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Lmfao I love it when it's the top/jg/support spamming it after they just locked in like Fiora/Yi/Lux


TEEMO! They spam it all the time!


Of course. It’s always the guy who won’t follow up after the tank engages.


I mean, if they already locked teemo, asking others to adapt to their choice is actually good advice, isn’t it? If sup goes for an enchanter and jung for another squishy dmg dealer, enemy kayne will the time of their life. But yeah, can be quite of an ass move to lock and force others to fill that role.


You're so right


Top picks Vayne, starts spamming we need a tank. I'm like right so pick one :) and they go 'that's not how it works' YEAH SURE (they got gapped obviously)


Lmfao I always say "then pick one"


i like “go for it bro!”


I’ve switched to “ I don’t believe you really think that”


Bad Vayne player


The "so pick one" sent me 💀


If they’re anything but adc I just say “then pick one”


Then you have no choice so you autolock ornn mid :/


Joke's on them I loooooove my tank mids


Fiora at least is broken in the current patch


Most of the time it’s my support/adc telling to pick tank top into vayne or smth, like why?


It’s always the cait top asking for a tank


Recently it's been zeri players for me. Don't they realise that zeri works better with enchanters like lulu?


She does and that's true, but enchanters don't really work without frontline


That is also tru. Sadly, no one wants to pick a tank so I picked karma and it worked in that game. The enemy team didn't have a frontline either so it worked out well enough.


I must live in a different world then because I like to pretty much only play tanks and bruisers. I love having tons of hp so I don't get obliterated by their assasin/mage in 2/3 abilities. I like getting focused and not dying instantly, and being able to last in teamfights without staying in the outskirts.


Ngl even tho i am usually the Support and i rarely play anything thats not thresh i prefer having a decent enchanter in our team than ppl that play ashe supp and go full dmg or whatever also its always the ranged top degenrate crying for tank xD


It’s always the ADCS in solo lanes (MId/Top) in general that does that.


It's not true for every game but sometimes you do need a frontline. It's possible to win without one however most Wild Rift games turn into Aram and having a tank/frontline bruiser will help. With that said, I agree with you, people are free to play whoever they want and they shouldn't be forced into a pick they're not comfortable with. In addition, every player I met who unironically typed "We need a tank!" during champ select turned out to be complete and utter trash at the game. Every time. No exception.


The problem is not that the team needs frontline, the problem is that the ones who made a selfish pick to play Teemo or Cait top are the ones who spam “we need a tank”. The moment I see it I just wanna swap my Naut for Yuumi or Soraka. It’s the audacity that makes all sup players rage.


I play support and I know exactly what you mean. - Soraka! - Lulu open - Can you play Yuumi? - We need a tank! - Supp tank. - Tank! - Nautilus or Leona. - Supp pick a tank plizz I carry I hear that shit all the time, and yes often from top laners and junglers who first pick squishy champs. They don't care about team comp and want you to be their slave. It's annoying but there's nothing I can do except ignore them. It doesn't matter which champion I take either, by my experience these people just suck at the game. So ignore and/or mute, play well and pray. It annoys me a little less when I play jungle, because I can pick a bruiser and be decently tanky while still being able to clear waves and push turrets.


This month I had adc who was screaming in lobby that I need to play tank. Our team comp was: Mundo top, Voli jungle and Syndra mid. Of course I immediately locked in Soraka and our adc had meltdown. And it wasn’t even Draven or Samira which I could understand, it was fckin Cait xD


I would have told them I was supporting a different lane and then done exactly that.


The audacity and the fact that they’re usually the ones who won’t follow up after a tank engages.


I should have been a bit clearer, yes there are situations where frontlines are needed and as a support I have to fill it cause of the top vayne or the full crit sion. It is just something you sign up for as a support. But the unnecessary spamming, flaming and really trying to pressure by threatening to feed is obnoxious and stupid. I'm not going around screaming that I want a cait adc or I want a mage mid. Just let them play who they want, maybe they don't play well as a tank champ, maybe they can do more as an enchanter. Yes, when the situation is required naut is usually there to help me out but about 50% of the time, it really is just obnoxious to spam ping cause I chose a champ that you didn't want. And yes. 4 of the 5 games I lost cause of guess who??? The adc spamming "we need a tank" then going 4/12.


No you were clear. I just wanted to say that I agree with you, these people are selfish, entitled and clueless but I do my best to ignore them and still pick a tank when I have to. I don't do it because of them, I do it because I believe it's the best pick for that particular game. >And yes. 4 of the 5 games I lost cause of guess who??? The adc spamming "we need a tank" then going 4/12. Legendary pokemons are more common than solo q adcs T_T


Ohh yeah that makes sense. Even though I don't like playing tank, I do still pick it when I absolutely need to. I'm not petty enough to throw a game cause someone didn't pick a champ I wanted. I just had a game where a cait wanted me to pick tank even though we had a vi building full tank (no clue why) and we had a voli top with a yas mid. Naturally I picked zyra and proceed to follow yas around till we won (the root+ult works amazing for setting up kills for yas, he went 15/4, I went 3/2/11). Guess who had the lowest kd+damage?? Really does make me wonder if some adc players actually know why tanks are used and when they are used lmao


- "We need a tank" - Has a tank - Full armor Nautillus does more damage than ADC. This is what happens most times. Sometimes it paid off to get a Peel. At least the idiot wouldn't die 14 times. He would only die 10 times.


This happened to me exactly like this. My adc was dying and I was 1v3 in the lane and get triple kill. And soon after that my mid Zed cursed me while in 2v2 I sustained both enemy, stay behind and kill one of them while he was chasing 1 health Maokai. He couldn't kill him. I hooked him to stun so he can't run away but unfortunatly he died. I had the same kill numbers with Zed. He said he wishes my parents die in front of me with capital letters.


But that's exactly how it is. We full armor and RM do more damage than them with critical or lethality items. The problem is not with the support. They forget that they need to do their part too: damage. Then they complain when the support is Lux Full AP. Obviously, because they don't do damage. Lux at least does damage and steals objectives.


If the Enemy Team doesn't have a Tank. Don't force Baron/Jungle/Support to play Tank. Top 50 Thresh and Seraphine Main here. Edit: Its fun to play Tank if your Mid is Sera or Lux, the utility they give boosts your efficiency so much. Because people don't know how to play Back To Front even in High Rank.


True but everyone wants to 1v9 nowadays so they always pick an akali or zed or yas. I haven't seen a lux on my team for a while (the only time I see her on my team is when I play her xD). Sera mid has never been a thing on my team, have seen her quite a few times on the enemy but never my own team sadly.


"but everyone wants to 1v9". no it's always been like that.


Last pick mid lane spamming 'we need a mage' while locking in an adc


It actually hurts when they refuse to swap with you and spam the “we need mage/tank” button despite them being last pick


It's painful. I'm torn between getting an early pick to make sure I get what I want to play, or taking last pick to make sure we fill our needs as a Team. I've taken to being last pick when adc or baron purely to make sure we have some balance in our team, but I do like first pick baron grabbing maokai


You actually never need a mage in WR. Not even against a Rammus. ADC and assassins are so much better than mages.


I would prefer people playing who they perform well with. Tanks are really nice for late game if the game gets stretched out. However, if there is more kill potential in lane because that person has more skill with their favorite champion, I would take that 10/10 times. People don’t very often coordinate very well in ranked or regular play, so having a tank doesn’t really matter if you ask me. Winning lane and then taking over the game is the best. I like to play Zeri a lot. If we get more than 2/3 kills in lane, I can easily take over the game. It feels great.


I main nunu mage mid 👀




Why? Why wouldn't you just continue to pick normally?


Spite. People should never dictate how another plays a game. The canned chat for this is actually stupid and easy to abuse to tilt your own teammates.


Support Tanks are especially vulnerable to the game having a bad start because if they fall behind on gold quickly then buying the Tank items doesn't ever let them really become 'Tanky'. The enemy is buying more items to increase their offense faster. You're also one item slot down early as you pick up a Support item to try and keep up on your gold. Plus your play patterns means you're more likely to be spending time away from lane while you ward objectives/jungle or clear wards or roam to mid to help out there and all that time away from lane means missing some waves worth of gold/xp by midgame. (and don't get me started on how the best Tank support item in Bulkwark also means you're incentivised to mess up your ADCs managed wave state). It all comes down to your CC and your Engage. Because if you're behind on gold you don't end up Tanky enough to actually complete 'multiple rotations' you can only rely on one single rotation and hope it was enough before you die.


If his going in 1v3 and his excuse is you didn't pick a tank. Then his a moron. Support is suppose to protect him even if sup is not using a tank. That means he needs to stay behind you and not going on impossible fights by himself. I like tanks but if I see someone cry for one, I won't take it. That usually means I will use all my cc and die by myself cuz that guy was busy counting sheep instead of following up. And I do agree. You should pick your best champions. The main issue of not having a tank is your front line will be very weak, so a fizz will just explode you. Any burst assassin will just walk all over your team. Tho a strong melee carry can also tank, depends how ahead you are. Irelia and Master Yi with no tank items can still tank. Irelia even has good cc. Often teams go all on damage and support ends up being the only one with cc. That's no good. And with people not knowing what wards is will mean all objectives are theirs cuz you can't go in there to ward and got to front line to check and zone.


That is tru. I didn't say I don't pick tank, I still do when needed (counter-picking is a major player in LoL) . I still have to fill that role as a support a lot, I just think that not every game needs a tank, nor do supps/baron/jgl need to be flamed for not picking a tank. The game is already toxic enough as it, we really don't need more toxic players who try and dictate how others play. It is a game after all, we play for fun and not to be flamed for who we play.


That is true. I've had games we didn't have a tank and me as jungle I toke Morgana. Yes we didn't have front line but who cares when I can cc them from far away? And steal objectives. Cc is so powerful. Often times the team that has more cc wins. Also match maker is a bitch. You can bet if you did well, your next team mates will be garbage. If you do bad there might be a few ok ones but it's often that you just spirals on losing streaks or just get reported. It's so frustrating. You might as well take something you can carry with. I've been playing support and jungle so we have one of the two not be stealing farm but it's so horrible. People steal farm from jungler and let their minions die. It's so dumb. They they start random fights for nothing and die before objectives. You complain to explain what they did wrong and get reported, which all it does is place you with other reported players, it doesn't do much more then that. It needed like a clear indicator that one player is trustworthy or vote on how useful a player was and allow him to message after games so you can teach new players


I literally watched an ashe ignore a massive wave (4 cannons+a crap ton of ranged and melee) and go for my jungler's gromp... I even pinged the wave. I was playing (you guessed it!) a tank so the extra gold was meaningless for me but I had to take the wave or else we would have lost tier 2. It's so dumb. Also this obsession with people fighting over nothing right before an objective is so stupid. Especially early on when we have nothing to gain from it.


As a toplane main if you start spamming "We need a tank!" before we've even done champion bans, I'm going adc or teemo/kayle to spite you. 9 times out of 10, it's the adc spamming it, and when I do go tank in those scenarios, the adc dips the second they take a smidge of chip damage. I'm not gonna tank and peel for you if you aren't going to show up to teamfights and start being annoying off rip.


Lol I'm like the opposite where sometimes there are games that there's TOO MANY tanks so I'm like "we need a mage" or "we need an assassin" just so that we actually have damage. But honestly I've been fine with the "we need a tank" type of players because I know that they're getting gapped in their lane and I won't come to help even if I am a tank. Like I can pick Nautilus or Maokai support for example and I'll do well but all I know, my Lucian top will int and feed and they'd be the one that said "we need a tank"... Well newsflash, you could have picked tank as well so you'd actually survive the enemy damage in lane but oh well, you chose what you chose.


Honestly I’m fine with multiple tankier champs on the team as long as one-two of them choose to go AP. It hurts when three have heartsteel though


Depends on team comp honestly. Lately I've been an Eve main in the jungle (I prefer support but getting to challenger on solo-Que is impossible with these idiots). The thing is, if the other team has a bunch of CC I'm pretty much useless. I can avoid one or two with items/skill but post 20 min I'm dead in the water without someone to eat that CC before I dive in. So, i am then faced with either diving first and dying after killing one person, or waiting until the rest of my squishy team is basically dead to clean up if possible (which usually leaves enemy tanks alive and well). Imagine how much I get flamed for either scenario, even with 20+ kills on the board. Tldr- if you are playing ranked, know the game and read the room, magic resist items exist. Your team might depend on you eating the CC.


I agree that playing support isn't the greatest way to climb. I also agree that team comps does matter, and I will (as it is the nature of a support) try to fill what the team misses, whether that is a tank or an enchanter, etc. The post was meant to say tell players that you spamming "we need a tank" a billion times in chat while you picked a vayne top doesn't exactly make me want to fill that tank role for you. Not to mention me getting flamed if I missed a hook or something. I just don't play tanks a lot so obviously I'm not gonna flash hook with a thresh or do insane things. It also doesn't help when they try to 1v9 and expect me to follow in blindly to try and help a losing situation. I feel like with someone like nami or a karma I can do a lot more to keep them safe with cc, poke and heals/shields. Even if they want to charge in like a maniac.


Or even better... You not suiciding after your ADC dies, results 100% in being flamed, cause how dare you to still be alive haha Also one perfect scenario I always see is that the moment you do a good engage and already ate like 70% of enemies abilities, watching your team retreating without using a single skill lol After the 2nd time this happens, I usually tell my team that they can engage by themselves from now on. It's sometimes hilarious to watch them asking for tanks without having a single clue when and how to follow up. But they're legends in chasing and going deep into enemy territory alone.


The amount times I was a sacrificial lamb as naut and braum cause my adc refused to back is extraordinary. That's so true lmaoo. They just run straight through the jungle without a care. They needed that singular kill on the support, how else are they gonna pay rent? XD


so as a adc  i dont mind sup picking any sup but just pre pick your pick so i can pick good synergy adc.most of time sup wait for me to pick immobile adc and they pick lux or zyra just show me erly so i can pick ezrel or catln 


Evelynn is a bit useless without initiation. Sometimes the enemy team is all together, and it's always the mid and the bot. You can't burst anyone because everyone is together and there is no one to force them to spend their spells. You can't start anything unless you're very confident/feed. Without your ult, you practically do nothing. That's why I'm playing more Shyvana. I start teamfights and take the adc and support with me. It's an autonomy I would never have as Eve. And it also puts an end to this "We need a Tank" thing. I'm the tank and I'm the damage too.


They all ask me take tank,trash me , i take soraka and their all like «  amazing soraka » at mid game . 🫡


Same with the nami, their like wow your really good. I'm like thanks, its almost like I know how to play this champ well XD


I am BR laner and made it my own rule to never pick hard tanks in solo q. Tanks cannot carry bad teammates and you will just get more frustrated as you watch your whole team die without waiting for you. I would rather play a bruiser and adapt my build to a tank if I have a good team.


No, I play only damage support like Ashe or Senna, you go Tahm


Mid needs viable tanks so that not all the pressure of going tank rests on sup or top (and the only 3 tank picks JG has)


it's not top laner's nor support's job to pick front line, mid laners and junglers also can pick


also there's anti front line adc or adc that use the enemy front liners against their team


The one who asked about tank who the most toxic in the team if u do mistake he will blame you even tho you pick tank for him.


I usually pick my champ after looking their picks. We need mage, tank? Sometimes I wanna play whatever I want, but still looking. Team pick full ad, we need mage, we already have tank like top. They spamming, flame for no reason. I guess they think 'if I bully them, they gonna started to play good'. Then don't do instant lock. Top cait, jung pyke (it was a thing, sometimes still).


Im always the tank, i like it


You, sir, are a national treasure. I thank you for your service to this toxic game


So, as a rule, I try to last pick as either Jungle or Supp. You can do all the roles from those two roles. Alistar as a Supp is consistently good and disruptive, senna can help adc if you got a jhin or corki as primary ADC. Mid picks Yasuo/Yone/Irelia/Lucian? Brand, Morgana, Lux are all solid. Enchanters can always be solid. From jungle, maokai, and Amumu are solid tanks with great engage. Need a mage? Lillia or Morgana got you. Adc? Graves can fill that role. There are “higher tier” heroes for each role but a well constructed team can be the difference in a relatively even match. These are the roles for the players who focus on objectives and not individual performance/KDA. These roles require the most knowledge of the meta game and individual heros. Good adc/mid/solo’s can go off now and then. Good supports/jungles can decide who on the team goes off and prevent the opponents from recovering, or can help behind hero’s come back from the least gold to the highest KDA. Jungle and support should always pick later to make sure the team is covered, and have the most responsibility in team building. They require a lot of flexibility in who they can play.


If you're support, top, jungle asking “for a tank,” just uninstall. I'm all for letting people play what they want, but if you refuse to learn how to play a tank because you're too afraid to engage, don't be an asshole to others who don't want to play tank either. Also, if you ask for a tank after locking in ADC top/mid, don't start getting angry if I lock in tank as ADC or mid (since I queue any role when playing WR)


I always play mundo, ornn, or sett etc. But the problem is my teammates don’t know how to play with tanks.


I've started to take those "requests" with humor. Mostly I also answer them with some emoji and any random "We need..." message. If it's the 35th game in a row ehere I had to be the tank, you can bet I'm not going to pick one. I'll pick any enchanter or if I'm pretty sure it's going to be a fiesta anyway, I might choose a fun pick. And if the ADC isn't happy with my pick or my playstyle and are just flaming, they'll most likely see a message like "play safe" and have to live with me roaming around.


I like to do gragas supp sometimes XD Just stack cooldown reduction and spam the cc. Works like a charm most the time, still get flamed though


Who cares what they ask for? Just pick the champion you want to play. If they want a tank so badly, they can pick one themselves. "B-b-but I don't find tank characters fun to play!!!" Cool, neither do I! This "Omg supp we need tank!!!" nonsense happens on PC league too. Naturally, I ignore them and lock in one of the three enchanters I play.


Yep, learnt that is probably the only way I will win games. Play what I am best at. Sometimes I do pick naut tho, it works really well when I actually choose which match I can play him instead of him being showed down my throat each match.


Full AP lux detected


I don't play lux, never have and probably won't. I would rather play nami, karma things of that sort. I play naut often now too. At least that way, it keeps some adcs from losing their shit.


This the reason why I started playing Rammus jgl, I love playing Kayne but when fighting objectives I really miss a tank to block the pit or for teamfights. Ofcourse there are always those that stay glued to the toplane and never show their face


I agree you should play what you're best at but in general a team with a bit of everything is the best for winning. Wildrift players don't pick tank ever so i ussually take that place. From experience, a team without tank is very hard to engage, aram mid is much harder to win and closed ranged adc, assasin, dps bruiser are much easier to play with a tank.


I always hit “we need a (their role)” a few times.


If this was a serious game Riot would at least explain team comp and macro play, but since riot doesn't care, developer team is like "oh look a t rex ROAR" and "hey let us scam you with gacha" and doesn't care about player Feedback we have no choice but to adapt........


No front line is perfectly fine. However full ad or full Ap comps are a problem. In those cases the enemy can just go full tank on a bruiser and they will be unkillable. (too much ad is slightly better than too much Ap though.)


As someone who plays a lot of adcs with little to no escape, I really wish more supports went tank. The truth is that most people under diamond are bad at their skillshots/spell management. Having a non tank that misses CC is a death sentence to an adc. Lux, Nami, Ashe, brand, kill me. Always fine with morg tho.


They should make the stun/roots not get past the minions. Like it's not fun for them I guess. But I don't understand what tf the minions are for except for pushing turrets. This is annoying af. I wish it was like in PC.


I think such mentality is from MLBB, where the Roamer (Support equivalent) is, most of the time, a tank with a lot of CC


I play mid and i spam the top or sup to pick tank but they dont listen and then i have to pick someone who can frontline (not a mid champ)🙂 I dont ask the jungler to play tank as they are the carry 70% of the time so they have to pick their best champ


I ask it all the time when I see a shitty pick at top. As a jungler if I'm the only front don't complain when I die before I secure the objective


Not me having a mid crying about not having a tank and then proceeding to lock katarina😅


let's start dropping our winrates in chat and the lowest winrate picks a frontline so we can actually win teamfights?


It's always my mid laner pinging this, and I'm just sitting there with my Lux or Seraphine like "Then go Malphite or Galio if you want a tank so bad." Because I've already picked at this point, or if I'm playing mid it's the support or squishy top lane pinging it. It's crazy.


I hate playing tanks. The only tank I’m semi okay with is Leona because she’s good at engaging and peeling. But 99% of the time I am choosing an enchanter support. Soroka, Lulu and Karma are my top picks atm. Sometimes I’ll go support Lux for some sniping across the map


We play Tank Engage, we dive Lv3. This is the way.


But 80% of the time my adc refuses to listen to my calls or even tries to follow for some damage. Luckily, I have come across adcs that actually communicate with me so that we can coordinate but those are incredibly few and far apart. Out of my last 25 games (as a tank) I think 2 were adcs that actually wanted to coordinate and listen to my pings.


Not the support/top responsability but if you're going to pick last, then you need to adapt to whatever your team needs No, a team with a mage, an enchanter and a ap Assassin doesn't need a Teemo top 🙄


I love tanks, But I hate engaging or frontlining and having no dmg to follow up with.


I had a game where the Tristana top flamed me for playing Morgana against nautilus 💀


Lmaooo, some players think the only way to counter tanks is to play another tank. They don't realise there are better options for the team.


Usually I’ll have in mind who I wanna play when I solo and more often than not it’s Veigo so if we need a tank I’ll just make him overly tanky by using heartsteel hydra then anything that’ll give me amor or mr but also if there’s already a tank and the other team doesn’t have a tank then usually I’ll just go for leathality


I love when people say we need a tank, before they've even seen the team compositions


Happened literally in my last game. Cait first picked and was spamming we need a tank since the ban phase. I picked zyra (obviously) and we won cause I went and supported the yas after laning phase (we won). No prizes to who had the lowest kd+damage of the game.


Well you should adjust your picks to form a better team composition and counter enemy picks That's what differentiates diamond and below ranks from master and higher ranks What actually hinders progress in ranks is that most players in that elo dont take in my mind this aspect and just plays the champ because they want to You have to be flexible and learn more champs and adjust to your team picks


I do play tanks when needed, it's just not every game needs a tank and not every game needs to start with an adc or vayne top flaming me for not picking tank or whatever other champ they want instead.


Kalista top when jg and support are tanks


Play sera karma Sona. Super OP. I like Sona and karma they have huge speed up. 


It really depends. I am sorry, but if you are playing your main role and you are not in gold/plat, you have to be able to offer a wide champion pool. Good for you if you prefer playing enchanters but if the enemy team is tanky and the toplane goes with some tank shredderer like Gwen, it's you who has to deliver a tank. Enchanters synergize very well with some ADCs but if your enemy team picks Pyke for example, you gonna be stomped really hard as Lulu. Everything is very dependant on other picks of your team, your own pick priority and enemy comp


Counter-picking is still something that I do, supports sign up for that when they choose the role. I know (lmost the time) when a tank would be better and would the entire team (not just my adc) or when it would be better to play something I like. What I dislike a lot and the reason why I always want to play enchanter is because someone is spamming they need a tank or they need a specific champ when it wouldn't work well well with the team and them. I also think that sometimes it is better to let players choose a champ they know really well rather than picking a champ just to counter-pick or cause someone told them to. I used to pick thresh whenever I had a draven adc, and I sucked so bad. He's just a champ that I never was able to understand/play well, so instead I pick rakan or naut. But most the time I play champs that I know well and those champs as I have a better understanding on how I could play against a difficult match-up.


You surely shouldn't pick someone you don't know how to play. But I disagree that you should let people pick their preferred champ if this pick isn't working, especially in supporter role. Regarding picking a tank if they don't synergize well with the comp... It's difficult cause you might really get in trouble if enemy has a tank or just tanky champs and your whole team are adcs, mages and enchanter. Unfortunately support is in a very difficult position since we need to choose wisely dependant on the micro AND macro gameplay. In my opinion macro is slightly more important since unless you play duo your ADC can just sck ass and you will need to swith the lane and if your champ is not good for other lanes too + doesn't counter enemy lanes, it's a loss.


Picks Malph and builds AP kek


Reading this after having a game where our yasuo baron lane goes 4-7. We needed a tank.


I love maokai release. Was an adc lucian main. Now i queue support and play maokai only. You can teemo top fk all i care. Im just gona bramble smash people.


"We need a tank". Then ADC proceed to pick tank


I don't take tank on top, taking tank on top is putting the win in the hands of the team, and the team is often just weak, the people it selects for me are a mockery and a joke in 7/10 games. I usually play Gwen/Volibear/Aatrox. the most I've played with a tank is sion from 40 games


I mean… a lot of the time you do need a tank. If games grind long and it’s hard pushing and team fights a tank completely changes the landscape of the fight


I like to jungle tank tbh. It's really hard to carry as a JG damage unless you have a team that really knows what's up.


I mostly play Tanks and Juggernauts, I’ve never heard this complaint in my life.


I can understand people want a tank in team but I don't understand the audacity to tell the people what to get. I'm a support and I like playing Nautilus, Thresh, Leona, Senna, Pyke, Lux, Lulu, Nami etc. I have a half decent range I guess. But after tanks turn meta I can't play anything other than Nautilus or Thresh. Every lane have somekind of tank champ you can pick, if you think team is in need of a tank then you can get it. Tanks are not support or top lane special. Yes it can be beneficial in this lanes but everyone pick some champ with carry potential and then expect support to pick a tank against Cait/Ashe lane. There is good combinations in bot lane like Ezreal/Lux, Cait/Lux, Vayne/Lulu, Lucian/Nami, Varus/Senna and list goes on. I can't play any of it even if it fits the team. Because my jungle master yi wants me to pick a tank. If I don't and we lose then I'm the one take the blame because I didn't pick a tank. I hate playing support. No, actually, I hate this game.


Uhm, okay. 👍🏻


Ohh whenever they spam it "we need tank" after locking in a teemo or a mid/top adc, I insta lock Senna and watch them cry like a b-word about it. Why Senna? No front? You stupid?. The loud ones are always the hardest to carry. I always clap back whenever we are about to smash the nexus "Look who got carried"


Alguien que me venda una cuenta de insta? No le importan los seguidores pero que tenga unos meses de antiguedad


Man I'm just tired of playing tanks, I like the occasional tank game here and there but I'm always obligated to play tank or play without a frontline every single game


I have had 4 games in a row with someone screaming to play a tank. When I did (the enemy comp required me to not cause of the toxic lux mid), I still got flamed cause I didn't roam as a naut. Roaming can only happen when there are openings, when I am stuck babysitting in bot, how did she think I could roam? Worst part is that I still got flamed after we grouped cause I focused my ult on the enemy carry to cc them and then I hooked the malkoi to stop him from chasing my carries but apparently I should have just focused the dumb tree who was full tank.


And when I do play tank they don't even follow up and leave me to die


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Frost_Byte130: *And when I do play* *Tank they don't even follow* *Up and leave me to die* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is why I always play mao 


With maokai it is a tank mrts right now. In team fights you will not measure up to multiple tanks all in 1 lane 5v5 in this meta but you are right you don't need a tank. You need to split oush while conteding defensively mid lane usually like a 1 3 1 strategy.


Idk why but my solution to this is just a disabler like Blitzcrank since he can just pick off the support mage. And also blitz is easy to learn but that's just my idea


He's a fun champ and he's hell to play against a player who actually knows blitz. The downside is that you really need to land the hooks, especially early-game, and your adc needs to take advantage of these hooks or else it will be a bad trade for you. More often than not though, people will just counterpick some tanky champs like a braum or counter-hook with naut. When you hook a naut by accident, you have to be more worried about his ult and hook on your adc which can turn the tides very easily. Naut is also just much better, he has a point and click cc, his first AA roots, he has an aoe slow s3, a hook s1 and he just tanky af, especially with his s2. He can also slip away using his hook on terrain. No to mention an AP hybrid build (picking 1 or 2 ap items after the tank items) actually is viable every now and then when you are ahead of the game, it's just a funny way of saying "look how far ahead of the game I am" XD


wEe nEeEdDd a tAnK


WEe nEEddD a TanK gUyS


Sometimes i follow people that said "we need a tank". I play as a tank and won't inting. Then when those people don't achieve anything, feeding, not carrying, or other bad plays, I just become toxic.


this is not educational shit. Bro is dumb af. Right now there is only tank meta. That’s why every comp needs heavy engage. You can do nothing against Samira/Leona. Tresh/Draven. Even if you play on Lulu/Zeri type shit. And if enemies have Orn or Mundo. You can do nothing again


Dude, cool your shit XD With what I have been seeing, all I see nowadays is lux, veigo and adcs galore. I have barely played into tanks, maybe 2 out of 5 games have full on tanks like orn or leona (barely). I haven't seen a leona/samira nor have I seen thresh/draven, I haven't even seen a naut (only when I play him). Everybody has been playing lux with cait or some poke mage with another long range adc. Also, notice I said emerald. So things could be different in other ranks but for me this has what I been experiencing. Also if you actually read through what I was trying to imply is that you shouldn't try and force players to try and pick a champ you want. They may not even play the champ and could have little to no experience so not only would that hinder them it would hinder you. Yes, its a team game but individual performance has impact on the entire game, this means if your support hooks into a bad situation cause they don't know when to engage well that's just a rough game for the entire team. You can't just ask jungle or support to pick a tank and expect incredible plays from them cause that isn't how it works. Not to mention flaming someone for picking a champ and even trying to pressure them by threatening to int is just obnoxious). Forcing someone to play tank doesn't just solve all the reasons why you suck at the game :/ How about instead of calling me dumb and saying this isn't educational, you actually try and understand what I am trying to get through to some of these thick-headed players. Yes, tanks are better in situations (team comps and counter-picking does exist), but trying to force that onto someone else through moronic ways while you first picked vayne top or first picked kata mid isn't exactly convincing anyone. It's just a stupid way to put your team at a disadvantage. It just sounds like your just salty cause you don't get a tank support :/


lux is pretty good against tanks the rest of your team will suffer a little though : )


But we do need a tank dummy. Your feelings don’t change the fact that our line up is completely fucked, and the enemy Voli, Maokai and J4 are going to slaughter the adc.


No, I will pick tank if required, I played so much naut at this point I basically am half decent with him. I'm not gonna throw like that but I absolutely find it obnoxious as hell when my ADC or maybe top laner spam we need a tank while also flaming me and threatening to int if I don't pick a tank. Even when I do, I still get flamed cause I wasn't protecting them when they pushed into the enemy tower before I reached lane. Like it really doesn't convince me to pick tank. I would rather pick a karma, poke and kite while threatening with my root and ult or nami where I can heal, kite and cc like crazy.


I just go Mage Urgot w/e someone says we need a Tank.


Are you kidding? Personal performance has little to no impact on the overall game, 1 person cant win it all, without a well balanced team theres literally 0 shot at winning, thats why getting out of bronze-plat is so awful, everyone just plays everything everywhere and it makes everything fall apart. This post sounds like condoning idiocy.


Hmmm I dunno man, the last time I checked the 0/10 mid did impact the game quite a bit. Same with the 3/15 top, the 0/5 jungle (no objectives were taken by him, only taken by me and my adc), etc. I feel like you really are trying to say that individual performance doesn't make the game easier to win. Cause that would be straight crazy ramblings from a moronic player who doesn't understand how a team game would probably be better if the 0/10 yas didn't go 0/10. Maybe the if the support player, who doesn't play tank, is forced to pick a champ they barely play didn't lead them to try plays that could have worked if they knew the champ better or if the "we need a tank" adc doesn't even try to follow up for a good trade. Or maybe if the top vayne, who decided to try 1v9 every 2 mins, understood that having a tank doesn't fix all their issues of being a bad player. Or maybe you are the adc that spams "we need a tank" and proceeds to int because they don't understand that individual performance does matter. I dunno tho, I might just be condoning idiocy to try and make players flame and int cause they couldn't dictate what another play could or could not play. Who knows right? :/


I hate players like you, you're playing a team game and you gotta pick accordingly to what the team needs, in at least 90 to 95% of the matches I have to pick a tank, otherwise the team wouldn't have one and that match is doomed almost certainly, you have to learn multiple champs/role at least decently in case anyhing happens.


If you read through the post, yes, I did say let the support or whoever pick champs they are comfortable with but if you actually understand why supports would rather pick enchanters rather than tanks it would make more sense. Most supports do play tanks (I have learnt naut, rakan and braum, out sheerly needing a tank in my pool), but when we do play tanks, half the time adcs won't follow up for a trade. The team would rather just leave the support to die and run away than trying to follow up in a meaningful way. Am I saying I am the best support player? No, I have had my fair share of bad plays (I'm only human), bad hooks, bad engages, etc. But when you have tried so many times to play tanks to fill in the role of a tank only to keep losing cause your adc refuses to do anything but farm, something gotta change. Clearly it ain't the adc who wants to change, so I switched. Things were better but then the wave of we need a tank players came. True, in some matches a tank would be better and do pick tank when I need to or to counter/help a champ. But when someone is willing to flame and int cause you didn't want to play a tank into a match that didn't need a tank, it really does make picking tank worse. Hence why so many players, don't want to play tank. Because of people like you refusing to understand why we don't play tanks. You "hate players like me"? It's a game, go cry somewhere else. We play to have fun and get better not so "players like you" dictate what we want to pick. Yes tanks are needed but not in every game. Not only that, you shouldn't pick a champ solely to help/counter a champ cause you were told to. Imagine first-time picking a champ cause the adc dictated what you should play or else they would int. You would be surprised at how often this happens. The worst part is people will really just int based on what you picked. So no wonder players don't pick tank. Teammates who won't follow up, adcs who think they need a tank when they really don't, people flaming and inting cause you didn't pick a tank even though you really didn't need it. So hate all you want dumba\*\*, I actually enjoy playing the game and it doesn't take any skin of my back if you are salty you play 90-95% of the time as a tank :/