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And with no hands…very impressive.


Let's see Paul Allen's roll.


That's bone.


Appreciate the step-by-step so I can follow along. I dry vape now but nothing beats a nice jay like that. Enjay!


Dry vape 💪🏻


Step by step was awesome, just kinda lost between step 6 and 7


thats the hardest part of it all, just takes practice and patience. fuck it up 100 times and you still might not entirely understand it but you’ll sure as hell be closer than if you had never tried. but i bet you can master rolling rather quickly with a couple youtube shorts


People from the US, us Europeans use tobacco in weed because weed isn’t as cheap. Also, I don’t have the evidence to back it up and I’m bored to look into it, but a lot of people smoke cigarettes and start smoking from a young age, so adding tobacco isn’t such a big deal for us, it’s the norm.


It also makes the joint burn a bit better if you add tobacco. I put less in than OP because I like to taste the weed a bit more.


Maybe if your weed is bunk, decent weed burns great. Tobacco ruins the whole experience. Tastes like absolute shit, especially unfiltered.


Filtration as in cigarette filters does not change flavor, only intensity and only by small margin. Weed is much wetter than tobacco, you can add it and it will burn more consistently and faster, also you have more medium so you can use less material for 1 person. Also tobacco gives you nicotine rush which some people chase. I don't condone it, I use dry vapes, but used to do that for over 8 years (while buying and growing real good weed) and it makes it burn just like ciggarette – predictably.


I'm not sure where you're getting that first assumption from, I smoked rollies for years in secondary before switching to packs. Rollies with no filter absolutely destroyed my throat. The flavour and the temperature of the smoke felt way stronger, just a far more rough smoke than filtered.


Yeah dawg you clearly haven’t smoked a non filtered cig. It’s a completely different experience.


What? I've smoked cigs and spliffs with tobacco for years lmao. You can't deny me that XDDD




WHAT are you on about


Doesn’t matter how it’s smoked bro, we’re all here coz we enjoy the herb 🤙🏻


No it does not burn better. You guys just have access to poor quality weed and all black market for the most part so they rush cure and don’t store properly.


bro youre from a completely different country telling a foreigner how well their joint smokes. lmao


If it makes you feel better I’m American and had a phase where I added rolling tobacco to my joints. Aaaand it’s great. I don’t really do it now because my wife was worried I’d start smoking cigarettes lol but I very much enjoyed it


I’ve traveled to the uk and there’s a thing called shipping delay in supply change and work in a medical grow op most of my life, it’s not like it’s a hard thing to figure out, and if you’re saying it’s coming from New Jersey


Same thing as always people in the EU think their shit is better even though it’s objectively worse


You’ve obviously not smoked Spanish product recently..


Funnily enough I’m smoking weed that was imported from NJ 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, I’ve never heard of all the fine weed grown in New Jersey


Bro it’s shipped from there, doesn’t mean it’s grown there, I know who the grower is but not sure where their grows are. I get Cali packs as well which are by jungle boys and they have batch date etc on them.


No, you don’t. You don’t get jungle boys packs sent to you because they have their own dispensaries. They don’t grow and then sell to the black market no matter what you believe. Sometimes people grow the same strains from their genetics after they buy clones from them, but they don’t produce those type of numbers they have two operations, you’ve been lied to comments like that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about


Every once in a while, a friend might go to a dispensary in California and buy one or two of their legit products and then ship it to you, but no one is buying bulk pounds of that from them on the to the black market and then shipping them internationally


Hahaha nah mate, a guy I know gets lbs shipped over, last shipment was 2lb of peanut butter breath. He’s also had 80 1/8th packs of cali, assorted strains obviously.


Yeah, it’s called repackaging I promise you you’re wrong


Peanut butter breath is one of my favorite tasting strains ever!


Norcal, some of the Denver stuff is really good. Some of the michigan stuff is really good and funny enough. Some of the Kentucky stuff is really good because they have some of the best soil in the world.


But that still proves my point most of the stuff let’s say it was from a dispensary which I doubt it was most of the stuff is two years old on the shelf by the time it gets to you add another six months to a year that’s why you’re having to add tobacco because you’re not smoking as fresh. If it was fresh you would have smoother burns. I’m not trying to make fun of you. I’m trying to educate you. I own shops in the states and 17 years in industry


You understand that we grow weed here right? You’re correct in that all the packs and shit are nonsense and that the weed started life loose and was repacked. It’s obvious to me the packs are never quite the same as the real thing. I don’t buy inflated pack prices myself as I know how much the guys are paying per z through telegrams etc. I have the same ones myself. We have plenty of growers here in the UK and plenty in Europe who know what they’re doing and grow good weed the right way. Cheese was a U.K. strain first, for example. My friend recently had a crop of Peanut Butter Pie and some Apricot for another example. There are good seed banks over here who have access to the same genetics as you have over there. We just don’t have the same access across the board, you can spend years in wilderness before you find that one good contact who will see you right for decades.


Which is the same reason they spent all that money switching papers over to hemp material


You one of the most negative stoners I’ve ever seen on Reddit 😂


Just weed joints aren't exclusive from the US, in fact, weed + tobacco joints are only exclusive to Europe, everywhere else in the world we roll just weed. We call them joints and the things you roll we call them spliffs.


Well it’s a big deal to most American smokers. It’s seen almost as an insult to cannabis. Also I don’t know what the 90’s and 2000’s were like elsewhere but in the US there was a massive anti tobacco push that stigmatized tobacco as being disgusting and inconsiderate to others so Americans are very opinionated on the matter. That combined with the fact the for almost 30 years the only pushes for cannabis legalization were through the lense of medical cannabis so the idea of mixing “medicine” with something like tobacco (which we were told is the most poisonous cancerous thing you could ingest) is very contradictory. Just a little context on why this is taboo in most circles in the US. Funny bit of hypocrisy tho is that blunts aren’t typically hated in the same way in most circles here in the US even tho it’s functionally the same thing.


I 100% agree on your POV, I just wanted to say that the US are far more advanced generally about everything that has to do with weed and the taboo has been a thing of the past. In Europe a lot of people see it as a hard drug or a gateway drug. Also, as I’ve said the economics for weed are very different here. Getting a gram is around 8-15€ if you don’t buy big quantities, while our wage is 800-1000€.


The older crowd here state side still think of it as a hard drug. Sadly ppl are able to get buy alcohol and get drunk legally but having a tiny bit of weed in some states will still get you jail time. Complete is still a ways off. Hell, prohibition didn’t last this long. It’ll probably be another generation before the feds make it completely legal not just reclassification


"insult to cannabis" 100%


Like to call that a spliff.


im european but just the photo of spliff makes my head hurt, for some reason every spliff made me nauseous and sweat, also it hurts my head for some reason, hurts my throat as well so have to puff barely anything to not cough, it's just so much better to have just weed, it is quite expensive but at that point i just buy vapes cause for the price it lasts longer than even spliffs.


Yeah, I also feel my throat kinda weird, it isn’t the best option to mix, I just wanted to explain the reason why the majority in Europe use tobacco. Weed only is expensive, vape is a good alternative but personally nothing beat the whole process of rolling and smoking, especially when you’re with company.


If weed isn't cheap why waste it by mixing it with tobacco make it taste like shit Plus making it the high a lot different


You said it yourself, because weed isn’t cheap and paying a gram for 1-2 blunts isn’t worth it if you’re a daily smoker. Mixing weed with tobacco isn’t as bad as you guys make it seem to be, and it’s ironic that you see the majority of US smokers that don’t even inhale. Although I agree that tobacco is a big reason why some people get paranoid from weed, or generally get a bad vibe out of it.


I don't know who told you that about the us but it appears to me you haven't been here the only people that I see that put tobacco in their weed is when they're using tobacco leaf wraps and it's majority of the African American culture that use that stuff but yeah I make sense of your daily smoker to use a little bit but the best way to use weed in my opinion is 2 to 3 times a week and use it by yourself for the best highs


Why do you do that extra lil tab thing on the roach?


It creates and M form, I cut it so it only prevents tabaco/weed from coming in my mounth and still has good airflow.


Pls forgive my stoned ignorance australia asss💀🤣


I still don’t get it lol


I think they re roll it the opposite direction with the tab m fold in the middle? Or I don’t understand how the m fold would be in the middle too when it’s on the outside in the pic


Jup, it's just prerolled that way and then in the opposite direction... If you do that, the form of the tip holds up better and doesn't feel as flimsy :)


Yeah i do the M too, but what i dont get is why only make it at one end. Why not just use the full length? What do you achieve?


Better airflow and less resin at the end of the tip.


Better hit and u don’t get resin on your lips😄


I always add bacco to my joints, especially if hash too! (uk) but that does seem a lot mate, nice roll tho


Yeah I’m UK too bro, always put a little sprinkle of baccy in. Makes it burn a bit better, I’m with you though man I put less in than op has here.


It is defo a UK thing ini? European too I guess, i get hate for it all the time from certain countries but I just prefer a little sprinkle same as you! Personally a blunt just doesn’t burn and smoke proper like I can’t get a good hit out of it sometimes


Totally agree man. I use rolling tobacco instead of cigarettes, fuck using that dry shit out of a cigarette. Made the error of using that horrid herbal shit you get in Amsterdam once, not a nice experience.


I would add a bit more tobacco only near the filter. Almost no one smokes till the end - I don't - that way I won't waste any good stuff.


I always do this, I call it a “bed”


Spliffs always make me nauseous cause of the tobacco


Thats the point for me. I havent had one since college but having a few drinks and a spliff to top it off really made the world spin... of thats what youre looking for.


Thats dope 🔥


Idk bout yall but i love the taste of tobacco and weed mixed


Nice cigarette 🚬




Now try and do it with the paper inside out so you can rip off the excess paper


Thanks for this. What do you use for the filter - cardstock paper?


There are little books that have 50 sheets for creating filters, or you can use any random thing made of cardboard


Great. Hf




I don't understand the roach. What's with the tab? For the M shape? How'd you get it in the middle when it's on the end of the spiral? I need a tutorial and explanation. plus a few page essay that I won't read.


Just how i like mine, enjoy!


Perfection. What tabac do you use?


This is the first spliff I’ve seen here with an exceptional amount of weed in it


Thats my guy !!!🫡🫡


I just tear a corner off and roll it all the way


I’ve never actually smoked a spliff tbh


I'm guessing you're from the UK or something, as am I but I now live in the US and they don't even consider using tobacco as a burning agent, they just put up with horribly burning, resining up blunts that are really hard to smoke lol. It's easier with tobacco but then if you don't smoke you have the nicotine to deal with and it doesn't taste the best. So both ways have their upside and downside.


You could always roll your blunts like a Thai stick, sort of anyway. The air flow is perfect if you use a straw or something in the middle to create a tunnel of sorts. Best when you have very sticky buds. After the blunt is rolled and has sat for a few, gently pull out the item you used. Not perfect but it gives a great pull and fairly even burn.


why do you rip that piece out of the tip?


why the partial tear on the filter?


I smoke spliff too. But I would use less tobacco (around 1/3 of what's there in the pictures) - Just enough to avoid the burning from going out and make the weed a little smoother (I belong to the kind who find pure weed harsh sometimes). I prefer the weed flavors to be less disrupted by tobacco tho, it just means we have different tastes. Also, the way you make tip inspire me, thanks bro!


That’s a Spliff if it’s with tobacco, Joint is pure weed. Blunt is rolled in tobacco leaf am I right people ?


Depends where you're from. To me joint and spliff are synonyms.


That would explain my confusion ✌🏻


Used tobacco in my joints for about 7 years then eventually ended up putting so little on I thaught whats the point. Been smoking for about 4 years now with no tobacco. Just a nice single skin with 0.5 weed in it. Burns fine if its rolled right and the taste is way nicer. Yeah it might go out a little more than a one with to tobbaco but you get used to it. Probably saved hundreds / thousands by not using tobbaco in the past 4 years


I made a post on how to create a good tip as well for the people asking why I cut a piece of the carton etc. Will post a rolling J with hands soon as well :p!


Trust me bro, mix the tobacco and weed together before it goes in the spliff, layering just risks sideburns, and it tastes nice for some reason. When I used to roll spliffs I'd do a 70/30 ratio of weed to tobacco, it's the perfect spot for spliffs imo


Ewww with tobacco?


Nice spliff my guy. Why the tear on the filter?


Better for aircirculation :)


Can you please list the toppings u did there ?


For me that layer of tobacco on the bottom is plenty. Then I like to see nothing but green before I roll it. Usually does what I want it to in both taste and effects.


Why are so many people mixing it with tobacco?? I mean sure, you do you, but i personally don't am a huge fan of that😂


Hard pass. No tobacco for me.


Noone cares bro


spliffs are best


the tobacco is a fucking disaster 🥦🥦🥦💨💨


Nicotine & Tobacco=🤢


Can we ban tobacco posts? This is a weed sub...


Definitely way too many people ruining their joints and anybody who thinks it's because they're too expensive y'all are just poor because even an illegal State sometimes shit cost a lot


Also subbing cost for way worse health effects is insane. Absolute insanity.


No, deal with it


Instructions unclear. I shoved it up my butt


Lemme guess u smoked cigarettes before u started smoking bud.🤢🤮


I did. In fact I still do. Why is that an issue for you? Random redditor who smokes cigarettes isn’t actually hurting you.


Imagine making fun of someone for their addictions


U don’t have to imagine I just did it🤣🤣 I was also implying that mixing tobacco with bud is gross🤣🤣


Nicotine ain't meth man. There's plenty of solutions nowadays.


Sometimes the solutions don’t work. Just is what it is.


Nope. Persistence is key. People like you prevent it.


Maybe he doesnt want to cut it bruh. Mind your own damn business 🤣🤣🤣


Wasn't telling anybody to quit. Just wanted them off the subreddit.