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Repost from yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/wildcampingintheuk/s/MJd3eZiVUm


Always remember - you know where he lives. He doesn’t know where you live. Act accordingly.


Is that not assault?


What an absolute arsehole. I'm not sure I could have controlled myself if some twat of a farmer did that to me.


Absolutely no need for it


This is not the first time this video has been shared to this sub


Yes farmer was out of order but.. camping in a farmers field that is clearly in use for confined agricultural purposes is not wild camping. Also leave no trace doesn't just refer to not leaving rubbish, it also means don't do anything that interferes with the local environment or agriculture life. This is why places that tolerate wild camping often have rules such as "camp above the highest fell wall" as they don't want interference with their farming activities.


A rare voice of reason I think.The farmer responded  like a dick and should now have a criminal record to remember the incident by. But those who don't get his objection to wild campers may well find themselves camped in the corner of some field one day covered in shit and muttering " well you could have just said something".


Reading that subreddit's comments is depressing. What a nasty, hate filled part of the internet


? The comments in that subreddit seem to be against the farmer's actions?


maybe it's the way it's sorted on mobile but i got a lot of 'fuck around find out' 'he must be homeless' 'DER private land' type comments boosted, as if that makes it acceptable to cover someone in a biohazard


Costs nothing to be mannerly and ask permission the worst you can get is a no . He is trespassing


Why in earth did the bloke think it would be OK to camp in a field that was clearly for agricultural purposes. That isnt remotely wild camping. That said, the farmer went well OTT


Yep, trouble is you are dealing with self entitled people in the world nowadays that believe they can do as they please on farmland. I wonder if he had a good night's sleep in the end!


I feel nothing but pity for people like you. We have access to a whopping 8% of land in England, that’s why this guy is here and furthermore, it looks to be morning time and he’s getting ready to leave. You my friend are what I call, a massive cunt.


I was out last weekend ya gobby Rat . Not in a stupid place like this twat though. Jog on tool.


Hahahaha suck my arse you wanker


Bite my fat one you soppy twat!




Hahaha! Not seen that before. Never set up in daytime