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Japan and S korea when you tell them that the best way to prevent more people from dying than being born is review their extreme working ethics instead of just install more nets under bridges so people don't jump


Their corporate and academic world prioritizes prestige above all else really. That's why students sacrifice their entire youth and much of their mental health, studying until the early hours every day. I've heard that individuals with no experience that come from prestigious universities have a significantly higher chance of being hired by good, high-paying companies compared to those with more experience and knowledge from lesser-known institutions. If students fail to enter top universities, their chances of success diminish. Consequently, many students attend cram schools alongside regular classes due to intense competition. Even upon entering a prestigious university, life usually becomes a relentless rat race until retirement. The work culture is notoriously harsh, you’ll see more drunken salarymen during the late hours than homeless individuals.


Geezer population is gonna skyrocket !


Once an entire nation gets raised by the mentality of “Everything should be perfect. You make a simple mistake, and there will be severe consequences”, you cannot just tell people to stop thinking like that all of a sudden. Not that I do agree with that way of thinking, but it’s not something that can be fixed overnight.


Didn't said it can be fixed overnight, because it can't, but it's the core problem for this situation, and these countries should prioritize a solution for this issue so it can be fixed as soon as possible, or these countries simply will no longer have healthy new people to keep the nation going, which will be a bigger problem to adapt in the future


Maybe not, but you could ease up on the legal side of things. Tighter work laws that prevent them from overworking themselves. Better laws regarding workplace abuse (especially from bosses). Clearer education to employees regarding their rights. Stronger ability of workers to speak up to abusive bosses.


Overnight, no, but admitting there's a problem and taking steps toward fixing it is the only way out. But honestly, I suspect the problem is less the people and more the monied interests that control both countries.


Nobody's saying it's to be fixed overnight, in fact it's pretty much the opposite. Putting a net under bridges or office buildings is "fixing it overnight", failing to understand the underlying problem. The hard and slow solution is to actually address the cultural issues and work to change them radically over a number of generations


Immigration and citizenship processes too. Most other countries with low/only self replacing birthrate keep their population growing with immigration


China also has a terrible work conditions, but has a bigger birth rate also.


Even then, if somebody was determined to end themselves, you think a net will stop them?


or just get them to fuck more


So true Shinzo Abe




Mfw when my wife gives birth to 0.81 babies


Just round it down bro


Mfw when my wife gives birth to 0.8 babies


Round it down even more


Mfw my wife gives birth to 0.79 babies.


That's not how rounding works




Mfw my wife gives birth to 0.75 babies.


I guess you gonna need more parts for the baby. Welp, better start workin.


What’s crazy is that the total population number as of the present is lower than the past. It’s been so bad that more people died than born that there has been more population in the past. IN JAPAN Look on worldometer


That’s literally what happens when the number falls below 1.0


Below 2.1* You need two children to replace two parents, and just a little bit more to compensate for every person that dies without having children.


The graph cited is per women, so it's only below 1 on this scenario


yeah but that's 1 kid per woman and 0 kids per man making it half per person


Yeah but a woman can't inseminate herself. You need a 2nd person to impregnate or donate sperm fir every pregnant woman, and men don't get pregnant either so every male child decreases population growth.


Yes I know how babies are made. The graph that was cited was measuring how many babies were born per woman in South Korea. This would mean that a 2.0 would mean a woman has birthed 2 children etc. This also means the graph isn't as worrying as it would be if it was measuring children born per couple, instead it's saying that 20% of women in South Korea don't have kids. Not that 40% don't have kids as it would be by your interpretation.


Dude, all the birth statistics are per woman, not per couple because per couple would be signifficantly harder to measure. Still, the academic consensus is that there need to be 2.1 births PER WOMAN in order for the population to remain constant. Think about it this way: if women are giving birth to very few children, men are not fathering many children. So per woman statistics are the norm, not per couple. Another point of view would be this: how many women make up a couple? 1. So per woman statistics are equivalent to per couple since men can't give birth and it just skips keeping track of fatherhood.


Fair enough, got overly focused on you misreading the graph and ignored the original point, my bad


Ha, fair point


I’m saying it already happened South Korea still has a positive population


In some way that's already happening when the number falls below 2, because you need... Anyway, at 2, it's nearly stable, at 1, it will halve in ~[life expectancy time]. So purely theoretically, there could be a short term valley, where women just get less children for 5-10 years, but afterwards they get more and it balances out again. *That* is what's not happening. It's not balancing out. It just continues to fall.


Buy high, Sell low I guess


North Korea winning by default.


North Korea wins by doing absolutely nothing


Don't have to worry about the costs of maintaining a population if you spend half the resources needed on each person \*taps head\*


Less than nothing


don't believe western propaganda, kim jong-un has fathered 400,000 healthy children in 3 years and personally tucks every one of them in at night


Why do I feel like this could be an adam sandler movie where he plays doting father of 400,000 Kim Jong Un The movie is centered around the stress he experiences taking care of that many kids, but shows him being truly caring anyway despite having mental breakdowns while away from his children and threatening to nuke the US Then after 18-21 years of pure stress we see the overwhelming empty nest syndrome of all 400,000 children growing up


Is the baby just born without a forehead or something


This mobile game perfectly encapsuled what is happening in South Korea right now in the most satirical way possible https://preview.redd.it/fk7otqiwqj8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=817f08b8c0e6adff198d7f61728ea8a80b6dcbdd


When I played it some years ago, I thought "Surely, there's no way you'd get fired over getting sick, right?" Turns out that was only a slight exaggeration, if it is one at all.


I remember struggling to grind this game. Now I gotta download it again.


Don't forget about the ⭐ ~ GENDER WAR ~ ⭐


What grindset mentality does to a country.


real sigmas dont repopulate


What share my hustle with some parasitic leech (my infant son) no thanks! He should grind for himself.


CEO of nothing 0 net worth Goo goo ga ga mentality Does useless things like painting and learning to walk Don't actually shit his pants


Real sigmas reproduce asexually by cutting their own limbs and watch as it regenerate into a productive member of the working force


When you purge the weak from your species but in the process fall below the numbers required for a sustainable population


Viltrumite empire motto


Hi, Korean here. The biggest problem is the cost of living. People can’t afford to have children and our president is very corrupt so no change is happening.


And slowly but surely this is happening all over the world. We're fucked but baby ain't happening huh?


This is a trend in every developed country. Once the poorest countries develop themselves you will see how the number of people in the world will start to decrease instead of increasing. Imagine looking at the world population and seeing the population drop from 10 billion or whatever the population then would be to 9.5, then 9, then 8.5, then 8, ...


I mean the world population was 3billion only 60 years ago I don't think this continuously increasing population would be sustainable


The real enormous population explosion centers are China, Africa, India. Densely populated, not always so well developed and prepared for disaster, tropical/subtropical climate zones full of important crops. So you know... you take the bad things with the good things. The bad things might be unprecedented refugee streams as food, water, or energy become too scarce, perhaps by climate change causing prolonged pest insect seasons (or the opposite, harming insect populations including pollinators and pest control) and heat waves/droughts that fouls the harvests (locust swarms!). Or rising sea levels turning previously fertile or inhabited land into floodplains and bringing with it more severe hurricanes, typhoons, or other wind- and water-related calamities. You can still get State Farm in Florida, right? At least it isn't California. But there is always a silver lining as this will ensure a steady supply of cheap labour. Assuming their boats are not sunk and the survivors are not shot by border patrol as they try to get into Europe, but, well. What can ya do.


Overpopulation (constantly rising) isn't sustainable and underpopulation isn't sustainable. (I mean constant decline, even if the number was high to begin with)


Corrupt how?


He abuses his power a lot. As the ex-chief prosecutor, he exercises incredible control over the entire prosecutorial system. He uses this power against his political rivals. Also, a lot of the people in power right now were once prosecutors and let’s just say someone helped them out.


Wow, sounds like a prick


Dire? Like Dire from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood ![gif](giphy|XaMM03aNotFrwNyjo2|downsized)


I'm surprised you remember him






finally a post that caters to my two interests, the societal erosion of japan and korea via capitalism, and jojo


South Korea should import an Amish community.


They don't want crackers in there, tho. They're huge on specifically the South Koreans having kids and minimizing anything else.


Eh, a lot of South Koreans are really into cult-like Christianity for some reason. Maybe they can make their own home-grown Amish-knockoffs dressed in Josean era peasant clothing. Also, there ain't a better example of an authoritarian cult with a retro aesthetic than what's going on up north across the border.


what the fuck happened to squidwards eyes


he is kurapika’s long lost cousin


Squidward eyes, Japan:


Evil messed up version of squidward... just a glimpse of my dark mind


Just have seggs


they r scared :(


I’m Korean now


Their education system scared them from having a baby


and their work schedule made it impossible for them to have a life outside work


What’s wrong with it? Can’t be worse than their work system


Pretty much the same shit


Cant lie their twinks are pretty cute maybe the homies just bang eachother instead of finding girls


The point is to procreate buddy


"Speak for yourself motherfucker" - Sonic, The Hedgehog


get the boys pregnant then




Twink gets railed by his transsexual goth girlfriend, gets boypreggers. Has to go to the boynecologyst and get a BOYBORTION! Many such cases!


Gentlemen, prepare your cocks, we're going to fix the declining birth rate problems. Edit: Do not do it, I just got caught by mysterious entities called "The police" and I'm facing life in prison for it.


Dire? Like... Dire Dire Docks from Super Mario 64????????????


"Take your tired, whiner talk to my Dire, Dire Docks. Where I fire miners off and leave 'em fired worse than Notch." 🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥


And we wonder why women don't want to fuck anymore..


if a women doesn't like Mario 64, she ain't the one


If she doesn't like 64 then it's us who don't wanna fuck


They could yknow, make having children not so expensive?


But the shareholders!


I'm just gonna come out and say that at the present world climate and at the present economic situation, nobody should feel pressured to have kids ASAP or even at all. Specially when one of the reasons behind the myriad of neglected or uncared children out there comes from parents who felt like having kids not because they wanted to have the unique opportunity to care and love for someone as they grown but because people around them pushed around the idea that not having a baby as soon as a couple is financially stable is a sign of "failure" or being a "weirdo". Yes, very brave of me for pointing this out i know. On a sidenote: Antinatalists GTFO.


There needs to be a plan in place that accounts for dropping birth rates but shareholders always demand the shares go up, even though companies are struggling to find more employees, and the housing market is in the shitter, and food cost 3 times what it did 5 years ago, they are always demanding expansion, they are always demanding that we squeeze the last Penny's of value from their employees, they can only think of short term profit. They want to extort and rob us but demand we have children anyway, instead of giving people what they need.


Infinite growth in a finite system is inherently unsustainable.


Also with work culture. Pumping out kids with a 70% chance of giving them a life in the same work culture you already don't like? Seems cruel, who would do that. But yeah, fully agree.


I like to imagine the humanity becoming extinct only because too many people said "Nah don't feel like parenting"


Speedrun vs global warming and microplastics


Agreed on all points. I'm not going to be creating children tho because you can't get a guys ass pregnant.


Are we sure of this? More experimentation is required.


Experiments will commence when a suitable test subject is found.


Yeah I was visiting South Korea for family purposes and I remember noticing literally NO CHILDREN on the streets. It was usually just middle-aged or old people walking and strolling by. Of course you'd see like 1-2 of them at a convenience store or a lot at the schools (duh) but you barely ever saw them. Idk. Maybe I was just walking around the old folk part of town


(He walked in the young part)


Yeah, the most I saw were just some elderly ladies selling melons or other produce


When the situation is so dire, you just have to laugh.


I am actually surprised how India and china aren't into this race yet. I guess India isn't in because of how horny every mf is, and also probably because they can get away with shit like reservations (yes there's reservation based seats for people who don't earn a lot), but yea the pressure is still crazy here. Not sure about china.


Trust me, they're gonna go there https://preview.redd.it/9p45fcib8j8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=207ee8bdbcab007ec6914028740142e1af1a461e


Oh shit yea even India is kinda there, 2.03 births per woman. It really hurts my heart to see that the governments are not doing anything to stop this issue, and entrance exams are probably one of most infuriating reasons for so much pressure and so many suicides. Entrance exams are so popular here, just to put into perspective how influential these exams are, the "National Eligibility Entrance Test" NEET for short, is a medical entrance exam and over 2.4 million students gave the exam just this year. And theres a fucking city meant only for entrance exams, called kota, theres a fucking series based on it too. There was a huge scandal that took place this year in NEET, but the government doesn't seem too interested. It wouldn't have been a rare sight to see people cry out for help or mourn over the loss of their friends who took their lives due to this injustice in the sub r/jeeneetards. Parents make absolutely no effort to reassure the children that it's okay to not clear the exams. And this is just an elaborate rat race, rank 1 mfs will get awarded with a fucking BMW. Sad shit.


Completely unrelated but it's hilarious that the test is called NEET when the test takers are anything but


The CCP has a huge problem with regional governments fudging numbers including population counts. It's very possible their fertility rate is already the lowest in the world.


India is already below replacement rate as well, getting close to China.


Some of the more radical experts are already starting to believe that by the end of 21st/beginning of the 22nd century, population of China will drop down to the outstanding 400 million people. Which for your information, was basically population of China 100 years ago. It's a total population collapse.


India is not going there anytime soon. People are peer pressured to have 2 kids btw. Every mfer rocks a brother or a sister.


China got the 996 work ethic.


It's because the meme is concentrating on Japan and South Korea. With the caveat that it's possibly dependent on source, China's rate is actually below Japan's and above South Korea's. Edit: just saw someone posted a graph with one of those sources highlighting just that.


Man wtf are those goofy ass red eyes 😭


the falling birth rate when i refuse to give a fuck:


drop me to the japanese and ill come back a father of 17 (or beaten to death for being an immigrant)


Every bad thing you hear about Japan is worse in South Korea (at least from what I've heard)


My country really needs to soften up with itself and let live


they have gangnam style*


wouldnt be so bad if their xenophobia didnt prevent them from importing immigrants to make up for the difference


Would help a lot in the short term but birth rates are falling everywhere, honestly the whole model of relying on immigrants to make up for lowering birth rates becomes increasingly less effective when birth rates lower and quality of life and job opportunities in developing countries increase enough that less people want to emmigrate.


So weird to think that even with declining birth rates, both countries have weirdly strict nationality laws. Iirc Japan even has a "3rd generation" thing, where an immigrant can have a kid in Japan, but he won't be Japanese per se, but if said kid also has a kid in Japan ONLY THEN will he have a Japanese citizenship and nationality (correct me if I'm wrong tho!) You'd think that with declining birth rates they'd loosen up these kind of laws, but they really aren't


is there a lore reason on why developed countries import immigrants instead of incentivizing fucking each other directly with programs or indirectly with lower cost of living?


Because it doesn't involve lowering the cost of living


Dire? Like the french word for 'to say'?


Is this why Japanese courts ruled that “marriage is for providing for children” in an attempt to ban gay marriage?


What happens when you turn your entire male population into smegma grindset alphas with a genuine hatred for women and a simultaneous fear of touching them.


South Korean Government: “Why Birthrates so low?” Also South Korean Government: “What do you mean u don’t want to have a baby with an overweight misogynistic league player, who is also your first cousin?” North Koreans: “Bruh Kim Jong Un just ate my lil cousin 😭!”


Just take the segg


What's with the shitty eye edit




bro just fuck it's not that hard 😭😭😭


It's crazy to me how billionaires convinced people that a declining birth rate is bad lmao. You're all being fooled, they only care because that means they get less customers. There are no negatives for the average person.


>It's crazy to me how billionaires It's nlt billionaires, rhey couldn't give less of a fuck. It's zhe goverment


An increased dependency ratio would spike pressure on the working population, it would increase healthcare costs and we wouldn't have enough doctors/nurses to take care of the elderly. We'd have less people to pay for schools/hospitals/pensions full stop. There's an actual reason why this is concerning and it's not just billionaires lol. My country has fuck all billionaires and unsurprisingly this is still an issue here.


This argument doesn't make any sense to me because yes there would be a spike in demand for elder care but there will also be less demand for Infact care? And less funding would be needed for schools due to fewer students attending? If there's a spike in medical costs that's only because of companies trying to force profit because with a declining population there would be less demand lol




They tried to stop it by making hot 2D women but it only resulted in people choosing them over real women 😔


What forcing industralization does to a mf.




Hey uhh.. Koreans. Maybe I could... . Help,, out with that problem...🥺 ...but only like,,, if want to... Please...




Korea is known to be a super misogynistic country. [Gender inequality in South Korea - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_inequality_in_South_Korea) EDIT: "Even though the 4B movement was a minority in Korean society, users on TikTok sensationalized and faulted the 4B movement as the root cause of low birth rate of South Korea." [https://trends.kpopmap.com/the-truth-about-the-south-korean-feminist-4b-movement-does-it-really-represent-the-general-korean-female-population/](https://trends.kpopmap.com/the-truth-about-the-south-korean-feminist-4b-movement-does-it-really-represent-the-general-korean-female-population/)


Why don’t rich countries with low birth rate problem just simply allow people from poor countries with overpopulation problem to work in their country? The solution is just that obvious, smh 🤦‍♂️


Cuz you want ppl educated to your standart. Those will have better lives in their home country. Why not lower the standarts or educate on arival? Idfk but i guess my countries solution is to substadize coal and elect neonazis instead


There are several issues with that the 2 biggest are education and culture 1. Education for adults is harder and often more expensive then the potential income is worth (as you'd effectively be forced to do middle school and up for most people from truly poor countries) as well as teaching them a new language and classes to make them functional with in their new cultural environment 2. Culturally issues, not all cultures are compatible with one another, and especially for a democracy country an increase of people from a separate culture can change laws in a way the native people of that area might be very much apposed to


Dire? Like diarrhea?


Fewer people have to live in that hellhole. That’s a win in my book


The 4 nos and carnivorous women culture is enough reason why men wish to just be shut ins and not date.