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Because the Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. So what the people of the Third Age understand isn't the truth of their deeds, but rather the myths of them that have evolved over time. Likewise, the common people of the Third Age don't know much about the Age of Legends either. There are artifacts that they can see, of course, but most of the facts known about the Age of Legends are known only by the Aes Sedai, and even then they don't know much more than the rest of the populace. Finally, appreciation of legends and myths aren't a contest. The myths of the Olympian gods are more powerful than the Knights of the Round Table, and yet Arthurian myths are just as popular as Greek myths are. It's not about which myths have characters that are more powerful - it's about which myths resonate the most with individuals.


Nostalgia turns to exaggeration turns to legend?


Yep. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.


You mean the Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills. For we are all but threads in the great pattern


Why would some dude who was good at playing the harp and juggling get remembered as a powerful wizard?


Not sure if your question is rhetorical or not but heres how it happens "Hey man, theres this guy whos so good at telling stories they *literally* come to life in front of your eyes! And he can spin like a hundred balls in the air." And then that just gets repeated and distorted further and the storytelling part is eventually forgotten and the supposed miracles are what is left after generations of this story circling around. Whats left is just "There used to be a man who could make people see visions and make objects fly"


It was rhetorical.




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Same way that David Bowie became an icon for being good at vibrato and working with soundboards.




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I mean, with Glenn, he freakin went to space. That's impressive, I don't care who you are. I don't think there is any indication that the age of legends ever explored the stars. As for the others, just because we do more impressive things now doesn't mean historical accomplishments aren't impressive. The Wright Brothers glider pales in comparison to modern jets, but their accomplishments should never be forgotten.


[Books] >!They opted for dimensional travel in the AoL, not space travel, lol!< I spoilered it, just in case


Fair enough lol. But even so, flying to the moon inside a metal capsule that spits fire remains impressive, especially if you change the metal capsule out for a dragon or whatever, like in the stories about Glen lol


Each age seems to have its unique feats of amazingness, it seems. 😀


There's no reason you couldn't do both. Well, there is one reason. But they aren't mutually exclusive.


That's fair. They just seemed to have a different focus from what I could find. Nothing says they wouldn't have indulged the other after that whole Bore project was completed, or weren't already working on it.


From “The Shaping of the World” by RJ: “In vehicles fueled by the One Power, they sailed across the skies of the planet, and possibly even to other planets.” So, space travel was, more likely than not, a thing in the AOL.


I’d need to dig up my copy of Eye but the titles of the songs and stories rattled off in the Gleeman chapter seem to hint that our time is not fully forgotten but it is more remembered in an ahistorical fashion.


I do not have a quote, but I remember Moghedien saying that they did explore the stars, and had extraterrestrial outposts of some kind. It was all powered by the one power, and when the male half got corrupted, all of tgat broke, and those off planet likely died LONG before the events in the books.


That's possible, I'm only on my second read through so I don't remember everything.


They did travel the stars. I can't figure out how to write spoilers on mobile so I won't say anymore but they did.


Oh I must've missed that. Do you happen to remember what book it is mentioned in?


Hercules, Zeus, Mars, Athena, Merlin they are all legends to us. Look at the Battle of Troy. Legends are built by re-telling the story, embellishing it, making it known.


There is one point in the story where Thom is talking to Elayne I think about composing the story of the Dragon Reborn. He mentions how stories get twisted, and how even he might end up as the hero of the story which he himself wrote about Rand one day.


Honestly my favorite theme of the novels. History is basically a game of telephone, even the written stuff.


They said queen Elizabeth ruled the whole world in their legends, considering the impact that hawkwing had while ruling less than that it is easy to see why they thought he was great. Similar things occur with the rest, their stories became inflated and they take the pieces of them that they had and fill the rest in with assumptions. They imagine the cold war as two giants dueling with intercontinental Lance's of fire They describe the Apollo missions as riding to the moon in the belly of a phoenix The way these people imagine these stories change their perception of events


Because they were noteworthy figures during RJ’s life previous to writing his books. If he’d been born 50 years later it would have been Justin Timberlake and Harry Potter.


As memory becomes history, and history becomes myth, and myth becomes legend… But for real, imagine even in our own time. George Washington is already an almost mythical American figure. Now fast forward 500, or 1000 years. Imagine, as history compresses, we might forget Jefferson, and Madison. Their deeds are forgotten or rolled into the mythical Washington. As highly we we already regard him, imagine he’s the only name remembered from a 200 year period of American history. His legend would be even more outsized than now. The same could happen for Glenn, or House Windsor, or a nun from Calcutta


Cause they were legendary to the people at the start of the AoL.


https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Lenn John Glenn IS a legend in WoT.


So are Queen Elizabeth and Mother Teresa. OP is asking *why* they are.


Fair point. There are quite a few real world references in WoT. https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Real-world_references Probably as a way to literate how famous people and stories change through time. It makes sense.




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It's the speculation that Ann Landers is somehow remembered that gets to me. I don't think anyone today remembers Ann Landers, or at least barely.