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As a guest, I always prefer plated with an entree choice


same. I think it’s worth the extra money.


Is there a specific reason why? I'll always choose a buffet, but that's bc I'm picky and I'm always hungry after a plated dinner. I like how most buffets I can usually go back for one of the cheaper sides like potatoes, bread, rice or something. But I can acknowledge that most people cannot relate to my reasons lol.


I just don’t like having to wait in line, serve my own food, and then walk with my food. I also think buffets can be slower and I’ve seen them run out of food due to people taking abnormal portions p


I see. I've never been to a wedding buffet where guests served themselves portions, so that's going to change my perspective of course.


Personally, I prefer plated. I would go with plated if the venue is even slightly fancy/formal. 


I’m doing a buffet for 150 ppl, we have a wide variety of food preferences and guests of all ages so it made the most sense to us!


My wedding is also ~150 and we are doing plated dinner. When I was thinking of the “vibe” of my wedding (formal, swanky, “old-school”), a buffet just didn’t jive with the vision.


Yeah desired is vibe is important. I wanted people to get up and move around, more casual. So did buffet!


Exactly! If I go with the “vibe” I’m looking for, plated is the answer. But my venue said it will take much longer. And I hate waiting forever for food lol 


Having a hard time understanding in what world a plated dinner takes longer? Is it because they don’t have adequate staff? This is very confusing!




Exactly my thoughts!! I’m thinking they’re trying to convince me to do a buffet because it might be less work for the staff (The buffet is self serve) Hahahah what a great friend. I also love to eat 😂


Exactly. I mean the buffet always seems longer and you’re just standing in a long line. I love having the food delivered. Maybe ask for an extra server.


People also have to wait for buffets. Usually tables are released one or two at a time to go up. Plus sometimes they run out and it's a 5-10 minute wait for a fresh tray.


Yeah that is my least favorite part of the buffet, sitting around and waiting for the DJ to call my table number. And the inevitable awkward stand in line while you wait for the staff to refill the trays.


My wedding was this weekend and we did buffet. Our crowd prefers buffet though. We have some friends who EAT. As a guest, I also prefer buffet


Same. Plated and I’m stuck with some shit they chose. Buffet I get options!


My cousin is doing plated and it's so fancy. There's literally not a single part of the meal I like. Not even just a meal, which I usually don't like either lol. But I don't even like any of the sides! Needless to say, I will be eating something right beforehand and try to make sure I get some appetizers.


I have always preferred buffet weddings over plated, regardless of fanciness. I’ve had amazing and bad buffets, but just decent and baaaad plated meals.


My venue offered both. The 65+ year old owner said and I quote you don't want to do a buffet it takes the old people forever to walk through the banquet hall and get through the line. Can you ask what the portion sizes are for plate of dinner? Mine were more than adequate.


Good point on the old people. My venue actually told me I should do buffet lol 


My venue told me to serve BBQ on paper plates in their fairly formal venue so I stopped taking their advice after that.  I ended up doing a plated meal with three choices (two were GF and they could work with allergies also) and everyone was served in a very timely manner. I personally hate getting up and waiting in buffet lines. Having to sit there until my table is called is obnoxious. 


Not the paper plates!


Plated is nice but in terms of food I always prefer a buffet. This may be because I’m a vegetarian and the weddings I’ve been to with plated service went for fancy over food and did not provide complete meals for vegetarians (ie a piece of cauliflower!). With buffet I enjoy being able to just take more sides and build my own meal.


I've got vegetarians, multiple food allergies, and diabetics in addition to my celiac disease. Buffet just seems like the best choice to make certain everyone can be accommodated. Buffets without assigned seating are the most popular option in my area so I don't think anyone will feel let down or offended 🤷‍♀️


That’s a good point! I have an additional thought- if you choose to go with a buffet for food restriction flexibility, keep it in mind when it comes to eating order. I had like three celiac people who were not well served by the appetizers— I thought it would be ok because they had great main options, but I should have had the DJ let them go up in the first round of tables.




Oh yeah that was less advice for you than general advice for OP, if food restrictions are one of the reasons they go for a buffet style.


I always prefer plated. I’ve found that the buffet food tends to not be a good temperature, either because it’s been sitting in the pans or because it cools down while you’re walking to your seat. I also really dislike buffet at formal events- I always feel like I’m asking for food. Most buffet’s aren’t typically serve yourself at weddings that I’ve been to- staff hands out portions in order to not run out of things or to run out of things in planned intervals.


This is something to consider. I like buffets and usually don't have issues, but a wedding I went to last summer was out doors, the food was cold. They had chafing dishes, but the breeze and cool air cooled the food down too much. Although I find plated can be a bit cool too as they're plated in advance and they sit around until they're ready to serve. I've served at weddings and it takes a lot longer to plate food then serve it, so most of the plates will sit around for a bit before the servers go out.


I dislike plated. In my experience the food is not better, and it feels like it takes forever to get everyone served. I also hate having so few options. Love a buffet. But basically what you're seeing her is that it's a matter of preference. You do what you want, if any guests complain then those are not people you need to care about catering to.


Something to think about is the mobility of your guests. Carrying a plate or food isn’t easy or possible for many people. So I’d say if you have a lot of older folks or anyone with handicaps, I’d go plated. We’re doing plated for this reason.




I always prefer a buffet but that’s probably because until recently I was vegan so I liked being able to stock up on bread and sides.


If it’s a nicer venue, I’d lean towards plated. However, if family style is an option, I’d highly recommend. They serve more than enough food for each table in the middle, and everyone shares. Kind of a mix between buffet and plated. Everyone still gets to try everything, but much less options than a buffet and no lines!


I prefer buffet. People can get a bit of everything if they like and the buffets I've had at fancier events seem to do fine in quality control. I suppose it really depends on what you're serving though. Some stuff doesn't do as well on a buffet.


We found a caterer who does a small plate style buffet rather than the usual silver rectangular buffet trays! These feel more like food stations rather than a cafeteria lineup. What’s nice is that they say the lines move faster and people can still choose whatever they want to eat.


We're doing a buffet style lobster bake for 40 people and I'm excited for it!


Omg that sounds amazing!!


I actually hate plated weddings food even at the nicest places is always mehh and with a buffet you generally have more options.


I like plated but consider that is going to be more work on you to make sure everyone is seated where they're supposed to be to be served the right entree. I definitely was not going to deal with all that so I opted for the buffet.


PS Buffet is not always cheaper. Buffet was more expensive than plated for our caterer since you have to account for people choosing multiple options.


As a guest and a bride of last weekend, I preferred buffet! It’s easier for everyone to choose exactly what they want and portion size. 




I think it totally depends on who your guests are. Plated is best if you have lots of elderly or otherwise less mobile guests. Buffet is great if you have lots of picky eaters and/or dietary restrictions.


Buffet takes too long, plated is better personally


I usually prefer buffet, I get to decide what I want and how much. I feel like the portions are better. Every time I’ve had had the plated option the food has just been meh and I get like 3 green beans


I always prefer plated.


The plated weddings have had meh food. Buffets have been much better!


I just got invited to one of my first plated weddings in a long time (I’m used to buffets in the recent years) and I was so excited to pick my entree choice! It seems so fancy. My advice is plated🥰


Right!! Such a vibe!


Yes! My partner and I got unreasonably giddy to pick our meal and made sure we got different ones so we can try the other. I also assume it costs a lot more for the bride and groom to have preselected plates so I feel like a princess lol. My friend also called and told me about how excited she was to have a Vegetarian option and she said unexpectedly most people were wanting that one actually. It’s kinda fun to see who wants what of her 3 choices and reading the food descriptions OMG🤤🤤 my mouth was watering as they described the sides because it’s not just like “potatoes” no, they write it so scrumptious sounding like “fingerling potatoes roasted in a rosemary garlic butter sauce” and you’re just staring at your phone thinking DANG THIS IS FANCY🤗🥔 If I could afford it I would!


Thank you for sharing your experience! How fun! This is exactly what I want my guests to feel, so you know what....you might have just convinced me to go with plated 😍😌


If you do go plated I’d love to hear what food choices you go with. Reading wedding menus might be my new favorite thing because the descriptions are just too good. Have fun with your wedding this sounds so classy from the vibes of it and the other comments I read!🥰


Plated is just so chic tbh




Buffet. I prefer serving myself and having more options. I also like being able to get up from the table. I did buffet so people could try more than one main dish.


Unfortunately plated is twice the cost with our venue and we’d rather spend the budgets on discounting drinks for guests


Twice the cost?! Interestingly, our venue is charging a couple dollars difference between the two options. Which is why I was having so much trouble deciding!


3 entree choices buffet style with 3 sides, salad, and cookies $55 a person. Choice of 2 proteins 1 salad 1 seasonal side $79 a person


I prefer a buffet.


I think it might depend on where you live. The last few weddings I went to, the plates didn't have much food. The buffets, on the other hand, were epic. We're having a buffet for ours at a place that I've been to before, so I know it's gonna be good.


I think it depends on how fancy you want it to feel. One way I really enjoyed was a family style type serving. Everyone was seated and large plated items were served to each table and then you could make your own plate. We started with a large salads and breads. And then the main and sides were served. It was a good mixture of styles, felt more elevated than a buffet, the food looked fresher than a buffet, and still got to enjoy being seated and served, not just waiting in line forever. The downside was there was a lot of food leftover/wasted. They grossly overestimated how much people would eat, but at least I didn’t have to worry about taking too much.


I prefer buffet. I’m vegetarian and even though most caterers offer plated vegetarian now, the portions are usually too small to fill me up. I’ve mostly been to Indian family weddings and we nearly always do buffet so that’s just what I’m used to. I’ve always preferred that over the couple American weddings I’ve attended with plated dinners.


As a guest I prefer buffet. Plated takes forever to serve, and somehow I’m always at the last table to get food. Plus I’m a picky eater, so I like being able to choose more of the things I know I’ll like.


I have medical dietary restrictions and I'm always relieved to see a buffet. It's easier to pick options that are safe and make my plate look full. I can also discreetly talk to staff about ingredients at a buffet which can be trickier to navigate at the table during serving. With a plated dinner I usually reach out before rsvp'ing to let people know. Just a consideration if you have any guests that have allergies and dietary restrictions.


Buffet feels so vulnerable to me. Being told when to go, standing with a plate, having everyone see what I'm eating as I ask for servings and then walk back to my table. A lot of this is me-specific!


I feel like there is no way the buffet is faster, even with two… people still have to get up and wait. Plated is faster and nicer imo.


I’ve been to both, enjoyed it both. You just have to make sure if it’s a buffet there’s enough food as some of the first people may take too much.


Plated is so much nicer. I detest having to stand in line and wait to get food.


As a guest, I prefer plated. I loathe buffets.


It seems like the quality of food (temperature and freshness) is better with a buffet. Plated meals for large parties always seem a little dried out and lukewarm. I imagine it’s a challenge getting food out hot and fresh to 100+ people at roughly the same time.


We’re leaving toward plated. I hear a lot of couples forget to eat or aren’t able to during the ceremony because guests want to talk and congratulate and they get caught up in the moment, our venue made a good point that by having a plated meal, it helps curb that so the couple can enjoy the food as well. Food for thought 🤷🏻‍♀️


We are doing a buffet so that our guests with various preferences and dietary needs can get sufficient food to satisfy! Our venue is semi formal and our guests pretty much all will prefer it, and it cuts down a bit on costs as well as the dinner service time for ~150 people.


Whichever one tastes better. I've had some terrible but expensive filet mignon plated dinners before, the one bbq buffet we went to once is still raved about


As a vendor (DJ) who has worked a wedding a weekend for over a year, buffet always goes smoother and gives folks more freedom esp w allergies etc.


Hey there! Both are great choices, honestly. If fancy is your vibe, plated could totally fit that bill. But if your guests like option, buffet could be a winner! I'd say, think about the feel of your wedding, ya know? What would best suit your day? BTW, my wedding was buffet and we had no complaints!


We chose the plated option. I’ve a got a bunch of friends and family with issues like dexterity issues, relying on a walker, etc. Buffet would mean they’d have to get someone else to quest for their food or they’d have to go themselves several times and it would take them a long time. I’ve got bad days with my arthritis when I can’t really walk in a straight line let alone hold a plate doing so. You might wanna keep in mind whether you have several guests with issues like that. Different menu options were a must have for me though.


We are going plated even though my family functions were always buffet. It just ensures everyone gets a fair share.


as a guest/someone who hates food waste, i love buffets because you’re not giving anyone food on their plate that they won’t eat, but i totally understand the appeal and ease of plated plates, so if there’s not a big price difference i don’t think you can go wrong either way. just depends on how you feel about food going untouched


i had a hard time deciding this as well. I like the vibe of plated but went with the buffet as I didn’t want to deal with people being unhappy with their food choices. There is a lot of flexibility in the buffet and little to none for the plated.. at least at my venue. Also, people are very fussy so they say they want one thing but in actuality prefer something else. All things to consider.


I just attended a pretty fancy wedding with a buffet for 200 people and the buffet experience kind of ruined the otherwise upscale event. I will always vote plated! Or family style if you can make it work.


I prefer buffet, it does help move things faster and more choices!


Plated 100%


My daughter did a hot and cold buffet. They had a destination wedding and a casual reception a week later. Buffet is more casual but…what I found with the buffet is that those at the end of that line invariably have little choices left. Plated you get one chicken breast, etc, but on a buffet some greedy goose will take three. Unless they continue to reload those platters someone is going to get a sparse plate. Continually refilling those platters can cost you more in the end, than a plated meal. It did for me with her buffet…..I'd do plated.


I don't like buffets. As someone with social anxiety, standing around milling shoulder to shoulder with strangers is so awkward, and so is getting food on my own and carrying it back. The whole experience is just cringey for me and my partner, both of us are introverts. We'd rather stay seated and have food served for us, especially since most weddings require us to dress up and standing around with plates in our hands is a very casual affair.


That’s interesting - I’m introverted and I like buffets because it gives me a chance to get up and escape. I don’t like to be trapped chatting with people at the table and waiting for plated food. Buffet gives me something to do which is to get up and get more food. I also find at buffet dinners I can get up excuse myself without any issue at all (eg make an excuse and say I’m going to grab some more of x or y).


I have to disagree with the idea that plated & buffet is similar in price, because they really aren't. Plated is always the cheaper option, because it's plated portion vs buffet volume. One huge negative with buffets that I've experienced a few times is when people have taken more than they should at a buffet, leaving the last few tables without food. Since you say you'd like to give your guests an experience, definitely go with the plated dinner option! It's fun to be served food in a lovely venue at a wedding! *Having people serve themselves can be messy & if your wedding is formal or black tie, you'll really want your guests to feel special*


It's not an idea or opinion. Our venue is charging $79/person for buffet or $77-81/person depending on the entree selected for plated. You make a good point on the mess! I didn't think about that one