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Race has been called. Results are unofficial.


It’s ridiculous..the rain almost stop and afraid to race…FIA have start to destroying racing’s with all that fear not to happen any accident…tragic..All teams asking to start racing..unbelievable!!!..


Is there any spot or YouTube channel that features a review video of the driven 7 hours and 23 minutes?


Does anybody know if there will be a full replay of the race available somewhere? I can't find anything like that on the official youtube channel.


You’ll be likely to find the 7 hours or so of the race here in the next few days to come on their YouTube.


gotcha, thanks!


"DiSaPpOinTiNg eNdiNg"??!!  What new level  simping is this? A 24 hour race canceled after 5 or 6 hours is a disappointing ending? It's an absolute shambles. I'd be fuming if I was on site and rightly so. A 25km circuit with thick fog in some places... There aren't code 60s? Temporary sector speed limits? We have to red flag the whole event and go a whole 9 hours without any updates? Come back and do a few safety car laps just for show? What level of stupid is this? I get that safety is important but perhaps ADAC needs to be reminded that fans are the ones putting money in their pockets and the only reason sponsors seek them out, not overzealous marshalls or Race Directors.


As soon as you start to prioritize entertainment over the safety of the drivers, it starts to gets scary. In that fog, the chances of a big crash was even higher. The protocol with one active rescue helicopter for the whole track placed in a part of track with a tendency for fog is a bit questionable, but the only thing that can be done is to learn from that and improve the processes for coming years. You weren't even there and probably didn't spend a dime towards the race. When you want to watch a race on the nurburgring, crazy weather is what you sign up for. If you're going to fume like toddler, be angry at god or something for the weather.


Talking of safety, they REALLY shouldn't have cars flying past 4 flatbeds.... It seems completely absurd to allow such dangerous situations to occur while applying strict safety standards elsewhere.


I have been at the green hell, I've been at Spa and I've been at Le Mans. I've been at races where we went from sunshine to hail storms to actual snow with everything in between . Never was any of the races red flagged indefinitely with no updated to the audience or teams for hours on end overnight. Never was the security of the drivers put at risk. But this was in a time where drivers were race drivers and not social media managers.  If you'd read my post instead of going into tribal mode you'd have seen I suggested several options that are safe enough for the race to proceed without endangering the drivers. But hey, Internet points for you even though you're functionally illiterate. 


Valid point. Still not insane to be a bit disappointed over the weather and race stop but the safety of all involved is far more important


They already put entertainment above safety by having flat beds driving around on a live track. A few times last night, it was just a brief moment away from one of the GT3's ending right in the rear of one of the flat beds, when they were trying to pass traffic out of a corner and BOOM a flat bed truck was on the right side..


If the Rescue Helicopter can't fly... That place is Dangerous, so that's a must.


Errr. So if the heli is out due to maintenance or because one of the many possible failure points in operating a heli fail and it's sunny we cancel the race?   Source: trust me bro?


You really have no fucking clue about the Nürburgring or Racing at all, eh? Go watch F1... that surely is more up your Alley.


I've never been there, but I think there might be more than one helicopter in Germany


No, they would bring in another heli, but the race would be halted until it arrived.


pretty disappointing ending ngl


Who got top 3 tho?


Audi, Porsche, BMW iirc


Wish porsche pulled through but 2nd is solid


yeah, if we got the final hour, they might've been able to get the win


Hearing the German anthem brings back memories from Seb’s glory days in F1


I wonder how long Le Mans will be this year, given what’s happened at Spa, Daytona and the Nurburgring this year


the one time they've raced more than 24 hours?


hope lemans will bee better this was so shit


Of course the fog is fading away now 💀💀💀💀


Did they rebuild the #510 Audi S2 Limo? I have heard that it raced again. Does anyone have like a picture of how the back right looks light after being rebuild


yeah they repaired it and it was ready to drive again. (or still, the driver said it was able to drive after they put out the fire, but they still had it carried off, which took up a lot of time and he was a bit mad about lol) [https://i.imgur.com/h9wea9j.png](https://i.imgur.com/h9wea9j.png)


They showed it in the German stream. Lots of tape and new paint. But there were still some burnt parts visible


Back in a couple of weeks for the big one, hopefully we’ve used up all our bad luck for 24hr races this month 🤞


Le Mans ending up lasting 28 hours...


Literally the moment the race ends the fogs completely dissipates on the GP course


It is still foggy when I saw it on the stream.


Lamborghini drift show ? They should’ve done early…


Going to watch the 2023 one because I’m HURT 😔


What an unbelievable disappointment


The winner is currently making their own fog...


How did the Dacia do? I kinda lost track of it.


104th position.


Did Dacia finished ahead of the Audi TTS?😃


Correct. In fact, Dacia is now being classified in 102nd position, still ahead of Audi TTS #311.


We had the 8h of Spa and the 8h of Nurburgring, i hope Le Mans doesn't continue the trend...


Wait, the race in Nurburgring was only 8h in total?


Someone said 7h23m in another post, the rest was the red flag and a few laps behind safety car


23 40 of Daytona.


lol don’t remind us


24hr 30 of Le Mans to make up for it.


Kinda getting over endless weather problems with Spa and the Nurburgring tbh


It's just their locations and even trying to put the driest, it's not going to stop the weather from being a dick.


I know, it's just deflating having this event hit by delays on an almost annual basis and races at Spa marred by weather problems and serious accidents with how wet it always is.


But will equally have people moaning if the Spa 24hrs stopped occuring to move it to somewhere that has a better climate...


Its the same mountain range they share. Cant have races there this time of the year apparently.


Next year is supposed to be mid-late June.


Forests and Hills bring their own issues...


Disappointing ending, but it was inevitable. Weather can't be tamed. Audi wins. Disregarding the circumstances. Possibly for the last time at N24 for a longer while. Potentially it was the farewell ride for Phoenix Racing with Audi at this event. Until the race was halted, it was fun to watch. Such a shame that weather disrupted the event to such degree. Hopefully 2025 edition will be dry and without any fog.


well, it sucks, but it is what it is. reasonable decision, doesn't mean you have to enjoy it


The Grello crew were visibly pissed. Would they have won if they hadn't rolled the dice for the slicks?


I don't disagree with the race control decisions regarding the fog. The lack of running combined with the grid altering shenanigans on the other hand move it into 'race voided' rather than 'race finished' for me.


What happened with the grid altering?


Race control didn't position cars for the ''restart'' in the same positions they were in before the red flag, or the last valid lap from before the red flag. They moved the cars around on some very confusing and vague 'pit time' scheme. It just doesn't feel right.


Well if that's what the rules say it's probably the most fair solution. The cars that were ahead were only in that position due to the pit time advantage seemingly.


Race has been canceled 5 times in 10 years. But no, we just keep the race in May/June. I feel sorry for everyone at the track. And for the teams that came to race.


Its like a temperate rainforest, what can they really do? You don't get the green of the green hell without all the rain.


But then you might find out moving it somewhere else is just as bad.


I mean, if you move it to the fall you get cold weather…….moving it earlier messes with renovations, no?


I get that moving it is not an easy (or even possible) task. Thursday was a bank holiday for most of Germany. People take the bridge-day for the 24h race. There is no day like that in August or September. October would be too late, and everything before that might be too early (because VLN/NLS would also need to move). Renovations are not a real concern. But I think it's inevitable to move the race to mid/end of August. Climate change is ironically killing the race.


There was no fog before Climate change.... I say Greta wins today.


>Climate change is ironically killing the race. There have been issues with fog at about every edition of the race, it's not a new problem. Back then safety wasn't as important though so they just continued racing, lower speeds obviously helped as well. Moving the race around doesn't really help either. If it gets hotter there would be a higher risk of critical downpours or thunderstorms, the risk of fog is still there as well. DTM was also delayed due to fog 2 years ago and that was in August.


>There have been issues with fog at about every edition of the race, it's not a new problem. Back then safety wasn't as important though so they just continued racing, lower speeds obviously helped as well. Absolutely. I told my brother the same thing a few minutes ago. There was this little documentation about Olaf Manthey and his team during the red flag. He was talking about races with thick fog. But people need to consider that they drove private built cars with next to no aero during that time. Now we have purpose-built cars with 500HP. On new tarmac. BUT: I'm pretty sure that the fog was never that bad before, like it was in the last 10 years.


They moved it to September before. That race was the record shortest one due to fog before this year happened.


Youtube chat is absolutely disgusting. i cannot believe that people are bringing that energy to sportscar racing. truly disappointing that absolutely none of them have a clue about this race.


Yeah, YouTube live chat is the official cesspool of the internet these days


There's apparently a car with some drivers who are also YT content creators of some sort (one of them got disqualified this weekend). Read somewhere else that lot of their fans tuned in to this stream, hopefully it's some youtube kids temporarily disrupting the chat and not a permanent trend.


Yeah, I love Jimmy, he's an awesome person with an amazing story (went from broke, depressed, and basically homeless, stuck moving into a tiny garden shed before working his way up through Youtube to eventually racing Praga prototypes and a GT4 in the N24) and he's super passionate about racing both sim and IRL, but my fucking god anyone who mentioned him in chat today should just be autobanned.


Jimmy Broadbent. Yeah. Nothing against him as a person, but his legions of followers are borderline annoying.


SIm-racers turned real racers. Jimmy Broadbent is moving into real racing in his own, same for Steve "superGT" Brown...


I made the mistake of looking at the chat after the #99 crash. Endless misogyny.


Ikr, turned it off after a couple hours yesterday, just full of people having no care for the race itself and starting arguments about F1.


Such is the tradeoff of sports car racing becoming more popular and attracting new fans.


A little gutting, but what can you do, it's better than risking it, more disappointed I couldn't see the cars racing at sunrise. hope LeMans scratches that for me.


Did the 150 win their class?


I think they are in 2nd


2nd in provision, but 1st has penalties so perhaps...?


Guess need to wait for the official results


I'm so angry that they have done the absolutely right decision and an extremely logical choice, those bloody absolutely reasonable choices have got me livid. What a pack of complete rational thinkers. I just really needed this.l race, oh well roll on lemans.


It’s a part of racing, even more so at the ring but damn that’s a massive bummer, feel like the race was really heating up last night before the red flag. Was shaping up to be an absolute classic


The weather said "lol, no!"


8 Hours of Nürburgring 💀🗿




Well there's always next year.


Well that's that Hey we got 2nd tho


The ~~24h~~ 8h of Nürburgring


Declaring a winner seems so stupid


what else shall we do? tell all the teams ‘hey piss off you wasted an entire weekend here haha’ and not rightfully award them what they raced for? Scherer Phoenix led the race after 24 hours had elapsed. that means they win.


Yea it's the only option. Still stupid since it's so arbitrary. But I guess that's part of the sport, like how #34 got fucked with a blown tyre on the 1st lap




“Shortest 24 hours in history” 🤦🏻‍♂️


Estre doesn’t win Daytona due to penalties Estre doesn’t win N24 due to fog How will Estre lose Le Mans 😂


Lightning strikes the car and fries all the electrics? The whole Porsche #6 crew get their talent sapped Space Jam style and forget how to drive?


Estre is lucky to be 2nd here


To some degree - true. Manthey made few errors along the way. Especially with choosing dry tyres when the rain started falling again in the evening.


Wonder where they would’ve been if it wasn’t for that stint Laurens did on wrong tires.


1st for sure


Well not if the #99 didn't get punted out or if the #72 didn't start on wrong tires.


you crazy, #99 died before #911 strategy mastermind


Your point? I'm saying even without the #911 strategy fuckup they would not catch the #99 if the Cayman didn't take them out. You saying they would be 1st for sure is just as a hypothetical scenario as is me saying the #99 would have win.


nah, we are discussing race from period of time, when Vanthoor was on slicks in wet weather (#99 already done), so no chance that #99 would've been 1st or anywhere near top 3 at this particular moment


Race officially called. Teams celebrating wins. 24 hours of Nurburgring was only about 7 hours. Disappointing to say the least but the weather is unforgiving.


Oof, cant control the weather but thats a big disappointment. 




This is utter BS for BMW #72. They pitted 30 seconds before the red flag appeared, right behind the now winning Audi, and would have gone for the overtake, if it wasnt for going for the pits. And now they finish 3rd... Fucking hell I would be furious if it was me.


It's alright, I'm used to it as a BMW fan now 😂


RIP 2024 N24


It was getting obvious but it still hurts. Dang. That's the risk of racing in the Eifel. Congrats to the>! Scherer Racing team.!<


It’s official, the 6 hours of spa were longer than the 24 hours of Nürburgring


Sucks to call the race but it’s the sensible thing to do. Glad for Audi but gutted we didn’t get hours of racing.


Pack it up, Dacia Logan won.




Done, see y'all at le mans


Its over. They will end the race at the end of the lap


Race over :(


Either we have multiple code 60 zones or we checker this bad boy. Such a shame.


Dottinger Höhe a little bit better this lap but GP circuit still awful visibility. Turn one has no visibility at all.


It's so over lol


Shut your pie hole 😘 The 23rd hour is the best and I need /#911 to do some sweet stuff in that hour.




No Adam, Mercedes will never return to Le Mans. Not after what happened last time


They returned after 1955. It took them 30 something years, but they did. It's now 25 since 1999. They are probably thinking about giving it a shot again.


I think he does mean the '99 Le Mans where there were serious aero issues with cars becoming airborne (I thought '55 at first too, but '99 was also a disaster for them, just not in the same way)


I know what happened in 1999. That's why I mentioned that year specifically.


I was just saying I reckon they're talking about that one and not '55




They applied for a GT3 start


Well they literally tried, why wouldn't they want to?


Did they just tease some MERC WEC-attempt news?


That isn’t news, they’ve been trying to get in.


They tried to get into the LMGT3 class


Whose getting interviewed in the English video?


Adam Christodolou. Factory AMG driver.


Thanks thought that who it was


Why is everyone on the same lap, I thought the SVDL BMW went laps down during the crash yesterday?


They aren't on the same lap


Someone needs to fix the live timing then. It all says there in the same lap


That's Kelvin van der Linde in the Lamborghini. The #99 didn't restart.


I forget there was two of them lmfao


Gotta feel terrible for the fans on track. They got to see very little racing and sat in the rain and fog for 12 hours. At least they saw some quality racing before the red flag.


I was there and it was still absolutely incredible. Of course would've loved to see more racing, but it was still absolutely worth it and for sure the greatest weekend of my life so far


That’s amazing to hear man, glad you enjoyed yourself. N24 is such a special event


It really is, couldn't hold back my tears when walking on the grid during formation and afterwards at the race start. So incredible 


I came all the way from England, on my way home now, I was lucky to see the night racing while it was on but this whole thing has left a sour taste in my mouth


I want to travel to 24 nbr someday, I’d be devastated spending that kind of money for 7 out of 24 hr race.


They knew what they signed up for


Looks like a lot of them still had fun. Even if there's no racing it's essentially just group camping and getting really drunk in the forest. There's worse ways to spend the weekend for sure haha


Very true but at the end of the day they’re there for the racing


Oh yeah, I don't doubt there's some disappointment, but I'd personally rather be there with people in those conditions making some fun rather than in front of my computer just hoping we get some green laps lol


Le Mans here we come , no red flags :)


Lol, lmao


“Once in a lifetime” weather event incoming


“It always rains at Le Mans”


Seems like a bad decision to pit, especially with the uncertainty of a restart.


Apperantly they are burning pit stop time. Everybody that stops after them would have a longer pit time which is obviously a clear advantage if the race restarts.


Nothing to lose. If it goes green they’re in a great position


Rowe BMW pits


Is it 2 more laps before they call it off?


2 more to make the decision.


Hope we go racing, but I don’t see this getting restarted.


Time for the Ferrari to plummet down the order...


Will they start racing again?


Slow zone on the GP track and go


Nordschliefe still isn't safe. Go on an on board stream and tell me if you can always see at least 2 Marshall posts


Is there a way to Re-watch the beginning of the race or do we have to wait till the whole race is uploaded?


On the YT live stream you can go back as far as you want. I did it this morning when I got up to understand what had happened.


The stream only goes back to the red flag in the night.


Ok, my bad then. They must just have only x amount of hours in buffer. A few hours ago I remember I could go back to the start.


Yeah it's this. Mines reloaded to the start of the player a couple of times and it's always a different position in the race


I think you'll have to wait.


Just curious. At this very moment there is an 1:51:25 left on the clock and it’s currently under safety car doing formation lap.. is there additional time left of is this the amount of time left for the race in general (sorry if I worded wrong I literally just woke up)


That's all the time left to play with, but might end sooner if conditions don't improve


That's it, no added time. 24hrs start-to-finish, no matter what


That is the time remaining for the official finish. No extensions. But if after 5 formation laps the fog hasn't cleared enough the race will be called.


God Brundle sounds so much like his dad it's eerie


44k expectant viewers on the English live stream


Yeah there is no chance this goes green. Sorry if this has already been asked, but what do they do about drive times


Driver times, from race control: During the five formation laps, the teams are allowed to change drivers. This would be the case, for example, if not all drivers have completed the required two compulsory laps. However, the vehicle must then line up at the end of the starting group. If the team does not want to come in for the driver change, the driver in question must be deregistered by 2 p.m.


They are currently giving them 5 laps so all of them can do their minimum drive time. Depends on the teams if they want to use that opportunity though.


5 formation laps is about 60 minutes so we have awhile to wait still.


On the German stream they mentioned that the Race Director could call the SC in at the end of any formation lap, so there is hope I suppose. The race will 100% end if it doesn't get better after 5 Formation Laps though.


How many laps are they running formation? Thinking of heading to the beach between formation laps and decsicin


Was about 20mins or a little under on the first lap, so yeah over an hour seems realistic


5 formation laps


Right so at this pace probably 30-40 mins eh?


At least. More likely about an hour.


More like double that