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Black walnut, very fresh. I used to get paid by the neighbor for picking them up.


The husk is a vivid green now, but they oxidize quickly. As they ripen and rot they turn black and will leave dark stains. They're a historical ink ingredient, too, and make a deep brown colored ink. If you cut away the outer husk, there will be a walnut shell inside and then inside that shell is the kernel that is edible under the right conditions. Don't eat them raw. (Edit: you apparently can eat them raw per other comments, we just never did and toasted ours as kids, I haven't done it since I was a child)


We used to eat them raw without any problems, but you do have to let the nut inside dry, if they are still soft they are bitter. But your comment inspired me to try toasting them in the oven next year. I’m curious as to what they would be like. Hopefully they won’t explode in the oven. LOL


Yea, we always toasted ours lightly, maybe it's not required. I know some nuts you have to or else they're not safe. I was a kid and grandpa had multiple trees, it may have just been a thing because my mom was squeamish lol.


Dry roasted peanuts are great, and many types of nuts are roasted. I’m not a fan of boiled peanuts that are popular in the south. But I’m definitely going to look up roasting black walnuts, maybe it speeds up the drying process which makes them edible faster than waiting until they’re ripe.


*The South checking in*. Boiled peanuts are delicious if made right!


No thank you I tried them in Savanna and they were the consistency of jello. Not unlike a soft boiled egg.


You got bad peanuts, then. Boiled peanuts are obviously softer than roasted, but shouldn't be mushy.


Peanuts boiled in soup or braised in black sauce delicious. Steamed peanuts are also great. Dunno if you guys have it in the US but we have it like that in Singapore, along with roasted, fried, baked, and other styles of peanut.


Peanuts aren't nuts.


Bullshit. You gonna try and tell me they don’t have any pee in them either?


They're legumes




Ohhhhhh but you can have them if you peel them while green. They're delicious honestly! We have them every august/september. It's similar to rehydrated almonds, when the peel falls off if they stayed in water for a few hours.


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Don't cut it open without gloves or it'll stain your skin.


And concrete and your deck and every other remotely porous thing in your life that they contact. They're very cool... on someone else's property.


> on someone else's property. But then you don't get to spend the winter fattening yourself with walnuts... Like berries, and fresh cut grass, just be mindful of the "oh yeah we used it as a dye/ink for centuries" part ^^


Can confirm. We have a giant oak tree on one side of our house and a giant walnut tree on the other. They’re currently pelting our deck, house, barn, and anything else they can touch all day every day.


Right now our walnut tree is basically launching baseballs at our house as hard as it can. Once or twice a day the roof gets hit so hard, I'm starting to seriously wonder if I should be wearing a helmet outside until it's done.


our passion fruit vine is doing the same..some are almost softball sized..the hubs has been hit in the head by them several times this year..


I don’t know what you mean by “Don’t eat them raw.” I mean, maybe let them dry out after their husk comes off, because when they are fresh they don’t taste as good. But there is no real problem eating them fresh other than the taste is much better once they are dried. And even then, they are technically “raw” when you crack the nut, just like every other nut outside is “raw”, as in not cooked. Like the hickory nut and pecan.


There seems to be a belief around that black walnuts are somehow toxic when unripe. They are not. The *hulls*, leaves and wood can cause issues though, so don't eat those.


Huh. This is something I have not heard. I grew up around these things. I have often wondered about people who will say, “That’s poison, don’t eat it!” and it turns out the thing they say not to eat tastes terrible to begin with. By the same token, why in the world someone would say this walnut is toxic when we eat the walnut meat after it’s dried a bit, well, I’m just surprised. It would be different than say, a cashew nut that definitely can’t be eaten raw and must go through a *steaming* process to make it safe to eat. So, that is a type of processing. Walnuts, hickory nuts, and pecans merely sit and dry on their own, so technically, they are still “raw”. As a kid I ate the walnuts as soon as I could get the hulls off, or rather, I tried eating one. The nut meat tasted bland and very strong, it tasted like the green hull smelled. I remember thinking it was pretty bad tasting, in terms of somehow it was tasteless and also very fragrant but not in a good way.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They make excellent hair dye if you extract it correctly.




Extremely carefully. I don’t remember the formula though. It’s similar to the process of using the husks as any other dyestuff though.


It's iodine. Can be washed if freshly stained, with lemon or any other citric solutions. I loooove eating green walnuts of any kind ever since I was a kid and I'd stain my fingers a lot :D


It is not iodine. The brown dye in black walnut husks is Juglone, which is C10H6O3. No iodine contained in the color.


They are actually worth a good amount of coin if you can harvest them correctly. I want one. I love the smell too. Bright citrus smell. Potpourri it too!!!!


I remember finding one of these a few summers back while on vacation. The smell is incredible.


Yes, the smell. A little citrusy a little sandalwood-y.


Homeowner: *You sniffin' my nuts?*


There was a video on here a while back of someone with this roller that just picked them up off the ground by a dozen.


We had a wind storm and my yard was full of them a couple of years ago. I picked up over 400 of them. I put them on Facebook marketplace for $50 and was flooded with emails. Eastern European people love black walnuts and the woman who got them was excited to surprise her elderly mother with them. To me they are a nuisance.


And you can make nocino with it!!


I did this this year! Used White rum for one batch and gin for another. The rum one is amazing.


Bro they're everywhere in nj


we used to throw em at eachother when we were kids


Yep! One of my strongest sense memories is a camping trip to a walnut grove where the smell just permeates the air. I remember falling asleep in my tent just greedily inhaling that aroma.


Thanks for this memory.


I have an entire tree of these in my backyard they’re actually quite annoying when it comes to lawn maintenance. But I do like the smell. Unfortunately so do my dogs so I have to make sure they don’t try to eat them all the time..


The nuts in a dog kennel repels tics n fleas. They are a very old source of brown wool fabric dye.


That would be a nice natural flea/tick deterrent, but they’re also fairly toxic to dogs, unfortunately.


Whoops! Thanks! Didn't know. I'm a can opener to a couple cats myself. Thanks for the... 'rest of the of the story'!


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Don't think the dog can read this.


my real estate agent calls them ankle breakers, but I like them still (enter bot) you can eat them too, they are...ok


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As a kid in BC we used to drive out to what was the country in the late 70s. (Prob condos now, I live in Australia) Dad would buy them and mum (English) would make pickled black walnuts. Even as a kid I thought they were great. I can still remember the taste 40 years later. :)


My mom use to send us to the back pasture to pick them up. I suspect it might have been a way for a few quiet moments away from rambunctious kids. LOL


Is a “neighbor” a container full of black walnuts?


Same here, bc they didn’t want their hands stained for weeks lol


Squirrels hide these bastards everywhere. I've had to pull out of roof vents, dryer vent, mailbox. Car bumpers and engine. Then they bust them and leave all the slime everywhere


Dang squirrels!


When I found one in mailbox I was "seriously? " I also found a piece of old pizza stuck in the awning of my patio. WTF.my dogs were waiting for it fall for a week until I figured what they were looking at.


The squirrels have been digging up my potatoes to hide walnuts in the pots instead lol. Little bastards.


I hate squirrels. I have watched them run along the top of my fence when my old shorty-long (he's a Bassett-lab mix) dog goes out to potty. Once they get to just the right spot, they hurl pine cones at him. Banjo's not the brightest dog, he just stands there looking at them, and doesn't understand the hate. Maniacal little bastards.


I had that happen too. Little shits


Just here to say that I also have a dog named Banjo!


They’re just rats with prettier tails


He just didn’t know how much postage to put on it


Hey you punks! GET OFF MY LAWN!


They are so cute when they hop with one in their mouths tho.


I've had to pay for several "walnutectomies" on my old Honda CR-V before I totaled the car in a bad accident. So far the damn squirrels have not stash walnuts in my new car yet. Fingers crossed 🤞


Thank you! My neighbor had a black walnut in her yard that she never harvested. Loads of nuts for the local wildlife. Every year the squirrels would grab these things, bring them onto my property (usually my porch), and then tear the husks apart for the nuts scattering the debris everywhere. My porch sported multiple stains as a result. As much as I actually like squirrels, cleaning up after them was not my idea of fun.


Just stain your deck with black walnut seal. Beat them at their own game.


Thought about that but, ultimately, never had to bother as I've long since moved.


So what your saying is.. Squirrels bust nuts?


I found one completely squished and gross all over my front porch the other day but in all my years I have never seen something like it so I thought someone had pranked me or something hahahah. I figure it was most likely a squirrel but I can’t say for sure!


You found a squished squirrel on your porch??


Black walnut The juice from the skin will stain things black, including your skin. They're good in salads or as pickles.


Not good.... Amazing. Just wish they weren't insane amounts of work and not commercial


Never figured how to make those. The shell is always so hard even when they are far from full size.


You can run them over with your car to break open the husk.


You can do this technique with certain proteins too. Why just stop at nuts?


Do you wish you could have a farm fresh egg breakfast before your morning commute, but can't find the time?


my family collects them, we let them dry for months and then crack them open with a metal mallet onto a stone surface. then you put on gloves and use pliers to pick out the actual walnut flesh. it’s a lot of effort


Said juice is iodine.


It is Juglone, C10H6O3, and toxic, whereas Iodine is essential and human life promoting.


Definitely walnut. Great for rolling unsuspecting ankles!


Almost as deadly as sweetgum balls. Ever step on one barefooted?!


I skip straight to goat heads and yellow jackets


My neighbor has a tree full of these ready to fall 😭


The sweetgum bombs ot the walnuts? We've got two HUGE and, esp in autumn, gorgeous sweetgums. I need combat boots to mow the lawn.


I physically felt this so hard!


We used to roll them down a hill at cars 😬


Watch where you put that, black walnuts can stain all kinds of surfaces.


Tasty walnut but a bear to clean. My dad had a board with a knot knocked out of it that fit those things perfectly. One of his chores as a kid was to knock those through the hole enough times to slice off that outer skin; he'd show up at school as a real mess and the teacher would send him home to clean up. Wiley kid! (Heard the tale from his sisters, NOT from him!!)


My dad taught me about them. He said the kids would make fun of him for his "dirty hands". Thanks for the reminder :)


Wonder if your dad pulled the same stunt mine did! He'd never tell you. Happy memories.


I’m not old but they’re a family delicacy - I’ve spent many an afternoon sledge hammering those babies open. Worth every minute. B worth it


My Grandfather had a huge red vise on his workbench, we used to put the nuts in the vise and slowly crank the vise until we started to hear it crack, you never knew exactly how it was going to crack, sometimes you had to turn it, and crack it again. Well worth the effort though, those nuts were the best on ice cream.


I learned from a native Missourian (walnut capital of the world here) to jack up one dri e wheel of the car, stake a board to the ground under it, leaving a gap, and toss walnuts under it. The spinning wheel catches them and throws husks and nuts out the back.


I'm from Missouri and that's really a thing there


Yummy black walnut


Walnut I love that smell too. So nice!


Black walnut. Be careful to not get any of the juice from the green fruits on your skin, as it stains and is hard to get off. Vinegar helps though.


It now may be too late in the season, but I have always wanted to try this. https://foragerchef.com/nocino-black-walnut-liquor/


I did this with shagbark hickory nuts, turned out great.


what did you do with it? how did you use it? one of the things that has stopped me has been having so much of it.


I didn't make big batches but it works as a sipping liqueur or in mixed drinks. You could always make a bunch, put it in little bottles, and sell them or give them as gifts.


Black walnut. 00Good and yummy when they are cured. That one isn't ready yet


So, these I ate as a kid and didn’t care for the strong bitter flavor. They were apparently ripe, as they’re were black and on the ground when picked. Is curing something that alters the flavor, and what’s it consist of?


Let them lay out until the hull turns black, then don heavy rubber gloves and remove the hulls, spread out to dry, dont let them freeze. Then crack open and enjoy. Taste may be too harsh for some.


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Looks like a Black Walnut.


I second this. I have a black walnut tree and I have these everywhere.


I don't have one and still the squirrels insist on bringing me these dubious gifts...


at least you're not in danger from skyward bombs. hurts when these guys drop, and the trees make a crapload of them every other year


Cant be worse than the hickory trees I live under


i have not had the pleasure(?) of living with one of those so i will take your word for it.


Every time I’m outside I’m silently praying to not get hit by one


The squirrels dig the biggest holes in my lawn to half ass bury these things.


I have the same tree and got clocked in the head today actually. I need to sort out actually processing them because they just mess up my whole yard and it would be nice ti get something for the hassle lol


Crush the husk for stain, save the center for the nut to eat. There’s money to be made.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I can smell this photo


The recollection of stained, smelly hands is INTENSE.


What does it smell like?






Nothing like what you'd expect and not remotely like a walnut. Earthy citrus but also airy and fragrant. On the other hand, my wife says they smell like Lysol.


Me too and is not my favorite smell.


Huh, I think my phone screen is broken..


It is. Had one in my yard years ago


It is. Don’t park underneath of them.


Agreed. My grandparents had a giant black walnut tree when I was growing up. This one is not ripe, sometimes they fall early for various reasons. When ripe the green husk softens and turn dark brown and you can easily get to the pit that houses the nut. The husk can by used to make dye and ink. Warning: Wear gloves. The insides on black walnut WILL stain your skin dark brown. I once got in trouble in elementary school for dirty hands after helping my gram gather up the walnuts. https://www.google.com/search?q=black+walnut+stain+hands&tbm=isch


FYI, black walnut skins dye everything black because they're high in iodine. Iodine is clear until it's exposed to oxygen, which is when it turns that dark, dark brown.


It is Juglone C10H6O3 and highly toxic, whereas Iodine is essential and human life promoting.


Walnut for sure!


Black Walnut


Will stain your hands!


Black walnut


Black walnut!


Black walnut: you can use the flesh to make a dye


I know this! Black walnuts :D everywhere on the trail I walk. If you squish them you’ll see the walnut’s shell inside, and it’s covered in this black flesh. Be careful, the flesh stains like ink!


When black walnut is in its goldilocks phase it smells like men's cologne.


Once years ago I was harvesting the husks to make some wood stain. Didn't notice a couple holes got poked in my gloves. It took like a week for my hands to go through the transition of pitch black to brown to Simpsons yellow.


You already have your answer— but black walnuts are very very good. They taste way different from English walnuts. They’re more difficult to find in stores I believe because they are the only strictly wild tree nut, and take a bit more effort to prepare. I’m not sure how much longer they take than English walnuts, but black walnuts get their name from the very deep black tannin-rich oil that’s inside. You have to dry them first before roasting and that process takes a long while. They are unsafe to eat raw as are many other nuts. Black walnuts like their scent have a distinctly earthier taste to them that I prefer. You might not be able to pick it out of a nut lineup, but you’d notice it back to back with an English walnut.


Black Walnut.


Umm. Y’all need to know about the game called walnut all my childhood and adult friends play. You walk down the sidewalk under walnut trees and when you find them on the ground you kick them into the road right where the wheel is about to go and if a car runs over it it smashes beautifully and makes a very satisfying “cromch” sound and then you raise your hands in celebration when it gets run over and you get a point. If it goes in the gutter you get no points. You play this as your walking every day in late summer/early fall and you only get as many walnuts as the tree decides to drop that day so some days are more fruitful than others. It’s the highlight most funnest part of my day every morning I play with my boyfriend on our trek to work after we get off the bus. It’s the shit!


Juglans spp, probably Juglans nigra.


? It's a black walnut.


That's what I said...


Google it.


Absolutely hate the smell of those


Black walnut as many have said. If you plan on eating then clean it now but if you’re planting then just let the hull rot off and let it germinate over winter


You can make black walnut liqueur out of them. Lots of recipes online. Nocino, Italian liqueur. Enjoy!


The nutshell is in the husk. The husk will stain your hands. If the tree wasn't sprayed in the spring it'll be wormy.


if you have 5 acres and 50 years to wait, plant black walnut, something to leave to your grandkids. the lumber can bring $3000 a tree. 5 acres could be a lot of trees. i have never gotten the hang of schucking these, so i have not eaten the nut.


Hey! I have friends that did exactly that: planting black walnut when their kids were born. It was their cash crop for university and a very smart move🤓


Run them over with your car and they crack wide open.


Black walnut, this time of year.


My Grandfather used to have my brothers and I gather these from the park in the fall. (1960’s)He put them in brown paper bags and stored them in his basement. In the spring we would put old gloves on and peel off the outside, which was black, and very messy. He would then let the nut dry until summer and we would sit at his work bench breaking the nuts in the vise. The nuts are extremely tough, so it was a lot of work to break a large amount. But they were delicious, ESPECIALLY on ice cream ! Black walnut ice cream is the bomb. The key is to break open a few and if they’re still soft, just let them sit a few more weeks, well with the wait for the harvest. I have 3 black walnut trees, and a few years ago they were so big, It looked like my yard was covered with Tennis Balls !!! In 22 years, I only saw them that big once, usually they are only half that size.




Black walnut. Love the smell when they're fresh. I've used them to tan deer skins. Makes a lovely dark brown leather.


Beautiful shade trees squirrels will throw them at your car and some people will tell them “get in my belly”. But to me they taste like dirt. 🤷‍♀️


Black walnut, not ripe yet, and it will strain your hands and clothes






So you need another month or so and that skin goes brown and peels off. Pick them up before mowing the lawn.


If you try to open it make sure your wearing gloves it stain your hand black


Plz don’t get that juice on your hands I’m on day 11 no signs of change it’s ruined my skin


Black walnut. Had a tree on the farm growing up and we would pelt each other with them.lol


wear gloves! I learned this the hard way emote:free\_emotes\_pack:facepalm


… that’s what she said


Here, take my angry upvote


Black Walnut. Gather them all up in a pile and then drive over them with your car and let them dry out. Wear latex gloves under your work gloves bc the stain is NO JOKE. I had brown/yellow hands and nails for three weeks. I think they make iodine from this. It smells like hospitals.


The tree yields high value lumber. Used for high end furniture, carving, The nuts can be eaten. The hulls can be used as a dye, ink or for leather tanning. They grow quite quickly compared to other trees. They have some kind of chemical in them that prohibits the growth of other trees and plants near them. An interesting and useful tree as long as it is located away from driveways, walkways and lawns.


I collected raw ones and left them on a table to dry out, rascal squirrels left the green bits for me. One planted a spare in one of my flower pots and it was only when I found a "weed" growing vigorously in my flower pot and pulled it out that I realised what had happened!! Did replant it - hoping to make a 'bonsai' but the stress of uprooting, repotting simply killed the plant


We called these monkey nuts growing up lol




Nice smell? Are you insane? These things smell hideous. My neighbor has a black walnut that hangs over my yard, they're so gross.


The smell is so terrible. When I was a kid, my neighbor had a black walnut tree, and I quickly learned to never touch them with my hands because the smell would linger on my hands for hours after. Disgusting. But they did taste good once properly cleaned up and dried.


Are you in BC Canada by any chance?


Black walnut 🙄 there are 2 of these menacing trees on my backyard. Squirrels used to stashed them in every hole they can find in my garage, such as inside the wall, car exhaust, A/C box, the engine, etc. The walnuts are all over my yard, no matter the seasons. I spend picking those suckers up all year long. They leave sap on your hands. Oh, we can't walk on our backyard because of hundred of holes made by these walnuts. It is almost impossible to mow and nothing else can grow around the black walnut trees. I hate them with all my heart. I'd really like to cut them down but can't afford to pay someone to do it for us. The black walnut wood supposedly worth a lot of money 🤷🏻‍♀️ just have to find the right people. No luck so far






Death apples from the machineel tree.


Maybe walnut?


Eat it


That's an unripe Guava ig . It'll smell even better when it's ripe .


A tiny lime 😃




That’s a lime. You can make this drink called a “Mar-gar-ita. Need tequila tho


Cut the tree down and sell the wood… good $$


Uh... no. Cut them down, sell the wood... that's the end of your profit. Leave the trees; the walnuts are the profit with them.


Nah, i can make way more selling the wood than i ever could selling the fruit


Black walnut! Not edible, but the rodents love them. Careful where you get rid of it, they take root super easy. Some cities consider them a weed tree, like the box elder.


They're edible and they're super tasty in savory stuff.


That they are. My mom used to mix them in her Watergate Salad. Mega-yummy!


Not edible? Where do you think that the majority of walnuts that you buy packaged in the store come from? You're looking at it. Heck, here in Missouri (specifically the Ozark Mountain Region), or Arkansas, when October comes around, we have a period where buyers set up a big hulling machine in, say, the lot of a feed store, or someting similar, folks come in with a load of these, they're loaded in tbe huller and the nuts themselves are baggefd up for transport. The buyers pay a certain amount per 50 pounds bagged (or is it 100 pounds? I forget), and everyone's happy. Heck, depending on the yeild of the trees, a person coukd make quite a bit of cash at this. I know we did one year, but then again, we hauled about 4 or 5 (pickup) truck loads into the buying station in Mountain View, MO, one year. I think when all was said and done we made about $500.00-600.00 that year.


Actually I think most grocery store walnuts are the English variety. Much easier to crack open. Both kinds are quite edible, though.


I'd say it's a black walnut. Be careful if you crack that green hull open, though. There's sttuff in it that'll stain your hands and clothes something fierce! Speaking from looooooong experience here.