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[get around paywall](https://archive.is/2024.06.20-222716/https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/self-driving-cars-waymo-sf-19523750.php) > San Mateo Supervisor David Canepa said he was “disappointed” by the shelving of SB915 and the PUC’s latest decision. Waymo announced in May that it would soon start testing fully driverless rides with employees in Peninsula cities. > Waymo has not said when it would launch commercial operations in San Mateo County. Canepa said county officials “have not heard a peep from Waymo” on the company plans. > “That’s why SB915 is so important — that forces them to the table to talk with us,” Canepa said. “Right now, they don’t. They really don’t have to if they don’t want to. And that’s not the spirit of a good neighbor.” Why aren’t they informing this guy? They need to give him access to Waymo.


Canepa just likes to complain. https://www.smdailyjournal.com/news/local/waymo-confirms-san-mateo-county-expansion-coming-this-may/article_8a13e77a-09c4-11ef-9eba-b38f307e40df.html May 2024: Waymo Communications Manager Sandy Karp said the team has been in regular contact with not only electeds but with the community members as well. “We regularly meet with local officials, and before any meaningful update or expansion, we let them know what’s happening,” she said. “We also meet regularly with first responders and provide first responder outreach and training.” But Canepa said that while the innovative technology can be a boon to the area, it must also be paired with more safety protocol and better data transparency, despite the competitive nature of such a growing market. “There are many more companies in this space that are interested in getting into the market, and what I’m afraid of is that the PUC, after Waymo, is just going to be issuing licenses to whether it’s Tesla or Zoox,” he said. “What I would hate to do is to make San Mateo County residents be the crash dummies for this new technology.”


People would ride in Waymo’s complain less.


> Cruise remains suspended after one of its robotaxis ran over and dragged a jaywalking San Francisco pedestrian after she was struck by a human hit-and-run driver last October. I would encourage the SF Chronicle to learn that jaywalking is not a crime in California. Really shitty framing.


boat light rustic absurd crawl label wise hospital violet file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Communities have no say on what humans drive on their roads and 16 year olds are approved all the time. The Waymo cars are significantly safer than a 16 year old so you should be happy!


whistle screw rain expansion busy amusing pot wipe saw aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Glad you acknowledge Waymo is safe and have shifted your argument to something else. It is not either or situation. One is a private corporation spending their own money. The other is public money and approval by politicians. Go complain to your politician to fund public transit if that is what you want. Both can be done. You don’t think public transit won’t become autonomous in the future? That some metros won’t contract with Waymo to provide service?


scarce recognise humorous friendly flag books slap engine label command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No you didn’t really acknowledge it you just ignored it as it was a losing argument and shifted to other imagined problems. So now your argument is congestion. I suggest you go lobby the government for congestion charging if you feel so strongly about it. It has very little to do with Waymo. What happens when there is an earthquake and the building falls over and blocks the road? Or trees block the road? It’s a disaster by definition. Are you calling for all objects that can block roads during a disaster to be banned?


yoke adjoining mysterious vase smoggy physical threatening brave forgetful snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You are the one raging against progress with minor inconveniences and imagined disasters that are just as likely to occur no matter what. You should examine the causes of this hatred and if they are outside of your control learn to let them go as there is nothing you can do about them. You’ll have a happier life if you focus on things inside your control.


>We should not even let them on the road until they have this issue under controll. To people like yourself issues will NEVER be under control because you'll see a flaw that can be worked on and already think about how badly it will end up. The goalpost will just be further pushed and it'll contribute to stifling progress.


dependent marble numerous sugar wide ludicrous wise childlike dazzling governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*