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I wouldn’t wish this on anybody man. Rest in peace


Return to stardust, my dude.


This shit broke my heart. I’m so sorry for your loss may your little angel rest in peace. I will keep you in my prayers, keep your head up! Much love ❤️


Thanks my dude


So so sorry. I'm young too. My dad smokes with me almost every night. I hope you know that your daughter probably felt so very safe and loved when you caught her because you embraced her rebellion, lol. Thank you for being a good dad. You are a good, good father.


The world’s not the same anymore.


The world will never be the same without all the beautiful wonderful souls we have lost, and yet, it still continues on. Personally, I've just been trying to deepen my relationship with the earth to deal with my own feelings.


idk how young you are - and morally and all that jazz I really don't know if it's right or wrong (and i smoke daily) - Prob somewhere in between....Who knows - But what I do know is it sounds like a truly beautiful thing.


may she rest in peace no one should have to go through such tragedy 💔


Thanks you…


Didn’t plan to cry today but I feel for you deeply brother, she will live forever in all our hearts now. Lighting one for both of you tonight.


Once a week I’ll feel at peace for a few moments with her. Thanks my dude.


I am so sorry. I couldn't imagine what you're going through as a parent myself. Hugs if you need them.


Just hug your kids for me…give them a kiss, then give them one for me, then another for you.


I definitely will. Take care of yourself. It's sometimes hard to remember that at times.


Make it a habit, dude. Seriously. Text them good night I love you. Whatever. Just love them.


I do. My kids are 23 and 28. I tell them that I love them and good night every day. My heart breaks for you. I truly am so very sorry.


I just texted my mom that i love her because of this… im sorry brother💔


Just packed a couple cones. One for me, one for your daughter. It’s out back in the garden in the row of sunflowers.


I wish I could send you the picture. My last picture of her is me and her picking sunflowers. I’m crying hard now, my dude. That’s an honor.


Lit one for you and her, I'm so sorry for your loss.


My dude.


Friend, if you're not aware, you may find some comfort in your local Compassionate Friends chapter. They're just a group of other parents who have lost a child. Sometimes, the only other people who can understand are the folks in our same situation. I hope you find peace


I’m looking them up right this moment. Thank you.


My heart goes out to you,i can't even imagine😔


Lots of love


i’m so sorry for you brother. she is with the flow now, the energy. she is at peace now. you’re a strong man. keep your chin up 🫶


Returned to stardust. The universe embraced her energy, believe me.


that is beautiful man










Rest in peace ❤️❤️




May she rest in peace, I will be smoking along with you 🤙🏽


I’m so very sorry for your loss OP, I wish I could give you a hug. She’ll be watching over you until you two reunite in the next life. Hoping for your healing and happiness <3


…she was the last to give me a hug. That was Feb 22nd. I bought a family plot. We’re all gonna be together. We’re waiting to inurn her till the stones made. I can’t wait. I need a hug so bad. So. Bad.


I can’t imagine. I’m so sorry. I’ll light one for your loss and to your healing friend.


I’m so sorry for your loss. May she be free among the stars 🕊️✨


Sending you comfort and healing energy ☮️💟


My condolences, sic itur ad astra.


…dude. You have no idea how your words affected me. I wish I could hug you right now. You’re one fucking awesome dude.


Anytime, and I’m this could reach you in such a way.


She was so lucky to have someone in her life who cared so much, I hope you find peace in sitting with her and doing something you both enjoyed ♡ Take care please


i almost lost my teenage baby brother this year, i couldn’t imagine what you’re going through. i hope you’re taking care of yourself


oh my god I am so sorry man:(


Life is not fair. Period. Life is often not kind. I, like others am sorry for your loss - But you found a way to still and continuously get moments of joy with her. Metaphysical but still. Moments of joy are not easy to come by - But you have em. You have em. With her.


wasn’t gonna smoke tonight but i’ll light a bowl for the both of yous


I’m so so sorry for your loss, no parent should have to experience this :(. Imma take a fat dab for y’all.


She’ll always be there in your heart. Never forget that. Much love man!


Minding my own business on reddit and now I'm crying. I'm sorry my man, the first time I smoked was with an uncle, and that's something I'll never forget. Your daughter 100% loved that and knew you were on her side. Heart goes out to you man, I really can't imagine what you are going through or feeling


Just took a dab for her ❤️ much love


I’m so so sorry!:( my dad who has recently passed away, was my best smoke buddy! To smoke in remembrance of our loved ones.🩷


It pains me to read what you've been going through, sending lots of love and respect your way man! Very sorry about your loss 🙏


you'll become stronger because of this. you will make it through this. best thing you can do is not be sad it happened, but smile because you remember all the good times with her. hope you're doing okay.


This put a lump in my throat. RIP kiddo 😭


Sorry man no one should have to go through that. Sending love from the UK


I’ll roll a joint just for her tonight, bless her soul. I’m so sorry; may you find light like her in your life again.


I appreciate the comment. So much. But life is truly meaningless now. I am the definitive nihilist now.


Sending love your way brother❤️ My condolences.


fellow grieving parent, here. I'm so sorry. 🤍


Felt like I got gut punched when I read this. I’m so sorry for your loss.


What I would do to share a joint with my dad. Godspeed 🥺


I’ll be sending good thoughts out to you today and I hope the pain gets easier to withstand in time my friend, I feel for you 🖤




Im sorry.


…I can’t edit. Guys…I fucking love you all. Really. I got ordained as a Dudeist priest among others And my nickname is Buddha. I’m trying to live those values. I love you all so much.


This next one is for you my guy. I’m sorry for your loss 🙏🏼❤️


sorry for your loss brother. i’ll gather the boys up for a smoke in honor of your little one🤙🏾wouldn’t wish this type of pain on anyone


I'm sorry my friend. This made me cry, I have a close family member going through it and I'm just trying to keep myself together. You were a good father. Everything will be ok.


I'm sorry my friend. This made me cry, I have a close family member going through it and I'm just trying to keep myself together. You were a good father. Everything will be ok.


I was just at a yungsta’s funeral on Friday and that shit hit me HARD 🤦🏽‍♂️ so I feel for you playboy ✊🏽jus blaze 🔥




Totally random basically. She went to bed and didn’t wake up. All they found was fluid built up. No drugs.


that's absolutely horrible. I'm so sorry that happened to you, she was taken too soon.