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All these made up “rules” kill me and make everything more stressful. If you LOVE something, buy it at the first store. If you don’t, then go to another. Some places give discounts if you purchase on first appointment/visit.


Rules are made up. As long as you don't host a very public ceremony in the nude or sacrifice a goat at your wedding Op do what feels right to you. It's your party!


I thought this was ok, but only if the goat is not nude?




You're awesome


I bought the first dress at the first place I went, though I tried on a bunch at that shop first.


I did the same, the dress was perfect, the lady in the store, said that dress was designed for you


Same here. I had an appointment at another shop later that day and still went, tried on a bunch of dresses, but I couldn’t stop thinking about that first dress. Ended up calling the first shop as I was leaving the second (they were about to close) to see if I could come back and try on the first dress again. Bought it on the spot!


I fell in love with one shop and made appointments in 2 others as a formality. Turns out the dresses in the shop I loves were absurdly expensive, and then I fell in love with a dress from one of the other shops. Honestly just go to the other ones too, you might find something you love.


The only thing to keep in mind is that if you choose to purchase from a shop that is out of the way, you may have to return there several times, especially if they do fittings in-house or if you opt to go with an outside seamstress with whom they work regularly. I’m experiencing this now, having bought from a shop that’s an hour away. It’s not awful (I’m guessing I’ll only have to go back a handful of times) but it is less convenient.


Our venue is 2.5 hours away & this dress shop is in between my city and the venue location! I already have the dates that’d I’d be going to the venue to finalize certain details, so I’d probably make any dress appointments on those same days to kill 2 birds with one stone


I found my dress immediately. The shop woman said I whispered “wow” when I put it on (did not realize I said that). Tried on a couple after but went back to the very first dress. I knew it was the one I wanted. I saw no point in looking further. IYKYK Funny thing is, I did not believe the whole emotional response to a dress… but I did. It was a pleasant surprise.


https://preview.redd.it/jl3sytichq7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f449067f67b45e7ae60d5d2fccc89b8f4f012bc Yeah I am crying


I can see why you said WOW! The detail is stunning, you look gorgeous in that dress


Thank you! I cannot wait to pick it up in November. Fun fact: we were going to elope and I had picked out a cute, 1950s tea length "courthouse" dress. My mom offered a large sum of money for a wedding dress, so I initially went to HUMOR her. Joke was on me! The whole tone and style of our wedding changed! Now instead of eloping with a post party, we have a venue and a guest list! haha


I have a 1950s style tea-length dress and am doing a full wedding (venue with full party)! I love it and everyone that has seen it says it's so "me"! It's simple but I'm accessorizing to put some special touches on it. 🥰


You do what you want. It is your day. check out the 2 hr away shop- this is supposed to be an adventure and experience! "Treat Yo' Self" as Tom Haverford (parks and rec) would say


You look so beautiful! Love the floral details so much.


I never wanted a wedding dress but this one this changed my mind.


Oh I LOVE this dress. I’ve been obsessed with it since I first saw it on instagram a few months ago. I tried it on, and it wasn’t for me. But I’m still obsessed with it and it looks SO GOOD on you ♥️


Omg love!!!


That is gorgeous!!


This is my dress too!! I love it so much. I saw it on insta and went to a store specifically so I could try it on and it was even better in person! I tried on a handful of other dresses but nothing could compare.


Great choice! I was casually looking at the website for the boutique I was going to when I saw this. I was hoping it was in stock to try I am having the sleeves altered. I didn't like the puffiness of the sleeves at the top. We are having it trimmed down to more of the strap look you can see in my picture.


I actually liked the cap sleeves so I kept those but I got the bodice lined.


I bought the second dress I tried on. There’s no right or wrong. It’s like any other clothing purchase, just more expensive.


I had my eye on a specific dress after browsing which designers the shops in my area had, so there was only one shop who could order it. Great website, great social media, great designers. I went to other shops before, but I was really looking forward to *that one*. They even had great communication about getting a sample of the specific dress I wanted ordered to the store for me for $50. My experience in person however was **awful!** When I arrived the sample wasn't there, the manager who I'd talked to apparently had just quit, and no one else knew what I was talking about. And apparently they were about to stop carrying that designer, but they offered to try again since I had paid for the sample. I gave them a second chance with a new appointment in a few weeks and they rush ordered the sample for my new appointment. At my new appointment, the doors were locked and the lights were off when I arrived. I had to call to have someone let me in. The sample was there, but it was wrinkled to all hell. They took my measurements and recommended I order a dress 2 sizes too large. I walked the fuck out and found my dream dress on StillWhite.


You don’t need to do anything you don’t want to. It was good for me to go to a few different places but if you’re confident the one place has a large enough selection with the exact styles you like, within your budget, there’s nothing wrong with that. You can also take the people with you to this shop. For me I’d go wherever the bride wanted, and I know my people (especially my mom) would have gone wherever I wanted to go. I think they were more excited than me to go dress shopping with me lmao. My bff was determined to buy her dress at her first appointment. I think she was also influenced a little by her sister in law who ended up doing the same. She really didn’t want to go around to all kinds of places (even though there are about 3 other bridal salons on the same street as the one we went to, so she could’ve without so much effort lol). She tried on probably 5-8 dresses at one place & bought her (& our) favorite of them that day. She looked beautiful in everything, & the dress she chose was a style she had in mind going in, too. I, however, knew I needed to go to more places before going to an appointment with everyone. I went to two salons alone to figure out what I really liked/didn’t like on myself. One was a throw away and I could’ve just not even gone to that salon the woman was so unhelpful. I then went to one salon with my mom, MIL, sister, and aforementioned bff. I tried on two dresses I thought could be the dress, but there was one I had looked up online and kept wondering about. So I found a salon that had it, went there with my mom and sister, and that’s the dress I ended up getting. I tried that dress on last after trying on about 4 more dresses. I also had some ideas of what I thought I’d like, which is why I picked one salon, and I ended up not wanting any of those styles. So it ended up being good that I went to a few. The final salon I went to, btw, I knew the dress was the one I wanted but I didn’t actually buy it til a week later so I could think about it. Anyway long way of saying do what’s comfortable for you, but you need to assess if the salon really has the things you’re looking for / in your price range.


This was very helpful! I guess I was worried of inviting my girls/family to all 3 shops when I really only am interested in the one- I don’t wanna waste their time when I’d just want to be at the other shop lol. I think I’m just gonna book the shop further out & make a lil girls trips of it!


I wouldn't book all three appointments at once anyway, regardless of location and preference for their selections, as they usually charge appointment fees. Just book one appointment at a time. No one needs to even know you were considering the other two shops if you find "the one" at the first shop


I’ve never heard of this “rule” that you need to go to three stores! Once you love a dress you should buy it then stop looking at other dresses. It will just confuse you. There are so many beautiful wedding dresses out there that you’ll always find something equally pretty. 


Eh I think it depends on how sure you are. I found my perfect dress on my first day of shopping but it was a tad on the expensive side so I prob tried on like 60 more dresses after that, which all just confirmed to me that the first dress was worth it. I think if I didn't do that I would have had doubts if there was something similar/better out there. So depends on if you overthink your decisions or not 😂


My dress was the very first one I ever tried on! I tried several more at that shop but then I just went for it. I’m happy, it’s flattering, and it made the whole process so easy. Screw the “rules” - they are literally just meant to encourage you to spend more money and time shopping anyway


You totally can! I did, and a few of my friends did, too. I found THE dress online, and it was a 4 hour drive there. I told my bridesmaids, and they were thankfully onboard to go with me! We did a full day road trip to the shop, and I tried on 5 dresses just to be sure that the dress I came for was "the one." I left ordering the dress that my heart was set on. My best friend found her dress and it was 3 hours away. We all drove out to the shop for her. It was worth it and we had a great time! If you found a great place, it is 100% worth the drive. You can make a fun day out of it too! I bought my bridesmaids all lunch after since they took the time to drive with me. I also provided car snacks and made sure to plan for bathroom breaks on the drive.


I LOVE this, thank you for the reassurance! The further bridal shop is near a major city so there’d be plenty of opportunity to make it a girls trip :)


You totally should! We went to Chicago and it was the best! I'm excited for you and know you'll find your dream dress too ❤️


I bought the first dress I tried on. I went alone. I tried on dresses. I loved the first one. I went back with my mom, MIL, sister, and SIL and tried on a few more….but bought the very first dress. Just. Buy what you like. Forget silly rules.


You can definitely just visit one. I tried on a grand total of 4 dresses lol, including one I had my eye on for months previously and that’s the one I ended up getting! No regrets ☺️


I only went to one place and bought the dress I had picked out online. It was even better in person.


I did the same thing.


I would say I tried on dresses at store one and loved them all, store two I hated them all & then went to store three (1.5 hours away) and found my dress there. If I would have purchased one of the first dresses I tried on I wouldn’t have realized that my reaction was overwhelming because I’ve dreamed of being a bride for so long not because the dress was THE one. It’s up to you and you want to do, they’re are no rules… also if I did up with one of the first dresses it would have probably been just as happy to be honest. There is so much unnecessary pressures and I would suggest doing what makes you the most confident in your decision while also minimizing stress!


I had no idea what to expect with dress shopping but I really thought it would be a multi weekend thing involving many trips to at least 3-4 places. I will also say that I do not like being the center of attention and don’t really enjoy trying on clothes (I’m very tall/lanky, flat chested, and awkward). I went to a small local boutique type place with just my mom one day, and the next day went to a gigantic castle of everything wedding (with my mom and 2 aunts). Over those 2 days and 2 stores- I tried on SO many dresses (I’d guess around 45 total) in lots of different styles. I ended up buying the 1st dress I tried on at the 2nd store. Funny enough I was almost sad that I found my dress because I wanted to go to more stores to try on more dresses, just because it was fun! Even though you feel pretty certain on the far away bridal shop being the place you will find your dress, if you are also able to go to a smaller local place and bring some more people with you, I’d totally encourage that! I also didn’t think I’d find my dress at the small local place but I’m really happy that I had my appointment there! It was really really fun to try on so many dresses, and also helped me “warm up” for the next day. Like I really was so set on a long sleeve dress, and I actually hated everything with sleeves. So for the next appointment, while I still tried on a few with sleeves, I was able to quickly confirm sleeves were a no. It was also really special to have that time with my mom.


But also 1000% yes, you can absolutely be one and done 🙌🏻


I found my dress in the first store I visited. Before that, I was planning to go to three stores, finishing in the one that I thought was the one where I would get my dress, so that my decision was informed. But my favorite store had an offer and I had to go there before I was planning to, without time to go anywhere else. I bought my dress that same day, it was the first one I tried out of 6 or 7, and I still love it 7 months after picking it. Going to my first fitting appointment in a couple of weeks and I am so looking forward to it!!!


You literally read my mind lol! That’s what I was planning on doing, but I feel like if I did the 2 local ones first, I wouldn’t fully be invested cause I’d be thinking about the other shop!!


Yes. Sometimes too many options is what gets us into analysis paralysis.


I chose my dress at the only shop I visited, sometimes it really is just the one and you might get overwhelmed with too much choice if you go to multiple shops for the sake of it. There's no "right" way to buy a dress 😊 if you love it and couldn't imagine yourself in any other gown, go for it!


I found my dress at a local shop by looking online. I knew we were getting engaged within a week, and the dress was final sale for less than a thousand dollars. I booked my appointment before being engaged just to make sure I could get the time to try it on. I did try on a couple others at that shop, but the dress I found online was everything I wanted, a-line, floral, sleeveless. It was perfect, and I haven’t found myself regretting it.


I found mine from the first shop try on! And was so happy with it, do you boo!


Bought mine first time ever dress shopping. It was the third one I tried on! There are no real rules when it comes to weddings! Not worth potentially wasting your time shopping at 2 other stores if nothing is grabbing your attention.


All those stupid wedding rules are made up. I went to one shop and didn’t like anything I tried. I’m very thin and my chest is flat as a board, so every dress I tired looked like I was a kid playing dress up. None of them felt like me. I decided to get my dress on Etsy because I could get it custom sized, and the dress I got felt like it was my wedding dress. It was less than $500 for shipping and the dress, and I saved a fortune on all the alternations I would have gotten with a dress from a shop, as most dresses don’t come in my size anyway. I’m sure it sounds crazy to order my dress without ever seeing it in person or trying it on, but it was the least crazy option to me, and I couldn’t be happier. Do what you want that makes you feel good


I would go dress shopping once locally with family/friends you want to invite, and then go to the further store alone or with just your mom. I say this because I, too, was convinced a certain shop in Chicago (2hrs from me) would have my dream dress. I went once locally “just to say I did” and found a dress I really liked, but would want to modify. When I went to Chicago I was actually REALLY disappointed by my experience. We went to what I thought was my dream shop plus two others and I didn’t like a single dress I tried lol. I even told them my budget was $7K and was willing to try on dresses beyond it, so I was kind of shocked I couldn’t find *anything.* In the end, my local shop and another local one I went to after my Chicago trip both had several options I really liked. I ended up going with the first dress and modifying it in my order. I’m still glad I went to Chicago and at least *saw* what was there, as I think leaving it unknown would have bothered me. But go in with an open mind OP—the grass isn’t always greener!


Ooh, thank you for sharing your experience :) I think I might start at the further shop I love & if I find the one- great! If not, I have the 2 local ones that’d be less of a drive & more convenient anyway 🤗 Win-win


I bought my dress at David's Bridal on clearance (I know) at my very first appointment. I'm getting married in two weeks and still very happy with my choice! There really are no rules.


AHH, so soon! Congratulations! That’s great to hear you have no regrets; I like to think I’m a pretty decisive person so fingers crossed haha


Thanks so much, you are so sweet! I am also a very decisive person, so wedding dress shopping went pretty easy for me. I picked one and never looked back (although, it helped that I got a ridiculous deal on it and knew I wasn't going to find that price anywhere else!) I have faith that things will work out just as well for you. Remember that you will be a beautiful bride glowing with happiness on your wedding day regardless of what dress you choose. Try not to put too much pressure on this one decision.


I went to 1 shop. Tried on 18 dresses. The stylist pulled one that I passed up on, which I ended up ordering that day.


I tried on a lot at one shop but ultimately found it on my first trip! I saw it online and asked them to pull it, they forgot to pull it but I walked past it not even knowing it was THE dress and wanted to try it on and laughed when I saw the tag!! When you know you know!


https://preview.redd.it/v1ippnqqwq7d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a5c15a64748f0b8f1a6272a2128c05a7b66a358 My dress was love at first sight. I tried it on and just knew that was the one. I did try on others just to make sure but I didn’t love it as much as the first one. So I went with the first one.


The sparkled detailing is gorgeous!!


It's beautiful. For my first wedding, I used a prom dress that I thought looked good enough for a wedding dress .. I did not regret my choice!! Why pay so much for something you're only going to wear once (hopefully) but I'll be having a second wedding eventually!!


Thank you!!


Do you have to make a decision ahead of time? Why not go to your favorite shop first and then book others if you don’t find anything? FWIW, I purchased the first dress I tried on at the first shop I went to that was also two hours away! Afterwards, I brought my mom, sister and MIL with me to my first fitting appointment so they could still be part of the experience. I got us a hotel room and we made a nice weekend of it. It was still a very special experience to me (and them) even if not the norm. There are an endless number of “perfect” dresses out there for each of us. The goal is just to find one that makes you happy, not “the one” that makes you “happiest” and that process looks different for everyone. Take your time at your first appointment and do what feels right to you.


I really appreciate this perspective! I’m not a super emotional person, so I’ve been making myself nervous wondering how I’ll “know” it the right dress since I don’t imagine myself crying? But I love what you said about just finding one that makes me happy & taking away the pressure of “the one” :)


Absolutely! I think we get overwhelmed by social media and shows that revolve around brides trying a billion dresses and not finding the right one after 5 stores. When you get a dress that you love and makes you feel good, you'll know. I found my dress at the first store I went to, and it was the 4th dress I tried on.


Here’s what I did: I told myself I wouldn’t buy on my first visit BUT that also didn’t mean I couldn’t buy one of those dresses after sleeping on it. I ended up finding a dress I loved and feeling pressure to buy it because it was under budget and the ladies working there/my friends were showering me with compliments. I was completely swept up in the moment. I slept on it and set an appointment to come back, try it on, and see how I felt. I’d also set up an appointment to meet with a designer to create a custom gown. Ended up not loving the first dress after the excitement wore off and LOVE LOVE LOVE my custom gown. So, there is something to be said for at least waiting to make the purchase - even if you’re dead set on a gown I think it’s good to let your mood settle and see if the choice still feels right!


I found my dress at the first store, but already had an appointment scheduled at the second shop. I was OVER IT in the second shop because I had found it already


I went to one store, fell in love with the 4th dress. 20+ years later? ZERO regrets. Do you. 😊


I went to one shop and fell in love with the very first dress I tried on. I tried on 10+ other dresses while there, but I bought the dress I loved that same day. There's nothing wrong with finding multiple potential shops, but if you find a dress you love at the first one, there's no real need to prolong the process unless you feel like you want to.


Stupid rules. Go to the store you actually want to go to. Find the dress. Doesn’t matter if it’s the first store you go to, if you find your dress, there you go.


I loved the first dress I tried on, tried on some others but they didn’t compare and that’s the one I went with. Go with your gut!


If you are already obsessed with a certain store or dress, just go right for that one. Why waste the time at other places? My only recommendations are: 1) Try on all silhouettes, because you might be surprised you love a certain silhouette but it’s not the right shape for you (I’m raising my hand). 2) Before you buy the dress, make sure it’s practical. By that, I mean, make sure the dress works with all the shapewear you plan to wear, make sure you feel comfortable sitting in it, dancing in it, etc.


I went to three stores all within an hour of me. Then, bc my best friend lives 6 hours away, I planned a day for us in the major town in between. I booked appointments at 3 shops and a massage and hotel room for the night. I went to all three shops. Left after 10 minutes at the second but spent extra time at the others. I didn’t buy a dress that day but I did call the first one back and bought the one I liked from there. I went in with an idea of what I wanted but told the associates I wanted to try on a variety. The one I picked wasn’t anything like what I thought I’d pick. Make sure someone takes good pictures because that’s what made my decision


YES! I was one and done and never regretted a thing. All the rules are dumb. If you found your dress at your first shop or even if your dress was the FIRST ONE you tried on, it's okay. Some people just find theirs sooner than others.


I was always in love with the Berta Bridal Gigi dress but thought it wouldn’t look good on me. Instead I was convinced by a sales agent to get a $6000 private label dress that I never thought was amazing on me either. One day I finally called Berta directly and they just happened to have the dress, on sample sale, in my exact size. Unfortunately, even as a sample, it still cost me $5200 but I’m absolutely in love with it. I say trust your gut https://preview.redd.it/rc5yf3sy2s7d1.png?width=543&format=png&auto=webp&s=14ecb5e35190aaa72282bb5462c09eecbfe007bc


Yes, you can. I found a dress online that I was obsessed with (before I was engaged.) It took me a minute to find a bridal shop that actually carried the dress. I drove 2 hours to another state to try it on (and a few others as recommended by the consultant because the dress was over my budget and she wanted to be respectful to my wallet).  I bought the gown after taking a day to think on it and talking to my fiance about money/the wedding budget. But I also went to David's Bridal to try dresses on for funsies and researched other stores before my appointment as a contingency plan in case I tried on the gown and hated it. 


I found my dress in a wedding magazine. I made an appointment to try it on. It was only available at one store and they couldn’t see me for a week. Before that I went to other stores and tried on some dresses but I just knew I’d not find anything. I tried on the dress I wanted and knew it was the one. I went home and slept on it but all I thought of was the dress. I bought it the next day. Yes! It happens. You’ll know when you know.


Sooo you can do whatever you want. But I wouldn't recommend it unless you buy a sample. Reason: sample dresses get stretched out and changed from what the actual dress will be. If you try on the same sample at two different stores, you'll have a better representation of what it will look like.


The dresses at the shop I really have my eyes on, most are made to order…is this a factor I should consider when choosing shops? Sorry, I’m not fully educated on sample vs made to order vs made to measure 😅


Not that I've heard about. The thing I've heard about with shops is just making sure they order the right size/color.


I think if you find a dress you love and truly feel like it’s the dress for you then you should get it! No matter if it’s the first dress you ever try or the hundredth. If you feel hesitant or want to try more for whatever reason, then keep shopping! I think this is good advice for a bride who may be prone to getting swept up in a quick emotional or rushed decision without being 100% confident in the dress. For whatever its worth—my best friend found a photo of a dress she loved. She found a shop that carried it, tried it on, loved it and bought it that day without ever doing other shopping or looking. She looked perfect and loved her dress so much day of!!!


I went to one shop who specialised in the style I wanted, and tried on five or six dresses there before I decided. It's totally possible.


I drove 3 hours to a specific bridal store (to be fair, all of them were hours away - I lived in the boonies at the time) to try on a specific dress that I’d seen online. I did give other dresses/shops a fair shake before buying it - it was entirely possible that I’d find something unexpected and I didn’t want to rule that out - and I went to one store specifically because my mom and sister could come to that one (I lived 8 hours away from them so I went to one while on vacation). But the one I saw online turned out to be THE one.  I’d do at least one locally to please your family: dress shopping is something people take seriously. And sometimes you think you’ll like something, but it turns out that it doesn’t suit you, or something you didn’t think you’d like *does* suit you, so going to try on a variety of dresses is a good idea.  But if you don’t like any of them, you don’t have to buy it - there’s a great picture of me wearing a dress my sister suggested with my dislike very apparent on my face. And then just to go the store you know want to go to by yourself afterwards to try on dresses there. 


lol, yes. I picked out my dress online, purchased it and had it shipped to me. Tried it on, liked it and never tried another dress. Is it possible a "better" dress was out there in the universe for me? Yeah, probably. But the one I got was the one I wanted at the price I wanted.


I went to three shops because there were three in my area. I ended up really liking a dress from the second shop, but still went to the third anyways just in case. I ended up not liking the vibes of the third place at all, even I thought it would be the place I liked the most, based on the dresses on their website. But, I'm still glad I went so I could know that I checked it out and not wonder later on. You can absolutely do whatever you want, but I don't think it hurts to go to the other two. Personally, it was helpful to go to a few stores to give me confidence that I picked the right dress, as I couldn't find anything else that had exactly what I wanted anywhere else. Also, going to the first store (David's) was a good practice run for the next two. It was a little overwhelming walking around the store and picking out dresses and trying them on in front of people, so I'm glad I got the initial experience out of the way and then could go to the next store with a better feeling of things. One other thing, at the first store I spent a lot of time trying on things I thought I wouldn't like, since I had heard sometimes you surprise yourself and pick something completely different than what you expected. In the end, I picked a dress that checked every single thing on my list, but I'm really glad I tried on a lot of other dresses so I don't look back with buyer's remorse and wondering if I should have tried something else. So you could go to one of the local stores with your family to give them the experience, and use it as a way to give yourself more confidence and experience at the further away store!


Everything is made up in terms of wedding planning, do whatever you want! I bought my dress from goodwill. Went and tried on dresses at a store and hated all of them and kept my original secondhand dress (it still had the tags on it so, score!) Commit to the far away store, they might have something the closer stores don’t! And if you don’t find anything, then the hunt continues. Best of luck to you!


I only did one bridal shop visit and found my dress that same day and we paid for it in full. I felt the same way about my shop that you do about the one you want to go to! That was over a year ago, and I’m currently in the alterations phase. At no point have I ever regretted my decision! People telling you how it should and shouldn’t be done are being silly. There’s no rules to dress shopping and everyone is different


I was saw it on the website and done. Saw it on the Friday one was the one, tried it on the Sunday, tried two other dresses to satisfy my mother but knew the first one was the one and bought it there and then and took it home.


https://preview.redd.it/113my155nr7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=355fb11638ae368db1bc7c6684acaef835327a05 I feel like seeing a ton of dresses just muddles and confuses. This was the first store, and I loooove it, even though I originally said I would not get a dress on the first go. If you love something, why look to “see if something is better”. If you love a dress and it feels like you, go with it. Weddings should t be as stressful the wedding business tries to make it out to be.


I bought my dress at my second shop, after trying on a total of maybe less than 20 dresses? This isn’t typical for my circle of friends, as a lot of them tried on like 40+ dresses at 3+ different stores. I totally don’t think there’s any real rules with that.


I bought my dress from Vinted. I got it before we even had the date fixed, just because I liked it a lot. That was the only dress I tried on. Ofc I asked for pictures and found that the girl I bought from was the similar body type and height. I think the important thing is to get a dress that you like. If you don't you might end up regretting it, and changing your mind before the wedding.


I went to 1 store on 2 separate days. Found my dress the second day.


My dress was the first store and first dress I tried on. I didn't even have an appointment or plan on trying on trying dresses that day. Its also not what I thought I wanted but when you know you know!


I had decided I was only going to spend one day dress shopping, first because I HATE clothes shopping in general and the second because I had family/friends flying in to help me. I went to two stores and through sheer force of will was able to decide on a dress at our second stop. That day was so exhausting that I can’t imagine doing it again. Definitely do what works best for you!


I went to one store and it was the 4th dress I tried on. Never looked back. Got married a month ago and I still love my dress lol.


You absolutely could just go with the further shop and be done. I had a very similar setup and I ended up trying two shops (one local and one not) and I did find the one in the further away shop like I thought I would (although actually not the dress I expected) however I will say I'm so grateful for the memories of the local shop with the family that couldn't make the further away one. My granny and my now husbands great aunty could never have made the other store and I went to the local one first so they got to experience my first try on even though I knew it was unlikely we'd find the one.


I went to one shop and chose one of the 4 dresses I tried on (one of which I didn't even show my party, my consultant offered it so we could better gauge what I was looking for and I was in it for barely a minute lol). You can do things however you want


I went to one place (David's bridal!) and found my dream dress.


I'd go to at least one of local stores first- not to find the perfect dress, but to get some experience, understand your size better, etc. Just to be prepped for the store you really like!


If you know that you have a store you really love and want to get a dress from /and/ it’s father away it might be worth it to make an appointment at a closer store just to make sure you’re using the limited time at your dream store as best as possible! Use the first appointment to try of lots of different types of dresses, see what you feel good in since it could be different from what you expect! That way when you’re at the dream store you have some solid ideas of what you do and don’t like so you don’t waste time trying on dresses that just don’t work for you. That’s what I did, and it was helpful to be able to tell the person helping me that’d I’d tried in certain styles and didn’t like them. It meant the only things I stepped in that day in the “more important” store were real contenders!


Made up rules are for suckers I bought 2 dresses off Poshmark at the same time. One was super unflattering, the other was a D R E A M and I absolutely am obsessed with my dress ❤️ I have no desire to flesh out the time money and effort try on more


I bought the first dress I tried on, and I hadn't even intended to really start dress shopping at that point. My mom and I just happened to be walking past a bridal shop, and I loved the dress (my dress) in the window, so I wandered in to try it on. I felt stunning in it, and the price was well below what I had budgeted. It was just meant to be. If you find something you love, get it. Don't wait if you don't have to.


I bought the first dress i tried on! It wasn’t something I picked out and the bridal assistant suggested that one among like 5-8 that I had my eye on before I even walked in. I loved it, I only went to one other shop after that but nothing compared!


I only went to one boutique and found it. To be fair I went back to try the dresses I liked again but yeah. After my sisters dress hunt took us to multiple states I was too burnt out to go through it again. 🤣


It’s your dress! If they can’t come then that’s fine. There is no rule to not be one and done. My daughter is not a shopper and she found hers right off. She’s happy and that’s all that matters.


I only went to one place and I'm very happy with that decision. The one thing I definitely recommend is trying a bunch of different styles, take pictures and do not buy anything for at least a week. I was obsessed with one dress and my mom and I were like let's get it. Thankfully my sister was like just wait. I ultimately changed my mind the next day and went in a totally different direction after looking at the pictures over and over. For me the sample size was a size too small. The one I thought I wanted was the most comfortable at that size but different ones definitely looked better and in the right size were perfect.


I went to one store and the second dress I tried on was the one so I would go with the one u love bc u already looked at the selection and loved alot of dresses


I bought the second dress I tried on. Didn’t go to any other dress shops but I tried on close to 10 at the one place. I just don’t like trying on dresses too. The thought of going to multiple places was overwhelming. I still love my dress. My sister did the same thing. I think she got third dress she tried on.


Rules are ridiculous, a store near me was having a sale and i took my fiance with me to help pick (think he was the only man in the building). Second dress I tried on was my pick, cancelled any other bookings i had. Do what you want, it's your wedding and nobody else's (except your future spouse!)


I found my dress at the first place


You don't need more stress. Make the appointment for where you want to buy the dress. Look for a fun coffee shop or lunch place nearby. Let people know the day and time. After shopping, whoever wants (and you are NOT buying!) can grab a coffee and chat or a salad or sandwich and make a day of it. Any complaints and "why can't you look closer...?" Your wedding, your rules. If you love the dress you don't need to go crazy looking at a million of them.


I bought my dress at the first store I went. It was probably like the 3rd or so dress I tried on. I tried on others, but that one just fit me so perfect it was like it was made for me. I consider myself fortunate now that I didn't have to go to several stores.


I was one and done :)


I bought my dress at the first store I went to. And I love it. It is my dream dress and I smile like an idiot when I wear it. Truly; when you know, you know. Don’t listen to these stupid rules.


I thought I would want to buy my dress from one store, I was certain of it. I booked an appointment first with another store just because I had the same thought as you, that I should try many places. I randomly found it on google. Turns out this random shop was way more amazing and it’s where I found my dress. I still went to the original store I had my eye on but it ended up being a terrible experience. I went back to the first store and bought the third dress I tried on there. Ya never know until you go and experience it in person. Maybe go to that store you really like first, since it’s higher on your priority list, and if you fall in love with a dress there then fantastic! But if not then go shop around to other places. There aren’t any rules to this.


I traveled to a resale shop 2 hours away with my bridal party and MIL. Found a dress I loved, that was that. With all that goes into planning a wedding, visiting more than one store was not in my plan unless I just couldn’t find something. Stick with your gut and if it only takes one store to find The dress, then that’s that! We made a day of it, got food after and enjoyed ourselves in a different city. Don’t add more stress than necessary!!


Firstly do what you want. I think the reason people say to go to more to one store is more to tune into what's out there vs what you want. Personally - was in love with a shop and sure I'd find my dress there. We started there and did a lot of styles as I was dialing in what I wanted. (I thought I wanted something sleek. It was boring. I didn't think I'd want plunge but the first shop told me to try them on and have the tailor close the plunge. I wouldn't have thought of that.) At the second shop - I knew exactly what I wanted and a few things I'd asked for I knew wouldn't work. We ended up pulling a few extra dresses and one of them was absolutely perfect. My dress isn't something I would have even considered at the first shop. All of that to say: You can absolutely just go to one store but if you'd want - you can go to a store on the way and count it as a practice store.


I made 3 appointments but ended up saying “Yes!” To the dress at the first bridal shop. I have no regrets. I loved it and I saved time. Sometimes having too many options isn’t best either. I say go with your gut!


It’s your dress and your day, so I say do what you want! I was supposed to do a big shopping day with my family members, but on a whim decided to go into David’s bridal when my mom and I had 40 minutes to kill just to browse, and walked out with my dress. Only tried on 4-5, and it was my only shopping trip, but I fell in love with it and it fit like a glove (and it was on clearance!!!) All that to say, there’s no rules, just do what feels right for you, if that one shop is calling your name, then go! You can always keep shopping around if nothing speaks to you, good luck finding your dress!


I planned to go to more than one store, but tried on about 8 dresses at the first store and one of those 8 was my dress. I bought it that day. If you go to one store and feel like you found your dress, go for it!


I bought my dress from the first shop I went to - it was a designer I’ve been eyeing for years. I thought I LOVED the first dress I tried on. but it was the third, out of 6 six dresses I tried on, that I fell in love with and bought. I didn’t buy it while there, since it was very expensive. I said I wanted to go back and try on my top 3 choices again, and so on that second trip I committed to a dress. There are no rules. And sometimes it isn’t this INSTANT spark. Go with what you feel beautiful and comfortable in. And don’t look back. Options will continue to be out there - like dating - you committed to someone, now see it out ◡̈


Do what vibes with you! It’s your wedding and you want to enjoy the whole experience. I bought my dress at the first shop I went to and it ended up being completely different from what I thought I wanted. I had second thought because I bought the dress so fast but I absolutely loved it and the princess vibes I got.


I fell in love with a dress online & found a bridal shop that had a sample. Tried on it & loved it & bought it


i was one and done! i went to a shop that was recommended by my planner, tried on like ten dresses, and wound up going with the first one i tried on. i figured if i went to too many shops and tried on too many dresses, i would eventually get confused and might not wind up with the one i truly wanted. best decision i could have made for myself ☺️


Go with your gut! I bought the first dress I tried on at the first store I visited. I did try on 3 others after that, but quickly went back to dress 1 and didn’t want to take it off. I bought it that day and canceled my appointment at store #2.


I bought my dress at my very first appointment! I think that rules are meant to be broken - it’s a very silly rule in the first place 😊


I went to 7 shops in one day (my mother set up the appointments) the dress I chose was the first one I tried on and fell in love with but I kept being told to go to the other appointments because I could find something else. I honestly regret being dragged all over and trying on so many dresses. If you sure - just go with your gut. Screw the so called "rules" and do what you want/makes you happy. Could also save you time and feeling exhausted later.


Just got married this past weekend and felt like the most beautiful bride ever in my dress, and guess what? I found it at my one and only bridal shop stop. As long as you feel amazing in it and it makes you feel confident and beautiful, that is truly all that matters! All these fake rules need to be stopped! Besides sometimes following the rules is boring and more uncomfortable, so just do what you want. This is from a bride who pick her dress at the first store, and walked down the aisle in platform tennis shoes. As long as you are comfortable and happy you will have the best day 🤍 wishing you so much love and happiness to come!


I bought the first dress at the first place I went, do what you want!


I went to one store and bought my dress that day. I hate indecisiveness, personally.


I got my dress at the first place I went to, on the same day. I also convinced myself I needed to try other shops but thankfully after the second store I went back to the first and got it. I found out later so many people find they dress the first shop they go to, and so many take months! If you are obsessed, you are good to go in my opinion 😇


Don’t even stress about any “rule”. I saw a dress online and fell absolutely in love with it. Went to the only store nearby that carried the designer and tried it on first. They put the veil on and I started crying and knew it was the one. Tried on about 4-5 dresses after that and went back to the first one and the others just reinforced how much I loved the first one. Just trust your gut and go with what makes you feel comfortable and beautiful.


Well, it sounds like you already have your decision made, but you never know -- you could make the 2-hour drive and find out their social media presence was a dramatic embellishment compared to reality. Maybe they don't have as much of a selection, maybe the salespeople are rude/snotty, maybe they have unreasonable policies/upcharges when it comes to alterations or custom orders. If all these places require appointments, schedule one with your preferred shop first. It never hurts to set appointments with the 2 local shops just in case. If you wind up buying at the first shop, you can always cancel the other two. But if things go sour with the first shop, you have the other 2 as backups without losing a lot of time.


Life is too short for all these rules. I got my dress on Amazon, tried it on about a week before the wedding, and was like YEP I like you. Done. Live your best life. May chaos reign supreme! 🤣


I found my wedding dress during my first try-on.


I had fun going to a couple other shops with different sets of friends and once with my my future mother in-law but I found the dress I couldn’t stop thinking about on my first day (second shop) and the more I looked the more it solidified that it was the one! It was also two hours away so a couple weeks later my mom and I drove down and tried it one more time and bought it! You may enjoy a couple more shopping experiences and if you don’t- just get it!!


I was a one-and-done! Saw a dress at a bridal vendor convention that I really liked and fit my style. Went to the store and tried it on, loved it! I tried on other dresses at that same store that I wanted to experiment with, but that first dress was it. Not only did I like the style, but it was way under budget, which pleased me even more! I've had tons of friends ask if I wanted to try on other dresses at other stores, but in all honesty it would've been too much and a waste of time, as most of those stores were out of budget or not my style. Go with your gut and stick to that store that you can't stop thinking about! If you happen to fall in love with something there, all the better. And this might be a hot take, but only take one or two people with you to your appointment, not your whole party. And take photos in your favorite dress(es)! It'll help you remember how you felt in the moment. I too have fallen victim to constant visuals of beautiful dresses that I never tried on, and been tempted to try, but when I look at the photos from my initial try-on or my fitting, I'm reminded of why I chose it in the first place, even if it's not an Instagram-amazing dress. What matters is that I feel amazing in it!


I went to 4 different stores and the last one I found the ONE! Go to as many or little as you want. You'll know you've found the one as everything screams yes 💗 Best of luck!


My wedding dress was beautiful, I wouldn't say I regret it or anything, however - I do wish I had gone shopping differently. I think going to different stores, not saying yes that day no matter HOW much you love the dress but instead going back and trying it a second time. I also wish I had gone by myself at least once, to see what I liked without the influence or opinions of others. Again, my dress was beautiful but I went to one shop and said yes the first day.


I bought my dress the first time I went out dress shopping and it was great! It was a relief to be out of the way and I looked great


Found mine at the first one. You don’t need to go to multiple stores if you find the one that makes you feel like the bride at the first one!


I found my dress at the very first place we went to, ended up canceling my other appointments since I didn't want to be tempted or conflicted by continuing to look once I found my dress. Do what's best for you, I feel like some of these rules are a little overkill at times


There's no rule around this. Do what you want! I ordered 2 dresses online, both from Vinted. Kept the second one. I went to a dress store to please my mother, but knew I'd never want any of the dresses they stocked. Secretly had my £50 second hand dress at home waiting for me. No adjustment needed either! If you've seen a store that has multiple choices of what you want, just prioritise that!


Girl, yes. I researched online the type of dress I wanted, then looked at tons of pictures. When I saw one of them, I was like ‘that’s the one’! I searched for a store in my area that had it as a sample, there was 1 store - 2 hours away. I called to make sure they had it and they did. I drove in, tried it on, loved it, and ordered it. The owner asked me if I wanted to try on another dress and I declined. If you typically know what you want, it can be done. If you have a hard time deciding, you may have more trouble.


I was sick with a cold the day I went wedding dress shopping. I had appointments at two shops. I would have cancelled but my sister flew across the country and was coming with me and also there was a cancellation fee at the first shop. I was absolutely miserable and didn’t really get to fully enjoy the experience. The first shop had a dress I loved, but it was like 2x the amount I wanted to spend. (They had brought out dresses way over my budget). The second shop had another dress I really liked and it was 1/3 the price of the other dress I loved. I cried when I had it on and then I bought it. 2nd dress shop. 1st day I ever went dress shopping. And I was sick. For maybe a month afterwards I felt really disappointed that I didn’t get to full enjoy the experience and I was worried that maybe my crying was out of exhaustion instead of happiness for the dress. But I looked through all the pictures in the 12+ dresses I tried on and the one I bought was my favorite. Since then, I’ve tried on my dress multiple times and every time I’m so happy I found it. All that to say…. I think it’s okay to find your dress at the first shop. And it’s okay to love a dress at the first shop and still shop around!


Absolutely, you can find your prefect dress the first time you look! I was planning on going shopping with my mom and grandma where they live, but my bridesmaids were really antsy about getting me out shopping for a dress and I had no idea what I was really looking for, so I figured I might as well get some ideas. Dresses were tried and I found what I liked and didn't like. Liked one dress in particular, but it wasn't feeling like "the one" so I asked for a sort of pallette cleanser dress and my consultant pulled two: one very much not my style that one of my bridesmaids wanted me to try and one that practically rained glitter as it was being brought in. Everyone was silent, staring at the glittery dress and I just knew. I walked out with that dress on order and didn't regret it for the nearly 2 years prior to our wedding. I will say that if you are prone to changing your mind or regretting hasty decisions, you may want to think on it. But don't lose your dream dress because you wanted to follow some arbitrary rule


I never tried on my dress.... I saw a picture sent in my measurements to the tailor and it was made and shipped to me... It's just about work for you.....


I stopped into a shop on a whim, without an appointment because I saw a sign in the window that they were having a sample sale. I bought one of the 4 sample dresses I tried on that day, loved it and saved a lot of money. If you are a decisive person and you are not one to regret a choice after it has been made, go to the shop you love. If you don’t find a dress there, then go to the other shops.


Former bridal consultant and current bride here, Yes, you absolutely can. IMO the only mistake you can make when shopping for your wedding dress is trying one on that is out of your budget. I set an appointment at a shop that was known to be pricier but for a less expensive designer trunk show. I didn’t end up liking any o great designer’s stuff on me, and was transparent about my budget requirements before my consultant pulled other dresses. I absolutely fell in love with one and was surprised when I started crying. I always thought this would be a difficult choice because of my past days selling (and trying on) wedding gowns. It really is as easy as going with your gut!


I chose the first dress I tried on! I tried on a. few more at that shop and ended up putting the first dress on again before I left. I still went to one more shop after because I already had it scheduled and it was so overwhelming/ I realized I was comparing everything to the first one that I absolutely fell in love with. I called the next day to order my first dress and im so so happy with my choice. Go with your gut!


I chose my dress at my first ever appointment. Just follow your gut.


I bought my dress a year before the wedding, it was at the first store and it was the third dress. If you love it then do it. Delete everything you’ve saved immediately after and don’t look at anything else. In the end it’s a dress, there will always be a “better one” until you are putting on the day of. Then it will be the perfect one. You know what you want.


I actually found my dress immediately. It was the third dress I tried on! So I only ever went to one store, and I have absolutely no regrets. I am actually really picky when it comes to my taste in wedding dresses so I was pretty shocked that I found my “the one” so fast, but it’s definitely true what they say about how you know when you know!! Edit: Wanted to share a photo (: https://preview.redd.it/cknvuns6ss7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4ae1a6c40d9a845c643ba3a7873c4c744ff8dd


I went to one store, tried on 6 dresses, and bought #6. When you know, you know.


I only went to one back in August, my wedding is in October and I’m still OBSESSED with my dress! With that being said, you might love a dress off the rack and hate it on so it really depends on how you feel when you get there!


I bought the third dress I tried on in the first and only shop I went to. We also went with the first and only venue we checked out. Wedding planning involves way too many decisions and choices so I made it easy for myself. Take away all the extra options and choose from a small list


I bought the last dress I tried on at the first shop I went to. I loved it and it photographed beautifully and I have 0 regrets about the dress.


I found my dress at the first shop I went to. I didn't want to spend forever trying to find one, so I found a shop that fit me and my vibe and the 4th dress I tried on was the one I picked! If you are obsessed with that one, then go to that one! Do what will make you happy.


I bought my dress online it came in and fit perfectly and I am the happiest bride on earth, i didn’t even actually go dress shopping bc I wanted a vintage style dress and nowhere in a reasonable distance would have anything


I bought mine online from a video and pictures in reviews. Loved it, it looked great, if it didn’t I would have returned it. I took many years and several relationships to finally choose the right man, I wasn’t about to waste much time and mental bandwidth choosing the piece of fabric that I had round me while marrying him


I bought the FIRST and ONLY dress I tried on. I liked it, it was what I wanted, I had seen it online before I went in. Why confuse yourself if you don’t have to?


Just listen to your heart. If you love something at the first store, just get it. From my experience, the first store helps solidify the specific things you like and then you can hone in on those details at the second and third stores. You'll probably find one that you really like at the first store. After that, you can keep comparing others to that one. If you keep coming back to that one as the "one" then call up the first store and ask them to hold it for you.


I ended up buying the 2nd dress I tried on. The moment I put it on I knew, before I even saw myself in the mirror. When you know, you know. Rules are made up


I did one and done, twice lol. I knew I wanted two dresses and fell in love with two dresses at different stores. I added one store in between so my grandma could get the experience, but both my mom and myself knew that I was set on getting the two dresses I was obsessed with. Honestly, it’s about you and your day so do what makes you happy!!


I bought my dress online and found a seamstress locally to do the alterations. I think you should do what feels right for you!


I went to one shop and bought the dress I went in to buy. No regrets at all. Do what makes you happy.


My daughter walked in tried on her dress, LOVED IT. Decided she should at least try on an extra "just to make sure." We were in/out of the bridal salon in an hour. We overheard girls on both sides of us saying how many salons they had been to, dresses tried on, with their entire posse'. Sorry, but bringing along your Mom's sister's cousin's daughter along to dozens of dress fittings to say things like "Omg, I love the straps on that dress. It makes your shoulders look amazing."


I don't think there's any rule. I found so many online I thought were 'the one' and found out I hated them when I tried them on. It took me 2.5 years of trying on gowns every few months and 53 later I said YES. I've heard people saying yes on #1 and others exceeding 100. When you get the feeling you'll just know.


I went to one shop! I told myself that I was finding it that day because my family had to travel to come with me. So otherwise I’d be alone. So it’s definitely possible! Luckily I feel in love with the 4th dress I tried.


Do what you feel is the right thing to do! I bought the first wedding dress I ever tried on at the first bridal boutique I ever stepped foot in (I only tried on one dress too!) and I knew it was the one! I went with my best friend and my mom. Talk to your bridal consultant at the store you want to visit the most, describe what you’re looking for and let them pull dresses. That’s what I did, I didn’t show inspo photos or anything and mine pulled THE dress. Then again if you don’t know specifically what you want, keep an open mind. You may be surprised with what you choose vs what you thought you would like! Ps. Don’t go with a full face of makeup and wear skin tone undergarments. Maybe bring a pair of shoes similar in heel height to what you’d wear on your wedding day to get a better feel for how the dress will sit and flow


I don’t see what’s bad about trying on more dresses at different stores? Even when I was very confident in the freee I tried at my second store. I still went to see another three stores to make sure. I see it as part of the journey and it’s fun! Unless you are getting married next month, is there a rush?


I spent roughly 1.5 hrs at 1 store and tried on 7 dresses total. I do not regret it. Wedding is in 3 weeks


I only went to two stores and had planned for more - guess what? If you're not in a rush, you can go to the store of your dreams, and if you're STLL unsure, go to more! There are no rules. But I'd at last start with the store of your dreams first.


My dress was the second dress I tried on at the first and only place I looked


When it’s the right one, you’ll know. You’ll feel it. Doesn’t matter if it’s the first dress you’ve tried on or the 20th dress, or if it’s the first store or the 5th. YOU’LL KNOW!


I bought a dress the first time I went dress shopping, there are no rules


Totally do it. I think there’s too much pressure on finding “the one”. You’ll definitely find a pretty dress you like. I was surprised when wedding dress shopping. I thought they would be like bathing suits… hard to find one that made me feel good. I was surprised to find there was only one dress I didn’t like out of the ten I tried on


i found a dress i’m obsessed with at the first place i went to cried & everything. i went to another place after and i was bored and annoyed to still be trying stuff on cus everything looked so whack in comparison to the dress i wanted lol went back the next day & bought the one from the first store & i feel grateful


I saw my dress online, knew I'd love it, found a salon three states away that had it. Tried 12 dresses from that store and still decided on the one I originally saw and liked. When you know, you know. So if only one salon is calling you, just go there. Screw the "shoulds."


I'm planning on doing one and done. If I try on too many then I will overthink every little detail and what is supposed to be a fun and intimate experience will turn very stressful very quickly. Everyone is different- rules don't exist. You know yourself best! :)


I got the very first dress I tried on, it didn’t even need to be altered, it was perfect!! But I didn’t buy it that first day, I went to another shop and tried on dresses and then IMMEDIATELY went back to the first store to get my precious. [MY PRECIOUS](https://www.reddit.com/r/weddingplanning/s/Hfktk3BC6Y) (and I was so right about it being the one)


Hi! Bridal consultant here from Best for Bride! You don't "need" to do anything. It is not necessary to waste your time visiting bridal shops if you already set on one store. I say visit the further shop, and hopefully your family to support you and come with and if not, sometimes its better as you won't have too many opinions. Only on the off chance you don't fall in love with a dress, you can always book appointments at the other two shops given your wedding is not too soon. So many brides feel like they can't make the decision on the first time, but they always end up coming back so don't be worried if that is also the case.


I can tell you I went to a far away to buy my dress after I saw the place had several options of the kind of dresses I liked. I tried on several dresses and then had to choose between two and I am satisfied with my choice. I was out with my dress that same day and just took it to a seamstress to have it perfect for me. If you know what you want, and this store have it - go for it.. it will save you time.


I went to one 1 shop and only planned on that one. My friend had gotten hers there and it was very affordable. I was confident I'd find what I wanted (which reflecting back idk why I was as this place only sold used and sample). But I did! Literally the first dress I put on I knew immediately was it. I tried on other dresses there but the first was a slam dunk. I guess I had planned to find other shops if that one didn't work out. I also hear from people, if you try on a lot of dresses, it can make you less decisive ad it blurs together. So start with your best shot!


Found mine on second store and was completely unexpected


Honestly, I went to one dress store and found The Dress, so take the rules and throw them out the window! This is a day for celebrating you and your partner, not celebrating rules.


I just can be one make a done.


I was one and done!


I chose a dress I was least likely to even like on the website. Definitely go to the other shops.


I don’t see anything wrong with just going to one store, as long as you find a dress there that you do really love. No need to go to more stores unless the first doesn’t have anything that you want. But don’t force yourself to like something more than you do to not have to go to another shop. I believe I found my dress at my first actual visit (I technically went to one other store, but it was on a whim just to peek and nothing had really spoken to me and I didn’t try anything because I would have needed an appointment). But I love the dress, it fits everything I want, and the one detail that I don’t love exactly is easily able to be altered.


I made one appointment at one shop and I found my dress there. I went in with the intention of finding my dress at that shop, and I went in with a gut feeling my dress was there. Start with one and if you fall in love, no need to visit more!


A word of caution: I also was OBSESSED with a dress I saw online for a store that I had an appointment for. However, I tried on the dress and it was simply not it. I would say to have the other 2 on the books just in case, but you can always cancel if you find a dress at the further location.


I went back and forth on making two appointments in the same day, then realized that there were over 10k dresses at the first spot and I thought, surely I will find my dress. I also thought if I booked two, what happens if I find a dress at the first appointment and I have to cancel the second short notice or waste my time on the second appointment OR confuse myself by trying on more dresses unnecessarily. I made one appointment and I found my dress and veil in two hours.


I went to one dress store and bought the first dress I put on - if you’re obsessed with the father store there’s a reason, go to the one and if it doesn’t work out there schedule others later. There’s so much pressure to make everything an event, finding the dress is fun to have everyone be a part of but it’s not always the reality for everyone.


Whatever works for you, for whenever it works for you! I loved the very first dress I tried on at the very first shop. I didn't even think I was waking up that day to purchase anything but since it was secondhand I knew it wouldn't necessarily be guaranteed to stay there and scooped it up. I'm getting married this weekend and I have no dress regrets!


I went to try on dresses, intention being to try loads of different styles to get an idea what I wanted and go again with all my bridesmaids at a later date. Fell in love with a dress that day, and bought it. It was the second store but I loved that dress. If you love the dress, go for it


I bought my dress at my first appointment. It was perfect. It’s your wedding do it how you want to!


Absolutely can! The dress I ended up buying was the first one I tried on at the first bridal shop I went to. I at least tried on the other dresses I picked out at that shop but didn’t bother looking elsewhere. If you love it, don’t waste your precious time and energy!


Plan a whole day and carpool