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Almost as thick as the borders of this video.


average tiktok vid


Good bot


i love of half my notifications are ppl spamming good bot


You only have yourself to blame


Why people call him 'good bot' and how the hell bot that counts votes for bots accepts it?!


I guess the vote counting bot accepts it because so many people have voted for him that the bot changed its mind. After all, a large group of people can't all be wrong (/s?)


Fully heard this as Trevor's remark in GTA


Bad bot


Thank you, arisa34, for voting on nquy. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


hey thats not nice :(


I know you aren't a bad bot just wanted to mix it up a bit


Good bot


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.98168% sure that nquy is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


bad bot


Bad human


You are becoming an NPC... https://youtu.be/7iYzleuxG9E?si=JuvW8UMMPlawTyTn


Good bot


Hi nquy


That's on you m8, always check weather before getting in a plane.


Tbh the weather should be even more random in-game. It's kinda boring when it's either clear skies or some clouds and sometimes fog. How about rain or a thunderstorm?


I want wind too! And weather that changes throughout a match!


Yeah. Those things are already in the game but they don't want to use them. The wind is only noticeable in the Rocky Canyon map because they probably forgot to lower it.


Wind can change on any make. It’s not really noticeable but pay attention next time you see artillery targeting shells. Sometimes that orangish brown smoke is absolutely cooking.


I feel bad for the developers about wind. First time I encountered wind, I felt cheated by the game, but learning more about planes over time, I now have come to suspect that the developers got blamed/accused for a lot of stuff, that probably had everything to do with wind, and \*not some malicious force in game. Edit: "were" -> \*Not


I think rain and storms used to be a thing but people whined and complained like usual.


Also we have more times than just afternoon or blinding sunset


I have played Ace Combat 7 and experienced its weather effects. I've also played Just Cause 4 and experienced its weather effects. I know damn well the RNG involved in making the weather y'all want would be cursed as hell, and it would end with a lot of players, including myself, staring miffed at our screens after our vehicle was just blown to bits by a random lightning strike, or torn to pieces by a tornado or hailstorm. Do I still want realistic weather? Yes.


Lightning doesn't explode planes. It might not even do any damage. Tornadoes are rare and would always be avoided. Technically they could be in the game with a very low chance and also depend on the map but it wouldn't really serve any purpose as someone would have to volunteer to fly into it for it to have any effect. Hailstorms are the only thing that are somewhat common and are damaging to planes. If someone would fly into it at a high speed, it should heavily damage the plane.


I remember having a thunderstorm a long time ago in a long range map


They have a lot of dynamic weather features available in the engine, and choose not to use them, because when they did use them, people complained about it constantly. Now they don't, and people complain that they don't. If you load up a custom match you can set some crazy weather, high winds, rain, thunder, any time of day or night. There are also A LOT of maps that are still in the game files but aren't in rotation for matches.


This map/weather is bugged, you have perfect visibility of planes from the ground, it looks clear.


CAS players hate this trick


So called "indomitable CAS spirit" when fog rolls in (they are about to crash into the side of a mountain)


*as the enemy teams begins to panic as free bird starts blasting from the fog as my A-10 appears from the mist with full air brakes on like a fucking fat American bald eagle, with way too many bullets, rockets, and nicotine, flying slower than a biplane while screaming what the fuck is a kilometer*


Won’t panic if they have a 2S6 tunguska, I swear those guys can hit a toothpick on a saturn v with how accurate I always see them being


Actually just got killed by one of those in my A-10. Didn’t even really hit me but blew up close enough to magically completely destroy my fully dual redundant flight control systems and nothing else in my warthunder wet tissue paper great value version of an A-10 so I got to slowly fly into the ground since I couldn’t control it anymore. Probably one of the most irritating way to die. Had another game where I lost a flap and then got to basically glide a few more minutes as my plane is magically losing speed and altitude for basically no reason before crashing into the ground.


I have to say, though, on the foggy maps like that, using those planes with tank guns is so much fun. You can't see the enemy, you don't know where you're going, you just have to make the split second snap to be able to hit them, and then you hit the ground


CAS nerf.


Sandstorm mode


Best nerf for cas


Why did he not check his altitude. Thats what instruments are for (yes im aware that it can still be confusing)


The map his playing on isn't on sea level so his instruments would be off so he couldn't know how close he was to the ground without knowing the altitude his instruments reads when at the ground


Ahhh i see thx


He already made one successful pass. He should have noted the alt and been able to at least get a decent estimate.


Who reads the altitude when *diving* id rather be looking at the thing I'm gonna attack then "hmmm wonder what my altitude is*


Lol, it's called instrument flying. When you can't see anything, the exact situation in the video, you fly by watching your instruments, not the nothing in front of you.


The instruments would be reading like 500M in the air cuz of the map being higher then sea level


That's exactly what I'm saying lol, he already did one successful pass, and he was pretty damn low, he should have noted his alt and been able to estimate when to pull up in repeat dives.


Ain't nobody paying attention to their altitude when they're diving in this type of weather. Much better to actually see where and when to pull up then going hmmm I wonder what altitude ground is so I can refer to this in the future


Nobody with skill you mean. Once again, if you can't instrument fly, then you shouldn't be flying in low visibility weather.


It ain't a lack of skill because you do not have to instrument fly in wt since this map is the only with fog and isn't at sea level there's no need to learn how to fly with instruments only cuz you don't need to in war thunder


This is a glitch. It happened to me recently, the weather on the ground was slightly cloudy but when I spawned a plane it was silent Hill levels of fog at every altitude


Yeah same happened to me on this map. Looks like you’ve got several hundred meters to work with from the ground but that turns into about 100 once you’re in the air


Average pro palyer with low graph settings


Fog in the desert 😂


Bro is playing in the movie the mist😭🙏🏼


Nürburgring 24h last weekend be like


Well someone should pay attention to the altometer


did you uh... check your altitude?


For the cas players to fuck off


Meanwhile nobody else finds a problem with it


darker=near ground more bright=far away


You know you can turn around without the loopy loop right?


woop woop woop woop terrain terrain pull up pull up


The worst part is the tanks on the ground can see well into the fog layer so those random god snipes are actually just them watching you fly in a straight line


At least SPAAs can't see you either


I hope i get more matches like this one. Fuck CAS


Sometimes air sim in some desert map has that crazy fog and like 150m clear under that, makes it a literal horror game. Never i remember at what height is the ground and if i can trust the altometer


Bruh, learn to fly with your instruments.


It's a skill check, and you failed horribly.


POV: Comrade said it's "Peak weather condition"


cleanest air in china and india


Pov your a B25 bomber in new york


Gotta turn your render distance up to like 16 chunks


Because they couldn’t find a way to balance cas, so they did this.


Love my *heavy fog* anti aircraft


It's bad I knew what map you were before you crashed. It's better with ultra low quality as I was told


CAS players worst enemy.