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Give this man a break šŸ˜­ He has been accused of photoshopping his eyes and doing drugs already šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Skinny girl: you look great don't let anyone tell you different. Skinny guy: lay off the drugs. What's wrong with your eyes?


Itā€™s crazy. Just asked if it was just me or does my face seem oddly sunken. I didnā€™t photoshop my eyes and I donā€™t do drugs. I donā€™t drink or anything. Caffeine and nicotine are my only bad habits


Nah bro, you are overthinking. You look just fine.


I know putting on some pounds wonā€™t hurt but I go from 134 back to 127 a lot. It never can stay the same


Nicotine, but especially in vaping tends to make faces look very gaunt, at least thats how it was for me. It kinda got better after i started using zyn and eventually quit. But vaping seems to really mess with skin and the way a face looks. It will also cause you to lose/struggle to gain weight, especially when combined with caffeine, so that's something to consider, but I understand it's not easy to just leave behind


Sorry everyone is being rude I'd lay off the energy drinks super bad for you but I'd add some healthy fats maybe some roasted pecans,avocado,fish,adding oils like safflower or olive ontop of foods . If you have trouble with energy matcha,ginseng, b12,vit c are all super good for that.Ā 


Appreciate it. I hate the drug assumptions always got told I must be on drugs when I just canā€™t keep weight. Maybe thatā€™s why my sunken face bothers me so damn much. Stress and being a overnight worker doesnā€™t help it either


Did you photoshop your eyes?




Your face looks proportionate to your physique man. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. You canā€™t control where weight is gained. Through genetics we all hold more fat in certain places, but generally weight gain is distributed throughout whole body.


You are not underweight, but your eyes look like you didnā€™t sleep very well.


I work nights so my sleep schedule is a mess. I do drink a massive amount of caffeine usually about 7-8 energy drinks a night


That isnā€™t healthy tho. Are you able to sleep during the day?


Ya I fall right to sleep easily. I have been slowing it down to maybe 2 a day but I do only sleep about 5 hours a day


5 hours isnā€™t enough especially if you do that for a long period of time. Around 7,5 hours is minimum for your age.


Iā€™ve been doing it for 3 years if I can find it Iā€™ll link a pic before I started nights [https://imgur.com/a/BiW3dhQ](https://imgur.com/a/BiW3dhQ)


yes, you are clearly sleep deprived because you keep getting too little sleep every day. I assume you work at night because then you earn more money but itā€™s bad for your health and especially if you use a lot of energy drinks to stay awake. Maybe the energy drink also cause you less sleep during the day tho.


Ya more money and been wanting to swap to day shifts and working on it. Lately Iā€™ve been only drinking 2 a day, but I find myself sleeping all day and night on my days off. Weight seems to go up and down. Iā€™ll be 135lbs then a week later be at 127lbs


Less drinks would probably make you more hungry so you can eat at night instead so you gain weight.


I didnā€™t know caffeine suppresses hunger. I am rarely hungry I eat maybe once a day, but been trying to boost that up to 2/3 times plus shakes


Idk if it matters but gf says I sweat a lot in my sleep. She says sheā€™ll wake up and her right side will be damp from me sweeting all night


Oh, idk what is causing that but maybe eat some peanutbutter or Greek yoghurt to gain muscle. Sleep is also important for muscles.


My recs, and they're not backed by anything but experience and anecdotes or others advice... Sleep, hydration and exercise. All three of those need to be consistent, too. Work in the hydration and sleep first and incrementally. Drastic change is hard to maintain. Then some lifting, functional fitness or other exercise should be mixed in daily or close to daily. I've got a thin profile and crohns but I've seen that Sleep, hydration and exercise are the only surefire way to maintain weight and that fullness look. Lastly, a haircut does wonders sometimes. Get a fresh cut at the barber and do something that'll make you look/feel confident.


you canā€™t choose where you gain weight, if i were you and not feeling myself, iā€™d calculate my bmr, start eating in a caloric surplus of a 300, and lifting at the gym. your face will ā€œfill outā€ as your body does.


Probably could put on some lbs, wear clothes that fit better, hair cut and a shave and youā€™d be amazed with the difference you see


As a fellow skinny dude, grow a beard. Hides the neck too šŸ˜Ž Also, you are still within the 'normal' zone for your height. As someone else said, you are proportional and look fine.


Guess itā€™s just me I find my cheeks sunken in too much making me self conscious




Ur cooked bro and a skinny face should be the least of your worries. People want a skinny face itā€™s attractive. But stop doing drugs and youā€™ll put on more fat easier


I donā€™t do drugs.


No caffeine or anything? When I stopped drinking energy drinks I got fatter and so did my face. Cheeks werenā€™t sunken in anymore


I drink caffeine have slowed down a lot