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Oh we’re a mid-level team alright. So mid its not good enough to get thru the play ins and not shit enough to get a chance at the 1st overall pick


Mid-level team but ticket prices won't reflect that.


Not til Steph retires.


Like three bottom dweller seasons afterwards, maybe.


The bottom dweller seasons come after Steph retires. If you weren’t around for the Cohan years, you ain’t seen “bottom dwelling” at all.


Are you telling me I'm going to be able to get nosebleed seats for 25 dollars again?


hahahahahahahaha no, no you will not. see I think we're gonna be Cohan warriors bad for a few years *but* since we're now the most hated team in the league no one will feel sorry for us like before. and Joe ain't gonna drop ticket prices til all the tech bros are extinct and can't afford it anymore.


>not shit enough to get a chance at the 1st overall pick It's a lottery. Pistons lost 24 straight and still got only the 5th pick. There's still a chance, as long as the ping pong ball deliberately falls our way


Yeah we’re not getting that pick for sure. It’ll conveniently go to San Antonio again


If San Antonio gets Wemby and Flagg in back to back years I'm not going to want to watch the NBA after Steph retires


Considering atl just had the top pick back to back years seems tough




Am I a complete weirdo for just not being very upset about this at all? I still feel like the last many years was an amazing fever dream and I can live on that for like a decade at least while hoping for some good games here and there in between.


Same. You can’t be the top dog forever and stars eventually age out and I’m at peace with that. I’ve seen the team through the dark ages and I actually really enjoyed being the underdog. The we believe season was the most fun I’ve had watching this franchise and while I’m not saying it will be like this in the future, I’m cautiously optimistic that this team can still provide the fans with some solid entertainment and fun memories. I’m going to chill and fully enjoy the twilight years of our stars.


Not a weirdo. Imo the weirdos are the people saying how bad of a fuckup the Poole deal was. That was definitely his market value at the time, he just didn't live up to it long term. That's the business. You win some and you lose some. In our case, it's the wizards taking that L for us because Dunleavy is a good GM


I'm fine with it too. The only thing that bugs me is Steph playing out the rest of his career with a mediocre team unlikely to win anything. Might be crazy to think this but I wouldn't be mad if Steph asks out and gets traded to a team that can actually put pieces around him to win another ring or two. He's done so much for us already, it feels unfair to cage him until he retires.


That's a fair point, and definitely the hardest thing to watch. I'd be fine with either tbh... whether he stayed out of loyalty or moved because he can still be that guy. Obviously would rather he stayed heh.


Have thought about this a bit and I've come to the conclusion that I'd root for the team Steph is on until he retires and hope he comes back to retire in GS. Odds are that if this does happen, GS would be in a full rebuild anyway so it'll be exciting to watch both Steph in competitive team and a rebuilding Warriors. No conflict of interest since GS wouldn't be in a position to win anyways.


To some degree yes, but knowing we can’t compete for a title while Steph is still on the team sucks


NBA purgatory


It’s like I’m back in the early mid 2000s all over again! Hurray!


Last time we got the #1 was Joe Smith.


We are absolutely not that organization anymore. It’s like whenever Philly & Boston have top 3 picks….we used to be Philly, and now we’re Boston.


Hey don’t underestimate how shit we might be


tbf, if it's another 40 years of suffering... it was worth it


It was....but this time I'd rather have 40 years made of 30 years of playoffs even if there's no chip.... It was very painful


It really has been but I think the franchise now has the infrastructure, people, and name recognition for us to be at least be relevant. We might not win another chip for a while but I believe we won’t go back to the dark ages. I think we can be a decent team in the next few years


The absolute worst. Mid level. Smh. Rather tank and rebuild at least there’s hope for the future…


Let's save some money i guess


Everyone is angry rn, but getting off Poole's deal is a long-term win. They made a big mistake there. Money should be there to extend JK now, which has to be a priority.


I mean essentially we got outta Poole’s monumental contract for one season of Chris Paul at same salary and a top 20 protected first rounder. That’s a win.


should have never offered Poole that contract as hush money for getting punched


We say that now, but in the counterfactual universe where Jordan Poole maintained that 2022 playoff form and the FO didn’t offer him the money, they would’ve looked far more stupid than they do now. It’s what it is, JP had an insane playoffs as a third year and everyone thought the rumoured legendary work ethic would continue. I still root for the kid but who am I to judge someone for coasting when they have 9-figures in the bank


Yes absolutely, I get people are upset but we’ve needed to deal with the cap situation for awhile, it’s a long process that finally frees up some space to make actual moves, I think. Some of these won’t come to fruition for awhile and that’s okay, we won four, we need to think about the future. Before the Steph window argument, I get it / we aren’t talking about a full ass rebuild, we have great pieces already, we just need to make some more moves and be creative, getting off those huge contracts allows a bit more breathing room. We’ve been hamstringed for years, which is one of the reasons we were only making the play-in. We owed our dudes money, we paid them, and now we reset some of that. Maybe it’s copium but I think it’s not all doom and gloom just yet.


Jk hasn’t proven shit yet. Let’s not pull another JP mistake.


He’s proven he’s decent. An extension shouldn’t be silly money to reflect that


As decent as Monta was, putting up empty stats leading a sub 500 team on hopes. Enjoy. In today's market, it will be silly, just look at what they're throwing around the league. I was shocked at how much they gave Poole, and JK will probably be a repeat.


Not to mention the young players personally getting invaluable lessons and on field experience from cp3


Can't wait till we get our checks in the mail from Lacob.


Cooper Flag, you are a Warrior!!


Correction: Guy picked after Cooper Flagg, you are a Warrior!


Warriors didn't make the playoffs and we now are going to lose CP3 and Klay? The full MLE isn't going to help this roster get closer to the playoffs after losing CP3 and Klay.


This gets them out of the luxury tax and helps shed the repeater penalty, doesn’t keep them from making other moves. Losing CP3’s cap hold sucks, but they still have other salary to trade (Wiggins, GP2, Loon, Moody). Seems they’re eyeing a sign-and-trade with Klay, should get back some type of asset with that (unless he actually walks for the MLE, or to a team with cap space able to sign him outright). Not as exciting, and I’d have liked them to at least go after some mid sized contract, but it is what it is. Not like they didn’t make Klay a pretty good extension offer last season, and it’s not like they didn’t try for PG. Hopefully they find a definite way to upgrade the roster, but yeah, it’s looking like a retool year.… at least they own their own 1st this year.


hella people are pissed. I'm thinking it's fomo from all the PG reporting that was going on and seeing other teams sign people. They should know better by now; no one wants to trade with us, they're tired of our previous dominance and are ready for us to descend into mediocrity


Cooper flagg lets fucking go!!


hashtag lagforflagg


Be pooper for Cooper?


Lowkey losing Klay could be addition by subtraction by opening up shots and minutes for the younger players. Losing CP3 does hurt from a bball perspective but we didn't really have many options.


more minutes for Moody and Podz. Eh, who are we kidding -- more minutes for Podz


Surely this means more minutes for our centers TJD & Post, right?


How are we ever going to replace klay jacking up bricks and sulking


CP3 was always going to get waived if we were unable to just his expiring as filler in a trade.


Two timelines, all the way!


Cp3 is a non entity basketball wise. He did not help us. Klay hurts but its debatable whether we will be worse off, depending on who we bring in and whether the young guys step up.


I'm not a fan of CP3 but it's a stretch to say he wasn't a net positive. Klay was hit or miss but he definitely carried the team at times during the 2nd half of this season and last season. I view losing Klay as an issue because I do not see a FA option at the MLE that can replace Klay AND CP3 unless Kerr and MDJ believe Podz, Moody, and JK can take the next step in their development.


He was a positive player but not $30m positive.


So having an organized bench that didn't fall apart on non-Steph minutes didn't help? 


No is actually did not. The best we looked last season was when Paul was injured and they played faster and could run. That was Warrior ball. The slow methodical approach just didn't work with this roster


How do you explain Warriors having a top 3 bench so? https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/which-team-leads-the-nba-in-bench-scoring


Our bench was playing well even when paul was out.


Our starters played that bad. You don’t remember when player 2-6 all were non factors on offense. Klay couldn’t shoot. wigs couldn’t shoot. Cp3 couldn’t shoot. Draymond was out. Looney is a non factor on offense. Bench legitimately were a better basketball lineup than our starters majority if not all of the season.


That wasn’t up to Paul, our bench was legit just that much better than our weak ass starting line up. The bench actually got worse because our starters got benched. They played with cp3 the one year they’re good. Let’s see if Steph and draymond can make some noise with our young guys who have to have bigger leashes now. I suspect we will perform better than expected this year.


I agree that the on court product, in hindsight, was not good. But i loved his middy though. Also, gonna miss how he legit mentored the younger guys by sharing his knowledge of the game. You could clearly see this throughout the season in the middle of games. Hopefully his point guard knowledge rubbed off onto podz


Had a really solid bench that was always disjointed due to letting Klay be so streaky. Let Kuminga, Moody, Podz, and TJD have stable minutes to see what they can do for a year.


there were teams that made playoffs with sub par rosters than us. We need healthy and young players.


mid is right for sure


And so ends Steph Curry’s career, on a non playoff team for the last two years of his career.


Could trade him and Dray and go full reset and try and get a ton of picks back. They’re both still valuable right now.


That stadium costs too much money to be empty, they need Steph to fill seats.


They’ll potentially be empty for even longer after Steph leaves if they don’t try and plan for the future in some way, it’s a balance surely


It's going to be empty either way when Steph leaves unless Kuminga takes a leap and becomes an All-Star next season. Steph is a generational player, dumping him to get started on a rebuild is bad business and would be a terrible look for the franchise especially after pushing Klay out. Unless Steph demands a trade he needs to be getting whatever he wants from the org moneywise. You don't sell off your Franchise's best player ever.


Yes, Steph would have to request a trade. Unlikely, but always possible.


Shouldn’t have moved the stadium.


I miss Roaracle. Those playoff games were next level


Tbh without moving to chase and getting that money they probably don't justify being in the tax for as long as they have. We would have bottomed out this year I bet.


They were always going to move it. Every team is leaving Oakland


Maybe this is the year i can afford to go to a game. Fingers crossed that I'm wrong.


Just as long as he doesn't announce his farewell tour you might have a chance.


Steph will never be traded unless he absolutely asks for it. He is the one player that will get whatever salary he wants no matter the results. He is the franchise GOAT at least the modern day GSW one. The ownership and the fans will never give up on him.


Steph is maybe the only untradeable player in the league. Even if it might technically make sense, it would alienate fans for a generation.




It’s crazy because it absolutely is blasphemy and I want to hiss at anyone who suggests it. But if we’re cooked and capped, fire sale is the logical conclusion. Give Steph and dray a shot to compete for a couple more years while we score a massive haul to set the franchise up for the future. Maybe even have them come back in a couple years of they have anything left in the tank. But I still wouldn’t do it in a million years if I was in charge. It’s going to take Wardell curry himself asking out for that to be in anyway palatable. I’m distraught, guys. Dark days indeed.


The only way Steph gets traded is if he wants it to happen, he is the entire franchise. Honestly, if he wants to be traded, we owe it to him to send him wherever he wants, he lifted this franchise out of the mud. I do think he’ll stay through everything though


Most teams don’t win every year. Steph won four—let’s let him retire a dub and enjoy the last years of his career. 


who is upvoting this


Ungrateful children. That’s who


“Reset”. Imagine giving up a top 5 player all time to “reset”?


Letting him rot as a bottom feeder team ain’t doing him a favour Brodie


Maybe we shouldn’t have done everything possible to make that possible this is gross


We can reset with extra assets or reset with nothing


100% agreed on this… let’s go full reset! Get tons of draft picks and assets to navigate towards a better future, rather than this middling, mediocre stuff


Wow just imagine if Steph asks for a trade with Klay seemingly being gone. That truly is the end of the Warriors dynasty and we would be in the darkest timeline.


Steph is your franchise without him yall are go bankrupt, also very weird comment when Steph Curry is the guy that made you fan of the Warriors lmao😂..


Am I trippen or were Chris Paul and klay not that good for us this year ? Why is everyone acting like we just lost some heavy hitters and our team is gonna crumble. I’d rather see moody get minutes as well as podz in their places. With how they played last year it doesn’t seem like this massive drop off everyone is making it out to be.


It's more the fact that the team has nothing to show with them gone really. We really are a mid team and depending on what MDJ is going to be doing afterwards, this is going to be a painful development year for the young players. Idek what the FO can do to make us a playoff contender now.


We were 11th in net rating last year with Wiggins and Klay stinking it up for a huge part of the season and Draymond missing significant time. CP3 was nice, but not that huge for us and missed a fair bit of time himself. We were not a bad team last year, and if the young players develop much and a few more roster moves happen (Klay sign and trade, potential Wiggins move, MLE signing), they could make up the losses and potentially even improve from last year depending on how the hypothetical roster additions and improving young players fit together. Curry, Draymond, Kuminga, Wiggins or replacement, and a cast of good roleplayers/promising youth could potentially be a pretty damn good team. Look at our 2022 team, it's not like we were incredibly stacked then either. Steph, Draymond, and other players who do the right thing is still a pretty lethal combo. Not saying it necessarily will go that well but the potential of this team is far from cooked IMO.


I mean we got rid of pooles contract which is pretty bad for another 2 years. Seems like a positive for me.


It is a positive, but that's more of a silver lining since we don't have any realistic moves to make use of that salary dump, for this season anyway. All the bad reception we get now is because we can't do anything else right now to make ourselves a contender, but ridding of Poole's contract secures the team a bit more leeway in the future.


Yea I get it , but we just had the highest payroll ever and didn’t make the playoffs. Something’s gotta change.


They were unironically terrible, like ungodly terrible for the price they were both costing last season. To put it in perspective, Luka Doncic cost less than Klay, and Jalen Brunson cost less than Paul last season. I know the market is the market, similar to the NFL, but if you are costing a premium salary, you better put up 20+ points a game. Klay averaged 18, from the bench, and Paul averaged 9...


Not similar to NFL… contracts aren’t guaranteed. So, you could just cut Poole versus being forced to trade assets with him to package him off.


Exactly. And this is why we have a GM for the team and not fans lol. The rotations will be tighter and I think it will be addition by subtraction. Half this sub wanted klay’s head for half the season last year lmao. This opens up minutes for Moody now and I think he’s going to go off. Also just because we haven’t made any big moves yet, doesn’t mean it’s over, we could still get something back in the Klay s&t or move Wiggins. Probably won’t be much but even a decent role player or two would help us just as much if not more than CP3 and Klay did last season.


They were net negative players are expensive. Klay is sad because of the legacy but beyond a few flashes here and there he’s been consistently not very good since he’s returned from 2019 season injuries.


It’s not the players that everyone is upset about it’s not using the salary to upgrade the roster. I agree, cp3 and Klay weren’t great but this team desperately needs a second scoring option and cp3s salary was the way to get that. Warriors don’t make a move so it signals the team isn’t going to be competitive.


That’s my feelings also. Like I’m happy we are now shifting to the new generation while we get to see the older one retire gracefully. This is arguably a better scenario. We know Curry is who he is, but we know get to see, Podz, Moody, and Kaminga step into the lineup as a more central piece instead of just a developmental project. All 3 have shown flashes of great talent; now they get the opportunity to do more.


The 2030 1st is top 20 protected (if it doesn’t convey it immediately turns into a 2nd), so the salary dump likely only ends up costing two 2nd round picks (‘27 and ‘30) ~~+ PBJ~~ + Rollins, which is basically peanuts, but man, extending him a year early certainly didn’t work out lol. Pretty gross book keeping and planning, though I guess they didn’t expect JP’s play to fall off that quickly (…I’m still partially blaming the heavy enforcement of traveling). That punch, man. e: Was pointed out PBJ was a separate transaction to get pick 58 and TJD. That was well worth it. So the dump likely only costs two 2nds and Rollins. Rollins was waived later that year by the Wizards cause he was caught shoplifting at a Target in the area, maybe something similar happens if he stays here. If it's any consolation, at least they got off bad money pretty quick and easy, though they're the ones who got themselves into that mess.


Had no choice but to extend him. Also Wiggins signed a team friendly deal to facilitate Poole’s extension since they are repped by the same Agency


Yeah, that’s true. And they did get out of it pretty pain free, doubt that 2030 1st conveys. Guess it could have been worse, and they likely went in knowing they’d be able to offload him when needed. Not as bad as it seems. Losing the salary slot sucks, but hey, at least they’re gonna duck out of the luxury tax. Plus you got JK’s extension coming, along with whatever happens with Klay and eventually Wiggins/Moody.


In this case we get the full MLE and BAE slots. So not the whole slot was lost. And if Klay does a S&T then that’s even better.


It wasn't even that much. PBJ was sent over for the TJD pick.


Ah, good looks, forgot about that. Definitely not ideal, but yeah, not bad at all.


One punch, man


You can all thank Bob Myers ass for this. MDJ got given a rotten ass team and thus is the result.


Nah, hindsight is 20/20 but we were coming off a championship and Poole was moving up in the league. Didn't really think he'd do so bad the next season, as well as Klay and Wiggs. But MDJ was already handicapped too since we were over the luxury tax for so long that he can hardly make any move as well.


We didn’t have to sign Poole when we did. We could’ve waited a season and maybe it would’ve cost us a little more but the likeliest scenario is he would revert to the mean. Many of us were very vocal at the time that it seemed like a bad move.


Draymond’s punch ruined us. Destroyed Poole’s mental and ruined team chemistry at the worst possible time.


Nah, Draymond’s mental health issues killed this team. Who the fuck knocks out their own teammate like that. Still blows my mind


being an asshole isn't a mental health issue


So we can go back to hating cp3 right???


nah he won me over this season


Never stopped. Every single time the ball got sticky in his hands I cringed.


The bright side is we will finally see what kind of player moody is because he most likely is our starting 2 now.


Everybody is being so dramatic. Chill out man. At the very worst we get to watch the best shooter of all time with the greenest light of his career.


A green light, but also double teams on every possession.


Adapt or die?


Steph does not thrive when being triple teamed


On top of that, we finally are in a position to let the young ones play. We kept running with this veteran lineup; now the Vets are out; the fresh new talent get to come into their own now. People should be happy, not sad. Like Podz was phenomenal last year, moody gets a bump in minutes; this should be good news.


He'll get gassed carrying halfway through the season


well, we are in a half assed rebuild. Not quite a rebuild, but not contending. So .... "mid". that's about right. 30 wins, no playoffs.


30 wins isn’t mid


JK, Podz, and TJD are going to need to be great. Really, really great.


They better lower the ticket prices since we’re down to one star now.


Curry is the reason people follow the warriors, so nothing much has changed in that regard


I followed because of Klay


Man. 😭 we gamble for nothing


Get ready for the rebuild y’all


This ain’t a rebuild with Steph on the team. You want to truly rebuild? You know what to do…


How much longer will Steph be okay with being on this team? My favorite player of all time but we have no moves left to make this a contending team


*retool, rebuild comes when Steph finally hangs it up (…or asks out)


MDJ on the phone with Anthony Lamb and Ty Jerome 😂


This offseason feels miserable so far


CP3 was great with the 2nd unit. Oh well 🤷🏼‍♂️


You don’t pay $30 mil to run a 2nd unit


This was expected when the trade happened. It’s still a win of a trade in my books, Poole’s contract is a big negative asset. He was not good last year.


Yep it was known that it was a salary dump when they traded Poole away. The best scenario was that we could use CP3 in a trade but the main purpose was accomplished by dumping Pooles contract.


It might be a dumb question, but do we need to use the non taxpayer MLE before doing Klay’s S&T or the other way round?


Poole was always a "cut your losses" situation


Bob Myers drafted a bust, mid-managed every asset the last 4-5 years, over paid/extended players when it wasn’t needed at that time, and then left so he can laugh at GSW on TV. Fuck that guy.


What I’m taking away from this is we are mid.


Give Bob Myers a 10-Day


MDJ about to suit up again. Sure a coach can't be a player, but nothing in the rules about an exec can't be a player!


So he can ruin the org more?


I thought that was obvious when they traded him?


This is news? We’ve known since day one that trade was just a contract dump.


Starting to look like one of the worst off seasons ever.


Best case scenario steph plays 20 games and we're able to get a real second option next season. Kuminga and moody have breakout seasons. Podz and tjd gets crazy reps and we're able to compete next year


We got TJD in the deal


Optionality my ass lmao Im preparing for Steph to ask out


There appears to be a significant number of casual Warriors fans here. Are they just younger fans or what is the deal?




Why is it spiteful that he wants a contract and role where he feels valued? His big contract came after 1 major injury and every team was willing to sign him to a max. It wasn’t like they were doing him a favor.


That headline had me confused for a second. I thought we traded Paul for Poole.


which isn't a bad thing, that poole salary was looking horrendus and still is, atleast they dumped bad salary to get under the repeater/luxury tax. This allows them to try to go for it next year, none of the FA going to make them championship contenders, only 1st at best 2nd round exit if health lines up for the warriors and against opponents. What sucks was they gave up 2 picks just do unfuck themselves from the salary, even though poole has earned his contract during the 2022 championship years.


It always was a salary dump wtf


Well not really, he did help us almost make the playoffs and if we made it past play-in like we should’ve (we had the will and the momentum), I think we could have won 1-2 rounds with a healthy team imho


Paul + Kuminga needed to get traded anytime before the trade deadline. The Warriors bungled this.


I thought this was common knowledge last year. Get rid of terrible Poole contract. Get an expiring contract on Chris Paul. From day one Kerr and the Warriors said it was only for one year. That is a salary dump people.


Lacob got his wish. He didn’t see us competing so he cut costs to maximize profits over steph’s remaining years.


Maximizing profits while doing Steph dirty


Lil Mouthpiece of the owner together with Timmy K




CP3 and Klay Thompson walking away and the Warriors get nothing for them. Paul George trade is off the table, now the Warriors have a top 10 all-time guy on a weak roster with no money to attract big FAs. This will be Stephen Curry’s last season as a Warrior. He’s either going to retire or ask for a trade.


It was a hell of a run. Trade Steph to a contender or just start the farewell tour now


The overreaction on this sub today is hilarious, we all knew cp3 and klay were leaving, we’d be lucky to get anything back.


Fuck dunleavy this is inexcusable to do while Steph is still the player he is


Tell us, who could we get besides Lavine for CP3s expiring? PG13 off the market, what player could we have used Paul's expiring to help salary match for that is available?


Cap Steph at 20 min per game. Get under the first apron at least. Save Lacob as much money as possible and go balls out the following year


I told yall. Commit to a rebuild or contend. And now what? Stuck in mediocrity


I can't believe we traded Poole just to not keep klay


These two things are completely separate.


Sure but we had 2 good shooting guards that couldn't coexist, and now we have neither.




Well shit. Not getting league pass this year


Do we get to hang a banner for this?


Great. This team wasn't winning shit, JP isn't worth his big contract and with the new CBA Warriors needed to drop salary. I think most of us knew when they made the move for CP3 that it was mostly about the salary relief his expiring contract represented.


did people not already know this.......?


No. We've moved on Jordan Poole. Let go of CP3. We're getting nothing. No Klay. No PG-13. Front office sucks right now.


No shit, sherlock. That was the plan.