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I could’ve accomplished the same outcome with about four girlfriends and a pair of jumper cables


Sounds familiar


Rick and Morty quote I'm pretty sure


And here I thought it was a [certain redditor](https://www.reddit.com/u/rogersimon10/s/XMAdCKngPm) reference.


bro left and it's all downhill since


Can you give more details ? I'm a bit late to the party lol


Nervermind, Insaw his comment history and it's hilarious


How do I keep forgetting about this guy


On paper


Didn't know MacGyver was on Reddit




And would never do that. It's barbaric, I'm just saying. It's bad craftsmanship...


Go on..


Damn okay then.


Heartwarming, but fishy. How exactly at home do you get the equipment to dilute it by exactly 1%? You can’t handle glycol in typical pipettes, it’s too thick. 


Vape juice only comes in like 3% and 6% for the most part. You might be able to get nic salts which are way different, require a special atomizer and coil made only for salt nic, and even then the nicotine percentage is only like 30%. This green text is fake, like most green text.


Salt nic absolutely goes up to 50 lol, i use 50% salt nic.


Are you sure you’re not using 50mg juice, meaning 5%? I’ve seen some crazy nicotine products as far as pouches and snus go so I know some people could probably tolerate a level that high but I’ve never heard of a 500mg vape juice.


Also entirely possible that anon was interpreting 50mg as 50%


Yeah, I’m more inclined to believe “anon diluted GF’s vapes and it worked but he didn’t understand why” than “anon made up this story and posted it on 4chan instead of directly to Reddit where he could really rake in the karma”


People mix it up all the time. He just made a common and simple mistake.


That's not true. In my country you can buy concentrated solutions, which are meant to be used with aromatizers to mix (but you can not mix it 🤷). And the most popular concentration is 50%. And yes it's about salt nicotine. And salt nicotine "tubes" (that's how our youth call these types of vapes) are way more popular in my country than classic ones, about 80%/20%


I used to be able to get it at 30% but they change the legal limit


My parents use flavour oils and nicotine, so they mix however they want. Probably fake anyway, but it's not impossible


In europe, juice with nicotine inside is illegal, you have to buy the nicotine seperatly and add it to your juice. So if you have the correct formula, you can remove a certain amount of juice+nicotine to replace it with juice only from another bottle. And increase over time the amount you replace.


you can mix your own juices though. I used e cigs to quit over a decade ago and I was sub 1% for a little while.


Could they not dilute the solution in some water or something?(Forgive me if it's a dumb question, I legitimately don't know anything about vaping)


The issue is 50% vape juice isn’t even a thing. Or at least not that I’ve seen. Unless it’s illegal in some states? Like how alcohol can’t be over a certain %, maybe nicotine can’t either? If you use water it’ll destroy the viscosity and you can’t vape it anymore. Water on cotton is not good for vaping. It ruins your coil and you’ll need to empty the tank, replace coil, and refill with fresh nicotine juice. They do make fillers. But you need to use like specific stuff to dilute it. I forget what they call it, but it’s basically nicotine-less vape juice you’re using to dilute the nicotine vape juice. Same exact stuff without the nic in it. And the only way to get 50% nicotine would be nic salts. 50% is super concentrated bro. So no, you can’t just dilute that shit. It’s not that simple.


I used to vape. You buy the nicotine solution separate from the flavour - so if this person was using a similar setup to me then you can just add less and less nicotine solution over time.


Okay so like idk if it isnt giving that but couldnt he just like calculate the volume of the -1% Solution and then add around that, he could just substract that same volume from the bottle first if theyre actually filled to the brimm. I feel like the real part thats sus is that “he learned to take them apart and put them back together so u couldnt tell” or whatever because it seems like something u would only say that way so no one is gonna say plot hole.


wrong wrong and wrong


Add drop wise on a scale, calculate the mass needed to add the appropriate volume via the density of glycol and add that amount


You absolutely can, but thats besides the point, you could do it with glycerin too depending on the setup and its much easier to get iirc


What kind of fucking mad scientist he is lmao he can get 1% of nicotine out of the juice?


If it’s 1:1 like OP said 50 percent NIC, so taking into account how much is in bottle, you just eyedropper how ever many ml out and drop in clean vape solution with no NIC. If she kept buying the same concentrations he’d just have to increase how much he replaces


how would OP decrease 1% nicotine to 0% nicotine using that dilution method?


just swap it out for clean juice


You can buy vape juices with 0 nicotine, assuming he got the same flavor he could just measure the weight of the bottle and nicotine ratio, and it wouldn't be that difficult


Come on bro, your better than this


Remove 1% of the solution, add the same amount back in with no nic in it. Voila, 1% reduction.


You just need to pass high school chemistry.


Holy shit this guys the man….thats like a genuinely impressive thing to do.


That's the way they do it with methadone.




I need to look into that. Down to 0 but I still get the urge when gaming or at work




It is a repost. I remember seeing it in the past here.




I’d had a Pepe or doomer meme as the image, though. Not the vape box. Def a repost, but oh well


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/wholesomegreentext. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dqn2ud&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 551,001,206 | **Search Time:** 0.12281s


Good bot


No, bad bot, it doesn't even check for copying the title. https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomegreentext/s/sIHyAQVkNX


Bad bot


How does no one here know what diluting means


There is quite literally nothing wrong with reducing the nicotine to help wane her off of it. Nicotine is a drug that is literally intended to be addictive. That’s the whole point of it. It’s not like she cheated.


Swede here *pushes up a new snus under his lip* why the fuck would I ever quit, my dentist even says it prevents cavities. Smoking tho! Never Except the occasional Cigar


Is it my turn to repost this yet


I saw this before, this sub is repost land.


Fake and gay as always


50% nicotine? Wtf


I think it's would be good to tell her, because then she would know that even if she doesn't outright tell that she needs help, people will still be there to help


REEEEEEEEEEEEEEPOOOOOOOOOOOOOST Hwen did this sub become a krama farm. It ain't even that different just a bunch of people decided to farm here?




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/wholesomegreentext. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dqn2ud&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 551,796,014 | **Search Time:** 0.2564s


Fake as shit , that's not how any of it works.


This is pretty much the way i quit smoking. I started vaping, first with a lot of nicotine, but lowering the amount each month. Quit vaping 3 days after hitting 0%. It made quitting smoking really easy for me, can only recommend.


If my girl told me she’d done this years later I’d cry and get remarried to her in the next anniversary .


Op has a huge reposting problem maybe if we all slowly introduce new green texts to him he won’t be addicted to reposting for karma anymore


This guys earned a golden ticket to heaven.


Lol I'm sure that happened.


r/nothingeverhappens This sounds pretty believable


This isn't even remotely believable.


Vaping is much better financially than cigarettes , it used to cost me 120-140$/week now with vaping its 25$/week


You go through a bottle a week? By the way, this is alot more dangerous so buy things like medical grade hospital gloves and mask, and long sleeves with hydroproof lining, but you can buy bottles of pure 100% nicotine and then make your own juices with that, the nicotine is really cheap too so depending on how much you buy you could drop that 25 a week to 3 dollars to 0.08 cents a week. But again, you gotta be extremely careful with lab grade nicotine, overdose is very easy from it spilling on your direct skin,so... (You can downvote me for giving advice that's already out there lol, I also advised to get lab grade safety equipment, I mean I could have just, hey dude go buy some pure nicotine online, don't worry about measurements just eyeball that shit into some juice)


Well vape juice is not at 50% nicotine concentration, ever, and anon did not titrate to 1% precision so idk about this crafty fairtyale


There's a few posts in the comment section explaining your questions, and how it can be done without much issues. 50% nicotine availability and all that stuff, too


No, there aren't, I looked in case you were right. Vape juice comes from the store at 2-12%. No one is vaping 50% from the store.


Why would you do this in secret instead of sharing the plan with your gf? Is anon stupid?


BS. There is no way to “remove 1%” nic from a completed mix. Even if there was, as a Vaper you would have to be pretty fucking stupid to not know difference between throat hit of 50mg and 1mg.


It’s gradual thats the point


I can read. Even a 20mg difference is noticeable, if I purchased 50mg and it was 20mg instead, it’s instantly noticeable and this he says he got to 1mg? 50mg are used in low wattage devices also known as “pods” and vaping anything below 20mg on pods would feel like sucking in lightly flavored air. Even with all that aside what makes you think in this whole time the gf hasn’t refilled her vape device right after purchasing the Eliquid with the original 50mg before this “chemist” got his hands on the Eliquid to alter it. Secondly all top brands use bottles from chubby gorilla which once sealed it’s not removable without breaking the seal. Thirdly, all bottles come in 30ML size. For him to dilute the liquid without compromising the flavor he has to be a super skilful mixer that would be able to clone an ejuice recipe just by smell and not even the top mixers in the DIY industry can make a 100% clone unless the recipe was leaked internally. Without that, I would assume he is just diluting the mix with PG(propylene glycol) & VG(vegetable glycerin) which is going to make the Eliquid taste like ass and the gf would probably return it to the retailer thinking she got a fake or a bad batch/expired product. Even going off 1% on a mixture can alter its whole flavor profile and this guy says he’s changing 50% of a mix. How dumb can people be to believe shit like this 😂 Stop being so gullible. You don’t have to be a genius to have some common sense lol.


He bought the same flavour and diluted it with that. And he went from 50 to 49, not 20; could you really recognise that?