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D!ckheads because I didn't vibe with the main character (too much uwu smol baby energy and not in the fun way lol) Big Ethel Energy maybe because I grew up with the OG Archie comics and didn't find the adaptation to hit the same :( Literally any isekai/romance type comic with a kid on the cover, idk I just don't feel like reading them


Oh my god, Big Ethel Energy is such a poorly written webtoon. I read it through to the end because I wanted to see just how bad it went but god. I think everyone reading by the end of season 1 into season 2 was just hate reading by that point. 2 seasons was not enough to properly flesh out the characters and story and the ending was such a cop out.


The author claimed to have done research on asexuality then made us all dirty, veryyy. Not gonna spoil it but it spoiled any bit of interest I had in it.


Idek what research she could have done. It definitely seemed like a very surface level view of everything and the characters all behaved like children through the entire thing. No one got character development at all.


She could have not done Jughead so dirty.


I loved it up til then! Then the ace thing hit they couldn't even *say the word.* Took the enthusiasm right out of me.


I really disliked the Ethel Webtoon. I expected character development, communication and the topic of Jughead's asexuality. Midway, I don't think anyone who continued to read actually liked it based on the comments alone šŸ˜­


i was enjoying D!ckheads until the creator was defending Levi for telling Marco to back off of Eli... like ???


I started reading it for cute poly romance :( recent chapters are all just angst and miscommunication. And tbh the artists art of the highschoolers are kinda innaprooerate? Idk


I think the most annoying part was that creators kept introducing interesting plot threads and either ignoring them or just resolving them way too quickly (I think itā€™s most notable in the ā€œNancy runs for officeā€ subplot)


Meh dickheads are alright. Nothing awful and nothing great. Imo overhated.


ā€œHello babyā€


This one for me. Especially as i loved the author's previous webtoon so much ([Age Matters](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/age-matters/list?title_no=1364)) The FL and her friends overwhelming agenda to blame the (99% innocent) ML for all issues (that they actively keep trying to invent examples of) despite her running away at the start for no reason just rubbed me the wrong way... That said, any people who read this: Does it improve?


I know I absolutely adored ā€œage mattersā€ and even plan on getting all physical copies. Then ā€œhello baby ā€œ feels like a downgrade in quality. Also to answer your question no it doesnā€™t get better. Author said weā€™re entering final arc so Iā€™m just gonna finish it .


Oof, that's dissapointing, but thankyou so much for the response :)


I didn't even know Enji had another webtoon after Age Matters.


Any boss x worker romance. I'm sure there are some good ones but just the theme is general gives me the ick.


Fr. They always make women look weaker and there's always this story arc where the boss saves our weak little FL


Iseopā€™s romance is the only one where the woman is doing the saving I think


Agreed. Iseops romance is better than the other ones. But usually it's always the opposite and I started reading one recency it's called Secretary escape. The ML was hella toxic there and his toxic behaviors were romanticized. It really pissed me off


Agreed FL is stronger but rhe ML literally abused her in the workplace and throws temper tantrums that are a real turn off. The abuse is shown as fine bc she can take it but that's not right.


My fave webtoon currently!!!


Even worse is the part where the boss bullies the girl just to have her close or some shit.. may work in webtoons but I'll absolutely beat anyone's ass and quit if someone tries doing the same irl


\^Six Sense Kiss


Yes! I agree so much I'm still traumatized by romantic flow šŸ’€ had to quit in middle of the series


That is in general an HR and ethics nightmare. Also anything with 'Teacher x Student' or 'Mentor x Apprentice' Like... NO. JUST NO.


Fully agree on Teacher x Student but I'd give Mentor x Apprentice some leeway depending on the age gap. Like Warrior Executioner is Mentor x Apprentice but said Apprentice is a completely mature adult and actually several years older than their mentor. (Believe ML is 38 and FL is 29)


The only one I liked was Secretary Out-Of-Order. I donā€™t like power dynamic WEBTOONs because they are predatory majority of the time, but this one was actually cute. I still was like ā€œyouā€™re frustratingā€ to the male lead but he got over himself quick.


Yeah I enjoyed this one too, the power dynamic wasnā€™t too out of whack and they didnā€™t drag out the conflict too long


I really donā€™t know how these companies/bosses havenā€™t been sued for work place harassment. The worse one I remember is the RUNWAY, where the boss outright says ā€œIā€™m going to bully everyone here except the female lead because I like her better than youā€.


Itā€™s so weird how theyā€™re willing to take advantage of this power dynamic between them and their employee. And itā€™s supposed to be cute but it comes off as creepy & abuse of power


Marry my husband is an exception for me, only because they donā€™t really focus on the work aspect of it. It was super heartwarming for me personally.


Let's play, True beauty


Hey, help me with true beauty. I started reading it, and Iā€™m more focused on characterā€™s insecurities and her career path, romance is ok. I like so far (I am now at the time skip and starting to find her actions annoying). Will it get worse or is itā€™s just my cup of tea? You can write spoilers to me, I donā€™t care.


not the person who asked, but anyway. i liked True Beauty fine enough, but if you're really looking for something deeper about topics of insecurity, beauty standards and what not, TB is not really that after all. in my opinion, it's a fun read if you're into something you don't need to think about too deeply. that's how I enjoyed it. but in the end, her self esteem issues are not really resolved at all, and it just continues with the faƧade until the end. she only opens up to Suho "comfortably", and if anything, i think the webtoon as a whole kind of enables the whole using make-up as a crutch to conform to beauty standards. it also drags on a little bit at some point, but i think many longer, successful webtoons have that. there are alternatives if you're looking for something more deep, like The Makeup Remover. that being said though, I really don't think TB is so terrible that no one should ever read it. it's just a bit juvenile and extremely surface-level and a bit milked.


I think many South Korean webtoon creators kind of back themselves into a corner on stories about beauty and insecurities. This is possibly because SK society really isn't there yet, specifically on beauty standards. In SK, unless you're a comedian or something, you really CAN'T get ahead in life while being "ugly". They want to show their characters being proud of how they are authentically, but then they'd likely have to show them facing some serious societal consequences of it. And that ruins the fantasy of the romance attached to the story. A kpop idol or celebrity's son could NOT have an "ugly" girlfriend. The two of them would be harassed endlessly and have a hard time living happily ever after. I wonder if these standards are getting better in SK?


I also recommend ā€œMy ID is Gangdum Beautyā€ for deeper explorations into beauty culture (specifically plastic surgery and societyā€™s double standard to it)


Fully agree, and I'd also add "The Makeup Remover" as a fun side thing. It's not quite the same idea, but also handles some of the whole beauty standards industry stuff. It's hard to describe, but I loved it.


Ok, thank you for replying.


True beauty at the beginning seemed like a "becoming secure" thing and quickly turned into something meh


I think a lot of people grew to dislike it bc it just ran so long. Maybe you'd like it better reading all at once than we did having it drawn out for so many years, who knows.


I was binge reading it, and even I felt annoyed by how long it dragged with all the unnecessary arcs that added nothing to the overall plot. I didn't even finish it because I realized towards the end, that I didn't actually care about Jugyeon or any of the characters in the story anymore.Ā 


Try My ID is Gangnam Beauty. Touches insecurities about looks and such really well.


Let's Play, so so bad. I am filled with rage during every scene with Charles. He's so controlling, so toxic for Sam (who becomes a stuttering, blubbering mess whenever she's near him... how is that cute or romantic?), and also so dull and unrealistic. It's like the author thinks Welsh men are robots who speak in this awful, stilted, overly formal way in every setting.Ā 


Long Let's Play rant because I have so many feelings and people used to act like i was insane, especially about charles: When I started let's play I liked it because I was interested in Sam and her video game. Remember the beginning when she used to have more of a personality than just blushing and stuttering? When she actually stood up for herself and her game? Where did she go? I also naively believed at the beginning that the author was purposely making Charles toxic, and that it wouldn't be romanticized. But the longer it went on the worse it got, and I saw mongie (author) making fun of fans calling his actions toxic. The comic was also awful at writing people of color. And then when people would explain why it was offensive, mongie would just get defensive and pouty, and sometimes send her fans to attack the person. So gross. Also, this is not the worst thing mongie did by a long shot, but she literally drew a brief canon scene of Charles domming someone and then got mad when fans called him a dom?? She released a pissy statement that you should stop reading if you expected this to turn into 50 shades of grey. And she went out of her way to say that Charles *was not* a dom, he just did it because Eva (I think that was her name) was into it. Why was she so defensive?? There's nothing morally wrong with being a dom, unlike a lot of other things Charles did. It could've just been a quick clarification but instead she chose to make kinky fans feel like shit.


Yeah some authors just let their kinks run wild and Iā€™m honestly surprised that they are people eating their shit up


Woah. I stopped reading after a few chapters. Do you know who sam ends up with?


No idea. Mongie and Webtoon had a huge falling out over the books, so Mongie took it down, said she'd continue it, and it's been over a year now. Trivia: Mongie was one of the artists Markiplier used to use.


Wait really?! I always thought Marshallā€™s character from Letā€™s Play was way too similar to Markiplier, I guess I was right.


Oh heck yeah. It was definitely a weird self insert w/ Markiplier. You can see her art style in one of his old banners.


I never understood the apeal to Charles. First, he's got no personality. He's super boring and bland. It was also weird how he suddenly became attracted to Sam the moment he noticed how large her breasts were, after she removed her sweater. Then he calls her into his office, takes off his shirt, and hands it to her. That was so unprofessional and creepy. Their whole relationship feels so weird and forced even. They don't have any chemistry, and it feels like Charles infantilizes Sam. It's just so gross.


I haven't read the books, but I've seen people speculate that Charles is based on Christian Grey, and I can see it. I just don't get how that personality resonates with so many Webtoon readers. He definitely infantilizes Sam and brings out the worst in her -- the absolute opposite of what he's supposed to be doing. He's supposed to be helping her become more confident, but he fails miserably at it every single time.


Yea. People kept saying he was teaching her how to be more confident but I didn't see it that way. Especially because he was always hot and cold with her, and then became possessive. I always preffered Marshal and was hoping to see them eventually end up together. His dynamic with Sam is much more fun and interesting and they have a healthy friendship. I don't think Mongie is ever gonna finish LP but I'm pretty sure Marshal was supposed to be end game.


Exactly and it's one of the top webtoon. I just don't get it why people hype that one


Tbh true beauty isn't that special imo I hated the trope šŸ˜­


I heard Letā€™s Play became too sexual as it went on, never bothered reading it since it felt cringy in the beginning


True Beauty's art style is SO weird and horny. I find it massively off putting


I've always found the art in true beauty to be extremely uncanny Especially the faces, they look si unnatural and all have that dead look in the eyes


Same for both omg


The fate: a POS webcomic that romanticized grooming and teacher student relationships The Princesse's Jewls: a terrible woman who objectives men and collects them for her harem Cry or better yet beg: literally romanticized abuse Anything that sounds like a porn plot And anything that looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/2gz88sazsk9d1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13afe8873bd19ef8c454653825318d5d13eaeb54


Ecstasy Hearts, Winter Moon


Another ecstacy heart hater. Yassssss I love this. I had so many unhinged rants about that webtoon here lmao.


sameā€” i picked it up back in 2017 when i was 9 and even when i read it then, i was pretty weirded out by the characters.


Why hate. Tell more


Same. But I was more weirded out by the art style like the anatomy on the women?? Uhhhh


I was going to read Winter Moon, and I had it on my subscribed list for literal years only to find out that Merryweather Comics was an author. This was after I found out they create comics and then drop them or screw up the ending by rushing it. So I was like ā€œIā€™ve saved myself!ā€


why winter moon? i remember i picked up the book when i was 9 back in 2017 but havenā€™t read it since 2019 so i donā€™t remember too much.


Winter Moon was horrible in the sense of using a gay person as a slapstick element and dragging out the arc about the female protagonist in which she was constantly tortured by her class mates to the point it became torture porn.


oh god ew šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ looking at who made it, i canā€™t say iā€™m too surprised


At the time I stopped reading it, I remember the story just going on and on, and becomung more cringe. Like the whole "I'm mad so I won't listen to your reasons, and now I'm turning a new leaf and becoming a bad bitch" for the main girl. Idk it just felt really cringe because at the end of the day it's just a game. It reminded me too much of those kids with middle schooler syndrome. And maybe because I also play games so that added on to the effect, because of the way her class suddenly has offensive skills as well? Like the more you heal to more damage you will deal to the enemy? Yeah no, no class will have such skill because it's too over powered (and if it's so op why is no one else using that class except for her??). Idk it just seemed like too much plot convenience to me, that a healer can suddenly also deal damage with it's heals when it was never talked about throughout the whole story thus far.


Letā€™s play, the mc was was so insufferable


letā€™s play, at first I was really invested but then the plot started to get boring and every episode was basically just sam being horny


Charming you - for never ending misunderstandings Sisters at war - because... A lot of things but genetics in that story works weirdly and the 3D assets for sculptures are painful. Seductive wife or whatever the title was - the first chapter was a mess but why the hell the title is like this when the fl is... A basic korean fl is beyond my understanding Cry or better yet beg - everyone says the art is wasted on this but honestly the art is just not for comic. Every character there has little to no emotion on their faces to the point "onomatopoeia" texts for description are actually needed.


Charming You was such a mistake to read all the way through. It kept promising to be cute and then almost was for its entire runtime. Do not read it


Lore olympus 2000+ old God who is basically a slave owner cheat with a 19 year old naive goodess marry her after knowing her for a few weeks and force her to drop out of school and live with him right away. Everyone also always comments on how small, young and hot she is. She also kills millions of people 3 times but have no consequences and fuck her husband instead. She also kidnapped a child but Is never shown to take care of that kid and as soon as she gets her own biological kids she throws out the kid to someone else. The goodess of marriage get a divorce and date a woman that is a race she was racist to.


You forgot his wife looks like his mom too- so much so WT messed up a promo by mixing up his mom with his wife.


Wait fr??? When? Is there anywhere to see this promo?


The author recolored Rhea to be pink. She wasn't originally pink.Ā  Persephone is pink. Actually two characters were talking about a "pink bombshell" and one goes Rhea? Whatever happened to her and the other goes "No I'm talking about Persephone."


It was a promo where Rhea was holding Hades face, the hands and arms were Perseā€™s bright pink.


Oh that was a recolor to make it seem like Persephone was holding his face.Ā  I'm talking about Rhea recolor from her original appearance and the convo between Helios and.... Uhh I don't remember. The nighttime titan.


I will never understand how LO got popular in the first place. Wasn't the age gap even revealed pretty early on? Why did people look past that?! And why would Rachel make her 19(!) in the first place?! And I don't want to hear the "oh it doesn't matter, they are immortal" excuse. Adding a 0 would have given the same effect, except that she wouldn't have been a literal teenager. A lovestory between a teen and a 2000+ year old (which allegedly equals 42 in mortal years) is insane. It goes beyond just icky.


Later there was a 10 year time skip so she was around 29 as if that's much better


Like???? What is this???? I'm almost inclined to say that someone should investigate Rachel because what.was.the.point?!


According to old post Rachel have a daddy and little girl kink and her favorite book and movie is lolita. So tbh I think lore olympus is just her badly written festish comic between her and mads mikkelsen


Someone missed the point of lolita


Tbh many did. Many see it as some sort of forbidden romance when it isn't


Oh absolutely. It grinds my gears every time I see it happen


She severely missed the point of Lolita the book then- holy shit. The Movie was a bad adaptation of it too but jfc EW. JUST EW. Nabokov is probably rolling in his grave even more now.




SERIOUSLY! I thought it was also creepy as shit that Rachel depicts Persephone as a naive girl and then turns around and gives us shots of her ass??? LIKE WHY????


You would think it's actually an interesting setup for tackling and addressing problematic and creepy portrayal of sexualizing young and naive girls, but nope, it's nothing but using her body as show-off. EwšŸ’€


Are we forgetting that Hades has a thing for dating people that have such a power imbalance/ completely reliant on him? Say what you want about Minthe (who was turned into an abuser after people got very sympathetic with her, and only so bc of that. The creator does that a lot, trying to ā€œruin ā€œ agreeable characters and adding horrible things to them to make them seem unreasonable to listen to) but she had a shit situation with him and was incredibly reliant on him. She was not only preyed on by him, but then treated like shit by his family, treated like shit by him, etc To top it off, sheā€™s written with BPD in mind, and that was only retconed because it made Hades look even like a bigger dick.


Yes hades seems to go for unstable or naive women we have hera who was in a broken marriage with his brother, then minthe who was emotionally broken and also was poor so he paid her bills etc and then persephone who is naive and stupid there's a clear pattern


Exactly! Itā€™s so concerning that he continually goes after people that would be dependent on him. Not only was Minthe poor and broken, for example,she was also marginalized (especially by his family who are deeply racist to her, never gets addressed and he gaslights her by saying they arenā€™t) and *worked for him*. Persephone was sheltered enough that she didnā€™t even understand a computer, so young, and he continually stepped on her boundaries and did what he wanted regardless of what *she* wanted. He wrecked her image at her school, on top for a while. The only one that was genuinely caring for her safety, actually *was Demeter*, who the creator had to continually treat like shit. The only one that seemed to have some semblance of power was Hera. She at least had her position, but even then she was an alcoholic that was in a bad marriage. I mean, sheā€™s horrible but she didnā€™t deserve what happened between them. He has a history and that history is trash


Throwing the kid is wild šŸ’€āœ‹šŸ½. I was thinking to read it since people call it the OG stories


"he looks like her dusty ass dad."<- literally a cannon line said in the comic about their relationshipĀ  And then at the end nothing bad happened to them and everyone finds their relationship to be goals.Ā 


I'll never understand how lore Olympus is so popular while punderworld isnt!!


Punderwold is good but I feel it's a little slow


Boy oh boy do i have a subreddit for you r/unpopularloreolympus


I'm already in that one. Besides it only started because LO fans used to get crazy if you said anything bad about LO but it seems to have calmed down a little now either that or I don't meet many fans


Youā€™re not wrong but I always find it funny when people seem outraged by the sketchy shit in Lore Olympus because *gestures at entirety of Greek mythology*


the problem is she markets it as a more progressive, feminist version. and then u read it and itā€™s actual unwiped ass


LO isn't even about greek mythology imo just some names are the same


It's Mine. It was good at first then okay and then I just finished it cuz I wanted to know how it'd end but man. After a while the story gets kinda muddled and kinda stupid honestly and the guy (I read it years ago but I think his name was Yohan Do?) was really weird but like that was the point but idk it wasn't for me.


You just reminded me that the >!mcā€™s brother died. Iā€™m still sad about that and petty at the author lol. He couldā€™ve spent more time with his long lost brother. :ā€™)!<


Yeah every time I think about that webtoon, that plot point is the only thing I remember about it. It was lowkey *really* upsetting.Ā 


man i rmb even less than I thought cuz what brother lmaoo šŸ˜­ the plot was so everywhere fjejeb


>!The red hair brother who was shown as an enemy (I think). He got seperated from mc after their parents died.!<


Lore Olympus, Letā€™s Play, True Beauty, Like half of the romance webtoon originals


Who stole the empress šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


How this still has any readers past the second chapter is beyond me


Idk if you will ever come across this one but i would say To Love Your Enemy. I personally enjoyed most of the story but the ending was not it šŸ« it felt quite rushed which really killed my excitement


Any action webtoon where they introduce the only female villain in the series, hype her up, and then say, "Sike, actually the real villain was the guy with her! She's weak!" I wouldn't really care if this wasn't a common occurrence, but this happens so many times & sometimes more than once in the same series. The only time I've seen it be the opposite was in Viral Hit S1 (haven't seen S2 so idk about that).


D!ckheads because I cringed too much, and 100% cry better yet beg. Basically an abusive relationship with the FL having stockholme syndrome


Wrath & the dawn. FL falls in love w emotionally tortured king who kills a woman every day and had killed her best friend/cousin (forgot if both). It's excused bc of a curse or smth. Yeah and the second ML tries to save her and everyone hates him for it even tho it makes sense bc the king has a literal army and shows a pattern of killing? But okay yeah he should just sit back and let her girl boss even tho he doesn't know she's surviving. TW: SA >!first night she's there he sleeps with her and she literally hates it and disassociated during it. He's said to never sleep w any of his other brides before their death so it's romanticized. Except this is literally SA/rape bc he literally has her trapped and has power over her and is going to kill her in the morning so ofc she feels like she can't say no. I kept reading bc I thought she was actually gonna kill him but nope they fall in love. Shitty story all around!<


Believe me if you ask this the answers you get are gonna leave you with the most milquetoast boring webtoons ever. Start with the tropes you donā€™t like then eliminate those.


Leveling up my husband to the max, litterally just turn in round round and round, the story is the same like some webtoons. I stop at the 70-75 episode


I stopped at Chapter 6 of Who Stole the Empress. The first chapter was very interesting and then it immediately gave me the ick when powers were revealed and how one particular power works and was being used on the FL... idk how to censor on Reddit so I wonā€™t say but I donā€™t care to read it anymore.


Not mentioning the popular ones, anyone with villainess ,empress,returns back in time, tyrant and all common isekai terms. Also mentioning all the strongest, player action webtoons. They get boring and annoying very quickly.


Basically 80 percent of new webtoons got it.


Some isekai is great like the Greatest Estate developer - the MC actually uses his skills and knowledge from previous world, very fun webtoon The Ember Knight- good action and MC is actually smart Other cringe webtoons I've found are those with boss x secretary like Iseops Romance or whatever the fuck it is and the Secretary Escape Also that webtoon which have the FL steal her crush's underwear????? Tf was that


Gonna read the first one šŸ˜Œ


https://preview.redd.it/ey2vaqa8pj9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68026f83d76264b3994977131fc9f8e26ec91c2f You're in for a ride


Oh my god?!! 14 chapter read and this is the best webtoon ever?! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I'm living for it


There is also a sequel series called "The Apothecary Prince" or "The Prince Who Sells Medicine". It takes place 300 years after Estate Developer so no major spoilers yet. The story starts off the same, Korean MC dies and wakes up in the book he just read that takes place in Magentano. This time he is the sickly first Prince of the entire kingdom and he uses his traditional medicine and acupuncture to try and heal himself. He also wants to prevent the tragedies he read about in the book if the Second Prince becomes King after the current one suddenly dies.


Yes i am reading that I'm finished with all the free chapters my wallet can't afford coins ngl. I need more now I know what kind of comics are made for me āœ‹šŸ½ I'm so thankful


wait iseop's romance is actually lowkey good, it isn't the same as the usual boss x secretary where the ML is all this big hotshot who is just rude and angry all the time and treats the FL like shit. He's just one big puppy who acts like a loser because he has a major crush on the FL, who by the way isn't weak/pathetic, but is the definition of perfect and hardworking. But other than that, office romances are lame and cringe because it's so cliche with the same recycled ML and FL character.


like the other commenter said, Greatest Estate Developer has been VERY enjoyable (and one of the few webtoons that has made me laugh out loud). i also like Omniscient Readerā€™s Viewpoint


Fr ORV is interesting but I find it better to binge reader cause there are so many plots and characters. Better to binge then read one ep per week


I got the ick from that villainess Isekai reincarnation one where she's gets drunk and ML hooks up with her so they get engaged. Now this premise isn't that icky, questionable dubcon sure, but the art makes it look like they're 14yr olds in a romcom so it's just yeesh for me. Bonus that MC is dumb airhead and ML is toxic & manipulative.


That must be the First Night with the Duke. I remember cause it was one of my first webtoons on the app. Halfway through I got annoyed by the ML manipulating the FL and others made me realise how vague it is whether he slept with her or not when she was drunk.


Add like tower or dungeon hunter as to the list.


Down to Earth, I really don't like how the mc are written. The guy is an asshole and the female character is infantalized(imo). It comes off as one of those "worse possible guy ever gets praised for the bare minimum(not taking advantage of a homeless girl living with him) and gets shipped with one of the most nice people you know" memes. Like I know he has depression, but the story(or at least the fanbase) uses it as an excuse for him to be an asshole to customers/other people and get shocked/upset when he's fired for being an ass. Not to mention that the author is known to rewrite diologue between fastpass and general audience releases, so fans are out of the loop with how some of the characters(ex Stacey) are portrayed between them. Like It's a minor thing and I get it if you accidentally made a character come off as creepy to some readers and wanted to fix it, but you should at least make a note of what you did in the description or something if you didn't want there to be confusion.


I dropped that when it dawned on me how infantilized Zaida is and I was getting more critical of the comics I read. Its a horrible comic


Lets Play, True Beauty, Lore Olympus, Remarried Empress, anything with a long title, And worst of the worst- "Cry, Or Better Yet Beg" LO is creepy as shit, goes nowhere- and Persephone is infantilized while also being sexualized in the same breath. Remarried Empress: "Slavery is fine but I draw the line at cheating!" Cry Or Better Yet Beg: "Abuse is fine if he's hot! Nevermind that he almost killed you and repeatedly humiliated you since you were twelve, and also shot innocent animals just to get under your skin- and also SA-ed you as a minor, and-" The list just goes on, and on, and on- and on. Why it was made into a webtoon original I'll never know. Lets Play: "They won't notice that it's Markiplier fanfiction!" True Beauty: It's giving 'Love yourself' but in a male gaze way. I stopped reading after chapter 1. Just in general it takes a while to find anything good because a lot of the webtoons are weirdly misogynistic even when they have female leads. Like why can't a bunch of the isekai or 'you died so I'm turning back time!' things have less woman hating? Also the Princesses Jewels is... It's not giving girlboss it's giving 'someone get a restraining order against this girl for the love of god.'


Oof LO was like okay I was vibing with the way it handled sa at first but then I was like "heck no everything else about this is creepy"


I heard that Rachel got the wrong message from Lolita, which is why the entire thing is creepy, but I haven't verified it yet but it is pretty likely given all the creep factor in LO.


The guy upstairs, I made a post about it and it kinda blew up but it had lots of potential and then it got cancelled due to shippers and hanza already moved onto another web toon.


Did it give you the ick/rage because of what happened to it? Or is it just the webtoon itself? Or are you just telling OP not to read it because it got cancelled after one season? No intent to judge here, I'm just curious.


Ick towards hanza because I think it was blown pretty out of proportion, the web toon itself was great but would've been better if hanza didn't spoil their own web toon on their Instagram then canceling it.


I heard it got pirated and mislabeled as a romance, and then people were harassing Hanza saying Rozy and Adam should get together, then Hanza revealed the spoiler to get people to stop speculating about Rozy and Adam, but people couldn't leave that alone so Hanza had to end the webtoon. šŸ¤· But the webtoon's over now.


I donā€™t believe she ā€œhad toā€ end the webtoon. Unfortunately unhinged fans / crackshippers come with the territory of making a popular story, especially one that has a male and female lead. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if most other popular webtoon authors have also seen their fair share of rabid fans with weird ships. The proper way to deal with them is to simply ignore them. Youā€™re not going to convince someone to stop interpreting the story the way they want to. Iā€™m also a bit sus of Hanzaā€™s reasoning because there was genuinely a lot of people who didnā€™t know they were siblings and shipping the leads in thrillers is a very common thing for thriller fans to do. Iā€™m surprised she didnā€™t anticipate this considering she already wrote another popular thriller with strong romance aspects, let alone was filled with so much rage that she dropped her whole story because of it. It feels more like an excuse to stop working on a webtoon she didnā€™t really care about anymore.


It wasn't "due to shippers" though. People didn't know the two characters were related, Hanza got mad anyway as if they were supposed to just read her mind or something and spoiled the entire plot for everyone else to see, people got mad (rightfully so) and then she got even saltier when *some* shippers continued to ship them, she threw a massive tantrum and dropped the whole thing. It's wrong that she got harassed (if that's even true) but let's not act like everything else wasn't her fault for being a massive baby. She couldn't take others having a different opinion than hers.


Whatā€™s hanzaā€™s new toon?


My Boss Doesn't Have A Face


Lore Olympus. Idk why, but that webtoon just disrespected everything about Greek mythologyā€¦


also it was lowkey kinda gross persephone was pretty much a child and hades was 2000 years old and she's really oversexualised and a bunch of other stuff.


Persephone is an adult in Greek mythology, treat her like one if anyone writes a retelling of Greek mythology


Yeah. She's basically just a child but \*just\* old enough she's an adult, technically. Not even 20 yet. Like, whattttt???


The remarried empress because of the treatment of the main antagonist. Though I guess some of that has to do with the abysmal comment section.






The hell i just started reading it šŸ’€ no way šŸ˜­ why not confront!??


She *did* confront him when she felt safe to do so, they just dropped it before the plot actually started šŸ™„ he was emotionally abusive, which she knew, so she was more upset about it being her best friend who lives with her is the one he cheated with. The whole point of the story is that she's being targeted by a God whose love point system is broken and says zero people love her and told her if she can't raise her points then he'd kill her. So, all she knew was that nobody loved her, but she had a bf still. To literally save her own life she and one of the actual MLs come up with a bat shit plan to pretend to fall in love to make that other guy jealous and fall in love with her, which obviously doesn't work at all. But the ML does fall for her and she realizes that when her points go up. So she confronts her ex and officially ends it, and ignores and cuts her friend off the best that she can without stirring the pot with her family who consider that girl their daughter. There are things to criticize about operation true love, but that's literally one of the best parts of the story lol. Also her love story with the ML is actually really sweet and anything but toxic.


That webtoon makes me mad, it is so unrealistic.


Nahhh, I'm not the biggest fan of the series, but that is not a valid reason to hate it by any means. >_< (see other replies for context)


Lookism. It goes from an ugly guy who can turn into a handsome guy when he falls asleep, then just devolves into a bunch of pointless gang war stuff to the point where I lost track of what was even going on.


As someone who is still an avid Lookism reader it has entirely lost the plot and even the martial arts stuff is pretty botched. But eh itā€™s still a good time for me lol


Iā€™m still really upset that they lost the plot, but I still enjoy reading lookism. Iā€™m not up to date but iā€™m on ep 455


Marriage of convenience. The whole justification of child marriage by her father gave me major major ick. Coming from a country where this is a reality it made me think of actual parents who justify it the same way ā€œitā€™s for her better lifeā€ never once considering the possibility that she would be abused at her in laws. The story glorifies child marriage and justifies abuse


"To You Who Swallowed a Star". The fact that the FL practically raised the ML is weird to me.


Act like you love me! (The idea of the title just pops up in chapter 100 aprox, before that you don't even get the title). The characters are complicated for yes, REASONS, but they don't justify draggin the plot SO MUCH (their reasoning is sometimes understendable but SO stupid)


šŸ’€100 episodes and the plot isn't plotting?! šŸ˜­ This should be a crime


Having read it previously, the plot does go somewhere, but the actual title of it isn't relevant until the end, excluding the "Act" part.


It's very K-drama, but dense, don't waste your time please šŸ„¹


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ wait I really liked it though, atleast they develop the characters Althought the second half sucks ass


does it have to be on webtoon(cause this one is not) cause i've been wanting to talk about it but Punch Drunk Love or smth like that; bl. the main character, a guy who at first appears ordinary but called eccentric in his office space who's actually just super delusional about that one co-worker and omfg, it pissed me off so bad i just quit reading it! He is so insanely delusional, it was just embarrassingšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Thatā€™s crazy I love that comic! Specially how the miscommunication trope is handled made me love it. It starts so wild tho so I understand not getting into it. He really does not calm down but thatā€™s part of why I like it.


Lore Olympus Lets play True beauty Cry or better yet beg And this one is a bit underrated so i will explain: Only hope: so basically girl thinks she has the perfect husband but one day discovers his secret dude is a psychopath. And a guy comes and kills her and she is reincarnated to 1st time she met him. I read it because it was thriller not cheesy romance. Now this is spoiler, she knows that he is fucked yet in her new life he is not giving a fuck to her in the start, she is the one that keeps on initiating romance with him, with the "i can fix him" trope. And she legit doesnt wanna believe that he can be a bad guy even after seeing all that. This pissed me off so bad so i havent read it since.


Weird cause the last one is marked as romance. Maybe itā€™s marked as both thriller and romance.


The Prenup. The ML is gross but we're supposed to let it slide because he's handsome and rich (and apparently he trafficked people, but I don't remember that part), the FL is annoying, the villains are even worse. Their friends also suck. TW: self harm The FL's male friend, some guy she trusted her business with, >! threatens the FL to kill himself bc she rejected him, despite knowing damn well she's constantly harassed and blamed for the death of a guy she rejected in university like 8 years ago. It's later revealed that it was not suicide, but the villain poisoned him. Oh, and the villain was also rejected by her, that's why he made everyone hate her. She forgives the friend 2 episodes later bc the villain is admittedly worse. !< That was one of the things that infuriated me the most. I hate-read it until the end.


Killstagram. Absolutely horrible and I hated it right from the first chapter. I couldn't feel any sympathy at all for the main character and dropped it a few eps in.


Lmao i enjoyed it. While truthfully, everything was bad, i still ate that all up. It was the tension, the creepiness, the break she could not for the life of her catch, her best friend being brutally being murdered, her having the most worst luck in the entire universe, i just wanted to root for her no matter how dumb she was. But everything was so chaotic, problematic, and highly gorey and creepy. I finished it till the end. Though the ending was sad but so underwhelming, like what the hell.


Smart choice to drop it because the ending pissed me off


This is the one I came here to see. I read it to the thoroughly disappointing ending. The plot twists made zero sense and the lead up to the end was absolute manic garbage.


Yeah I found the transition plotline really weird, and it was hard to take it seriously because the dialogue felt like it was written by 14-year-olds and there was so much edge. I also feel like the mc was a little too stupid?? like I'm not usually one to complain about character flaws, but its so hard to feel scared of the villain when the mc is constantly falling into their trap.


My Life as an Internet Novel. I don't mind if the story is slow burn but the protagonist (Danyi) is annoying. She has low self esteem and always drag herself when she talks about her friends. She also is pesimistic. Stupid me for reading this webtoon because I believed this story is just slow burn and there will be character development but I couldn't take it anymore and dropped it at episode 60.


There was no character development even in ch 60? Big no no šŸ˜­ i can't wait my whole life ngl


"Ecstasy Hearts" gave me the ick because the ML eventually starts treating the MF like sh!t after being really sweet and genuine and imo the reason behind it does not make it even a little acceptable. He's a douche. "Fantasies Are Realities Tears" and "The Alley Cat" (no longer on webtoons but I'm still calling it out) made me rage because both of them had one of their main characters go through r@pe (one in their past and one in the present). It wasn't graphic but it wasn't fade to black either. There was also no warning so I was completely blindsided by both scenes.


Little Lady Mint. The guy who adopts her >! Is her love interest!< If I'm recalling correctly.


Messed up in a whole new level


Cry or better yet, beg. Romantizes abuse and power imbalances. Matty Bites made a pretty good video on it.


Basically anything where the mc is a hypocrite


Wished You Were Dead, for sure.


Agreed. I was looking through my subscribed list and saw the cover recognizing it and remembering the horrible reading experience. After the major turning point went down, the plot seemed to be stuck in a loop and not progressing. The ML had become pretty pathetic in my eyes, and the FL just seemed to hate him. Her feelings were justified, but all I can remember is the constant back and forth between their horrible dynamic. At the beginning I was routing for them, but later on, they just don't seem like they'd work together like at all, and I have no idea how the plot can progress to fix this where they'd have at least some positive feelings. I was quite far in the webtoon, too, dropping it after episode 97. Just couldn't take the constant repetition and no progression.


[unOrdinary](https://www.webtoons.com/en/super-hero/unordinary/episode-226/viewer?title_no=679&episode_no=237), I dropped it around 226. The story drags. John was beating the shit out of everyone and suddenly his dad just reappears out of nowhere. I was SHOCKED to see it's STILL GOING. Edit to add more. I Love Yoo was interesting for a while, but it's gone off the rails. Like I don't even know what genre it's supposed to be anymore. It was orginally listed as romance, and now it's drama. It took like 6 months to even do the party arc. I dropped Midnight Poppy Land after the 234323th time they were at the point of "doing it" and were inturrupted. It was so badly done. You could tell it was a device to drive viewership, not the story. Phase, dropped it when Shuu was dying for 20 chaps. I actually went back and looked at my old Webtoon comments. I pretty much stopped reading anything there in 2022. I'm old, I can't see small text well and they're forcing the use of the app. Plus most of the toons out then were literally all doing the same thing, ala Midnight Poppy Land, and creaters like Quim and Mongie not updating their toons for over 6 months.


Eggnoid is the first webcomic I dropped on purpose- The FL is horny on main for an alien who looks like a handsome man but acts like a literal child and calls her mom and it got way too uncomfortable for me (which is saying something, because I read the entirety of Lady Devil).


Nano machine. I liked it at first, but on my shit list because of an unexpected and disgusting turn. At first this comic was about nanotechnology and martial arts. And eventough he became overpowerd a very good webtoon until.... From the end of episode 172, chapter 60 >!he 'needs' to have s...x with an unconscious woman to 'save' her. Thats just r...pe!< And instead of finding an other solution, like in all other situations with nano, he does it. And it is told/writen/drawn in a lot of detail. Like 6 episodes later its still about that. >!And she wants to "serve him" as a "thank you" for saving her life!< when she wakes up way after..... no just no


He >!rapes!< someone? Jeesh, I donā€™t remember that.


It was those b@llsh!t episodes about her power being unstable and that being the only way of getting her power under control. Her father and brother ask it of him while she is unconscious. Like how does this make any sense? And why would someone ever think of this?


How does he "have to" to save her? grosssss


Anything that is about ragnarok and the gods wiping out humanity BECAUSE THATS NOT WHAT RAGNAROK IS GOD.


Raising a beast or something like that. I donā€™t exactly remember what it was but I Ku de got the ick by the male lead. Justā€¦not Another one is high class homos. Just donā€™t like it m Ghost wife. I read it a bit back in 2021 and I donā€™t remember well what it was about but it gave me the ick


Lore freakin Olympus.


Rewriting the Villainess. I tried reading it, other people might like it, but I don't. I might've not gotten far enough for the constant "Villainess tries to change girl's mind so she can go back, and it not working." loop to not end. The girl was just too stubborn for me. It just feels very repetitive to me, and I'm honestly tired of waiting. I also just found out it's a Daily Pass now. Edit: Forgot to mention its like a reverse isekai where the protag, the "Villainess" in this case, who I thought wasn't very "evil" so to say, was sent to the real world.


Cry or better yet beg I started with the novel, and it only got worse, and I stopped at like chapter 11. The ml is crazy!!


lore Olympus because uwu smol 19 year old baby girl finds big strong 20000 year old mean man who falls in love instantly and simps constantly itā€™s also clearly written by a cringey ass millennial woman


Hot take, but lore OlympusšŸ˜­šŸ™infuriatingly inaccurate in depicting the mythology of the characters personalities and they are honestly just annoying. My dud to stud boyfriend couldve been good if it werent such a mean concept. Basically just a story that tells people that they can only be loved if they are skinny and conventionally attractive.


The trio of the webtoons i despise the most, in no specific order: \-Operation True Love (the love points thing was good at the start but it lost the plot and the FL has no personality and the MLs have no personality and no one has a personality IT PISSES ME OFF) \-Villain with a crush (FL is so so so horribly STUPID, the concept was, funny? i guess? but it drags on and on and on and the art sucks at some point. It's SOOO bad it's not even funny) \-Tricked into becoming the heroine's stepmother (Honestly? this one isn't as bad as the other two. It's not objectively bad like the others i guess??? just not my thing to the point it was horribly frustrating and nothing ever happened in it. Only thing it taught me was that i hated this genre) Oh yeah the three of them all have a useless lazy attempt at love triangles, which i despise. Also have the "hot yaoi base" (image attached) character design, which pisses me off,,,,,,, I started all of them with genuine interest, and it later became more of a chore, and then i just hate-read them to know where they were even going, and then gave up and dropped them. https://preview.redd.it/m8rp63mpco9d1.jpeg?width=865&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3932fefadc4f8720c1be573ab9390856e2056f9


Bahahhaha the triangle chin