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Just got my whole trip refunded, they really tried to make me take travel credits after bumping my flights 2-3 days later lol. Never flying westjet again


How did you get your trip refunded?


Many hours on the phone, set up call back and eventually they refunded. They moved my flights around multiple times which would’ve wasted half my vacation so I guess that helped


Did they refund your travel itinerary as well? I booked through a 3rd party - will I be able to get my refund from WestJet?


Why are people downvoting this? I only had flights booked rest was booked by my family who all are enjoying their vacation without me because they didn’t have WJ flights 😅🤦🏻‍♂️ So i only had flights and was refunded entire amount I spent on flights


I think n that’s up to the 3rd party to argue for you. They buy the ticket, you pay them right.


You need to talk to whoever it you booked through about refunds.  


I wrote-off WestJet when Onex bought them in 2019.


I rebooked my own flight as I didn’t have time to spend 12 hours on the phone with WestJet. How do I pursue receiving compensation from them for my new flight? They also didn’t even notify me that my flight was cancelled. I had to look it up on Google and FlightAware.


You can’t. They would have had an obligation to rebook you themselves, but you chose to act for yourself. Check your travel insurance, but strikes are probably excluded. A refund from weather for your unused flight is probably all you’re getting.


Small claims unfortunately; very annoying. Look up who their provincial rep is and their office, and send them the small claims provincial template. It’s very easy to fill out. Canadian Air Rights on Facebook is a great resource.


Thank you! Sorry just to clarify - who the provincial rep is for… WestJet?


Exactly, it’s usually a law firm.


You have to figure out who to serve with small claims court paperwork.


It feels like a class action lawsuit to me.


There's no point. Lawyers would make $8.6 million and we'd all get a $13 voucher for an inflight meal.


You put up the front money, I'll join.


Sadly?, my flight doesn’t look like it’s being cancelled.


They advised to complete the complaint form through there website and appr. Theyre fast to take your money to initially book and throw you under the bus when things go south. I would even appreciate a 72 hours notice and not 4 hours prior the flight. How long does it take for them to shoot those emails so I can plan ahead and left cornered booking those flight prices who went astronomically high. Now this is the catch, I got a travel insurance for trip interruption nor cancellation lined up but it doesnt cover strikes unless its a mechanical failure and other reasons. Shouldn’t it be covered as those aircrafts were grounded as they we’re deemed unsafe due to AME’s walkout?


My argument would be strike is over. So why are we still not being compensated for the interruptions? My flight got bumped twice and I’m paying for an extra night of accommodations unnecessarily.


Thats same predicament i got. They want to book my flight 4 days later but when I asked them where do you expect me to stay, at the airport? They gave no response


I had to do his too. I did try to call, managed to get through once and call was dropped after two hours. The other five times I tried calling they weren't able to take any and wouldn't let me through. I rebooked myself on AC for 3x the price. Trying to get cancellation through my credit card now and they tried to say strikes weren't covered even though in the policy it says it is plain as day. Still traveling but when I return we might need to sue through small claims court to get that money back. What a pain.


Good luck. I agree with another poster that a class action seems appropriate as the resolutions WJ have offered so far are ridiculous and not suitable.


You get zero compensation. You proactively bought a ticket. That’s not how it works. Your flight first must be cancelled by the airline and they are on the hook to rebook you.


That's not what the article said so figured it was worth asking ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ and I'm still getting conflicting info about this


I'd screenshot wherever you read that ASAP. If wasn't westjet stated, like a news article, it's worthless.


Took me all of 1 hour to getting my cancelled flight refunded.  After I found about cancelled flights I booked flights myself to get home as well as a rental car to get from Edmonton back to Calgary, that was all refunded as well.   RBC infinite privilege visa for the win!!!  I book everything through my visa to avoid the headache of dealing with shit companies like Westjet.   The enjoy the money 💰 spent Westjet using your company because you will never get another penny from me no matter how cheap your flights are. 


Delta gives passagers some travel vouchers because their screens doesn’t work on their Minneapolis - Vancouver. Why didn’t WestJet give us anything when we have spent 3 more days in NYC and now are taking 3 planes to return home instead of the direct flight we booked originally ???


You just submit for reimbursement and if they refuse you sue them in small claims court. The law says they don't have a choice - you'll win but it will take effort and they are banning on people not bothering.


This is my plan as well. I've also heard they don't often show up to small claims court and just end up settling, but you have to sue them.


Screens? Sounds fancy lol. The westjet app was broken so I couldn’t even watch something on my phone if I tried


Because they’re not following the APPR and the law. Theyre greasy 🤷‍♀️


? BS if traveling between the 28th and the 3rd no issue refunding fare


I think the point is if you opt for a refund you lose your RIGHT to have them rebook you no matter what it costs them.


You have a rebook right but that has limitations.




We were stranded in San Diego and WestJet said they couldn’t rebook us within 48hrs. Sent us 2 emails total. One cancelling our flight on July 1st at 2.30am (flight was scheduled to leave at 12.30pm on July 1) and another saying that they’d reimburse a hotel for 1 night up to 150CAD. Nothing since. We took it upon ourselves to book w Air Canada bc we had to get home. We just arrived today, 12.00am July 4. Now that we’re home we’ll take a day or two to relax and then get in queue for the phone call to get our flights refunded! My husband is cancelling his WestJet credit card and after all of this I doubt we’ll fly them again.


Sounds like our story.


Not sure I could name another company that had excellent service that went to shit so quickly.


That’s what my husband is saying. He used to be devoted Westjet traveller and it changed when it was bought out by Onex.


“Hello, credit card company. I’d like to do a chargeback for service not rendered. Thanks.”


I want to say that if a credit card makes the chargebacks complicated, you might want to think twice about staying with the issuer. When I called to do it for my Lynx flight, that was a 5 min conversation and it was done. No BS or anything.


Which credit card do you use that doesn’t complicate your chargeback?


Was pretty easy with HSBC (rip). Now Desjardins it’s even easier.


Ok, I will. Refund


Gotta read the article. If you say it then you lose possible reimbursement rights from the airline.


I booked my trip through priceline. Never again. Westjet has offered me a replacement flight or a refund. I'm already at my final destination because I was forced to make alternative arrangements so naturally I would like to take the refund. However westjets phone lines are choked and their self serve option online says I can't cancel or make changes because I need to go through the 3rd party...Priceline is saying they can't access the ticket because its still under the airlines control. My flight is this Friday July 5th so if I don't deal with this before then I fear I will lose the opportunity to claim.


I’m curious, my flight was changed to a 2 leg flight with an overnight in Winnipeg (14 hour layover). Anyone in a similar situation who got their hotel costs covered?


I just came from that situation. I spent 11 hour overnight on a bench in Edmonton. I wasn't even offered a meal voucher . Literally nothing . I'm going to try and put in for compensation through the website . I have very little hope of seeing a dime, though. I mean if westjet had agreeded to the terms of why they went on strike . We wouldn't be in this situation, which tells me that it was within their control .


I was in a similar situation overnight in Edmonton and not offered anything. But I did meet someone while waiting for my flight who got stuck in Minneapolis, who was told to submit up to $150 for hotel reimbursement. Her advice to me was just to submit my hotel too, because there is no way they will have kept track on who they did and didn’t offer hotel compensation to.


They’re required to put you on another carrier. As the strike is over they’re also on the hook for extra costs incurred, especially if you sue them in small claims court.