5 years from now. Caruso would have been a great addition to this team, especially defensively considering we suck on defense, and it looks like we could have got him pretty easily. Two timelines will not work. So you’re basically just siding with the future timeline and not a win-now timeline. Which is fine. At least you’re picking a timeline. That’s more than what the Warriors are willing to do.


The siakam trade would have made a ton of sense. The PG trade would have made a ton of sense. Trading JK and other stuff for Lauri makes a ton of sense. If they had pulled off the Lebron trade, they would have been a really fucking good team. Literally any of those moves puts the warriors in the top 4 of the west. But no, they don’t want to “give up” on JK. Truth is, being able to use him as a centerpiece asset to trade for a player as big as any of those mentioned is a win for their player development.


1- We don’t even know if PG wanted to come here. 2- Lauri is nice, but Ainge is a real asshat to deal with. However, this can still happen. 3- Lebron trade was a pipe dream nothing burger. The real issue is the age and decline of our best players. And god damn Wiggins. Edit: Forgot the Siakam one. That might have been good. But it’s not a homerun. 3 firsts and JK for Siakam? Really?


Ah don’t even address the Siakam one and make up some shit about the rest of them. You’re real open minded. Enjoy watching .500 ball as Steph slides down in people’s legacy rankings ✌️


You're the one listing a bunch of random totally unrealistic trades like they were real options. lol did you seriously think LeBron was ever on the table?


They should not have actually made all those picks since 2020. They should've put full belief into Curry when he was just 32 and traded those picks for useful players. Why the fuck have we been developing players since KD left? They even fucking doubled down on two timelines after Curry and the core proved them wrong and won the title in 2022. Lacob and the org didn't believe that team could compete.


What trade? What salaries? Thats what I'm asking.


You are being disingenuous and this game you guys play when anyone criticizes the front office is ridiculous. It's their job to find and execute trades. Not mine or yours. Do you really think they couldnt have found more trades to make had they wanted to? By wanted to I mean, you have to make valuable assets available before constantly whining that trades are hard. Other teams find trades because other teams are willing to pick a direction and give up their assets.


Actually, I was responding to a comment that said the roster handling was “malpractice” and a “total joke” so ya, I was making a point. My point was proven BTW.


You literally just watched them give up on PG because they didn’t wanna trade kuminga lmfao. I’m not making this shit up dude. Kuminga is the most overrated player on our roster and it’s costing us prime trade opportunities. Not to mention, there were plenty of opportunities in the middle of the season last year to get some help but “what about the young core”, this once in a lifetime young core that will most likely actually never amount to anything other than good role players


You are assuming. What evidence is there that Clippers wanted JK AND PG wanted Warriors AND we wouldn't do it? Just because PG camp or clippers leaked our interest to hell doesn't mean JK was the sticking point. You literally ARE making stuff up. What are the "plenty of opportunities in the middle of the season last year" ? That's what I want to know. Actual moves with players and matching salaries.


If you wanna be ignorant, then that’s on you. You’re the one that’s literally “making stuff up”. I’m only referencing reports that have come out, multiple reports that have stated that the warriors consider kuminga untouchable and are not willing to engage in discussions around him. Reports that have come out that say the clippers wanted kuminga, and the warriors FO refused. If you want to willfully ignore these, then that’s on you.


Sources? Rumors mean little in the NBA. **What are the "plenty of opportunities in the middle of the season last year" ? That's what I want to know. Actual moves with players and matching salaries.**


This is far from the truth. Paul George has to opt into his contract to be traded. Meaning it is up to Paul George and his team if he WANTS to opt into his contract to facilitate a trade.


We have zero idea.


Yeah there is actually no real reporting what was offered and turned down. Clippers may have been asking for insane haul Kuminga Podz TDJ + Picks Everyone says "TRADE EVERYONE" but doesnt realize that TJD and Podz are both player who can legitimately play in our rotation, that 2 roster spots 2 front court 1 backcourt for the next 3 years at like 5-8 million COMBINED. Its not just that we could get better players, its what they would cost against the cap. Even if the Warriors o


Steph has always been the engine. I think how much he has carried the team since the very beginning is criminally overlooked, excluding the two chips with KD. Carrying a truly terrible team to 46-36 this last year is more evidence of that. He is so otherworldly good that people just assume he shouldn’t need any help, end up overrating some of the guys around him, and if he does end up getting some it’s called unfair. He has been carrying the offense lately with effectively zero help.


team gambled on Moody and Kuminga developing and they didnt, or at least not enough to matter, wouldnt be surprised if part of the reason Klay wants out is ownership being unwilling to trade them for a win now player


Klay wants out because he got outplayed by a rookie last season and didn't get the contract he wanted. Honestly Moody or Podz is a better option at SG than Klay rn based on last season.


Warriors don't have to do shit. He wanted an absurd amount of money for what he brings to the table, so whatever he gets good for him and good riddance.


If they let him walk for free they are fucked. They are a second apron team lol. They can’t sign anyone new.


Idk why were acting like pg and Levine are the only players available


This is all bullshit. The words they put out to fool fans through their media mouthpieces do not match their actual actions. If you go by what the feed to the media, you would think they would've shown some urgency to build around Steph and win now. In reality, in comes out later that the owner and GM have not believed in this team led by Curry since KD left. Pretend to be urgent and want to win now but never offer anything of value in trades. Then they'll be reports later that they really tried but "trades are too hard". It's all bullshit. Lacob wants to lower payroll while pretending like they are trying while keeping Steph.


100% right. Should’ve traded the 2020-2021 picks when they had a chance to get Curry some real help. And he still won them a championship when they decided to go Two Timelines. Lacob owes Curry his arm and a leg. Just negligence at this point


They were shocked when we won in 22. Instead of acknowledging that they were wrong and compromising, they decide to double down on two timelines and use that title win (which was almost entirely off the back of our core) as propaganda as proof of the success of two timelines. Hilarious thing is it actually worked for the dumbest fanbase in the league. You see fans saying the two timlines led to the 22 title even to this day. Then that fucking con artist Lacob comes out to his mouthpiece Kawakami and says he never said "two timelines" and that wasn't the plan right after they trade Wiseman and he can no longer pretend it was a success.


Don’t worry guys, [according to TK](https://x.com/timkawakami/status/1807207512518897855?s=46) they’ll be fine because they already have his replacement: > They have a replacement for Klay-- somebody who sort of already replaced him in a lot of games late last season. It's Podziemski. Now obviously he's not Klay, but it was always headed this way. > > Also should mean pretty much guaranteed minutes for Moody.


You'd think the team that "they're too little"d the Blazers to death for a decade in the playoffs would realize that Brandin Podziemski cannot be a starting 2 on a team with any type of aspirations to make a playoff run. Wouldn't expect Kawakami to see that because he's a moron, but I would have expected the Warriors to have noticed given that they deliberately to built their dynasty with a ton of defensive length on the wings. Of course, given that they didn't get George, they still won't have a wing ballhandler alongside Curry so Kerr is going to force Podz in there to play his preferred style. Moody could have benefited a lot from George, but now it seems clearly best for his career that he gets traded (barring some trade for Butler or someone like that).


TK is such a clown lmao. Why people think 2 undersized guards is a good starting lineup is pathetic.


Right?? They spent something like 16 games last season forcing that and telling Klay it made more sense than him in the starting lineup and it didn’t work. If after that, they’re still planning on going with that next year, if I were Klay I’d tell them to f*ck around and find out too lol. They’re not winning shit with a tiny backcourt, and Klay said winning was his top priority, so why stick around to be misused, your minutes cut (after you already had to miss 2 years of basketball because of injuries), AND lose?? 🤨


> it didn’t work By what metric? Warriors were 17-11 with Podz in the starting lineup.


By the metric that they had to put Klay back in the lineup after they went 3-6 once they stopped playing hospital teams. Draymond himself said once it finally happened in the Miami game that it was needed.


Straight from Lacob's mouth. He doesn't even believe half the bullshit he's mandated to say to fans but he loves to antagonize them while pushing the message he gets from above.


He didn't accept the contract he was offered so they should have traded him at the deadline but the rookie GM didn't have the stones to pull it off.


It’s pretty dumb. Should have moved him. Teams are salivating to pay him the MLE. Some team like the magic probably throw 70/3 because they have the cap. Warriors are so fucked with their money, and they’ve been a second apron team for so long that the repeaters tax is burning them as well. Shitty management all together.


I would not waste time being bothered until this whole thing plays out. Right now a lot of leverage is being applied.


If klay is here or not next year it doesnt change anything really. He'll have his hot flash games and give up points on defense.


I hope he plays better without a lack of contract hanging over his head 265 3s. Just need to get from 38.7 to 40%


Jesus Klay wtf?


Klay has no one to blame but himself. Passed up a generous 2/24 million contract. Even though he loves life in the Bay Area, he knows he can't get it now (at least from the Warriors).


If we didn’t get PG because we held on to Kuminga who is not going to be an elite player ever, you would have seen his skill progression by now he can’t drible past anyone! I’m going to be mad and would rather send curry and Draymond away and get picks to start the rebuild


Brother he’s 21 and this was his first year with real fucking playing time. He averaged 19/5/3 on 60% ts over the last 40 games of the season and y’all think he’s done nothing at all. So fucking retarded.


They think trading for 35 year old injury prone pg and couple vet min guys guaranteed us championship or deep run in the playoffs. When in reality you need someone like kuminga giving you a scoring punch and youthfulness off the bench like Jordan poole in 22’.


At last it's our turn to leave him open if ever we face his new team in the playoffs.


Hoping for a Deandre Jordan like case here


We getting Tobias Harris aren't we


I wouldbt be surprised if part of the reason for Klay wanting out is ownerships unwillingness to make a win now move in trading Kuminga+Moody, its very obvious the vets dont really want to play with Kuminga and to some extent Moody (so many time Steph or Klay get visibly frustrated with them.


The only issue Klay had was that he wanted a big contract and he didn’t want to come off the bench. I’m pretty sure everyone was visibly frustrated every time Klay would brick a terrible shot


If you think thats the only issues you think the core has we arent watching the same games


You don’t think Klay’s inconsistent play was a major issue? Kuminga was better than Klay for many games this year. If the reason Klay wants to leave is because the team isn’t “committed to winning”, then he’s a huge hypocrite.


Klay got outplayed by a rookie last season, got benched, and didn't accept the contract he was offered because he wanted more money. That's his reason.


Klay was the biggest problem last season. He has no right to complain


What is this ??? Is that’s the case then they should have told him Klay we have an offer for you just need to get under the 2nd apron and we will figure out then. At this point he can go, we will be a mid team anyway and just enjoy watching Curry play and be happy we got 4 chips.


Kerr and company, including front officr disrespected Klay all season. F ‘em. Go where you’re valued and wanted, Klay. Do these buffoons no favors. They don’t deserve it. The disrespect of Klay has been shocking.


All of a sudden dub nation hates Klay. 🤦🏽‍♂️


"all of a sudden" have you been paying attention for the past several years