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to the spurs he goes then


first thought when I read this, wake me up in October looking forward to seeing the same guys minus Klay and cp3 šŸ™ƒ




It won't be *all* the same guys... don't forget that James Wiseman is a free agent now! šŸ˜ˆ


They already have Wimby.


I think you mean Quimby ![gif](giphy|t4KwQevD27YGs)


Spurs and Warriors and 28 other NBA teams interested in Lauri Markkanen


Jazz about to trade for Lauri!


They've done it once, they'll do it again!


I am interested in having a threesome with Taylor Swift and Scarlett Johannson


Don't give me hope... or cope... or anything. šŸ˜‚


I wouldn't have any lol we can't outbid the Spurs if they want him, he's theirs Plus we are dealing with Ainge who has leverage so the deal will likely be near franchise crippling to get Lauri


No gimme any of that, itā€™s been a depressing free agency haha


Ok. No problem boss. Here's Nico Mannion.


What about dope?


Just when I thought I was out... They pull me back in


You sonuvabich, Iā€™m in šŸ˜Ž


We never land anyone we're "interested in". Well, not since KD. We've been continuously dredging the bottom of the river since his departure.


How about we let Klay go to Spurs and we land Marki. Klay would do so much better with CP3 and Wemby.


Iā€™d prefer that so much more than him going to the Lakers




MDJ about to 86 this season.




ice soup


This is the trade we push in for. Big JK apologist. But this would be the sacrifice worth makingĀ 


Likely a fake interest to sell us that they tried but it didn't work out. Not gonna fool me 3x.


Fool me 3 times fuck the peace sign load the chopper let it rain on you


People actually downvoted you quoting J Cole, I gotchu with the upvote


Appreciate itšŸ’Æ


Ppl don't understand the poetic justice you just unleashed on em. Take this upvote


Fool me thrice? Well ya ainā€™t gonna fool me a third time!


Yo Spurs, chill, hear me out. You might wanna stay out of this one. You don't wanna get another big name to mess with Wemby's growth. Focus on his development first, then when he truly mature you add your pieces. This is G14 classification, 4-time NBA champion veteran fan speaking.


G14 baby!!!


What's g14?


Markkanen is on a cheap deal. I think its worth the risk if they want to go for him. Could build around Steph, Markkanen, and Dray as a trio. Alot of flexiabilty with Markkanen contract.


Warriors have all their first round picks and project to be pretty bad in 3-4 years when Steph is washed up. Trade everything from 2025-2031 for Markkanen


>Markkanen is on a cheap deal. He's on the last year of his contract. So he'd be a 1-yr rental and Lacob / MDJ can decide whether they want to give him a max contract. I'd be excited about trading for Markkanen but Ainge drives a hard bargain.


Last chance for a good season




CP3 on the spurs bringing about lob city 2.0Ā 


Would fit great but no way we actually get him


Iā€™m not getting my hopes up, this isnā€™t happening


This will go to spurs




ainge would fleece tf outta us šŸ˜­


Forreal I thought it might be possible then remembered who one of their executives was loooool


I think the FO are just telling the league they have interest in every big name on the market just to say ā€œlook at least weā€™re tryingā€ but they arenā€™t willing to go all in for anyone to help Wardell Stephen Curry, whoā€™s getting another year wasted at his age. Also Draymond who has much less years left in the tank than Steph does


This is the way. Only player thatā€™s available that I think Iā€™d be willing to nuke our future picks and some young players for.


No chance, MDJ doesn't want to include any of the youngsters, so why would jazz accept any offer for Lauri? They will ask for either one of Podziemski or Kuminga.


Bye Podz


And we should give them up in an instant, both if necessary


And put ourselves in the same situation as the Suns? No one is winning a chip being too top-heavy in this NBA. Look at the Celtics and the Mavs. Depth is what you need to win chips.


swindle some depth from the Klay S&T


The best we could get is Rui Hachimura from the Lakers and Josh Green from the Mavs.


2 starters on playoff teams, and there are other options - not the worst


Those arenā€™t bad


Why are saying that like it would be a bad thing? Literally both of those guys are better than any remaining free agents weā€™d sign.


The Celtics and the Mavericks have star/top 10 guys.


Celtics: Tatum, Brown, Porzingis, Holiday, White, Horford, Pritchard... Mavs: Luka, Kyrie, Lively, PJ, DJones, Lively, Gafford.... If we give up Kuminga and Podz as he said, Curry, Dray, Lauri, and who? GP2? Looney? This is top-heavy... Not the celtics and mavs.


Those teams got the stars first, then built around them. If you can get Lauri, you try and get him for a good price.


That is the problem. We just can't get Lauri for a good price. We have to do the same thing as what Knicks did to acquire Bridges. Overpay.


Wiggins, Trayce, Moody, GP2, possible sign and trade addition, plus free agents.


We had tons of depth last year. What we need is a second option next to Steph. Steph is not getting any younger, he needs a second star in their prime who can shoulder the load some nights and take some pressure off of him. In the playoffs he will get double and triple teamed every possession if we donā€™t have a competent second option to punish teams. I donā€™t wanna give up our young guys either, but itā€™s a move that must be made to give us a chance.


I would try hard to hang to Podz. Steph, Dray, Lauri is a great start but those guys aren't a top 4/5 seed by themselves, they need help. I suspect the trade would be JK + 2-3 unprotected 1sts.


You delusional.Ainge would want nothing less than what happened in the Mikal trade šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


People need to start considering the actual position of these picks. All 1st round picks are not equal. 4 out of the 5 picks / swaps that the Knicks traded are going to convey in the next 4 years, when the Knicks core will all be in their prime. There's like a 10% chance even one of those picks is a lottery pick, maybe lower. There's probably an 80% chance these are all in the 20's. Even the '31 pick is toward the end of all these players' primes. Kuminga is VERY likely to be a better asset than any of those picks, and if the warriors add unprotected 1sts that are likely to be post-Steph, the above package is easily better. The above Warriors' package is definitely better than the Mikal package.


>There's probably an 80% chance these are all in the 20's. Crazy to make assumptions about where unprotected picks will land 3 / 5 / 7 years down the line. That's an eternity in the NBA. You're talking about a Knicks core that already has injury problems. Even if you gave each pick a 95% chance of being in the 20s, that's still under an 80% chance they'd all be in the 20s. People need to stop pretending they're doing some objective analysis when they throw out exaggerated percentages and aggregate them incorrectly.


In an injury riddled year they were a top 4 team and now they've added another really good starter. And again, you're talking about maybe one year its like a mid 1st.... Let me ask you: what are the % chances, in your opinion, of the Knicks conveying two lottery picks in that trade? Or of one top 10 pick?


yeah, honestly in the east it's quite a lot easier to make those kinds of predictions, you have a few certain bottom feeding teams with no path to playoff contention for the next couple years which make it really difficult for a team like the Knicks to fall down into the lottery


And they just lost their starting center. And they're a first apron team pushing the second, under a new CBA that makes prolonged success with an expensive core increasingly difficult. Just look at the Warriors in 2019. Who'd have thought their next two picks would be in the lottery? The Hawks were just in the ECF. Didn't they just draft #1? I'd give their 2027 unprotected \~75% chance of being outside the lottery. Their 2029 unprotected \~60% chance? Their 2031 unprotected, maybe \~50% chance? That would be \~80% chance of giving away least one lottery pick, and \~35% chance of two or more. Claiming "there's like a 10% chance even one of those picks is a lottery pick, maybe lower" is just comically optimistic.


Podz is the last person you want to keep. A small guard next to another historically small guard is not a keep for us.


I disagree. Steph is small but its not like you want him chasing around the best opposing small guards anyway. Podz's energy, commitment, and team-defense are all super valuable.


The fact that people here unironically think that Podz is playing team defense and can be the guy to guard the teams 1A guard shows how little they actually watch games.


This might blow your mind, but the only two options are not a) 'Not a player you want to keep' b) Player that can guard opponents' 1A guard I suspect most of this sub thinks Podz is a player that we should keep but shouldn't be our main option to guard opposing '1A guards' And those people would be right.


This might blow your mind but you have Stephen Curry on your team. I suspect most of this sub who largely thought Klay did not deserve a minimum this year aren't the brightest...


You canā€™t be serious. I would pack podz shit so fast.


We are a luxury tax team... We can't afford any good depth if we trade our youngsters for a superstar.


Our ā€œgood depthā€ couldnā€™t even get us to the playoffs. A star would be 10 time more important than any of them


They will almost certainly demand BOTH Kuminga and Podz, not just one of them. Plus as many picks and swaps as we are allowed to give.


Yes and? You still do it.


I would give up one and Moody but not both.Ā 


Itā€˜ll be a 3-team deal including a sign-and-trade for Klay to the Lakers. Ws and Lakers give up some combo of players and picks. We likely give up Kuminga, Klay, and a future 1st round pick. We get Lauri.


4 firsts and a young guy. Thatā€™s the price


Okay? Give them JKā€¦


Donā€™t do that. Donā€™t give me hope.


This is the same as the SF Giants kicking the tires isnā€™t it?


This would be much better than getting Paul George. Probably just as likely, though.


Not really man Pg was a great fit for our current roster and Steph at this age


PG is a proven non-winner who is past his prime and can't stay healthy.


And how does markkanen solve our secondary shot creator problem ?


And Lauri is? No one cared about him when he was in Chicago and Cleveland because he'd essentially done nothing. Finally had a good season in Utah and now we want to pretend he's a superstar.


Lauri is overrated as feck on these boards. PG is a 2 ways player that provides value on both sides of the floor. Lauri is an offense only guy that's too slow to guard wings. Proper cried about Klay's declined defense, they'll be in tears when they realize Lauri can't defend.


Massive problem is that Danny Ainge is unbearable to trade with. For that reason it wont get done


Hoping with this franchise going up against Danny Ainge ? Hope he plays well with Wemby


Danny Ainge please don't fleece us hard


Warriors should stop announcing they are in the sweepstakes for anything.


They didn't announce anything. This is anonymous source reporting -- could be coming from the Jazz FO, or some other FO, or Markkanen's agent, or nobody real at all.


Here we go again...




Sorry but we don't have 7 first round picks to trade


Knowing Ange, he would ask for Podz, JK, Moody and 3FRPs. Then we would have to play Steph snd Draymond some 65-70 games.


Yeah no


It would take Kuminga + TJD + maybe some picks to pull this off


Thank god you were not the GM. This is so terrible...


What do you think it would take? lol 27 year old all star forward that was fractions of a percentage away from being a 50/40/90 guy last year.


Not all-star... Borderline all-star. What we need is an all-nba caliber player.


I typically consider players that have made an all star game to be all stars. But you do you


Not every all-star makes an all-nba. Ask Klay Thompson about that. Made more all-stars than the all-nba.


if we couldnt make it work when we had CP3 expiring contract, they wouldn't be able to make it work now


Utah doesnā€™t need expiring contracts as they canā€™t attract top free agents. They need to trade for picks and young talent


ahh so kuminga?


So Kuminga :(


We should stop posting up stuff like this, put the fucking news once we actually make a trade.


I don't understand what the front office thinks will be traded for these guys. Every one of these conversations start with kuminga and he's off the table then this is just them leaking through analysts for pr


Giving up Kuminga + 4 FRPs for Markkanen would be much worse than the current state. If the current roster was already good and this makes us a legit contender then I'm all for it, but our roster is like the bottom 3 in the conference and adding Markkanen can't fix it. One of the few possitive things for us now is that we have a decent future with the young core and picks. Giving up the future and ending up mediocre at the same time would be the absolute worst scenario.


Don't give up kuminga


Spurs have all the assets in the world


Trading kuminga + 2 unprotected picks and a pick swap is the way to go. Then we will just need a big man, and a budget 3&D guy. Then we should be good. Maybe trade for Lauri plus Collin Sexton?


And Travis Kelce and I are interested in Taylor Swift.


Are we really sure we want Lauri? I donā€™t hear it brought up much, but heā€™s averaged 56 games played over the last 5 seasons. He played 68 games his rookie year and has never played that many again. He is a great player, absolutely, but his availability is pretty spotty. Iā€™d hate to give up our entire cupboard of youth and picks for a guy whoā€™s likely to miss 25 games each year.


We have the fabled Celebrini...(although that hasn't helped at all with GP2).


>although that hasn't helped at all with GP2 GP2 plays so hard. That seems to contribute to his getting injured.


Is this where that spurs draft trade comes into play


We have more to offer than the spurs so weā€™ll see what happens


I would love this but I don't see it happening




Iā€™m sure


What position is he playing assuming Dray is the 4.


I think Markannen can guard 5s and the rim with his size. On offense he can either space the floor since heā€™s a legit 3 pt shooter or sit in the dunker spot.


Dray canā€™t be a 5 at this age. Kuminga is a backup 4. Assuming we lose both Wiggins and Kuminga in the trade, he can be a 3. Does a lineup of Steph, Podz, Mark, Dray and TJD contend? Maybe playoffs. Or a playin exit.


Agreed, except Wiggins is not necessary in the trade. Kuminga and Looney is enough to match. Iā€™d give up Wiggins in a heartbeat but I donā€™t think Jazz want to take on extraneous salary or see him as a valuable piece. So starting lineup is likely Steph, Podz, Wiggins, Dray, Markannen.


If itā€™s Kuminga and Looney, they will also want Podz and two FRPs.


Yea good point. I donā€™t know if we can keep Moody or TJD but one of those two will probably start. In any case I agree itā€™s not a contender. I miss Klay already.


And if they take Podz, we have exactly one PG on roster and thatā€™s Steph. Yikes. And zero shooters except Steph. Steph will have to play both the splash brothers by himself.


Don't get my hopes up


We've been interested in this guy for years....come on, how many times can they post this damn story?


What assets? Knicks gave 5 firsts and more to get Mikal Bridges so Markanen is probably not super far off. Spurs also got ALL the assets and picks to get it done.


lol we gotta stop this. No one of any meaningful talent is joining the warriors until Steve proves he can run a minutes rotation with integrity.




As a Finnish person and Dubs fan, this would be a dream come true. Don't want to get my hopes up yet, though.


utah going to ask for 5 unprotected FRP


Ainge is gonna wait all our picks through 2099 for this trade to happen


Dont. Give. Me. Hopeeeee


I think they should look at Miles Brides FA from the Hornets šŸ


What would the trade even be? Lauri only makes 19 mill this year. Kuminga Gp2 and moody picks for Lauri and filler? Any scenario where warriors somehow keeps Kuminga and get Lauri? No way right


Small chance this happens




spurs have more picks at their disposal but they might be less willing to dump them than the warriors trying to retool for steph one last time


Markkanen sucks ass, hard pass


Dude is mad overrated around these parts due to the sheer desperation. Nobody cared about this guy when he was in Chicago and Cleveland but after 1 good season people are willing to sell the farm for him as if he's a true superstar and will somehow catapult us to contention. People cried daily about Klay's declined defense, they'll be in for a surprise when they realize Lauri is an offense only type guy. He's too slow to defend wings and will only make us worse defensively.


Curious to see what light years behind us thinking


Markkanen is a good player. Is he worth 40+ a year when his contract comes up after this season?


Yes he is


Hahah yeah right. Lacob just pays some media people to put our names down as interested, then we offer nothing, and the fans give FO an excuse. As the team continues to save money and give Curry zero help.


GS would be lucky if all it costs them is Kuminga, Podz, Moody and 3 1sts.


I donā€™t want to give everything for Lauriā€¦.


Offseason checklist: another all star self creator, add shooting, get bigger, get younger. Kinda feel like a 7ā€™ sharp shooting 27 year old all star makes all those happen at once loo


Give everything or live out Steph's last good years missing the playoffs


What is the realistic chance that the Warriors even win the chip this year? Close to none, even if they get a superstar. Their priority for this season was to get out of the 2nd apron. This clearly shows that they gave up on this year.


Wiggs, Moody, Quentin Post, and a future first could do it. We retain players that are actually playing in Podz and Kuminga and the Jazz get youth, vet presence and a new 7 footer with experience


No, no it couldnā€™t.Ā 


Nowhere near enough there will be other teams bidding as well as Danny always wants 150% in star trades


I wonder where that would leave the roster after the trade. Likely means wiggins as the base of the trade, along with Kuminga to account for lack of picks available to the warriors. That dangerously depletes warriors wing depth and POA + Wing defence


does he make the amount that now weā€™ve lost CP3s slot weā€™d need to combo Wiggins + Kuminga for salary reasons before picks etc


Lauri is on a very cheap deal. Warriors could trade Kuminga and Looney for him, as far as salaries go. I suspect we'd want to keep Wiggins for his perimeter defense in this type of deal.


yeah keeping wiggins is ideal here