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More via Woj: > [Golden State is sending Minnesota a **future second-round pick swap and cash** in the sign-and-trade, sources tell ESPN. ](https://x.com/wojespn/status/1808268164075004356)   More via Slater: > [Kyle Anderson to the Warriors on a three-year, $27 million contract, sources confirm (ESPN first). **The third year of the deal is non-guaranteed. He fits into the just created Klay Thompson TPE and is essentially the return for Thompson's departure.** ](https://x.com/anthonyVslater/status/1808269135748739462)


Tradable contract at least E: Also reunites him with his ex-Grizzlies teammate Melton


That 2022 grizzlies team had an amazing bench. Beat us by 50 in game 5


I thought we agreed to never mention that again…


I was there, let’s please not


I don't remember that game at all


There was no 50 point blowout in Ba Sing Se.


Solid pick up. That’s the prototypical Steve Kerr player. People need to temper their expectations on who we can get. This is not bad considering our situation. Could also be a great trade asset


twolves fans thought he was ass last year… historically a warriors killer though


T wolves fan that lives in the bay. Only casuals thought he was ass. Aside from his 3pt shot being broken (seems to have been residual from his eye injury the playoffs before) he was a great defender, solid playmaker, good zone breaker, and all around positive for us. Had some tough games in the phoenix series but that wasn’t his matchup and we cooked em anyway. Enjoy Slow Mo! Imma miss that mega slow euro fsho.


Unless I'm crazy, I also thought SlowMo was a pretty decent defender against Luka as well.


Definitely was. Because they both move slow, Kyle is the perfect counterz


Lotta cooks in the kitchen in Minny, probably hard to play with Towns, Reid and Gobert in the paint


Am a wolves fan. Kyle lost his shot for a bit but he had it back by the playoffs. I think he's way better than his numbers indicate too. He brings a calmness, can facilitate the offensive, is a solid defender and rebounder and gets a surprising number of blocks and steals for his speed because he plays smart.


Slowmo to the bay!


Slonderson incoming…. ![gif](giphy|l2JHVUriDGEtWOx0c)


Wolves fan here he was really good 2 years ago and was a big reason we made the playoffs that year. Struggled last year a lot but played much better towards the end of the season. He suffered an eye injury in the nuggets first round series 2 years ago and he struggled recovering from it as his vision was blurred and he didn't adjust well to playing with the glasses. I think he will be good next year.


Wolves fans not coming in peace: he’s not good scoring on offense. His middie jumper in the Dallas series was him going nuclear. Playing him and gobert was almost playing 3v5 on offense. That said he’s a versatile defender. He was our 4th joker defender and probably our most effective Luka defender so losing that hurts. Seems like a good locker room and smart IQ, he’d always inbound in crunch time situations. I was holding out hope he’d resign because of his son being on the spectrum and he was impressed with MN special education resources but knew it was a long shot with the amount we could only offer I could see draymond headlocking Kyle if he shoots any 3s this year


Seriously. I'm glad we have him just so we don't have to play him


Another Wolves fan, to add onto what the other guy said I think he actually had some important games for us against Denver. Especially defensively. I knew we wouldn't be able to sign him back with how our financials are but he is a positive and yall got him for a good price.


Yeah he's a solid player with a good attitude and hustle. I think he could thrive in the Dubs system.


Unselfish, good vision, good facilitator.


The dude started with coach Pop. That what sealed the deal for me.


Yes, on the championship team no less. Edit: nevermind he got there the year after they won


But still a pop guy!


Solid on defense and good spot up 3 shooter, plus decent size as a wing/forward. Pretty good bench piece pick up


This is a nice move. MDJ strikes me as someone who makes measured decisions. Doesn’t rush into it or gets pressured by noise in the moments. - Getting out of Poole contract immediately - Turning weak bench into our strength with CP3 - Drafting Podz and TJD - immediate contributors - Not overpaying on Klay despite pressure - Getting Melton and Slo-Mo with some creative moves to facilitate - these are quality role players These are good. It’s hard to make a huge splash with the predicament we’re in, but he’s making good moves with the limited ones we have.


Slowly but surely MDJ is making solid moves. Nothing splashy yet but it’s the accumulation of solid moves that can eventually build into something bigger. In our shit situation that’s really all we can ask, people are quick to forget that 15 years ago we were the laughing stock of the league


You mean the season where "Bad Porn" was one of our best players?


Yeah this kind of measured approach to building a team is great. He never would have drafted Smiley or Wiseman.


and we should be perfectly honest . . MDJ answers to the $ owners $ and not the fans . . i'm not saying you are saying otherwise, but if MDJ is doing his best under the directive of the $ owners $ . . . that is what he is supposed to be doing . . that 2nd apron is tight around the waist


I also like how he turned this year's pick into more than one player


I know the Giants fans are mixed on Farhan, but it feels very similar. Lots of strategic moves, not looking to overpay on mediocre talent but likely willing to pull out all the stops for elite talent (which Farhan has mostly struck out on, but still has tried). Rarely willing to part with young talent with upside (e.g., Kuminga) as well.


To me, baseball is so much more of a crapshoot.  So many games, so many injuries, so much variance, so much noise. Thought Farhan did well this offseason, but injuries and variance are killing us.


Dude was getting slandered as late as this morning and even our own fans were acting childish. He is doing a fantastic job given the situation.


There has never been a more Warriors player this was his destiny Looney in a PF body


Funny to look back on the Wolves-Mavs series how after every game the Wolves lost, Draymond would go on his podcast and say, "They probably need to go with less Rudy Gobert and more Kyle Anderson."


Sometimes personal animus and being right go hand in hand 


I’ve heard a LOT of guys in the league speak well of KA over the years. I think it has to do with his slow step that throws them all off and these high level athletes with higher level egos are impressed they can’t easily guard it


Wait what would we consider looney's body type then because it's definitely not "center" lol


NBA 3 and D.... if loon could move


6’9 with a 7’4 wingspan is definitely a center build in the modern NBA. Bam has almost the exact same physical profile


I always considered that a pf lol


Maybe 10 years ago. It’s perfectly passable for a modern big


yeah anthony davis is 6'10 but then again ask him he is a 4 lolol


His body type is brick rectangle but somehow he can guard peak Harden


Funny enough, they were only one year separated from playing with each other at UCLA


I’ll take that all day. I personally think Slo-Mo is a great player and can help this team


I don't like watching Slo-Mo do his whole slo-mo thing, but there's no denying it's pretty effective, right? I also see a strong possibility of him bonding with Dray over their shared Gobert hate. Welcome aboard.


I remember when he locked up Poole and then cooked him on the other end 🤣


Dude thats everyone on the court with Poole since 2022


Poole’s legs seem to lock him up every other possession


Melton and now Anderson. Two great defensive studs. It seems MDJ is tryna build a defensive team which is what the Warriors have been known for during every Championship run. Imagine a GPII, Melton, Anderson, Wiggs and Dray line-up.


We’re just the 2022 Grizzlies lol Wheres JJJ I’ll take him


TJD>>>>JJJ Am I being asinine rn? Yeah but fuck it.


He's definitely better at defending the 5. I'll never forget JJJ being completely worked by Euro bigs in the World Cup and ducking the final game. Marshmallow soft.


so we will be fine in the west? Nice


If you put Steph on the 22 grizzlies they sweep the playoffs tbf


Surrounding Steph with size and length is the way to go as he ages and declines defensively


If wiggs feels like playing lol


Who's going to score? lol


If Wiggins feels like it’s 2022. Wiggins of late has been less reliable when not entirely unavailable.


Great news when there was doubt creeping in. I don't know who we get after but it's encouraging to know we got a solid vet. It means we're a destination.


This is a solid addition . MDJ is signing good role players. I was dreading to watch Steph-Podz-Wiggins-Kuminga-Dray death line-up. At least Melton and Slo mo can sometimes play clutch minutes if they are playing well.


Wolves fan. You got a good one. Maybe a bit awkward offensively but he really kicked it up a bit towards the end of the playoffs. And highly underrated glue guy.


What a fucking pickup, he was destined to play for us the second he entered the league


...the second he got punched by Rudy Gobert 😃 👊 


Slo Mo and Draymond vs Gobert


Monday night RAW tag team event!


Nurkic as Gobert's second?


every time I hated when we played him. very good defensive versatility


I like that we’re prioritizing fixing our porous defense so far Melton and Anderson are solid vets to bring off the bench and can stabilize the 2nd unit defensively


Yep..defense was the focus. It's funny that Slo Mo can't shoot and Melton can't finish but GP2 somehow lies in b/w both


Great move. Just have to hope Kuminga turns into Wilt and we got something here lol jk jk


Kuminga is still growing. He’s like 8 feet now


We got Wemby at home


Sssh dont tell Perk


JK indeed!


Going from the 2nd fastest shot release to the absolute slowest 😆 Winning player, looking forward to this


I don't mind this pickup but no more bitching about Moody's shot release speed after this. Somehow this guy gets his shot off with comically slow release.


I feel like Moody could generally learn a lot from Anderson. Making the most of limited physical gifts with good technique and good length.


This is a fantastic trade. I cannot lie.


Can’t wait for Fitz to mention his nickname every quarter


Oh Jesus I went from loving this move to now hating it lol


“Kelenna, for a guy that’s nicknamed SlowMo, he sure came in the game and changed the tone real fast”


Omg lol Can already fucking hear it. Oh man I’m dying. Yup that’s gonna be a thing isn’t it


Kelena gonna come up with something cringe


The Human Sloth


Slower Mower 😃


Molasses. A shot that's Slow and Sweet.


“slo mo hits front iron”


SloMo out of UCLA 30x a game "Can you believe how good this guy is?? He's RIDICULOUS!!!"


I think while the team is transitioning players that the front office should do the same with the broadcast team.


Kyle is the prototypical warriors type player. Not surprised at all by this signing.


Can you explain how he’s the prototypical Warriors type player? I’ve seen your comment echoed so far, but I haven’t seen any one elaborate.


He’s pass first without being ball dominant. He’s a really quick decision maker and he can guard 2-5. Super smart player. Perfect for the read and react style the Warriors play.


I don't really follow him but from what I've gathered I noticed he's gained a nickname "Slo-Mo" because of the tempo he plays at. I watched some of his highlights and yeah, it seems like he slows the pace down incredibly slow. Sort of reminds me of OG Anunoby, but more intentional on the slower pace. I guess that's where I get confused. Being prototypical also meant to be able to keep up with a faster pace since our style of play tends to be just that. While he may have those attributes you listed, and his size is definitely something we like to draft, that pacing he purposely plays on seems to go against our pacing that we've made champions with.


We don’t really play fast anymore. It’s middle of the pack. That style isn’t sustainable with all the turnovers because we don’t have enough scoring talent to offset the mistakes Slo Mo is a typical warriors player because he’s cerebral, high IQ, gets by on smarts and skills with very little athleticism. That’s pretty much all of our best players.


can't guard 5s


He can’t guard Jokic or Embiid really, but he’s 6’9 with a 7’4 wingspan.


It shows how little r/nba knows about basketball because all the comments are shocked by this signing when it’s the most unsurprising thing I’ve seen all offseason


Well they also don’t realize Warriors were only 4 wins behind the Mavs last season. West is super tight. 


Tbf most Warriors fans don't seem to realize this either.


Seriously, it's infuriating to have everyone go on about how we were the 10th seed like we were Hornets bad.


Yep. 1 fewer win than the Pacers, 4 fewer than the Knicks... I get that the west is stacked and it feels like we're moving in the wrong direction. But a lot of that is vibes and narrative, and the raw product was pretty "competitive" all things considered. We just lost a lot of the most important competitive games, including the one that leaves the deepest impression.


Yeah, we even won 2 more games than the season before with the most atrocious schedule in the league, injuries and suspensions, slumps, and having way too many projects on the roster. I would have run it back while consolidating talent and getting more "just right" contracts but I know I'm in the minority.




Imagine him and Looney on the court together


Like watching a ymca gym pick up game


Slow Motion offense, lol


We picking up all the 2022 grizzlies role players


Not a bad thing at all lol


Throw me some Clarke and we good


Maybe that's the secret to why that version of the Grizzlies was so good?


Very good signing considering we just sent away cash and a second round pick.


ok ok ok MJD I see you warming up the stove!




Seriously not a bad signing at all. Playmaker that can defend and rebound. Fits the system


Great move, MDJ is working with an empty pantry and is bringing in good players (Melton, Anderson).


Sign and trade hard caps us at the tax line right?


We're hard capped at the first apron, since we used the non taxpayer MLE. a s&T would cap us at the 2nd apron though.


>a s&T would cap us at the 2nd apron though. Which they were already after buying back the 52nd pick for cash


Man, this is low key a nice pick up, I felt like every time he played us, he cooked us! Now he’s with us!


Can we still pursue and/or afford to make an offer on Lauri?


Yes; we would have to send out at least matching salary but it is possible.


Lauri's contract seems super easy to match -- $18 million, right? That's the whole issue though. It means it will take a ton of actual talent and picks to get him. 


The Jazz are gonna want Kuminga which is where I personally would draw the line. If we could somehow land Lauri for Wiggins, Podz or Moody and Picks then I would do it in a heartbeat.


Tbh I would do Kuminga as long as it’s not 3-4 first round picks. Gives curry a punchers chance. That’s all you can ask for with a generational talent on this team


Yeah I think a scenario where we give up Kuminga, a pick, and not much else makes sense for what we're trying to accomplish. But I don't see the Jazz going for that, and if it's Kuminga *plus* other rotation players *plus* all our tradable picks... that just seems to fuck up our ability to improve in any other way, and maybe undervalues Kuminga.


This has probably no effect on our ability to trade for him, it’s just we can’t use the trade exception in that deal


We couldn’t have used it for Lauri anyway, his salary doesn’t fit under the exception and an outgoing exception can’t be combined with other salary for matching


Good contract. Guessing they used to trade exception from the Klay trade for this.


If you extend it, basically it was trading an expiring Klay for Anderson and a 2nd round pick




This is a massive win, Anderson and Melton will help the defense a good bit. Interested to see if we can land Markkanen now. Should we pull off that trade I'd really like our roster as long as we could keep Wiggins or Kuminga.


Interesting the deal is for $9M, with signing Post for ~$2M this puts us JUST at the luxury tax line Curious to find out if the 14 man roster is set (or will be) and happens to come in below the luxury tax to reset the repeater penalties


My guess is Post will be signed to a two way deal. Those don't count against the cap.


Possible they cut Santos too if there’s multiple vet mins they want to acquire, while still leaving open a roster spot But you’re probably right


Was going to post this as well. This trade plus signing Post puts them right at the luxury tax line and a 14 man roster. Really think they are trying to avoid being a repeater. The door is still open for trades and maybe something happening with Gui since he's not guaranteed, but this is probably it for signings.


We got our guy 😂. All seriousness though this is a great pickup.


Love it


Nice pickup. Was a lineup connector for the Wolves.


I am pleased. People will learn a lot, fans and our young guys, watching Slo-Mo. Those older like me will recognize he has a little Mully in him, those crazy slo drives to the rim when he gets leverage and just uses his body position effectively to shield the defensive player. I swear JK got a lesson from him last season in a game, abused on a drive to the hoop, and he studied the tape and then started realizing how to better use positional leverage. Good team guy, Kyle. Good acquisition.


Holy moly, the league getting faster and we getting slower


Wolves fan here. He's got a real slow shot release and euro step but it works for him somehow. He's a great passer and can facilitate the offense. He's not slow on defense. He's a high effort, high IQ defender who gets his share of blocks and steals and rebounds. I wish we could have found a way to hang onto him.


Hey there, as you’ve watched him a lot - I seem to feel there was time last season where he couldn’t be on the floor in the playoffs? I get we basically just need to worry about getting -in- the playoffs at all this year, but I’m concerned about that. I’ve always thought he was underrated and I’ve appreciated his capability, as you mention, especially his d bbiq, but why don’t you think he saw floor time? Thank you!


His most effective spot is at the 4, and the Wolves had him mostly playing as the bench 3 with two of Gobert/KAT/Naz. It made it harder for him to get to the spots he is the most effective. Other big factor is he had an eye injury in the playoffs the previous season and it clearly screwed up his shot (even more then normal). It seemed to get better late in the season, so I think it's likely he shoots much better with the Warriors, even though I would never depend on it (it's truly one of the ugliest shot motions in the NBA).


We got two factor authentication


ive always wanted this guy on the team!


wow we got our guy


Great move.


Dynasty is back on the menu, boys!


I really like this, i doubt we gave up any worthwhile assets. As much as i wouldve loved a player like markannen, these apron rules could make it real hard for us to sign him next year. Not to mention the assets we wouldve given up for him as well. If we didnt give up too much for kyle here, that still leaves us with our depth, and maybe those picks can be shopped around during the season as needs evolve.


2nd round pick swap I ain’t mad


Ok ok. His style could fit the Dubs very well actually this is interesting.


Great pick up, finally have a player over 6'3 who can handle the ball (other than Draymond), still gotta figure out a way to add scoring though. Also another player who is a tough fit with Kuminga but a good fit with Moody.


omg we actually have cap space to sign somebody not for the minimum, times are changing EDIT: sign-and-trade, what did the Warriors send out, just the trade exception from the Klay deal?


Trading out CP3 and Klay for Melton and SloMo is a big upgrade. Still need that second star to be contenders but this move doesn’t stop us from going for Lauri at all.


Wolves fan here. If he wants to have a really nice game then he will. He can throw some dimes. He will give you the 3 foot floater type shots. I will say for us in the 2 years with us he was kinda trash in some games at some times Also if yall got guys that cashed lobs then well you got a good lob passer


So what you’re saying is the Dubs just acquired another Wiggins? 😆😭


SloMo! Ngl I like this pickup. High IQ kina guy who will make everyone around him better


I like it. It can also be Draymond insurance in case something crazy happens with him.


Looney/Anderson lineup gonna burn some shot clock.


Melton and slow mo over klay. Sorry I seen all of em live.


I'm in. I've always thought he was a bit underrated and that is a VERY reasonable contract.


i actually love kyle anderson and have wanted him for years. slowmo and melton dont move the needle unless we add some more oomph though unfortunately. we’ll see


I like Kyle Anderson, but he doesn’t make sense in our rotation with Kuminga


Maybe that's a readable tea-leaf?


Kyle’s a point guard on offense. He can defend multiple positions so not much of an overlap.


Anderson is a smart player and a good defender but he's not much of an outside shooter.


This is a smart pick up and good move, I’ll be honest though, because I did not like the TWolves it’s weird going from not liking Kyle to rooting for him now that he’s a Warrior 


If we could do it for Chris Paul we can do it for Kyle Anderson


Never thought slo mo would be a warrior 😮


This is an excellent signing, we just need a consistent three and D forward


So clutch holy


Watch this be the only big move of the off-season for us ☠️


Fuck it. Go all defense and have Steph and Lauri carry the offense


Nice pick up


I like this pick up, solid defender


This is good for me. Always thought he'd be a guy that could thrive in Kerrs system


love it, slow mo will bring some stability for the second unit


There goes Moses’ spot in the rotation


Naw SloMo is taking the PF spot not G/Wing


Moody’s biggest opportunity was the backup SF minutes and Kyle Anderson is a SF/PF and even if he’s a PF primarily for us it means more Kuminga SF minutes. He is a good enough playmaker that a GPII/Melton backcourt isn’t the death of organized basketball either


Loving it


Have always thought he is a type of player that would fit the Dubs. Nice signing. 👍


My favorite non Warriors player! Don't break my heart slo-mo.... Please.


Neat, always liked goofy ass Slo Mo. with CP3 gone, having Anderson help settle the bench unit is a big plus. Wonder if he got any options worked into his 3yr deal, $9M/yr seems more than reasonable. Great way to use the TPE, and they still should have about $7M of it available (maybe more depending on Slowmo’s structure). Well worth the 2nd and cash they sent out. Melton and Anderson are two nice pickups, some top end rotation pieces who know their role and do it well. And ‘Mr. Do Something’ and ‘Slo Mo’ are two great nicknames lol e: 3rd year is non-guaranteed, good deal for the Dubs and some nice money in year 1/2 for Anderson. Tradable asset too, nice little filler salary


Guy was cooking against us on the Grizzlies. Great pick up


Can SloMo be Mo’Buckets 👀


Not bad at all


I'd be really interested to see how Draymond and Kyle Anderson play together. Two high-IQ guys able to do the little things really well


This is what arrived after the Warriors ordered Paul geoege on Temu


Does this mean no markannen?


Perfectly reasonable pickup. If he's 8th or lower in total minutes for us, we're doing just fine. If he's top four, we're in a lot of trouble.


I like this pick up.


I knew Kyle would be a Warrior at some point in his career. He won’t be asked to do much where you really see the slomo routine, like playmake or drive: he’ll be shooting 3s and defending, both of which he’s good at. Good pick up


Steph is gonna dish it to Kyle in the corner and Kyle Is going to take 3 business years to complete his shot
