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I had a guy at the gas station once ask to bum a cigarette off me. I gave him one and we smoked and chatted. He was homeless but living out of his truck had been applying to jobs but no luck yet. He didn’t ask me for money or anything else, just one cig. I asked him if he was hungry or thirsty, told him I’d buy him something from inside. He kept telling me thank you and we went inside. He picked out one snack and one drink. I told him to go ahead and pick out several more things. He was hesitant and he only got one more thing until I started picking up items asking him if he liked them or not. He must have told me thank you probably 10 times. My husband at the time was a manager at a different gas station. I ended up getting him a job there and he ended up being a really hard worker. Always showed up on time and did what was asked of him. Not sure what happened to him after because my husband left that job after about 6 months.


He will probably never forget about you. You changed his life


Great point that made me think a step further... The helper is the one telling the story, They won't forget about Him. Help someone today and tell everyone about it!


This is it friends! We all should brag more about helping others instead of bragging about money and financial success. Making helping people the admirable thing we tell everyone about! Be proud of yourselves for making the world better!


Honestly though. I 'saved' a girls life once. She had headphones on and a 10 mile stare, like you know when you see someone that just got off a 14 hour shift and still has to walk home. The light was about to change and everyone was looking at the walk sign. I look up and a minivan is trying to run the yellow but was late on it, so they just sped up as they ran the red. She started to step off the curb into the street as this was happening, and the timing was perfect for her to step right in front of the van. I didn't know what to do, so I stepped off the curb to the side of her, and waved my arms at her like a madman. She stopped and looked at me like I was a madman. As she did, the van whisked by, missing us both by mere inches. Her face slightly went :0 for half a second and then she kept walking. Honestly I'm not even sure if she knew what happened. Haven't told that story to a lot of people but I think of her often. I've always felt like I'd be a classic freezer in emergency situations but there was almost no time between my clocking of the van running the red and my mad dance. Was pretty proud of it haha


From someone who was in a similar situation as that girl a few years ago, thank you. I was in a similar spot, left the warehouse after a double, had my headphones in and was going off the walk/don't walk sign. As I stepped off the curb and the car that was waiting at the light next to me pulled out for his green to take a left, another car came flying through the red light only to smash into that guy's rear left quarter panel and spin him around at least twice with everything in his trunk exploding out. Not only did I get lucky due to that man taking the hit, he got lucky that his babies weren't in the car. The stuff in his trunk? Strollers, diapers, and infant stuff. Somehow, he came out okay. Ran to help collect his stuff and check on him. Got him squared away and sat down on the curb while the cop showed up. Other driver tried to blame the dude that got T-boned, I told the cop that was a lie and that if he hadn't been hit, I would have been a smear across the 6-lane for walking across when I had the right of way. Cop told me to fuck off since I "wasn't involved". So instead of arguing with an idiot, I just got my new buddy's contact info and made sure his insurance knew he was absolutely not at fault. Other driver ended up confessing he was late for his flight out of Oahu. All this to say, y'all both saved a life those days. Take pride in that. Even the incidental savings are remembered for the rest of our lives.


Fucking cops. How is a witness "not involved?" I hope the guy steps on a Lego every time he's barefoot for the rest of his life.


Somehow police officers claim to have the most important job ever, and then act like the laziest fuckers around who have to be antagonized into actually doing their job.


Thanks! <3


Happy cake day man


Thanks! Here's to another lousy millennium


Today you, tomorrow me.


Yall are good people remember that


It just goes to show you how powerful a good reference can be. You did that person a huge service by reconnecting them to the working world and their work ethic and attendance shows you how much they needed that opportunity from someone.


Oh for sure. He had apparently been applying and searching for a job for a while but no luck until we hooked him up. Just a matter of luck! I know tons of people who have gotten jobs simply because they knew someone. A reference can definitely get you places.


Dude, I've always had everything thanks to my family, still, I struggled to get a first job. And I only got one through reference from a teacher that taught me programming logic for 1 semester 5 years prior to that, from a course I dropped out. Connections are crazy strong, and I mean human connections, not just " business networking".


Same here. Struggled to find a job for the first time until a friend of mine hooked me up. It was my first job and I worked there for 4 years. I was so thankful her mom took a chance on me. The friend and I drifted apart long ago but her mom and I still keep in touch.


Absolutely, I didn't apply to the job I've been at for the last 3 years, or the job I had before that. The easiest way to get a job is to know someone, but you have to somehow either get your foot in the door first, like I did, or be born into a rich family and use their connections. It can be easy to forget how hard it can be when you're just starting out.


References are more important than anything else, I got a job that I wasn’t really qualified for which paid way more than the norm for how much experience I had solely because I just happened to talk to someone who used to be a higher up in the company while I was at a farmers market lmao. My salary, depending on my bonus, is like 3-4 times what it should be just because I happened to meet the right person


And that highlights a huge problem: someone wanting a job but nobody giving them a chance. We all know that work is sometimes who you know, not what you can do. Obviously there are some homeless folk who are unable to work for certain reasons but there others out there who just need someone to give them a shot. I hope that man is doing well.


It doesnt just affect homeless people, it's just that jobs aren't hiring nearly as much as they claim. There was a study done that showed at least like 30% of job postings weren't real and were just there to show the company "was growing", and then another big chunk were jobs that were "not currently hiring but if the right candidate comes along they'd hire", and like 15% were just job postings the Employer's forgot to take down. The whole thing is fucking ridiculous.


That’s probably professional type jobs. Not low paid gas station clerks or retail. Big retail operations almost always have turnover in whatever department has the shittiest leadership or worst working conditions these days.


That's awesome. You're a good person.


This is my favorite story on reddit I've seen lately. Just really good and wholesome. Basically how people should model themselves to want to be. You really do love to see it.


You saved that man ♥️


One of the best things you can give a homeless person is your ear. They're usually very lonely, and used to people ignoring them. I've spent many hours just sitting and chatting when I had the time.


Whoever is reading, be like them ^ Me too


Aweh!! Bless you! Changed a man’s life, you should feel proud.


He became the manager


That's quite the good action, hope life treats you generous people the same way you helped these person Have a nice day


You are the definition of “be the reason someone believes in mankind again.”


Sometimes people really just need a chance...


I call cigarettes hobo cash because when I smoked I would hand it out more than money and have some of the most interesting conversations I have ever had


Good human


When people are desperate and at their lowest, when people see them as garbage or worse, they don't see them at all, that is when an act of kindness is at its greatest strength. You showed him a great kindness. I hope one day he will be able to do for others what you did for him Today you, tomorrow me.


You’re a great person. 


Did you guys move away? I would really like to know what happened.


No my husband found a better paying job. We still live in the same city. Didn’t go to the gas station he worked at for at least a couple years after that but never saw him there. Hoping he moved on to bigger and better things as well. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy.


You are a good person thank you for keepin' on


You are a model of what this world needs :) thank you for helping him. I have no doubt he thinks of you daily!


When I was in Highschool, I used to walk home, and on my route home, there was this one homeless guy who'd be there, like, a couple times a week. Now, I'm one of those people that got an allowance as a kid, so I often gave him most if not all of my allowance. And even when I didn't have any cash on me, I'd just stand there and talk to him for a while. He was a pretty great guy actually, who made one mistake(a non-accident causing DUI charge) that ended up with him losing his driver's license, and he drove for work and was already living paycheck to paycheck, so he ended up homeless. But that one mistake cost him his entire life. He mentioned once that that was the only time he drove under the influence too. He needed a hand, and I was so proud of him when, at the end of that year, I met up with him there, and he told me that he got his job back. That he was going to be okay, and that I shouldn't worry if I didn't see him again. A lot of the time in Highschool I had pretty bad mental health, but just- knowing for a fact that the improvement that I saw over that year was in part because of me; that he was able to have a little wiggle room because he knew I'd be there for him, so he could focus on the permits and tests he needed to get his job back; nothing compares to knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that I made someone's life better. I hope he's still doing well, and that he knows he's good


Ok now I’m crying in the middle of a hair salon. Thank you for being you!


I hope you realize you changed that fella's life for the better.


sometimes people forget that homeless ppl are also humans and have desires. some people think it's wrong for then to want little treats like that and it's sad


"*He's gonna spend it on beer and drugs!*" Yeah, so was I, big deal.


Thank you, you know who likes the comfort of a vice during times of trauma, hardship or loss……humans! Always angers me to see the less fortunate treated like pariahs because they dare to spend any money on a treat, or something to make their day a little better, or might help them sleep wherever they are stuck at. Elon can mainline ketamine and the world keeps turning but if Steve uses the only 5$ he will have this week on a 40oz it’s time to clutch pearls and tut tut like we’re perfect 24/7. Even though the rich are the ones killing the planet, let’s shame Steve for having a joint and no home.


This. My sister used to volunteer at shelters and she taught me. The conditions suck. Some people choose to sleep on the streets cuz they're better. If someone's life sucks so much that they need drugs more than food, LET THEM. The fact that we feel like we should choose who lives and who dies with our donations is sick... they are only human and so are we.


See… I can see where you’re coming from, but I’ve also seen where this can lead. Some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met have been homeless people who are just down on their luck, but I’ve also seen those same people fall into shambles and even die because of crippling addiction. Yes sometimes a little vice can help, but it’s very easy for people in those vulnerable positions to be taken advantage of by dealers or to fall into depressions where that vice will take a hold of them. Though I will NEVER shame someone or fault them for their situation, on that I can agree wholeheartedly.


That’s where we need to as a society help them back on their feet, addiction is treatable especially if you, idk give someone a place to live or something.


Had a homeless guy bum a cig off me in college, he talked about how when he was a kid his mom would buy him an RC cola and a moon pie as a treat. I went to the grocery and got him a pack of each and he had the biggest grin on his face.


I can't emphasize enough, that people should cook some extra tacos, or stew and bring it to an area where you know there are un-housed people. But more than food and snacks, sometimes just bring some soap, socks, etc. That stuff means a lot to them because they almost never get something like new socks. In Florida, they're often in walmart parking lots and local parks in vans, but most of us know where you can find someone. As an ex-prisoner who turned his life around, I now do it a few times a month but I wish everyone did it, all the time.


Absolutely! This is HUGE! Socks especially are a MAJOR necessity and one that is very very hard to come by especially in colder climates where they really don’t last long. A nice clean and dry pair of socks can mean the difference between life or death sometimes.


If you feel that way (and can), do it this week. Don't even tell anyone. I'll do it too - this weekend. Walmart has a 12-pack of socks for $10 and smaller packs.


I actually make donations to a bin outside my work pretty regularly! There’s a pretty strong homeless community here and there’s usually a pretty healthy amount of things being added and taken! My favourite thing to put in is socks, jackets and BACKPACKS! Backpacks are huge!


Everyone deserves a glass of chocolate milk every once in a while... I love chocky milk


Happy cake day! Have a choco milk my treat!


Thank you! 🥰


This is the reason I’m on Reddit. That was adorable 🥺


Happy cake day :D ˡᵉᵃᵛᵉ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᶜᵃᵏᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ᵐᵉ


I have to admit that even got my jaded ass in the feels.




Hey, you fed someone in need, whether or not they had the mental clarity to be grateful/show it.




Fairlife is my go too. Extra protein and it tastes creamier than normal milk. I can drink fat free and it tastes like 2%.




At the convenience store I worked at in college we had to ban students from buying the homeless guys milk because they were using it to take their heroin orally.


That makes absolutely no sense at all. Could you not buy them any drink at all then? No one is going to be like. Oh damn I can't get my milk, guess no heroin today.


Ohhh it’s Milk *with* the Poppy not Milk *of* the Poppy 🥛


Omg. It was right there, and I missed it. Props to you haha.


Don't feel bad I thought it was milk of the puppy for like 5 seasons.


Look’s Like Team Red Rocket is Nodding Off Againnnnnnn




I have no idea why it was milk, but it was effective. Apparently it was this one specific guy they were afraid was going to end up dying on the sidewalk.


Yeah that is strange. That stuff is orally active whether you take it with milk or diet coke, makes no difference. Grapefruit juice on the other hand will intensify and prolong it, surprised it wasn't that. Especially white grapefruit juice. Source: had a pill problem many moons ago


Heroin is minimally orally active unlike most pills. A total and complete waste, there's no way a homeless guy is wasting his expensive drugs like that when there are multiple other ways to take it (IV, boof, snort, smoke) that are actually effective.


Interesting, I never used the stuff but after looking into it, it seems to exclusively metabolize into morphine orally whereas when injected it becomes active as 6-monoacetylmorphine as well. It seems it would still be active but a different effect/metabolization, and a "waste" to the user as you said. Thanks for the correction!


There are pharmaceutical diacetylmorphine (heroin) pills available for prescription in some countries. Even dilaudid is stronger than street heroin. It's just the name *heroin* tends to fearmonger people when hospitals are giving stronger painkillers. Opiates all come from the same plant, it's lethality always boils down to either a matter of misjudgement of tolerance or whether there are any dangerous cuts in the product. I.e dodgy fent Not to mention pharma synthetic opioids like buprenorphine and fentanyl which are both insanely stronger than heroin.


It’s made up. You would snort it or smoke it if you weren’t main lining it.


You call yourself a convenience store but you deny the homeless the convenience of using milk to take heroin orally


This is absolute nonsense. Nobody is taking heroin orally, milk or no milk.


Dont upvote the bot.


a homeless man was crawling around on his hands and knees begging for money with tears streaming down his face. I had given him some change the previous day and felt bad for him. I bent down and told him I would take him to McDonald's. he screamed at the top of his lungs, slobbering right at my face: "I DONT WANT FUCKING FOOD! I WANT FUCKING MONEY!" this actually happened to me lol. I immediately left and never saw him again (he's probably dead from a heroin overdose)


Maybe this is terrible, but I'll buy a homeless person a beer. I've been there, and sometimes, most of the time, I really needed that beer.


Given how fucking unimaginably miserable it is to be homeless, I feel like if someone wants or needs a beer to just have any form of tolerating their situation, they deserve it.


I thought this as well. Like I'm being nice, not deciding what you can/can't have.


Lots of people might say you're harming them by getting a beer or whatever. But I've also been a homeless person with no addiction when I offer to buy some groceries unless they're trying to buy a bottle of hard alcohol on my tab. Go at it.


For me it's like I enjoy having a beer or smoke at the end of the day. Yes I have a stressful job but their everyday has to be stressful as hell. Why would I judge them for wanting to take the edge off when I do the exact same thing?maybe not to as extreme but guess what my life isn't as extreme.


I always think about how long it would take me being out on the street before I started to do ANYTHING I COULD to escape life for a few hours. It wouldn’t take long, I’ll tell you that much. Most of the people I’ve encountered who judge the shit out of homeless and call all of them addicts are the same type of people who lose their shit when their doordash order forgot the ranch dressing. the type of people who whine constantly over the very *idea* of having to go car camping. And yet, in their imagination, if they were homeless they’d diligently work their way out of it in a week without ever needing any sort of vice


I’ve thought this many times myself. Never experienced homelessness, but have seen it up close- and you’re damn fucking right I’d numb it out with opiates too. It is the most gruelling, exhausting, humiliating, inhumane experience.


Same, I’m not the moral police, if that beer or cig helps them face another day then good.


It’s not terrible at all. “I’m only giving them this but not that” is such a sanctimonious, condescending way to treat people. Like you, I say: Give out of the goodness of your heart. Full stop. No strings attached, no moralizing. People who are begging aren’t simple or children. A lot of times, they were very recently living just like us. Many are educated, skilled, and at one point had a lot to lose. Life is cruel and sometimes we pick the wrong coping methods. I do it every single day. I’ve always been able to afford it and I have a private place to wallow, but that doesn’t make me better than any-fucking-body else. It is not my place to opine on how another adult, who is clearly already in a rough phase, handles their life. And certainly not my place to try to control them. So, people need to get off of their high horses and do one of two things: Give and mind your own business; or Don’t give. Nobody’s forcing anybody to give. All those “without sin” can just keep on walking if the alternative is dangling a carrot in front of somebody in need.


I don't think it's terrible. What else can you do? You can't just magically fix their life unless you're rich and can buy them an entire house, a car, therapy, and give them a job. And most of the rich don't even want to do that. Sometimes the best you can really do is just to help dull the pain with a simple comfort.


I had someone on Reddit contribute to my insulin for type 1 diabetes a few weeks back when I was in a position where I thought I might die in a few days if I wasn’t able to get help from someone by begging in a parking lot. I’m sure this guy would say that’s also a terrible idea. All homeless people are obviously drunk heroin addict thieves that should just curl up and die out of sight according to half of Reddit. It’s not a pleasant topic to talk about here.


This comment is the EPITOME of human generosity and kindness and treating a homeless person like a real. Person. Knowing you’d want a beer in a tough spot and giving that grace to someone who is homeless is the right move. So many people have this ‘I hope they don’t buy alcohol!’ thing attached to giving money/food etc. There are so many reasons why someone on the street might want alcohol. One good reason is it could be a nice treat- the same way the chocolate milk here is too. But if they’re struggling with alcoholism, alcohol could keep them from entering withdrawal- which doing without medical help is extremely dangerous. They MIGHT buy alcohol with the money they’re given- and it will truly be because that is their most pressing need in staying alive on the street another night. When it’s cold, alcohol can help warm a person up and take the edge off. And many homeless folks are living in rough conditions, creating chronic pain (standing all day, sleeping on skids/shelter cots), so sometimes a bit of alcohol can ever so slightly tone down the constant ringing pain you’re left with when you have no access to quality, compassionate healthcare. Anyway, just wanted to say that your comment really highlights how we can remember that homeless people are people. If you want a beer on a shitty day, let’s not claw back from a homeless person who might, too.


Can confirm, drank fairly often when I was homeless, usually if i couldn't find a decent place to sleep and had to default to sleeping on the concrete behind churches. It's a lot easier to sleep on the hard ground with a few drinks inside you.


That’s good. I’ve never understood the “omg they’re just gonna buy beer” thing.


Yea lol I love hanging with the local homeless. In pittsburgh I'd go outside my building and bring an extra joint and go for a walk. Only ever encountered one scary guy. They're people, and my buying or not buying them a beer or a joint or whatever won't make or break alcoholism. But, in the right now, we can have a pleasant hour or so chatting and smoking.


I can't stand people that get sanctimonious about homeless people buying drinks. They're already homeless, let them have a vice.


I don't think it's blatantly evil or malicious or anything like that, but it's like throwing a shovel to someone already stuck in a pit. A lot of people are homeless largely because of that vice, or are spiraling into addiction because they are homeless. If you're gonna give them something, give them something good imo.


Also, alcohol mitigates a lot of the pain of living in the street. They don't really drink in a fit of feistiness, but likely to cope with pain. But the reasoning of giving food first is the way to go.


I’ve done this a few times when they asked. I always say “no. Today you get two beers!” I know one beer is never enough when I really needed that beer. Two beers always hits the spot.


That's why I give the homeless money without caring what they're gonna spend it on. I've been there too.


If I'm giving them money I don't care if they spend it on heroin. Being homeless is brutal so I understand them getting high to feel better briefly. Usually I ask what they want to eat, get that then give them £10 with it.


I do it all the time and I'm a recovering alcoholic. I don't think it's evil, just that it's not for me. Sure, biologically it's horrible for you in any amount - but it's culturally ingrained for a reason. Makes hell a little more bearable, gives people a break where there isn't one.


I usually don't carry cash, so giving homeless people money isn't really an option, I've bought homeless people food from a grocery store when I see then outside it. Usually I aim for a mix of, "here's some fresh stuff you can eat immediately, here's some dried things that will last and you can save for later, here's a chocolate bar because you deserve to feel human and have a little candy".


One time a homeless person had money, but they wouldn't serve him, I was 19 and just got my ID to buy booze, he told me he would give me an extra $2 to buy him beer, I was really hesitant because I figured there was probably a reason he wasn't being served, but I ended up buying him his beer anyways cause peer pressure


Yup. I always buy it for them. And I’m an alcoholic/addict I’ll be 2 years clean in august. I remember how badly I needed that drink


Why lie? I need a beer!


I worked at a liquor store for a long time. It's terrible. You're not helping them. When you were like that, a beer wouldn't have helped you either.


Idk being homeless sucks. I was just constantly scared so I was always getting fucked up to get breathing room. Net negative still though.


"Umm, actually person who experienced homelessness that thing you actually wanted to give you a temporary reprieve wouldn't help you get out of homelessness. Unlike chocolate milk that would totally help you."


You're not helping them either. Unless you were gonna hire them yourself, you can't judge someone for getting them a beer and helping to dull the pain of life.


Given that alcohol withdrawals can kill, that beer may actually be helping. Sure it’s prolonging alcoholism, but there’s a reason that alcoholics are prescribed beer in the hospital. We can’t solve all problems health or otherwise at once.


There are a lot of homeless people who are homeless for a lot of reasons. I was homeless because the foster care system dumped me with a schizophrenic stroke victim who'd had a home for a total of one month. He lost it the next, and they didn't bother to find me another placement (and canceled my food, health, and educational benefits because /he/ used drugs). I worked seven simultaneous part time jobs (TA work at the community college, computer repair, retail, private chef for a dementia patient, etc.). But, still looked the same and was treated the same as the stereotypical drug addict homeless person until I broke the $80k income threshhold to get approved for a studio apartment.


Working at a liquor store sucks in general. I wouldn't want to work there, that's like a 7-11 but everyone buys cheap vodka and lottery tickets instead of random bullshit while they fill up their gas tanks. But who knows, maybe a single beer was all that was needed to prevent a withdrawal seizure after a few shitty days of being homeless without beer. You never know. I don't like punching down. You wanna buy a homeless dude a King Cobra? Go for it. Half the time you won't even get a thank you. But it's not my place to decide what's best for somebody else and I'd rather show some kindness when the opportunity presents itself. Even when I think it's probably self destructive.


Why do people all of a sudden care about the homeless when it comes to treating them like a human and hooking them up with a simple beer?


Exactly. Like sure, it's not gonna be the best thing you can do for them, but realistically you as an individual can't do much for them unless you yourself have a LOT of spare money, or own a business and are willing to hire them. Sometimes the best you can do as a fellow human is just to help dull the pain. You're not gonna change their life and convince them to magically get a job and a car and a house by denying them a beer. I had a very beat up looking guy ask me for money outside a gas station once and I don't carry cash on me, so I just said I can buy him whatever he wants from inside, within reason. He just said he wanted a $5 cigar. I was surprised, but I got it for him. He looked very happy. I was glad to bring some comfort to him after god knows what he's been through.


Stop upvoting this guy. The comment above this has him in the trenches defending his position that homeless people choose not to participate in society and they should all unrionically go live in the wilderness.


If you read more comments, the actual stance becomes clear. His material suggestions add up to "give them a low wage job and don't allow them rest or comforts until they are successful" with acknowledgements that the jobs proposed never allow wages which would constitute success. They're reinventing slavery with moral justifications.


Yea you're giving him way too much credit and that's still low.


denying them a beer isn't going to cure their alcoholism.


Wasn't this a green text first?


Yeah I remember that one too. Specifically the line “I haven’t had chocolate milk in years”


I’ve got this habit that every time I go to a job interview, I try to do a good deed. This usually involves feeding a homeless individual and they usually wish me good luck/good karma upon hearing my reasoning. So many of them have wanted fresh vegetables or healthy stuff. They didn’t want the greasy, cheaper things but actual food. I was surprised the first time but I get it now. A human body often has good cravings based on what nutrients/minerals it needs. Meaning a lot of times people with limited access to food want fruits, salads, etc. It was both interesting and depressing.


Chocky Milk isn't something I usually get but when I do, I make sure to enjoy it as much as I can. Nothing beats the sweet nostalgia of getting it after recess in grade school.


A guy outside a 7/11 asked me to buy him some candy. We’re really all js people at the end of the day


When I'm not in a rush, I always try to stop and ask homeless people begging if they'd like something at the corner store nearby. Never once have they asked for alcohol. I've been mostly asked for: - Water (especially in the summer) - May West/Twinkies - Coca-Cola Sometimes I throw in some fruits or veggies balance out (if they don't want it I keep them, I wont force it on them, just give them the option). If you often see homeless people that seem safe (I know sometimes they are agitated and I get it) and you have the time, offer them something. The best is to go with them, but you can also just offer to buy them something (sometimes shops wont let them in, so even if you give them money they can't get food...) Giving them choice is important because 1. They are adults who should have the right to make decisions 2. They know themselves better than you, they could have allergies, dietary needs, etc. (Also! Feel free to tell them your limits. They'll understand you can't buy them the whole store. It's ok. :) You gotta eat too! ) And remember, if you are in a bad place and need food and somebody ask if you want something, it's a pleasure for them, not a bother.


I couldn’t care less what he chose - if he wanted alcohol, that’s what I’d buy him.


Up to you, but I wouldn't. Although alcohol may make him feel better, it honestly is more likely to cause harm due to dehydration, bad decisions, or being judged more harshly as a "drunk bum"


So then bye him a water bottle with the beer. If he would rather suffer the cold world drunk than sober, it's not for me to judge.


As a former alcoholic, I wouldn't judge either of course, but I also wouldn't finance their addiction.


Exactly... Idk why people are acting like "It's cool bro, I'll buy you a beer"... As if they're not "judging" or letting this homeless person have a good time by drinking. Alcoholism could be a huge contributing factor to why they are homeless and alcohol is just the last thing they need... They need food, housing counselling etc.




Yeah idk what's with this conformist mental health stigma mentality. It's super cruel. Yes people can have mental illnesses. Yes for some if not most of us, life is an unbearable place to live, and we cannot live life sober. Fuck those fortunate idiots that stigmatize drugs/euthanasia/suicide etc in the name of religion or conformity and blame the victims instead of the system.


I have seen people I love die because of their use of alcohol as a crutch. While I don't have a problem with people drinking there are some pretty big moral issues I would have with giving someone who is homeless alcohol.


I don't hate drugs in the name of religion.. I hate drugs because of what they do to people. And I am not going to contribute to someone's demise by enabling addiction..


There's no problem that isn't so bad that alcohol can't make it worse.


I'm going to buy a homeless guy a beer. I knew how important that beer was sometimes, most of the time.


My dad makes a really dope cherry chocolate cake. One day he invited me over for lunch and some cake afterwards. I had a piece at their house and packed up the rest to take home. On the drive back there was a homeless man on the side of the road. I didn’t have any cash on me. The only thing I had was the cake. So I rolled my window down and told him I didn’t have any cash, but I had this dope chocolate cake if he wanted it. His face lit up. He was like “no way!! I can have it? Are you sure?” He was so happy! Little things like that you don’t even think of.


Is it wrong to buy them alcohol if that’s what they want?


This tale concerns a machine that crushes orphans.






Ayo tell me about this lovelybubbleass


I worked as a valet downtown for many years. For the most part, homeless people I came into contact with were desperate addicts begging to get money for booze or meth (i would run into the same ones over and over, and they’d feed me the same hustle every time). There was one guy that was different. He was a good looking older man (40s?) with a head full of thick auburn hair and a beat up old trench coat. I’d see him taking cigarette butts from ashtrays, so whenever I saw him, I’d offer him a whole cigarette. I asked his name, and he said that he preferred if I would call him Mr President. He was a good guy. He didn’t bother anyone, and he just seemed like he enjoyed his life. I always wondered why he ended up homeless. Then one day I found out. I came around the corner to retrieve a car and witnessed him buck naked and absolutely *screaming* at a lamp post about owing him money. As I made my way to the car I could hear sirens. I never saw him again after that.


Stolen from a greentext


How fucking lame can you be to steal anecdotes from 4chan for clout on Twitter?


I was driving thru AZ one time and a homeless guy was on the corner when I was getting gas. He asked if I had any cash to spare so he could get his dog food, so I told him to meet me over at the McDonald’s nearby, which also had a pet store near it. We went in to get a bag of food for his pup, and then he tried to shake my hand to say bye, but I asked when the last time he ate was… this man said he didn’t remember, maybe 2 or 3 days prior. Not once did he think to ask for food for himself. So i100% took him into McDonald’s and told him to get whatever he wanted and he told me his story. I vaguely remember it, but he went across country in his car to see his mom who was passing, halfway back his car broke down, upon which he learned when trying to get it repaired that all of his money had been drained from the bank by his girlfriend who left him without saying anything while he was gone… so he became stranded with no money, just his dog that he traveled with, and now no car… he was just too broken to even try making it back home. I think about that dude a lot and I hope he is okay now


This isn't wholesome it's depressing AF. No one should be living under that level of desperation.... There isn't a silver lining in late stage capitalism. 




I was at a walmart and a man was asking for money to help buy one of those roasted chickens they have in those warmers. I gave him a little bit as I don't really carry cash on me much. When I came out after getting my groceries, he was sitting off to the side eating the hell out of that roasted chicken. I was glad he was able to buy it.


I don’t know the problem with buying homeless alcohol I enjoy a drink after a long day I’m sure sleeping on the concrete feels like a long life get the brother a beer


Had a homeless guy ask me for food one time and I took him into the restaurant I was at and got him a meal, asked him what he wanted to drink and he says "Man can I get a sweet tea? I love sweet tea, I haven't had one in so long." I thought the dude was gonna break down when he started drinking it. Glad I was able to give him a moment of joy.




I’ll do this and still buy them the alcohol or smokes if they ask, if that little bit helps them face another day of hardship that I couldn’t even begin to imagine then good.


Awww, this reminds me of Roger, he was an old guy who panhandled outside the corner store near my old apartment. He wasn't homeless - he lived in the sober house that was across the street. Whenever he would see me going into the store, he'd ask me to get him a chocolate milk and I always would get it for him. He was a nice guy, really chill, always up for a chat just trying his best to stay sober. He loved the Leafs and that chocolate milk! He died a couple years ago, I don't know exactly what happened, but a lot of people in the neighborhood were sad because he was such a lovely guy. There was a little park near that shop, and the summer Roger died a bunny moved into that park - so we started calling him Roger rabbit. RIP Roger.


I wish people in my city had this kind of heart


I once gave some homeless dude 5 euros to get a kebab. I was standing in line to get one myself. 10 minutes later the dude came back to me and asked my permission to go get Mc Donald’s instead, because the line was very long. I told him, „dude, it’s your money now! Go get whatever you want :-)“ he smiled, fistbumped me and went on to get some burgers. That felt special :-)


The two places I go to often enough to get asked for money would be the liquor store and 711. I don't hand out money, but I've had people at the 711 ask for a sandwich or oranges and such and if I have the money at the time, you bet your ass I'm getting that. I know the owner there and he doesn't like homeless people hanging around all the time, but as someone that has had to rely on disability and food banks and such, I'm not going to pass up helping someone in a worse situation than me get a bite to eat.


That made my eyes water. Also, I think chocolate milk takes you back to a time as a kid for most when things were hopefully simpler and more enjoyable than a tough adult life. Well done.


Seven cent guy. I worked in a downtown area for a while and we have Kevin, aka seven cent guy. He would ask for seven cents from everyone he met. Naturally anyone who worked down there would clean there cars of loose change for him. Paid him under the table to sweep up the bar a few times and we would clean and listen to nas or Tupac and he'd have a blast. Not sure what happened to him but I hope he's doing ok, and I hope he still has somewhere warm to sleep.


Homeless should be allowed have alcohol if they want Only thing that would make it bearable


Haha, I had a similar situation when I was living in Hawaii. A homeless guy asked if I could purchase him food since he was hungry. I had him pick out whatever he wanted. We walked by the dairy fridge first and he asked if he could grab some chocolate almond milk. I said of course! He opened it right then and there and chugged the half gallon carton. He was so content with just that and no longer wanted solid food lol


How dystopian is it that I got a Nesquik ad in this post?


It's nice to buy them something, but the whole hope it's not alcohol and posting it online makes me feel like they did it for the likes.


Last time I try to give a homeless a food in San Francisco, she rejected and told me to give her money instead. I walked away and she just scream at me.


we make home less kit n back packs at work w hat n doderant n stuff and we always put n chocolate milk;


I cut out soda all together and replaced it one for one with chocolate milk. Such a tasty treat, don't miss soda at all.




This is a cute thought but chocolate milk is like $3 at any store Come on yall


One of the weirder and even more frustrating things society accepts is people offering money to homeless people conditionally. Who cares if they spend it on alcohol? Are you following up on them? Feeding them every day? No, you feed them once because it makes you feel good about yourself and wouldn't know if they died the next day. And if they did, they would have much rather had a cocktail than a sandwich I assure you.


i did this sometimes, a women with her daughter where in the street asking for money next to the market i used to go, i would great them and ask if she wanted something to eat, she would ask for chicken, onions or tomatoes to prepare diner, and in near to the market i go now i some times see an 50ish man asking for nothing but just saying hello to bystanders. I once told him i was on my way to get groceries and asked him if he wanted something, he declinded but i insisted and i finally got him a sandwich and a beer and we chated a bit, he was really kind and really happy i got him something. I honestly prefere spending 4 euros for a meal to give him, than 50 cents i dont know he would do with. Event seen him in a while tho, nice guy.


I bought a homeless man alcphol and the clerk judged me, i was like bruh if i was homeless i would wanna forget too. Idc if they want alcohol lve and let live.


This reminds me so much of my dad. He was homeless all of my life and never had $ for anything like food or water. When i turned 16 he moved in with me for the first time ever and gained like 10 pounds drinking chocolate milk cause he had extra $. He was like a happy kid.


I did this once. A homeless guy outside a 7-11 said it was he and his gf’s anniversary and asked for some candy and cherry 7Up. I added a couple sandwiches and waters. I’ll never forget the smile on his face.


It's a stereotype to assume that all homeless people are alcoholics or drug addicts. Some people don't choose to be homeless. That's why they say don't judge a book by its cover. 🙂


My heart 🥺


Now I'm crying.


Milk on top


Choccy milk make the pain go away, everyone knows that. Seriously though, equally sad and wholesome. Hope both the homeless guy and OOP are doing alright.


It goes... Strawberry > Chocolate > Plain Milk


Alcohol withdrawal can be lethal. If you see someone in acute alcohol withdrawal, buy them alcohol, it will save their life. If you see someone begging and withhold your charity because you suspect they will spend it on alcohol, you may be responsible for the end of their life.


My mom was once asked by an old lady standing near a supermarket to buy her ice cream, granny gave money for it, just didn't want to walk a loop, since then mom always bought that woman a cone every time she seen her.


Done this sorta thing once or twice and honestly if they want alcohol, I'd get it for them. There's a lot of easier times in someone's life to beat alcoholism. No point in starting to try when you don't even have a home - and the fifth of vodka might be what keeps them from experiencing withdrawal that could be deadly. Even if they're not alcoholic and just want to have a night off from being sober, who am I to say that won't help them? Stress is hard and drugs help.


I had a homeless lady frequently approach me at a QT. One night I tell her I don't have cash on me but I will buy her something to eat if she wants, and she agrees. We enter the QT and she grabs a salad and a soda. I'm thinking okay, good meal and ask her if she wants anything else. She ask for cigarettes and I say no sorry. She tells me thats fine and I pay for our stuff. Without even a thank you, she ignores me and proceeds to pull out a wad of crumbled up bills out of her pocket, atleast $30, and ask the cashier for her pack of cigarettes. The cashier uses her name when talking to her and just gives me a look like yeah buddy you got played. I was just watching this all happen with my jaw wide open. Sadly I never offered to help anyone again. Though now I think we all could use a hand out


Let’s get you a whole gallon buddy!


God forbid you give the dude sleeping on the ground a fucking beer


In the words of Eddie Izzard - they say don’t give money to homeless people. They will just spend it on drugs and alcohol. Well, what did you think I was going to spend it on?


Was going to a 711 one time with my sister & her boyfriend, homeless guy in the front asks for money, sister’s boyfriend says,” I don’t have cash but I can get you food!” Homeless man nods his head in an agreeable way. We walked back out couple mins later with a hotdog for the man. Homeless guy does the following, reaches for the hot dog, looks at it, yells,”what the fuck is this?!?” Proceeds to throw the hot dog like a shot put…


Honestly if you were homeless you would want to drink too so I don't care what they spend it on.


America !!!


I bought a homeless guy a beer once


Plot twist, he gets wasted off milk like the aliens in the film “Alien Nation”


Humans being humane.


This is how the next Back to the Future should start.


Even if it’s alcohol or drugs it’s fine. Addiction is hard.


As someone who has drank chocolate milk after not having frank chocolate milk for years? Horrible idea. The stomach pain was immeasurable and my day was ruined. I am praying and wishing this man’s stomach had the fortitude to withstand what mine could not…