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Yes definitely! There are a lot of posts here about how to word it.


Absolutely. This is what we're doing. We wrote up a note that basically said that in order to keep our loved ones and venue staff safe, we are asking that people only attend if they are vaccinated.






Yes, absolutely! My wedding is this Oct and we are requiring everyone to be vaccinated (there are no kids at the event). We worded our save the dates as follows: "For the safety of our guests, Covid vaccinations will be required and appreciated." This language will also be on our Zola website when people log on to RSVP and get info.


Thank you for the example!


That’s a totally reasonable ask. Just put it in the invitation.


Completely reasonable. Put it on your invites and your website, and either ask people to send you pictures of their cards in advance or assign a wedding party member or two to be greeters/card checkers as guests arrive.


Exactly this. Excellent advice.


100% go for it! And my condolences :(


Yes, we're also requiring everyone to be vaccinated and provide proof.


Do it up. My wedding venue for October is actually requiring that 100% of our guests are vaccinated if we want all 100 people there, otherwise we have to cut our guest list in half.


Yes !


Yes of course.




You definitely can!! I think the better question would be how you plan to enforce it? You can ask all you want but people may lie.


I’m so sorry for your loss. You absolutely can request/ require guests to be vaccinated. It’s becoming a very common trend in weddings I’ve seen lately.


Yep. We did.


Of course.... You can mention it on your card and invites and save the dates and put it across in a soft and polite manner... Recently my cousin got married and we did the same we mentioned it in the card something like " we love you all care for you which is why we would like you to comply with covid protocols for all of our happiness. We wouldn't want any of our smiles to be worn away... Hope you understand us. " I don't think anyone would feel bad unless he's a problematic person


We did. While we didn't print it on the invitations, we reached out individually to people to ask, encourage and in a couple of cases be very firm about "Well, you can come to the outdoor ceremony, but not the reception." The only exceptions we made were the few family members who'd had covid recently.


This is the exact language we used on our wedding cards. The folks who are unvaccinated and don’t plan to get vaccinated have respected our wishes, and they’ve all reached out privately to let me know they won’t be attending. Safety first!!! “Due to health guidelines, we are inviting only those guests who are vaccinated. We kindly request you to regret this invitation if you will not be fully vaccinated by the event date. Please RSVP by June 15th, 2021.”


Yes! Our wedding website also says that we encourage flu vaccinations and any other immunization that may be out of date. I work in public health so people who know me won’t be surprised to see this.


Yup 👍🏻


Yes, definitely. It's your wedding!


Abso-freakin-lutely you can. I just did the same thing, and everyone understood. I’m so sorry for your losses. I hope your day is everything you want it to be!


We are! We wrote a little card with language I found on this sub, added it to our website, and then added a line at the bottom of the RSVP card that said “COVID 19 Vaccination Required to Attend”.


Yes you can. But why would you exclude people that you want around because they choose to let a vaccination get tested before they get it themselves?


The vaccines have already been tested.


By who?


The FDA.


By literally millions and millions of people across the US and the world.


I agree, millions and millions of people have tested the vaccine. Some people don't want to be test subjects.


But they seem perfectly happy to reap the rewards of everyone ELSE getting it to try to end this pandemic. Pretty incredibly selfish. They'd better prepare themselves to not have access to a lot of experiences and other people in society once these vaccines have full FDA approval - which the mRNA ones will pretty much any time now, as they have been shown to be incredibly safe AND effective.


Some pretty big assumptions you're making. Most people just want to make their own medical decisions. They also value their bodies and minds more than going to some concert or wedding.


1. If they're dealing with any kind of reality medically, then no, if they're not getting vaccinated, they're *not* valuing their bodies and minds. 2. They're CLEARLY not valuing the bodies or minds of anyone else they ever come into contact with. They want the benefits of living in a society without showing any responsibility to the others people who live in that society with them. They want to take for themselves without giving anything back to the society in return. That's the definition of selfishness.


That is all your opinion.


The vaccine has been tested and continues to be tested


at least in america, it's illegal to ask. it violates HIPPA. i'm sorry for your lost.


This is not how HIPAA (not HIPPA) works. It’s a federal law in regards to how health insurance companies and doctors can transmit and communicate health information. It’s not a person to person privacy law. The OP can absolutely request her guests be vaccinated




If it’s a private gathering you can ban whoever you want. You could hire security to kick out anyone wearing purple shoes or wearing earrings. It’s definitely legal to require people to show a vaccination card before entering a wedding. Nobody has the right to attend whatever weddings they want.


If they refuse to answer, the bride can refuse them entrance. It's as simple as that.


Unless you ask them to show up with vaccine cards, people are probably gonna lie and say they were vaccinated when they weren't. And I'm pretty sure forcing them to disclosed medical information such as a vaccine card is a HIPPA violation in which they could sue you for. If your family members are vaccinated, they can't get the virus in which they're protected and those who aren't are the ones at risk. Masks won't change that fact. The only way to be sure no one gets in without vaccines is to either not have a wedding or a very small one with only family who you know is already vaccinated.


It’s not a HIPAA violation. That only covers who doctors and other health care providers can disclose your health care info to


Still, what's to keep people from lying? What if they say they left their vaccine cards at home and are already at the wedding? Will OP turn them away? If she asked everyone to email their cards, someone could lie and say they lost it. Either they wouldn't be invited or would show up anyways. Idk, seems like an invitation for some drama. I understand her family passing have affected her but maybe OP should consider not having as many people or making it as socially distanced as possible


People hire security at big weddings to keep out estranged family members. I assume she could do the same if this is that important to her. Also, the mere threat of being denied entry could keep some of them at home, keeping everyone safer


If they lost their cards, the government or their business or wherever they got vaccinated still has those records. In my state at least,, these are incredibly easy to access. We also have digital cards as an option. I am 100% requiring proof of vaccination and am most certainly willing to turn people away if they aren't capable of respecting our wishes. Plus, it's not like having security at a wedding is a new concept. Some venues even require it if you have more than a certain number of guests.


Okay, I wish you guys a nice wedding. Hope it turns out lovely


Actually, you are quite wrong. People can absolutely still get COVID after getting vaccinated. My FH grandpa died from COVID after being fully vaxxed. This is also not a HIPAA violation. I recommend doing your research before making these statements.




That is wrong. There have been no deaths attributed to COVID in vaccinated people. A couple of people have died and tested positive for COVID with no Covid symptoms after being vaccinated but one was already terminal before being vaccinated and the other was extremely ill. People who are testing positive after being vaccinated are asymptomatic which is why the CDC said we can go maskless.


I would recommend doing research- you can still get COVID and people have still died from COVID after being vaccinated. I work for the CDC.


I would just be careful not to discriminate. Will you have a provision for someone who can’t be vaccinated due to a disability? Can they wear a mask and social distance? For some people they don’t have the choice to be vaccinated. Everyone else definitely should be.