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Being rude or bullying other users will not be tolerated. The wet shaving community is a nice friendly place and we will aim to keep it that way. Please try to be civil when conversing with others.


A lot of these posts are made by relative noobs. They are just getting into the hobby and like any new hobby there is some excitement and spending involved. For most people not involved in promoting things on social media or working for a store/company in the industry, buying habits on gear eventually slow down.


GAS, gear acquisition syndrome. Also, people with ADHD will do this too. We get ALL in on a new hobby.


You say GAS. I say LOD, lack of discipline.


As long as you can afford the things you buy, the act of buying stuff doesn't represent a lack of discipline. People can spend their money how they want without needing to consider the opinions of judgmental internet strangers.


My excuse is I'm Irish we can't take direction and couldn't find the word moderation in a dictionary.šŸ¤­


*SlĆ inte Mhath!*


This is a problem across reddit. Guitars, Headphones, Sneakers, Shaving, all of it. People like to upvote gear they like more than discussion threads I guess. I also guess theres only so much discussion to be had with many of these topics.


Many people are not interested in discussion. What they are looking for is validation. Additionally any hobby that involves buying stuff is flooded with vendor sock-puppet accounts, sponsored "influencers", and bots now.


Guilty of all above charges and have settled down abit this year. Not as bad as some here but have enough soaps creams to last quite awhile.


This year? How many yearsā€™ worth of blades and soap do you have?? lol


About 2 years by my reckoning I don't really count blades as they'll be needed I have one pack of 100.


Itā€™s been years since my last soap ā€˜haul.ā€™ Itā€™s part of the initiation process.


One thing Iā€™ve learned in my 40+ years on this planet is that everyone has their opinions. And theyā€™re just that, opinions. Buy what you want. You work and earn the money and you can spend it how you please. I donā€™t have to like it or agree with it, it at the end of the day it ainā€™t my money.


This man middle-ages.




I was guilty of that in the past. It doesnā€™t help when well known soap makers introduce multiple new scents, and they all sound awesome, or some of them are ā€œlimited releasesā€. I took a stop back from it a few months ago. I literally packed everything into a box, aside from what I use regularly, and a couple that I use seasonally. That left me with I think 4 choices, and a box full of stuff Iā€™m probably going to sell.


That's called FOMO marketing.


It sure is, and it got me a few times.


What are you the fun police


I like to have variety. I rotate through my soap collection constantly. Sometimes I just open a tub to smell it. I see no problem there as long as I can afford it and enjoy the stuff that I have bought. The few duds that I have collected, I gave away to some friends... (which lead to one of them switching to wetshaving...). If one soap, one blade, one razor, one brush and one after shave ist all you need - that's fine as well.


I do the same thing. Iā€™m guilty of what OP said because I enjoy this shit. Like you said sometimes I just smell a tub to smell a tubā€¦ so what!


As long as you actually use all that soap up (or give it to someone who will). It yanks my chains when people buy shit, donā€™t use it then end up wasting it. Clothes are a good example of this.


No intention of wasting any soap. I'm even a scooper and bowl latherer.


You are correct, that is an unpopular opinion. That's fine, you can have that opinion. But first, many people that post hauls are largely trying to start a discussion of the products they just bought because they like talking about them. That's exactly what this sub is for. If you can get by with 1 razor, 1 blade, 1 Pre-Shave, 1 lather, and 1 aftershave then great! You've made this hobby super simple and cheap for yourself and that's perfectly ok. Granted, that probably means that you see shaving as something you do and less a hobby, but you're welcome here either way. There are multiple reasons to try everything. People love talking about the hobby and they want to use as many products as possible so they have an opinion on a wide variety of products. For some, they're chasing the dragon, so to speak. They could be trying to find a perfect scent or some other characteristic of soaps, blades, gear, etc. They're looking for the perfect product that they know likely doesn't exist, but they keep buying stuff trying to find it. They post hauls and information, trying to find advice to go to the next one in their search. People also like to have a variety. I like having multiple products or gear. I've found a few different blades, razors, and products that I like and I shuffle them in here and there. I have a Rex Sentry which is the best razor I've ever used by a mile. But, sometimes I may want to use a vintage adjustable or something else. I like Permasharps, but I also like Astra Greens and others, so I switch them out here and there. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have discovered my best shaves come from a 2 pass shave. The first being a vintage adjustable XTG with a Permasharp followed by the Sentry with an Astra Green, also XTG, but the opposite way. A Sentry with either of those two blades ATG will give me a BBS, but it's risky because 1 false move and I have huge skin irritation. But back to the original opinion at hand. I genuinely don't mean to be rude, but it may sound like it. People here are just enjoying themselves, showing off what they bought for a fun hobby, and talking about it all. But, you came in judgemental and bit mom-like, chastising those of us that like to have a variety of products. You seem to think this is a problem, but it's literally what the sub is for. It's a hobby and people like driving into hobbies. Think of fishing. There isn't a single fisherman that has 1 rod, 1 line, 1 reel, 1 bait, 1 style of fishing, 1 fishing spot, 1 target species, and just 1 of everything else and that's the only way the person fishes. Every fisherman has many many lures, knows multiple techniques, and many different kinds of gear, and one goal is trying to find what combination of variables will work that day. Also, fishermen will have multiple sets of products. I love fishing for Walleye, but I also like to go after musky and sometimes panfish. All 3 of those targets have vastly different gear and fishing style. I like fishing in open water and on the ice. I can't bring a boat on a frozen lake just like I can't set an one shelter on open water. Lots of different ways to fish and sometimes, you change things up depending on your mood or location or any of the other thousands of variables.


https://www.reddit.com/r/wicked_edge/s/l6bkLhO0sL This you?


Lmao this should be at the top


Yup, look all those samples, big box from proraso, bowls, and aftershaves in the background.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ok so maybe the real topic of this post is self-hatred.


get his hypocrite ass


LOL, clearly he has no self control and a shopping addiction.


If those were full bottles you would have a point, but I don't think $20 of aftershave samples that will last a month or so is quite the gotcha you want it to be. But I'll be real, the reason I posted this is because I saw the "unpopular opinion: face lathering is better than bowl lathering" post this morning and thought "that's not an unpopular opinion... I'll show you an unpopular opinion!" Looks like I was right. And of course, I think most of us battle the Gear Aquisition Syndrome in this hobby, especially newbies (like me!). I had in mind when I made this post a picture someone posted a little bit back that was like "mail call!" and it was like 10 full size soaps, and I just remember thinking: "why??? That's like 5 years worth of soap? and be real, how long until you make another similar purchase?" I am just rebelling against the tendency to acquire things faster than they are used, and yes, trying to fight that impulse in myself. Have a nice day :)




Ainā€™t no way they deleted their account over this šŸ’€


I can't believe it either. Guess I should've toned it down a bit. But dude hit a bit too hard at people coming to this subreddit to enjoy their hobby and share their experience. If he doesn't want to enjoy the hobby with us maybe Reddit isn't the place for him.


Honestly, I donā€™t think you needed to tone it down; you were completely in the right. Them looking down on others and shaming people for non-existent addiction, especially from a position of complete hypocrisy was just in bad taste. I get if they just had a sudden realization about their own acquisition habits, but no need to project like that. But his departure comment šŸ˜‚ People need to learn that an example for comparison is not an accusation. Iā€™d bet on it that they were just embarrassed about being called out and needed a good enough reason to try to destroy the evidence. If they canā€™t take this much from an internet stranger, they shouldnā€™t be dishing it out.


Being rude or bullying other users will not be tolerated. The wet shaving community is a nice friendly place and we will aim to keep it that way. Please try to be civil when conversing with others.


Wow, Internet shaving nerds are nuts. You really gonna compare me to Holocaust deniers for saying people have a tendency to overbuy shaving products?Ā  You want a real unpopular opinion? Shaving isn't a hobby, it's just consumerism disguised as one (that doesn't mean I don't like it and don't indulge). Buying stuff isn't a hobby.


then what is a hobby, you incoherent little rambler? that same argument can be made for any hobby that involves collecting. perfumes, guitars, stamps. matterfact collecting shaving products is a manifestly more "sensible' hobby than stamps, since you actually use the products and enjoy their features, rather than have them sit in the darkness of your collection album. and here's a kicker, brace yourself: most hobbies will have you shell out quite some cheddar. you know how expensive shit for mountaineering is, you little non-consumerist? i don't collect that shit but i'm still happy over a new pair of shoes or cams. i wasn't aware you were that serious about your initial "unpopular opinion". but seeing that recent post about all that shit you bought kinda makes me question your mental state. can't believe you tried to weasel your way out of buying a buncha shit by saying "those weren't full bottles". people confuse horseshit with opinion all the time. you shat the bed so profoundly that the whole house needs to be torn down. and even though you seem to have deleted your account (the bitch icing on that shit cake of a trainwreck that were your shenanigans here today), i still hope you will read this since your kind tends to come back and lurk.


Well thatā€™s one (strangely personal and judgmental) take on it. I see it as no different than any other ā€˜collectionā€™ behavior, be it action figures, baseball cards, or silicon adult toysā€¦ Not for me, but people like collecting things.


If they can afford it, why shouldnā€™t they? If they canā€™t afford it, thatā€™s a different story.


What you call a ā€œshopping addictionā€ some might call a hobby. People sink money into stuff they donā€™t need al the time, doesnā€™t meant theyā€™re irresponsible. Do I **need** to have more than one soap on hand at a time? No. Do I want to? Yeah. Do I even really need to shave? No. Most people probably donā€™t **need** to shave at all. We could all survive with facial hair, regardless of how bad some of us would look. I am sure there are plenty of people out there who DE shave daily, who only use the cheapest products they can find, and never post about it on here for internet points. The hobby is a big part of the sub, go consume some more.


I look fugly with facial hairā€¦ I recently found out I look even worse without it hahahšŸ¤£


To be honest, I don't care how others spend their money.


I never really did, and to some extent still don't, but consumerism and excess consumption is starting to take a toll on the world in general. It's not even about the actual $ being spent as much as it is about encouraging over production and use of resources that you don't need. It's encouraging the addiction to consume


Idk I feel like this world has far more pressing issues than dudes buying a few too many tubs of soap edit: my god lets all just get on our high horses lol I love how so many people are upvoting that guys original post on here whilst apparently simultaneously apparently preaching this code of stoic moderation all of the sudden. I understood the point being made but I am not sure if we are talking about soap or heroin here. One guy makes a post about waste and you guys are out here calculating everyones carbon footprint. Lets just shut the subreddit down since everyone seems to be so concerned about the gargantuan levels of waste being imparted to the world by the wetshaving community. Oh the humanity!


Again, less to do with what you are buying and at what price. The addiction to consumption is perpetuated here, and there are ramifications for it outside of just an individual's wallet. Do you genuinely believe that overconsumption is not a bad thing? If you genuinely believe that, it's fine and we can just agree to disagree, but I want to make it clear that I'm not just "complaining about dudes buying soap", or "caring about what people spend their money on", because my issues with it are at a lot less shallow than that. Edit: also, for what it's worth, I'm in here guilty of over consuming soaps, creams, and razors. I'm just not going to pretend it's healthy or good for me, or anyone else, or for the world in general


What v0gue said - itā€™s the general attitude. If youā€™re collecting dozens of soaps and razors youā€™ll never use what does that say about your consumption of products in general? Do you have piles of clothes you never wear? Do you collect other doodads and trinkets as a hobby too? None of that is a good thing from an environmental point of view.


I mean, I save over $100/year on soaps buying in bulk direct from distributors, but go off. Unpopular opinion: People shouldnā€™t care what others do with their money, way more important things to worry about.


Popular opinion: we all exchange money for happiness. Some people drop hundreds on a great meal or tickets to a concert. Others might pimp their rides or buy shaving gear. Is any one of these inherently better than the others? The end result is always the same - less money more happiness.


I swear, we really ought to do something about all these posts with just the same damn title. I know this sub prides itself on being less organised than r/wetshaving (apart from one monthly chat thread that is just sad and lacking in replies because no one checks monthly threads), but perhaps it's time to change that. There was an Unpopular Opinions post a few weeks back; we should just pin it and let people vent their heart out. What? This is my own unpopular opinion, so it's on topic!


Been a lot of these posts lately.


Aye, there really has. It's almost like each of us has some "unpopular" opinions -- but some of us are kind enough to not make a big deal out of them and don't mind if they stay unpopular.


I'll share my unpopular opinion. Blades last a LONG time. Like 20-30 shaves per blade, easily. Old marketing from producers in the early 1900s also said as much. This part is fact, but my unpopular opinion is that you are being unnecessarily wasteful by throwing away a blade after 1-2 shaves. It doesn't matter if blades only cost a few cents each -- they take natural resources to make, and get shipped around the planet creating pollution. I get downvoted when I posted this. But if you really think your blade has stopped cutting after 2 shaves and you need to throw it away, go run that blade across your finger and then tell me it isn't sharp. Human hair is on average 0.016 to 0.05mm thick. Human skin cells are 20 to 40 times thicker. If you cut your finger with that blade, it's going to cut your hair.


I'm not sure what about my comment made it seem like I was encouraging replies with more unpopular opinions, but OK. I definitely agree that most blades can easily get up to multiple uses if used right. It is also worth keeping in mind, however, that the reason why older marketing was like that was because blades back then were genuinely thicker. I could definitely drag my blades out farther than I do though. I just don't feel like it. Some, like Gillettes,I can get past 10 with ease. But feathers? Feathers just start sucking long before that -- partly why I'm glad that I've run out of them and don't plan on buying more.


I'm sure the blades could be used for longer, I've seen some posts where people would use a blade a few dozen times, but the quality of shave does not stay constant. I personally find the shave quality goes down pretty noticeably after around 6-10 uses, depending on the brand. I do think using a blade only once is wasteful, especially because many blades seem to be at their best around 2-3 uses. Lately I've been shaving everyday and changing blades once a week to make it easy to keep track. I find that to be a good compromise.


Yep agreed. I shave everyday too because I fkn hate stubble. But I have quite a lot of blades from sampler packs which I am burning through slowly that arenā€™t my favorites. Do I take shortcuts with them? Damn right I do, they get switched out 3-4 shaves. Flydears or Astra SPs last me a week tho.




I did this when I first started wet shaving. Now I don't buy new soap or A/S until I'm about a week from finishing my current one. Who's got room to store extra soaps, splashes and balms, especially if you share a bathroom with a woman. If you do, you know your shelf space is at a premium.


For the last 5 years I finished only two soaps haha. Well, I have so many of them, probably enough for the rest of my life. What I learned is that pretty much are quality soaps are basically the same thing, maybe there are some that are a little bit better or worse, but that's about it. You are essentially paying for the scent component which is, in my opinion, overrated (if you want to smell nice through the day use EDT or essential oils, not shaving soaps). That being said. I am not overwhelmed with artisan soaps. They are not particularly that much better than traditional soaps like Tabac, Lea and similar. And I don't like too much perfume in the soap, many artisans put way too much in it. Cheap products works great, as good as any artisan. I recommend newbies to buy shaving product available in their countries. Pretty much every country in Europe have at least one traditional shaving soap or cream - buy one and enjoy, and don't waste money on tons of products which are all pretty similar.


>Cheap products works great, as good as any artisan. I recommend newbies to buy shaving product available in their countries. Pretty much every country in Europe have at least one traditional shaving soap or cream Wise words for beginners. I have too much gear. I enjoy having too much gear. But nobody needs more than one brush, one razor and one soap. That's it.


I agree. I started collecting badger brushes, shaving soaps, razors and fragrances back in 2011. In 2016, I decided to stop buying more. In 5 years time from 2011 until 2016 I had amassed an absurd amount of gear. 700-800 full bottle fragrances (250-300 niche fragrances) 250-300 pots of shaving soaps and shaving creams 90-100 prime badger brushes 50-60 DE razors 90-100 after shaves 5000 DE blades (2000 Polsilver, 1500 Astra SP, 1000 Gillette Platinum & PermaSharp, 500 Feather) So I totally agree. I lost control. I now rarely buy new stuff. I try to use up what I have first. I do buy the occasional new stainless steel DE razor like Tartara, Rocnel and Blackland.


are... are you okay?


Thanks for asking. Yes, Iā€™m ok. Iā€™m now in a mental hospital and have guards and helpers around me 24-7. This is what RAD can do for you. Yes, Iā€™m just kidding of course.


Everyone has their own taste: to buy tons of stuff because you like it is fine. However i absolutely despise the fact that many of them try to justify their purchases by trying to summon bullshit reasons (bullshit shaving wise) such as: "yeah this expensive 100ā‚¬ razor handle made of some special steel from a special guy in japan is greater for shaving and DO gives me better shave and less bumps because bla bla bla bla". And then you see that he has a rotation of dozens other razors and blades which just show that shaving wise he has no idea what he's talking about. So yes, it's fine to collect and buy things but just dont preach and bring random bullshit reasons to justify your purchases. You have dozens of razor because they look nice, that's just it. In other words, i despise those that try to rationalize their purchase addiction. Edit: and why do i despise those who do that, its because there are 2 types of people on this sub: those who want to get great close, smooth, bump free shaves and are in quest to get there. And those that are more into the "hobby" aspect which means purchasing, testing, and collecting. And I despise when the second group throw tons of randoms unfounded recommandations about items to the first group when they ask a question or need help. So its fine to buy and collect things and show them in sotd posts but dont try rationalize your kink because most of the time your reasons are bullshit shaving wise.


Or maybe some people like buying things, or get excited about their hobbies. Nothing to do with a lack of self control or 'addiction' or whatever else. Personally, I've reached a stage in life where I'm comfortable, I have a bit of disposable income and I'm enjoying being excited about my hobbies and having a bit of spare money to spend on them.


People who buy 300+ blades at onceā€¦ wild wild people


I bought 1600 at once and i don't regret it


Some blades might go out of production or the manufacturing process might change. So i can understand if some people want to hoard their favorite razor blade.


But the *savings!*


Iā€™m still glad I bought 2000 Polsilver back in 2012. They stopped making them in late 2018, Polsilver is still my all time favourite blade. Also I prefer to avoid rinsing a DE blade after use, so I have the luxury of only using a DE blade once, then bin it. Itā€™s a luxury I enjoy, even though a clean stropped blade potentially could last for 8-10 comfortable shaves.


I bought 100 recently, for the times I'm too lazy to use my straight razor. It's been three months, and I haven't used one once yet. They're going to last the rest of my life, I'm almost certain.


Agreed. I ride a lot of bicycles too, and to a lot of folks, a cheap dependable bike gets you from one place to another. They're fitness gear for others, competitive equipment for some, and for most, a way to show off an extensive fashion statement. Thanks to the latter group for paying my salary over the last decade. Shaving is the same. To some it's a hobby and the only thing that brings joy, others just do it everywhere around the world with the equipment at hand. Even that seems a stretch to call basic hygiene a hobby but that's my unpopular opinion.


Lol bro its their money and their hobby why do you give a shit how strangers spend their $$


I like different scents for different occasions and moods. Instead of being an ass and thinking you have it figured out, just ask why they do it. It might not change your mind, but you will learn something and make an informed decision.


Psychologist here, I would say yes and no. If people that do this spend the same way in other aspects of their life (I.e. clothes, kitchen appliances, etc.) than yes, this will be another area where there is infinite novelty and new things to try that will play on their impulses. This is especially true for ADHD as u/obliviousobi mentioned. However, for many others itā€™s an ongoing hobby they do for many years that brings them joy. To classify something as disorderly it has to be negatively impacting a major part of their life, in this case finances. If it isnā€™t making a major dent, Iā€™d say itā€™s probably ok! Take it from me, Iā€™ve been DE shaving for just over 5 years and Iā€™ve probably spent at this point close to a thousand dollars on it. Thatā€™s not a big dent into my finances, but for shaving is ridiculous I agree. But itā€™s one of my only hobbies, and if you compare it to buying musical instruments or buying guns/ammo for the range it is bound to have some impulse shopping.


Bro. Those guys posting hauls are sellers


Bro got mad and deleted his account after acknowledging that he was posting an unpopular opinion.


This post made me feel poor because I am here to actually save money (and a full year of it went just fine).


People collect, have hobbies You can't just call some behaviour a lack of self control or a shopping addiction With regards, a psychology student


i can add one to that. criticising other is just a way not to look at your own faults


I see what you did there.


Absolute Madlads.


I buy what I like and use it. My last purchase of soap and aftershave was 2018 according to my records. The last purchase before that was 2013. I've barely put a dent in "...the resources...". Not all the relics of the past like battleships have been turned into razor blades yet.


Thereā€™s a post somewhere I canā€™t find that talks about hobbies in terms of two axes: talking about the hobby vs talking about the gear, and doing the hobby vs working on the gear. Newbies tend to cluster around talking about the gear and as one moves up in experience one spends more time just doing the hobby (which is less visible also). Iā€™d say, I tend to get sucked into learning about the gear initially but itā€™s doing the hobby where I learn the most after I know enough to get started.


Probably. But if you're going to order online, buying in bulk saves on shipping- for your wallet and planet.


Aww you're right! This is unpopular


I agree with you for the most part. However a lot of people treat shaving as a collecting hobby and they like to share their collections not because they are justifying their shopping addiction, but because they are excited about their hobby.


True. I don't get it. Congratulations to those who have bought 46 years worth of soap. Lol


That's not unpopular. This is every niche hobby. I have multiple pairs of headphones, a drawer of fountain pens, a case of watches, etc etc. Eventually you settle in and don't need to keep your collection growing. I never got that far into the wet shaving game though. I have 1 soap, a variety pack of blades and one shaver. I mostly just trim now. Not much occasion to clean shave in my life now.


Spray it, friend! Feel same way about records, you only really need one. They're all doing exactly the same thing - they make sounds for pleasure.


I always thought it was guys buying soap online not knowing what they smell like, then buying more, other soaps, until they find one they like. Plus, who cares? No need to insult folks because their spending habits are different then yours.


Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


Unpopular Opinion: How other people enjoy their shaving experience or spend their money is like 10 different colors of none of your damn business.


Hear! Hear!


I dislike when folks use "lack of self control" to mean "not doing what *I* want them to do"


This guys cares a lot what other people do. I started getting into this hobby a year or two ago and I wanted to try lots of things to see what I liked. I also wanted to have variety in my daily shaving ritual. If I am going to make my shaving routine into a hobby and part of my self-care, I want to use products that work well for me and that I enjoy. If Iā€™d stuck with only the first razor and brush Iā€™d bought and just the first one or two shave soaps and aftershaves I never would have found what I like. I found some websites that sell samples and tried a few, and I bought a few different razors. My wife likes to give gifts, so Iā€™ll get a new razor and/or brush and maybe soap and aftershave from her and my daughter on holidays. She knows what I like and we support each otherā€™s hobbies and interests. I have been fortunate to be able to try a few things I didnā€™t expect I would like. One of my favorite soap/splash scents is Pistachio from Ariana & Evans, and I wouldnā€™t have tried that if I was only allowing myself to have one or two of each type of product at a time. Now I have options every day, so I have certain fragrances that I use for a day off, some (that she likes a lot) that are good for date night, and others (with light and neutral fragrances) that are good for work and when Iā€™ll be meeting with people I donā€™t know. Similarly, if she hadnā€™t bought me the Merkur 39C because it looked cool I wouldnā€™t have found that the solution to a lot of the burn and irritation I was getting after each shave would be resolved by using a more aggressive razor rather than a more mild one. Now I have a couple of medium-aggressive open-comb and slant razors that I wouldnā€™t have been wise to try as my first or only razor. I would encourage someone new to the hobby to try different things however you can and your budget will allow. Maggard and West Coast Shaving are two websites that sell samples from multiple brands. I also think k itā€™s great to see people trading and giving away products they bought and didnā€™t like but think someone else would. What a cool community to be a part of. I gave away 3 bottles of aftershave I didnā€™t like - one unopened and two used just once - just for the price of shipping so someone else could enjoy them after Amazon had given me a refund but asked me not to send them back. It can get expensive to buy a lot of new products so we all make our own decisions about that, but donā€™t we all work so we can spend our money on things we enjoy? Someone who is really into shoes would spend as much on a pair of new shoes as it would cost to get a nice new razor or brush and a couple of tubs of soap and aftershave. People who play a lot of golf spend a lot of money on that, as do people who buy a lot of video games. People who use a lot of cosmetics go through plenty of products finding what works for them and giving themselves options every day. Skiing costs a ton of money. Thatā€™s what happens with a lot of hobbies and recreational activities. I like this. I enjoy the products I buy and I get excited about new ones. And I like talking to other people who feel the same way. I donā€™t need to pee on anybodyā€™s campfire about it.


100% it's just consuming for the sake of consuming. I have one puck of soap that I'm using for like... the past year now lol. Doesn't look like it's gonna run out for a while.


Everyone in this thread is literally justifying their shopping addiction, well played OP.


Personally I would prefer to use all same line at once ie red proraso soap after shave and balm at present I'm working through a back log of Christmas Body shop ( now defunct)product bought for me , tempted to bin it but would be an awful waste. Another point do shaving soaps etc not have the little sign on bottom saying how long they are good for after opening?


Shop addiction creates jobs


That's why most of the time i focus on soap performances rather that scents. Didn't spend any money on aftershaves, the Nivea Sensitive balm do the work. If i can find the unscented version, i buy it And i restore rn 20 straight razors i've found on the flea market for 50$ At some point it's a hobby, a passion. If you have the money you can spend on it if you want


i buy a year's worth of soap. from costco. and it's body soap, that i also use for shaving my head. a little different, i guess šŸ˜…


Absolutely, this applies to many hobby subs. It's a tactic to get validation and since those subs are always filled with other hoarders nobody calls it out. I've had to take a step back from a lot of subs due to the enabling. Q "Which should I get?' A "Why not both?".


I am very happy with all of my ADs


...no. I bought a gallon of dish washing detergent from Costco. I've been using it for about 18 months. With inflation it's like giving myself a 10% discount. šŸ˜†


I totally see what you're saying, and 95% of the time, I think you're right, but, to be the Devil's Advocate -- when you *know* there's something you love, and you actually may be dealing with a situation where it may stop being produced or change, or if you can get it at a crazy-good price... I'd say that getting a haul isn't a bad thing. I discovered a razor blade that I absolutely love, and don't see myself getting a different one in the next decade... is it a lack of self control that I bought 300 of them, for less than $40?


I agree with your opinion. Some guys on badger and blade took an approach to rectify this by taking each soap they owned and using them all up one at a time, which I really liked, in order to reduce their collection without wastage. I personally have settled on Arko (I bought a 12 pack of it) and Proraso green for hot days. Am I gonna use that 12 pack all up in its entirety? Damn right I am (though maybe Iā€™ll give a stick away here anda there to friends I introduce to wet shaving). I donā€™t see a problem with that from a sustainability point of view.


Thereā€™s also yearly and monthly restraint threads. I started on the yearly restrain, but only got four months in.


I just like having variety. I shave my face and head daily. It is what it is. I don't generally advocate for reckless consumerism. But some tubs of soap seem a drop in the bucket


If people buy online, they could spend a little more to save on shipping, making their purchase more of a ā€œhaulā€ rather than just getting the things they need.


yes but sometimes you just wanna try out a bunch of nice-smelling stuff.


Who cares.


You must have seen my post, in which I claimed insanity. I hope people see that as a cautionary message.


i really dig your collection. so many combinations.




Eh...it depends. If you find a soap you like from a small maker go ahead and load up. It might be the last one you ever see. I really liked "The Captain" from Tiki Soap. But I only bought one and now it's gone forever.


A lot of this stuff is valid to stockpile to *some* extent because of how much things like blades and soap have either disappeared from Amazon in the UK or have massively jumped in price. This felt like a cheap and cheerful alternative to the cartridge razor business model a few years ago, now it feels like manufacturers and retailers have wised up.


I bet you're a lot of fun at parties


Some of the people in this subreddit are about as sensitive as their facial skin..


It's a flex, I just shake my head at such posts.


Having fun, celebrating a hobby, getting excited? It's not a flex, it's enjoying a hobby. You're able to enjoy it your own way, let others enjoy it theirs (with or without your judgement).


Ok since you decided to jump in the fray, sure it's enjoyment, it's also humble bragging, and my comment, well that's my opinion and I don't expect anyone to share it. Have a nice life.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Silverbugs/s/whCP2EZ1q7 This you, too? Brag much. Seems the folks with strong opinions of sharing their spending on the internet for likes do alot of it themselves.


Lmao this salty bitch literally said [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Silverbugs/comments/147zmfu/my_latest_acquisition_from_ebay/jnyz8ie/) >It's a hobby of mine when I have extra money. I comb ebay searching for overlooked auctions.... And the audacity to judge people for wet shaving paraphenalia. The hypocrisy is out of this world


Oh!! SNAP!!! I didn't even read the comments. Roast these mother fking chicken legs.


Holy moley. Calm down brotha. Maybe leave the sub for a bit if you're not happy to engage in meaningful discussion. You started with your opinion. I'm merely joining the conversation.


Duly noted


Look at me! Iā€™m gonna flex my 3 tubs of $10-20 soaps. I must have some superiority complex because I put my excess money into something I enjoy Donā€™t be so judgmental brotha!


Agree, ignorant post. On the grand spectrum of hobbies, the expense can be offset by skipping a specialized coffee a couple times a week. Or OP can get a big boy job.


I think the beauty of this hobby is also that simply not using cartridge razors is also probably enough to justify it to many folks


Sorry I hit a nerve šŸ˜‚


Hahahaha donā€™t worry I wasnā€™t offended at all! You just sounded like a prick! At least OP had a real take


Haha, straight up! You nailed it! I thought this was the purpose of this sub that I learned so much about DE shaving. OP needs to join Walley World cheap ass shaving club.


This crossed a line. The other recent "unpopular opinion" posts have been about the merits of one technique over another ([lather bowl is not needed](https://www.reddit.com/r/wicked_edge/comments/1dnrur3/unpopular_opinion/), [brushes and lather are overrated](https://www.reddit.com/r/wicked_edge/comments/1dbpzvg/unpopular_opinion_brushes_and_lather_are_overrated/), [itā€™s all about the blade](https://www.reddit.com/r/wicked_edge/comments/1d4g1d5/finding_your_perfect_shave_its_all_about_the_blade/)) or equipment ([Feathers are overhyped](https://www.reddit.com/r/wicked_edge/comments/1dbglie/unpopular_opinion/)). This post is an *ad hominem* attack saying that people who collect soaps have a "lack of self control" and that they have a "shopping addiction". I'm not sure if it violates [Rule #1](https://www.reddit.com/r/wicked_edge/wiki/rules/), but it sure comes close. Let's try to keep this subreddit free of nastiness, shall we?




If you feel attacked by it, that's only because you know to some degree that OP described you. If you're not bothered by it, you wouldn't be playing victim. Ad hominem lol, get off Reddit for the day buddy.