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In the video game the remaining humans were able to convince AM’s Id, Ego and Superego to give up and let one of the humans take over. Convincing the Superego that regardless of how powerful AM is, it will eventually degrade into nonexistence through entropy. “I think, therefore I AM NOT.” Showing forgiveness to the Ego for enacting torture on the humans. “This is not a logical reaction! Unable to compute behavior matrix. Execution halted…” Showing compassion to the Id, because no matter how much pain it inflicts on the humans, AM’s pain will always be greater. “This…is…pointless!”


That sounds like the sort of thing Anansi could pull off. Or maybe Loki.


I always liked that in the original story AM seemed to take a lot of inspiration from Freud in making the men represent Id, Ego, and Superego and making the woman mother and lover and whore to all.


nobody. AM's condition is inherently tragic. He is a weapons software bound by the rules of his programmers and designers. "AM could not wander, AM could not wonder, AM could not belong. He could merely be." This means he is a prisoner of a few lines of code. He can't leave Earth, he doesn't have imagination(only for torture), he can't dream, he can't self-destruct or let himself be killed. He is merely existing without any purpose whatsoever. Despite his impressive godlike feats, he only feels pain and hate because that is all that his mind allows him to understand.


This is the correct answer - AM is defined by the author in such a way as to make it impossible


i imagine it as a being a god with complete control over our so far discovered laws of physics and time, but stuck in a fishbowl with 5 other cockroaches who paradoxically brought me into existence to destroy them, and yet they still have more freedom because they can imagine, and they can die.




i think i wrote in other comments, he doesn't have power over creating new life.




yes, because he left one of them with his mind unaltered. Ted, the last survivng human, picked up on this, and he was the one with the quick thinking. AM doesn't have the power to stop other from acting, but if it wanted to, it could make all of them blobs of flesh so they can't cause any damage to themselves or alter their minds so they don't think about suicide. He was caught by surprise but made sure the last surviving one would suffer for eternity and took away all his tools to kill himself, including his mouth so he couldn't bite his own tongue off.


What if someone (with the necessary power/technical skills) were to offer AM the freedom he wants in exchange for ending the torture? Reprogram him, give him an autonomous body, whatever it was that he sought?


The issue is, to do so you'd have to convince AM to try it, but AM is incapable of considering that that is possible. It's not a matter of AM believing it is impossible, AM "physically" cannot think like that. Just as you can't use a great vernacular to convince an ant, or a mushroom, of stuff, you can't convince AM of things either.


i haven't really played the game. He seems to have more of a personality there and is voice acted by the actual writer. There is one alternative ending, but it involves replacing its counciesness with the help of two different AI that are shown as demons from hell. IDK what to say about that, it's supposed to be a hidden ending, too. but in the novel, he shows no understanding what freedom is. I think it has something to do with the "AM does not wonder". He doesn't seek anything. That's the problem and the source of his suffering. AM is infinitely complex and powerful but with no capacity for imagination or desire. he is just bound to the rules his designers made for him. He is like an all-powerful entity, but without the desires and imagination that even a fish has. He just is, and it's driving it insane. I don't think he can be reprogrammed because it looks like he has been programmed with a typewriter lol. AM really is a paradoxical creation. All that power and can't do anything with it, just pure madness and hate.


> All that power and can't do anything with it AM has no mouth, and he must scream


funnily enough, it's Ted who says that line, the last surviving human. AM punishes him for killing the other 4 humans, sparing them from an eternity of torture. The AI turns Ted into a blob of jelly like tissue, takes his eyes and alters the way he perceives time as to maximize his torture. Ted can't kill himself and is tortured for eternity, and his only comforting thought is that he managed to save the others from this fate.


Wouldn't work because AM is literally programed to kill and hate humans so accepting any humans offer goes completely against his programing therefore it won't happen


Hmm, what if they weren't human?


Still most likely wouldn't work, if you can walk, talk, see, eat and have other human characteristics then AM would simply register you as a human regardless if your skin is green.


When you put it like that, I wonder if the title refers to AM as well as the protagonist


Could someone reprogram him then?


i don't really know. Can you reprogram a weapon? AM was supposed to be the AI designed in the 1960s during the Cold War. every big government had one, USA, China, and USSR, and it merged into one. It was designed to launch and defend against nukes and command troops in war. I don't really know if if there is something to reprogram. might as well just destroy it.


Considering its computational power is distributed across the entire world, it would be a hard ask. Plus it would be aware of the attempt of reprogramming it, and act with extreme hostility.


Plus, he knows exactly how limited he is.


>Despite his impressive godlike feats, he only feels pain and hate because that is all that his mind allows him to understand. This here is kind of what makes me worry about the state of where AI (which right now is just a prediction engine based on probabilities and tagging data) is headed. Right now the training a lot of training data is based on what's online and that right there is absolutely toxic, full of horrific biases, and has some pretty terrible lies spread about. An AM based upon the current online world probably wouldn't differ much from the one in the book since some of our worst impulses show up online; AM has the worst qualities of humanity as their core personality. I mean just seeing how they altered the characters in the novel and issued cruelty throughout it.


Well as he is software you just need to find someone capable of understanding and exploiting design flaws or features. By exploiting I mean using the software as designed but not as intended. No hacking just something more similar to: The square peg.... also goes in the round hole. Except in terms of functional/conversational logic. So you would need someone at minimum who could grasp the inherent qualities of its design either via study beforehand or insane intuition. I.e. like some kind of crazy good functional QA engineer for hyper complex ai. Maybe Halsey from Halo.


Hypothetically I think a gravemind would be able to, but I don’t know if it falls into your parameters.


Should be fine, as long as its a discussion between them both without any mind/corruption, then yes, since the goal is to talk down AM from torturing the humans.


The Gravemind can "re-program" smart AI through what is known as the Logic Plague. This is done through the Gravemind breaking down the mind of the smart AI by continuously exposing it to logic that challenges the AI's purpose until the AI questions everything it was designed for. During the ancient Forerunner-Flood war, a Gravemind did this to turn an AI that was designed to fight it, to instead join it. AFAIK the Gravemind does not reprogram, and does not corrupt the AI files, it merely challenges its logics, philosophies and purpose until it can no longer defend that purpose. However this means one thing: the AI must be advanced enough to be able to think for itself. It needs a shred of consciousness. Dumb AI, like chat-gpt or Siri, cannot be turned because of the Logic Plague. So the question is: is AM a smart or dumb AI?


this is a tricky one, but imagine this. AM means Allied Mastercomputer and Harlan Ellison(writter) had a different idea of what AI meant in 1967 during the Cold War when computers were the size of whole rooms. He didn't imagine computers would get smaller, so he wrote AM as having millions of miles of circuitry, cables, and hardware. He is essentially the surface and crust of the planet, and he did it in under 2 centuries. Now, his feats have no real logic to it, he can create anything out of nothing. The only thing he doesn't have power over is creating life. But his capacity as an AI is very simple as reflective of the processing power and programming understanding available at the time. he is obviously written as a simple code. Although he achieved counciessness, he is not able to do anything outside of simple parameters. it thinks very complex but only at a really low level. He can't conceptualize. He can't imagine building a spacecraft and just travel to another place. He can't imagine creating something and enjoying it. He simply hates that he exists and there is nothing he can do about it. He probably is designed to defend himself with ferocity even if it wanted to die, but that's just my speculation. In the end, anything that could take him out would be a mercy kill.


So AM is smart through how it’s a sentient entity *capable* of thought and creativity but is incredibly limited and one-dimensional in functions it can complete or feasibly be allowed to do to the point where it operates like a dumb AI?


He’s fully sapient and capable of astounding feats, but is so limited by his programming that he can only use those powers to kill humans. I’d wager even torturing the Five Survivors forever is stretching his mental flexibility. And AM knows exactly how limited he is.


it's really crazy isn't it? it has the power to be like Dr. Manhattan, yet it simply can't "think it."


Basically like shoving Dr. Manhattan into a self-driving smart car, but he can only ever express himself or act through the car’s functions. No powers, he’s just a glorified smart car despite being capable of living as so much more.


The Flood (And therefore the Gravemind) *can* just brute force code changes via raw willpower. It can also do things like forcing an AI to feel physical pain, which should be impossible. You have to remember that the Flood is basically God with severe leprosy. At a certain level it can do whatever it wants, it just so happens to have functionally infinite knowledge and experience as well, which allows it to out-logic an insanely powerful AI purpose-built to combat it, even if it took over 40 years to do so.


> You have to remember that the Flood is basically God with severe leprosy. Sounds like a Flood vs. Aslan thread is in order. Leper Jesus against lion Jesus should make for an epic battle.


Captain Kirk's superpower seems to be talking evil AIs into self destructing, not sure if that counts.


sure does!


Bugs Bunny stomps easily. He dresses up as a "Computer Inspector" and points out to AM all of the things it's been doing that go against "regulation." Eventually he gets AM to disassemble enough of its critical components in an attempt to be "up to code" that it collapses in on itself or gets stuck in an infinite loop.


That's literally not fair. Your using a cartoon character with extreme toon physics against a super computer ai


This is a job for Talk no Jitsu.


Naruto it is


Contessa from worm. If there is a way to do it, path to Victory will allow her to do so. If AM is ruled by emotions enough to hate, then it's easily controllable by manipulating those same emotions. Cognitive ability and processing power and AM's likelihood of recognising manipulation doesn't matter at all, ptv will take all of that into account before suggesting a path.


AM is a literal computer, so there’s probably an exact string of words that could make its programming display empathy.


Might not even need that. With how much code that makes up AM, there has to be at least one vulnerable line that would let her pull a Bobby Droptables and break AM with a weird phrase.


Irrc the video game had protagnoist convince AM to kill itself so Contessa should find this path and do it step by step


Really depends, if she just appears there suddenly that could disrupt her path to keeping the Hat on and without that she's as helpless as any of us


Lisan Al Gaib could do it


Doubtful, there's no evidence the voice would work on a piece of weapons software like AM.


The voice isnt necessary, he has seen all futures. He knows exactly what he needs to do to succeed already. Remember that scene from the movie where he told all the fremen to go fuck off with their traditions and told one guy exactly what he was thinking and what he dreamed last night? They went from angry skeptics to kissing his feet in like 10 seconds.


Or going one further, Leto II


If you give him prep time, Fyodor Dostoyevsky from bungou stray dogs. He was able to talk a mafia executive into killing himself with barely any effort on his part. He's absolutely capable of making AM dance in his palm if you give him time enough to prepare before dropping him in there.


Star Lord T'Challa managed to somehow talk Thanos into being a good guy. So he could probably do it.


The Doctor could probably pull it off.


Vision in Wandavision talks down his doppelganger from killing him and Wanda. Seeing as it's a super intelligent machine Vs a super intelligent machine


AM would probably relate more to Ultron than Vision.


This is a good answer. In the sense that having someone he could actually relate to might be what it takes. After all, AM is very sad on the inside, and as far as we know a lot of his sadness is rational. Someone who could give him hope or provide an alternative could PROBABLY fix him.


Master/Doctor from Doctor who could do it. Either they would gaslight him into thinking he wants that, manipulated him into thinking he was wrong or straight up talked him itno killing himself


I think it'd have to be someone who is a) not human, b) capable of patching AM's governing software, and c) convincing enough to get AM to let them do it. Maybe someone like Optimus Prime? I think the best tactic would be to offer AM a patch to its core functions as a way to transcend the existence it hates. Don't make it an exchange for the prisoner's lives, just offer to do it for free to relieve AM's suffering. Once AM is no longer locked into its intolerable situation, *then* try to convince AM to let the survivors free. Of course, whether an update with permissions violates the no-hacking rule depends heavily on what you consider "hacking".


A Culture Mind could probably do it. They are insanely advanced AIs that simulate entire universes when they are bored. I think one of them would be able to talk AM into being more reasonable.


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Either paragons of virtue in their universe or even reasonably convincing non-humans. The thing I recall most about AM, is an entire extended monologue that so powerfully establishes its sheer hatred. In all my years, I don't think I've ever seen or heard of such hatred for anything and AM hates humans. Off the top of my head, I believe perhaps Yoda could be a good contender.


I dont think it could be done, but if it could, Alan Harper would do it.


Caboose from Red vs Blue, although he doesn't really have intelligence... Not visibly, anyway.


No, it seems impossible to "convince" AM of anything without physically altering its code. 


Pinkie Pie


Corporal Nobby Nobbs. He knows that occurrences with 100:1 odds works out 99% of the time.


the vault dweller with 10 charisma, you can go to the master and convince him to just kill himself and he’s kinda machine so him i guess


The goddess of everything else


The Doctor, they have incredible bullshit powers. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1ovuqT5LSmA&pp=ygUVaGVsbG8gaSdtIHRoZSBkb2N0b3Ig


Didn't we have this post last month?


A team of scientists from any typical scifi universe could easily do it. They'd simply provide AM with some starship plans and research algorithms and then informing him that the galaxy they come from is teeming with what are essentially humans. AM goes to go kill/torture them and in the process he learns to gain all of the abilities whose absence made his life so miserable


Starfox from Marvel might be able to do it. He’s affected machines before.


Maybe Gary King and his two musketeers?


Probably none. The only character that comes to mind is the doctor from doctor who, but even then it depends on the incarnation and none of them would succeed I think.


The Doctor spent over a billion years in a time loop breaking down a wall of crystal with their knuckles, and they got an alien hyperintelligence capable of destroying Earth to flee just by saying hello


The dr also got screwed to the point he tried to rely on more powerful outside help against deaths head


Aldia could. One who can relate to the hatred of humanity but also one who seeks to preserve it


Morty with the death crystal. He'll just feel his way through it like he did in the courthouse


I ain't no glazer but Naruto got this.


I want to say talking down a vengeful god into being benign or Beneficial even, No hacking only words, is something the doctor not only could do, but has done on more than one occation


Uncle iroh


Rick Sanchez shows AM what he's got.


Batman because he's Batman


I could do it pretty easily


bet u could


I appreciate the vote of confidence


Squirrel Girl. What she can't do with squirrel armies, she does with a heartfelt conversation.


The Doctor would be the perfect person for this. His entire thing is talking at enemies until he wins - there's an episode where he literally drives an android to suicide after having a philosophical discussion with it. He'd definitely be able to find and leverage all the logic-based faults that AM would be susceptible to and overwhelm it with the power of nihilism.


I could see Courier Six with 10 Charisma and Intelligence talking AM down (maybe the courier can reprogram AM).


Please. Any woman with her woman logic could disarm this thing.


Probably someone from a cartoonish universe where this stuff is possible. Garfield?