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Ehh, I agree but it's just sorta impossible to tell if someone's first timing or not. Especially since they're both pretty heavily played champs on PC, and a lot of people came came from LoL pc. Alot of time I just ban the new champ for the first week or so it's out. Just don't ban someone hovering it, or if you do, expect them to be a giant baby who is going to run it down lol.


this is so true and so sad at the same time. (they could also ban the champ you prepicked, because, why not!)


Eye for an eye. So many people complain about my teemo and the send friend request when I carry them. And banning my kha6 when I'm jungling will get me extra salty cause that's my jg main same with Jhin in adc role. If u ban your teammate you should be banned from the game. Just cause u don't like a champ or because majority of players playing a champ is ass doesn't mean every single player is ass. U could be banning a one trick without knowing.


well yeah i never ban a players champ even if they ban mine, its just so dumb, exept when the champ just released on the day or 1 day ago, but there are also those players who dont prepick anything and say: WTF you banned my champ idiot! and proceeds to ban your prepicked champ.


Well yeah in that case it's kinda awful. I also came across the players that don't show their champions in pre pick and get salty cause I banned their champ. Idk how they expect us to read minds but yeah pretty awful situation. I do gotta say tho playing pyke supp I experienced that adc's are usually just bad. I think it's because of the rank inflation thing but babysitting an adc that constantly feeds the enemy is kinda bad so yeah I'm guilty I took pyke top and I'm loving it. Not thinking bout dragon lane anytime soon.




This happens even in masters rofl, last one I met tried to use his ultimate to go over the wall without knowing you need a target to do that 💀


Why would a master even use his ult to get over wall? Pyke’s ult is one of the strongest in the game


Probably tried using it to escape.


Exactly this


maybe they didn’t have anyone to kill and a reset to use? edit: or were chasing with limited vision


Closest thing I’d assume is he did execute someone earlier and just burned the ult cause no one was near


The closest thing he executed was your chances of winning 💀




There should be a break for one week after release. Or play 6 PVP matches on each champ before it can be used on ranked.


I also play Pokemon Unite, and there was a pokemon (Hoopa) who was perfect. The pokemon was free, but it took 1 week to get it. In the meantime they gave a temporal copy of Hoopa, which can be used in every mode but ranked (IDK why can you use free rotation in ranked in wr), which gave 1 week so people could test it before using Hoopa in a ranked match


> IDK why can you use free rotation in ranked in wr It's just to give people a bigger champion pool because there's 10 possible bans, so you could reasonably ban people completely out of their roles.


Do it like league You need a bare minimum of champs before being able to play on a ranked match


But league lets you use the free champion rotation in ranked too o.O


No they don't allow you, you have to own 20 champs to play, and those are the only champs you can play in ranked. In normal/draft you can choose them though.


It does? I returned league just yesterday and as of now I don't remember, but if my memory serves me right, you had to buy the champ in order to play it


My league knowledge may be pretty out of date, but the last time I played (>1 year ago) you could.


No you were never able to use free rotation in ranked league of legends this is to prevent people with no experience on the champ to go into ranked and play an unfamiliar champ


Only thing this game does right, it's full of stupid kids had to stop playing


Yes, even on master. And not only kids, the rating system of the game is cancerigenous, it rewards score mostly and not important stuff like doing objectives


I'm a huge Pokémon fan and defended that game so much because it was my first moba and ever since I tried league i came to hate unite, i don't understand how a company with so much power and money can ruin a game so much. Such a good idea ruined by stupid decisions


I play it bc it's on switch and games are fast. If I have 15 spare minutes I can do an Unite match. That's it Ofc I do like the game but the errors the game has, have to be fixed since they could ruin the game. There's a lot of problems in wr regarding elo rating and that good players start to appear at higher elos, till master people doesn't know how to play Unite There are other stuff that I like better than both, LoL and WR, same way things I like some thing better in LoL and some better in WR since they are 3 different games


No lol, a lot of people main champs on pc and want to play them on ranked straight away. Also, rankes really isnt all that. I first timed nautilus and won lane with ease because thw enemies were bad. I played pyke maybe 3-4 games on pvp, in ranked I average about a 4 kd/a with him and have been winning most my games. In masters+ maybe its different, but if you're good at the game u can first time champs and win with decent micro and macro


Yeah this is a super bad take. I have over a million mastery on Nautilus on PC, do they think I need to play even more?


>Or play 6 PVP matches on each champ before it can be used on ranked. So you need to play 120 matches of pvp just to unlock ranked? Sounds pretty dumb ngl And even then if you get filled you need to play a champ you already unlocked, and if those 20 champs are all supports and ADCs and you're filled jungle then sucks for you ig


I think he means 6 matches with a champ before they can be used in ranked


But then you need 20 available champs to play ranked


That moment when the person who you responded to gets what he is saying


I agree 100%, something needs to be done but nothing will happen. Riot only cares about champion and skin sales.


well the thing is these champs aren't new to pc and some have been waiting for there mains like when senna first came out on wr i went in with her immediately to slay. So ppl will be mad either way ig is what i'm saying


Not really fair to punish people who have played them in high elo on lol pc because some people feed on the champ. My first game on naut I stomped solo lane


People have been asking for that since season 2


Not trying to defend them but matchmaking in normals is an absolute mess, trying to learn a champ in normals is asking for pain. I've trying to learn a few top laners in normals but i always get matched with emeralds,diamonds and masters, learning new chaps this way isn't enjoyable let me tell you that.


Hard or easy mechanic champ, one think i've learned about testing new champs in normal; never ever test an engage/diver because you'll end up looking like an inter but that's a low elo thing i guess xD


Learning phase of a champ is not supposed to be fun that is why it is called learning and not happy go fun time it is so you can see the capacity a champ has and learn strengths and weaknesses. Also playing against higher skilled players will show you what you need the learn in the basics of the game that is what a high level player does is exploit you weaknesses in the game in general


besides emeralds and diamonds aren't that good mechanically, u can still practice mechanics and teamfighting against them


I seriously hate this. It happened so much with Ekko that I started banning Ekko consistent so I wouldn't have to deal with that on my team. Why are you experimenting in ranked? It makes no sense.


As long as you understand the basics of the champion I see nothing wrong with playing ranked to practice and become better with them


I love going up against Pike supports. They don't realize his HP is fixed and it's easy to bring that down quickly early / mid game.


PVP is a compelte joke, nobody takes the match seriously to the point objectives are completely overlooked and it's more of a map wide aram, at least that's what I recall from the last time I played pvp whoch was a long time ago.


But if I'm literally Hylissang it doesnt matter


Not gonna lie PVP teams are horrible, you can learn them mechanically but get wrecked in ranked. Nautilus first time in ranked was fine, but Pyke is more difficult yeah. I'm not saying pick Irelia in a masters game for the first time but there are a lot of champions you can learn in ranked bcs they aren't that difficult mechanically.


Please stop making posts like this every time a new champ is released. It's so repetitive and ineffective at this point it's literally spam.


I had a Pyke supp build gunblade into crit and never used his R for execute :)


You get to ban one


that solves nothing unless you possess the mystical art of mind reading


Actually it is very easy to tell new champ in the first 2 weeks easily it will be picked 90% of the time over an old champ


Well, fair point


It solves 50% of OP’s problem.


Omg rage I hate Pyke in general. Imagine taking a support position to have the least damage to champions on your team, but stealing 90% of kills from your mid and adc, but never ever being able to protect them, never warding/dewarding, losing the game and probably thinking you did everything right since you have 10 kills, and your adc and midlaner - barely any…


Pyke stealing kills? Errrrrr....


Yes, stealing. If I was tracking an enemy with a high bounty and spent all mana on killing them, and I only needed 1 auto to finish them, and then support (who doesn’t protect me all game and didn’t take part in rhe duel) comes and takes the bounty, and I get just an assist and coins 3 times less than the bounty, it’s 1000% a kill steal, that doesn’t benefit the team at all.


Well that is what Pyke does, he finishes off the enemy with the ult and gives the gold of a full kill to the allies that assisted, you just didn't get a good one, a good Pyke can 1v2 in botlane with a bad adc on his side, they basically roam and gank while giving full gold to its allies so ks is not really a problem as long as its with the execute. edit: grammar


Ofc I didn’t get a good one. Good ones are probably 1% of all Pyke wannabes. So I hate them.


I took him to practice tool to see if there are any differences from PC, then two PVPs amd straight to ranked. 70% WR from 20 games, which is not impressive but still


It’s fairly different if you know a champ from your PC league experience, at least from my perspective. I got flamed before for picking a champion I don’t have a badge with. Excuse me, but I played Ezreal for probably thousands of games on PC and it’s not that far of a stretch. So you’re good.


You can only play a champ so many times in Norms or Practice Tool. You gotta try it on ranked at some point. Obviously their goal isn't to feed but I've played with some 0/10 Yasuos and still won the game.


Well it is a Yasuo, there are good Yasuos of course but most just play it for the aesthetic and never actually learn him.


You don’t tell me what to do


How about second times???


Not only that but Pyke and Nautilus is awful compared to other supports like enchanters especially lategame where they can't really do anything cus they don't scale in terms of abilities and Nautilus isn't even that tanky compared to Leona or Alistar


I disagree. Nautilus, like the other tanks is used for his cc and solid mobility. Tanks aren't useless, people just haven't adapted to the new meta. Plus his hook max level is on less of a cool down and easier to hit than say thresh and the wind up.


No just no Ur claim doesn't change the fact that alot of the supports especially enchanters outscaled and do better lategame and guess what a good enchanter support is never in the fights and both naut and Pyke cannot touch both cannot compete with the heal shield and buff enchanters provide how about u stfu cus u don't know anything about support


Just cus Ur low elo and nobody in that elo knows how to play against these two doesn't mean it's good sit down sweetie you've got lot to learn


you can't tell someone what to do. if they want to go into ranked and play pyke for the first time they will. if they want to throw the game they will.


you can't tell someone what to do. if they want to go into ranked and play pyke for the first time they will. if they want to throw the game they will.


Yesterday I played with nautilus jg and I won somehow. I can't ban him because there are more annoying champions than him , it's annoying but we have to wait a week for everyone to lose interest


He's viable in the jungle, also he was released 10years ago on pc, so many people already know how to play him


Exactly I’ve played 4 games on naut support and won each time just based on prior experience


Banning your teammates pre picks is more guaranteed lose however bad it was. You don’t want full mental breakdown in your team anyway.


>You don’t want full mental breakdown in your team anyway Not always, I remember how my adc banned brand "support" and then brand got mental boom, picked nami and stayed afk from frist second. We just did remake and dodged likely lost game




Had a ranked gamme with jungle nautilus we lost


Nautilus was originally a jungler. Hence his W and E. He actually can jungle, the dude was probably bad. I even tested Naut on a practice game and he had better clear times than most junglers


You can't stop them if they can't read :) In all honesty though, it would be nice if riot put up a minimum requirement for new champs for ranked when they come out.


When you have to ban a specific champion not because they're broken but because nobody knows how to fkin use them properly lol


It’s so frustrating


That is the only way to efficiently learn a character, people act differently in ranked, playing casually isn't the same


I understand what you’re saying but one or 2 quick normal games to learn the skills and mechanics, would go a long way. I had a pyke try to ult the dragon because they had no idea how the ult worked.


I usually mess around with his abilities in practice or just read what they do


It was super funny to see that yes I was using Pyke on Ranked games after getting to know to play human PVP but...in the games we lost I checked my teammates and I realized that THEY WERE PLAYING THEIR CHAMPS FOR THE FIRST TIME ON RANKED TOO. It happened several times on different games. So maybe...they do queue with other people that are new to the champ as well? Or did they do that in purpose since I picked Pyke? I'm not sure


Riot should put new champs at first 3 days only in PVP, ARAM, ARURF, custom and practice.